How To Speak English Confidently 5 Tricks
five tricks to speak confidently
in English this episode is being brought
to you by the speak English with Tiffany
Academy the number one online English
Academy for intermediate and advanced
English learners if you want to keep
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number one the first trick is for you to
connect the information and your
audience you see the more interested
your audience is the more confident you
will feel because of their reaction now
you also have to remember that the more
value you give the more confident you
will feel in other words value equals
confidence and also in order to connect
the information you must know your
audience who you’re actually speaking to
by knowing them this will also give you
more confidence ie connection equals
confidence so let’s see this in some
examples so for example let’s say you
are speaking about personal hobbies
you’re in a conversation and then you
have to give your opinion how can you
improve your confidence well you can
think about the hobbies of the
individuals you are speaking to maybe
they like video games or movies or music
and you use that information to find
common hobbies between yourself and the
audience or the person you’re speaking
with or you can make a comment related
to their hobby if they mentioned it
before or you can even ask a question
about their hobby
once again connecting the information to
the person you’re speaking with which
will improve your confidence or let’s
say for example you’re speaking about a
second language and the individuals you
are talking to have also spoken a second
language in the past or have learned or
studied a second language well
you can connect to them by finding out
if they spoke French or German or
Spanish or even Arabic or Italian and
then restate a previous point they made
about language or then ask more details
about the language that they speak you
see the entire time you’re focused on
connecting the information with your
audience now let’s say for example
you’re speaking to someone about family
and children and you find out that they
have kids and you also have kids maybe
you have four kids that’s a lot but
maybe you have four kids and you can
connect that by speaking about the
similarities between your family and the
listeners family and you can also ask
more questions and restate their answers
remember the more you connect the
information the more interested the
person will be that’s listening to you
which will end up making you feel more
confident now number two number two is
focus on your main speaking points you
see this removes your nervousness
because you know exactly what you want
to say you’re not focusing on ten things
you’re only focusing on the main points
that you want to mention it will also
help you to stay on topic which will
lead to you feeling more confident you
won’t get confused and also those
listening to you will be able to follow
along easily which will again help you
feel more confident because of their
response to you so let’s see some
examples let’s say for example you are
speaking about the weather and you’re
giving a presentation
well again you want to focus on your
main speaking points so I’ve chosen
three right here for example a student
of mine he was talking about the weather
so he focused on his favorite type of
weather his country and also his least
favorite type of weather so what happens
is selecting three types of weather to
talk about helps him not to think about
every type of weather but only the main
speaking points that he wanted to speak
about and also it helps them to make
specific points about those three types
why is sunny weather his favorite why is
it so cloudy in his country and why is
rainy weather his least favorite okay
again focusing on your main speaking
points helps you to be more confident
now let’s say you’re speaking about
healthy food so you’re giving a
presentation in a classroom or to your
co-workers and you have to speak about
healthy food well again you’ve picked
three main points your preference the
benefits of healthy food and also
different types of healthy foods for
example veggies which is another way of
saying vegetables fruit or even whole
wheat bread now what happens is you’re
gonna mention your personal preference
explain the benefits in a simple way and
then discuss the different types you see
giving simple information is okay and it
will help you feel more confident
because you know the information now
let’s say we were talking about
education okay so you have to give your
opinion now again on the Left you’ll see
for my student I chose three different
things his educational or personal
background various styles of education
and then his favorite style so again
these are the things that will be the
focus of his presentation or his talk so
what happens is he knows exactly what
his main speaking points are which gives
him so much confidence now number three
number three is simplify the information
this is so important you see by
simplifying you will be able to use the
words and terms that you are familiar
with which equals more confidence now as
an english learner you are always
learning new things but you have to put
them into use
and when you do that equals more
confidence now the second thing is this
will help you think clearer which will
equal more confidence you see when you
stop trying to do new things or use new
words and instead use the words you know
you will be more relaxed okay
and finally it will be easier for others
to understand your point which will
result in better reactions and more
confidence you see when you explain a
difficult point in a simple way it’s
easy for those to understand who are
listening to you so even as an American
I do the same thing okay all right so
let’s see this in some examples for
example if you’re speaking about
politics now you learn about politics on
the news from the internet from
magazines from newspapers and from
professors so let’s say you want to
discuss politics which is a difficult
topic well you can simplify the
information maybe you want to talk about
speeches or the election or news stories
what you’re going to do is explain the
current situation what’s going on then
give the general opinion of the public
and finally give your personal opinion
it sounds simple right but you see
that’s how you gain confidence by being
able to organize your thoughts so even
if you’re talking about pollution okay
pollution let’s say for example you
watched a TED talk or you read a
magazine or a newspaper article or even
had a conversations about pollution
there’s a lot of information about
pollution because of our world and what
it’s going through plastic or chemical
fumes are toxic waste but you can
simplify it
give three causes for pollution give
your opinion and give a possible
solution you see I immediately
simplified the information and that’s
what you need to do because that will
improve and increase your confidence now
let’s say for example we were talking
about taxes another complicated issue so
this is the thing let’s say for example
it’s the time of year where you need to
do your taxes and you have your
whether it be your husband or your wife
and you’re discussing your taxes and now
you want to speak confidently about
taxes in English where where do you file
them how do you file them and how much
is your refund all of these things are
complicated but if you break it down for
example in this way how does your
country do taxes what’s the overall or
general public opinion of taxes and then
what’s your personal opinion you see
again I simplified the information you
can’t talk about everything at one time
but you can talk about important pieces
of information related to the topic now
number four number four is don’t
I really want to emphasize this don’t
apologize to the listener I have many
students that do that but you see when
you do that you begin to immediately
feel insecure and others may doubt your
ability so you start a conversation with
the other person doubting your ability
to continue the conversation so don’t
apologize also when you apologize you
start focusing on your weaknesses
instead of your strengths I want you to
remember that you are doing good don’t
focus on your weaknesses and also when
you apologize
others may lose interest in what you are
about to say which will make you feel
less confident their expressions may
change or their body language may also
change so don’t apologize now let’s see
what we can do instead of apologizing so
say for example there’s an unknown topic
you’re in a group and you really don’t
understand what is going on and this may
happen you feel overwhelmed and you feel
confused so instead of apologizing start
by restating what was previously said so
whatever you heard them say say it again
and then ask for more information you
see you’re gonna feel more confident
because you don’t know the information
but they are gonna give you more and you
can listen and try to understand okay or
let’s say for example you are with
higher level
learners maybe your level two and their
level six or your level four and they’ve
graduated and they’re speaking with
other foreigners on a regular basis so
you feel insecure maybe one person
studied in America and you didn’t
one person has an English tutor and you
don’t or one person was an English major
or even works at an international
company and you feel very insecure well
instead of apologizing just start
speaking don’t worry about their
opinions or levels so many students have
done that in my class where they feel
like another student is better than them
and they apologize or they feel insecure
don’t do that it’s okay just try or
let’s say for example you do get in a
situation with native speakers where
it’s your first time meeting them and
you don’t necessarily know what to say
the truth is Americans and people from
other native english-speaking countries
are usually willing to talk and are
friendly and they’re not shy to speak in
their mother tongue so simply smile and
start talking or ask them to repeat what
they said if you didn’t understand but
don’t apologize okay all right and
number five what I want you to do is use
silence and pauses as you speak now this
may be something new to you you see
using the proper pauses actually
emphasizes certain points you see I just
paused and it emphasized the point I am
making right now it gives you time to
gather your thoughts so that you can
think in a clearer way and also it helps
you make eye contact and connect with
your audience you see all of these
things are important to making you feel
more confident when you speak in English
so for example let’s say you are giving
a speech and you want to use silence and
pauses as you speak now your speech may
be quite long but you need time to think
because it’s a long speech so try to
pause in between important points just
like I did a few more
ago or let’s say for example you have an
examination and it’s an oral or a spoken
examination and they’re asking you
questions in English well they are
grading you as you speak and they may be
giving you lots of questions but
remember to take a short pause between
questions before you answer you can
pause that’s okay and it shows
confidence because you are thinking
about what you would like to say a short
pause or let’s say for example someone
has said something already and you want
to respond well you can pause for a
moment before you comment they’ve said
something now you take your time and
after restating or emphasizing a
previous comment that they made you can
pause I promise you this is so powerful
when it comes to English conversation
and English fluency okay use silence and
pauses as you speak and that’s how you
can become more confident in English I
hope you enjoyed this lesson today
remember if you want to keep studying
with me teacher Tiffany you can join the
speak English with Tiffany Academy by
clicking the link in the description
below and as always remember to watch
the next video lesson by clicking the
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have an amazing day and remember to
speak English