How To Speak English Like A Native English Speaker In 3 Steps

e plus D plus Q today I’m gonna tell you

how to use this formula to sound like a

native English speaker this video is

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this is why I love I talk E so much I’m

so happy that I talked he sponsored this

video and partnered with speak English

with Tiffany and you guys can click the

link below in the description to get

your coupon let’s jump right in a + D +

Q now the letter e is the first step in

this equation and it stands for

experience okay experience now what this

means is when you are speaking to

someone during your conversation you

first want to respond or speak to them

by giving an example of your own

personal experience now the second part

of this equation is the letter D and

this refers to details now for example

when you are having a conversation after

you have given your personal experience

you want to give two to five details or

you can also give two to five reasons

that are connected with what you are

speaking about and finally the letter Q

the third step you want to ask a

question now your question needs to be

directly related to what you are

speaking about with the person during

your conversation so let’s see an

actual example let’s say for example you

are in a group and you are discussing or

they are discussing their hobbies okay

so again the first thing you want to do

is using the letter e you want to talk

about your experience so let’s say for

example they’re speaking about hobbies

and you want to talk about biking which

is your hobby now the key to remember is

that you need to always focus on giving

your response for the five W’s the who

what when where and why so we said to

start off we said I also enjoy biking

well that covers the what when I lived

in Korea my friends and I would go

biking on Sunday mornings well that

answers the wind and also the who now we

can also find the where because we see

Korea right there now we continue we

usually rode along the Han River which

is pretty popular in Korea what we see

that it was popular which is the reason

why you rode with your friends so again

the first part has been taken care of we

have explained our experience and also

given an answer for each of the five W’s

now as we continue again we’re staying

with our hobbies but we need to look at

the details related to our hobbies so

the hobbies were biking now this is what

we have done you see me say I think

biking is a great hobby but now I’m

gonna start giving some reasons or

details remember two to five reasons or


so here we go because it is good for

your health you can get fresh air and

you can spend time with others that is

why it is such a popular hobby again I

have given one two and three reasons

that fall in line with part two of our

equation now staying with the hobbies as

the topic we have to move on to the

third part which is the cue or the

question so how can we do this you see

what you want to do is you want to ask a

question that is related to what you are

already talking about you spoke about

biking you spoke about your personal

experience and you also gave three

reasons why biking is popular so now

you’re gonna ask a question we can say

have you ever been biking overseas or we

can say have you ever went on a biking

trip or you can say when did you like to

go or when do you like to go biking so

what happens we have a biking as a part

of our question because this is what we

have been talking about now why is this

step so important you see one part about

being fluent in English and sounding

like a native speaker is being able to

go back and forth in a conversation so

when you are speaking with someone if

you are able to give your opinion and

then also ask them their opinion the

conversation begins to go back and forth

and makes you sound more like a native

speaker but let’s look at this a little

bit closer here’s another example here’s

the question what type of work do you

want to do in the future now again

remember we’re going to use the same

equation e plus D plus Q so for e we

have your experience so we’re talking


what type of work we want to do in the

future okay all right so again we need

the five W’s right here though who what

when where and why so let’s see if we’re

able to answer all of these when we’re

speaking about our personal experience

here we go I have always wanted to be a

web designer I remember the first time I

learned about Web Design when I was in

high school so let’s pause really

quickly we see that the who is of course

we are talking about ourselves now we’re

going to go to what well we’ve always

wanted to be a web designer okay now we

need to find out when well the

experience let’s change this color to

make it easier for you all to see well

the experience we’re talking about for

when happened when we were in high

school okay now we’re gonna continue

here we go one day while walking in the

hallway a friend of mine told me about

how interesting the work was now where

did this happen

so let’s use this black color right here

this happened when I was walking in the

hallway so where is taking the care of

and finally let’s look at the next one

let’s use what means blue again here we


his explanation really inspired me well

that takes care of why his explanation

really inspired me so again we have

given our personal experience connected

to the question and covered letter e so

now if we’re going to move on to the

next part of the equation which is

letter D okay specific details remember

once again our purpose is to give either

two to five details or reasons okay

details or reasons here we go details or


all right now let’s look at how we

answered this part of the question here

we go

after doing lots of research I learned

that web design is a perfect combination

of the left and right brain all right so

that’s our first piece of information or

first detail let’s keep going

it requires mathematical and logic

skills while also requiring creative

skills all right so we have part number

two let’s continue plus since the

internet is not going anywhere

web design will also not be going

anywhere so again we have our third

detail which covers letter D or part two

of our equation now the final part of

our equation deals with asking a

question connected to the topic so we

are talking about what kind of work we

want to do in the future but we have

specifically said web design so let’s

see some example questions we can ask we

could say have you ever thought about

web design or we could say what type of

work would you like to do or we can say

what about you which is a simple way of

just connecting what you were talking

about by asking them for their opinion

so these are three different ways that

we can ask questions and using this

equation we sound very natural and you

can sound a natural now let’s see if it

really works in all situations here’s

another example if you could eat any

type of food for a week what would it be

so we’re talking about food now again

we’re going to our equation e plus D

plus Q and the first part is your

experience so once again we need to make

sure that we include the who what when

where and why as the part of our answer

so here we go personally I would eat

Indian food well that covers the

what and it also covers the who because

we’re talking about ourselves right

there now I continue with giving my

experience I remember the first time I

had Indian food years ago so when was it

well I said it was years ago that’s the

first time I had Indian food let’s keep


there was a big event at my school again

that covers where at my school and our

Indian friends cooked lots of

traditional food for us their food was

super delicious

now that answers why so again I have

given more details about my personal

experience connected to the topic or the

question and I answered it by giving an

answer or connecting it to the five W’s

okay so the second part of the equation

is the D alright details or reasons okay

so again details or reasons and again

remember you want to give two to five in

order to sound more natural or like a

native speaker so here’s what I said I

think Indian food is popular because of

the unique combination of spices used to

make it alright so that is one detail

that I have given okay one reason let’s

continue even when the dishes look

simple they usually include tons of

herbs and spices

alright this is number two the second

detail and reason and finally these

spices really enhance the flavors now

the word enhance just means to improve

or make better okay to improve or make

better that’s what the word enhance

means okay so that is our I put on this

side third detail or reason so for this

equation we

I’ve done it correctly for the letter D

now as we continue with a third part of

the equation the letter Q they’ll follow

up questions remember they’re going to

be connected to the topic which is food

that you can eat for a week and I also

mentioned that I like Indian food so we

want to figure out how we can connect

these with our question when we’re

speaking to the other person here we go

do you like Indian food again you see we

have Indian food right here or you can

say what type of food will you choose

and we have food right here or finally

you could say do you have a favorite

type of food so again remember the whole

goal or the whole purpose of this third

part of the equation is to connect with

the person we are speaking with okay

connect with the other person and this

helps the conversation continue to go

back and forth and makes you sound more

like a native speaker

now the next one again we’re just trying

to see if we can apply this equation to

every situation here we go this one says

what country have you always wanted to

visit all right so let’s see if we can

apply the equation to this one as well

again the equation is e plus D plus Q

and the first part is giving our

experience now remember we must always

give our experience and answer the five

W’s who what when where and why so let’s

start here we go I have always wanted to

visit Nigeria well that answers the hoop

which is I and it also answers the what

have always wanted to visit Nigeria

let’s continue the first time I saw a

picture of Nigeria I was blown away by

the beautiful scenery okay so when when

I first saw a picture now I do want to

explain something to you guys very

quickly you’ll notice right here

blown away okay this expression this

just means to

shocked or amazed by something okay

blown away alright let’s keep going

after looking at the picture for several

minutes I immediately put a trip to

Nigeria on my bucket list alright so we

actually have already answered why up

here because the picture blew us away or

shocked us now where but this one we can

just leave it with Nigeria because we

are talking about Nigeria all right okay

so you’ll see we have the first part

taken care of now the next part is the D

okay remember details or giving reasons

okay details or reasons and once again

we want to give two to five all right so

here we go let’s get started

we have Nigeria is a country full of

wonderful people amazing food and

beautiful landscapes now this right here

is already given three different details

about Nigeria but let’s keep going there

are many Nigerians currently living in

America so many Americans are being

exposed to various unique aspects of the

Nigerian culture well we’ve given

another fact we said that Nigerians many

of them live in America currently okay

so many Americans are being exposed

exposed just means to be able to

experience okay experience first-hand ok

experience or being shown ok being shown

something they’re being shown the

culture ok so again letter D is taken

care of now for letter Q remember our

goal is to have follow-up questions that

connect with the topic here we go let’s

look at these three right here what

country would you like to visit next

have you ever been to Nigeria and

finally have you done any

traveling recently so each question

connects to the topic either the country

which is right here or Nigeria which we

talked about or traveling because we’re

talking about visiting a specific

country so that means that this equation

e plus D plus Q actually worked and if

you use it you will sound more like a

native English speaker once again I want

to thank I talking for sponsoring this

video remember you guys can click the

link in the description and you can get

a coupon towards your first lesson your

first tutoring lesson keep studying

English and remember to watch the next

video have an amazing day