How to speak English and not be nervous

this is Muhammad he has been studying

English for more than a year a few

moments ago someone asked him a question

in English but he was too nervous to

respond have you ever felt nervous when

you spoke in English if so this video is

for you

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany and today I am going

to teach you how to speak English and

not be nervous are you ready

well then let’s jump right in the first

question we must answer is why are you

nervous why do you feel so uneasy and

uncomfortable when you speak in English

well this is because of the thoughts in

your head many times you say to yourself

my English is not good I sound weird my

grammar is all wrong or no one will

listen to me these are the thoughts that

are in your head before you start to

speak and that is why you are so nervous

so how can you stop being nervous let’s

begin first you must stop stop letting

your fears affect your speaking ability

stop telling yourself you can’t do it

when you tell yourself these things it

automatically sets you up for failure so

the first thing you must do is stop

being afraid

second make eye contact look directly

into their eyes and connect with the

person you are talking to when you speak

to someone it is important to let them

know that you are focused on them you do

this by making eye contact

third think positively thinking

positively when you speak in English

will give you more confidence your

thoughts affect everything you do so

when you start thinking positively you

will naturally become more confident in

your ability fourth focus on the content

don’t focus on your grammar instead

focus on the information that you want

to express this does not mean that

grammar is not important but it does

mean that when you speak to someone they

are interested in hearing what you think


how many grammar rules you know so focus

on your information

fit start talking the next step is to

simply start talking start saying what

you want to say you can do it remember

that you have something to say remember

that your words are important too and

start using them so after using these

five steps now Mohammed who was once

very nervous to speak in English is

totally confident in his English

speaking ability and you can be to click

the link to download your free English

eBook remember to subscribe
