How To Speak Fluently In English About Various Topics Likes and Dislikes
so you want to be fluent in English you
want to talk about topics like music or
reading or weather or travel or even
cooking but you don’t know how well
today I’m gonna teach you this formula 1
2 7 to make you fluent in English this
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let’s jump right in the first part of
the formula is the number one and we’re
going to give our personal opinion now
this number actually represents the
sentence okay the amount of sentences we
are going to use to express our opinion
all right so you’re gonna state if you
like or dislike the topic being
discussed so let’s see this in some
examples so again we have music we can
say very simply yes I like music or then
for reading we can say yes I like to
read now if we’re talking about the
weather I want to teach you an
expression you see I’m saying I don’t
like right here I don’t like cold
weather but then I add one bit now in
English if you add this expression or
pattern you are just saying at all it
100% okay so we use it when we’re
speaking of something in the negative
way okay in a negative way I don’t like
for example I don’t like meat one bit
this is just an example or I don’t like
ice cream one bit okay
so again when it’s negative you can say
one bit too mean at all okay and what
about travel for travel we can say yes I
actually love to travel now in this one
when you add actually you are just
emphasizing the truth of your opinion
okay you’re just emphasizing that all
right and for cooking let’s say for
example for cooking we just want to say
yes I enjoy cooking remember enjoy is
just another word for like okay all
right now the second part of our formula
was the number two and what we’re gonna
do is we’re gonna give general
statements about the topic that we are
going to be discussing okay so again
remember this is the first sentence
okay first sentence and remember the
number two is going to represent the
second sentence so in other words we are
going to use two sentences to give a
general statement about the topic all
right so our first sentence for this
section or part of the formula is give
the first general piece of information
on the topic and our second sentence is
going to be giving a more detailed piece
of information again about the topic
alright so let’s see this in action here
we go
so we’re still talking about music this
is what our sentence looks like our two
sentences actually music is considered
to be a universal language that’s a
general piece of information general
statement now real quick considered to
be okay this just means
many people believe this okay so many
people agree on whatever it is you are
talking about okay many people agree or
think this okay think this about a
certain topic okay so we say in English
considered to be so for example let’s
say when you think about American food
what comes to mind
probably hamburgers and french fries
right okay even my students in Korea
they would always say hamburgers and
french fries when they were talking
about American food okay so if this is a
belief that many people have a general
idea that many people have we can say
that hamburgers and fries are considered
to be the most popular American foods
okay make sense great job
now the second sentence says no matter
what country you go to you will always
be able to find some form of music again
now we’re giving a little bit more
detail in our second sentence okay now
what about reading so for the reading
the first sentence is reading books is
said to enhance a person’s eye cue now
remember IQ just refers to your
intelligence okay so your intelligence
now enhance enhance in English it just
means to improve or make better
okay so again to improve or make better
so according to many studies reading is
said to enhance your intelligence again
this is what number one is a general
statement now we’re gonna move into the
second sentence which is gonna give us
more detail okay all right now the
second sentence says it is also said to
improve their understanding of the world
so what happened we gave more details
about the type of intelligence that
people can gain why because they read
books about the world okay general
statements all right now what about the
weather so for the weather we can say
for the first sentence usually cold
weather means lots of snow or wind with
very low temperatures well that’s true
a very general statement now the second
sentence says for example in Michigan
every winter they get multiple feet of
snow each year again so we’ve given a
detail because we said Michigan and we
also said the amount of snow that
Michigan gets each year okay so again
those two sentences now for travel this
is what travel would look like if we
gave an answer about this okay it says
recently traveling around the world has
become quite popular okay so in English
if we use the word quite it just means
very okay again we’re emphasizing
whatever we are talking about we say
quite okay so you can say for example
you can say it’s quite cold outside it
means it’s very cold outside okay or you
can say it’s quite large which means
something is very large okay all right
now our second sentence is you can find
many youtubers making their living by
traveling the world instead of working a
nine-to-five now there are two
expressions two patterns that I want to
explain to you guys in this sentence
okay making their living and working a
nine-to-five so let’s bring this over
here now making their living just means
earning money okay earning money
to live on okay to to live on or off of
okay to live on or off of we both we say
both of those in English okay so like a
career basically career or the salary
you receive okay and for working 9:00 to
5:00 I’ve explained this in the previous
video but this refers to daily hours
worked okay now in other words a full
workday okay a full workday now why do
we say this in English because normally
in America we usually work from 9:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
now some people come to work earlier and
some people also stay at work a little
bit later but in general this is the
period of time that people work so we
say 9:00 to 5:00 to refer to a job or
working okay all right and for cooking
for cooking it would look like this
cooking is a major part of almost every
culture okay so again whenever we say
almost every okay almost every means
basically everyone okay basically
everyone or let’s say everything okay so
let’s say you are discussing something
with someone and instead of 100% let’s
say it’s 98 percent well you can say
almost all or
almost every this is a pattern you can
use again this is going to help you
improve your English fluency okay now
for the second sentence we have this is
because food brings people together
alright so again we have our two
sentences that both give us the general
statement about the topic okay now the
last part of our equation was the number
seven yep it’s a doozy it’s a little bit
long so this one refers to stating three
reasons why and also the supports so how
many sentences do we have here
we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 now for the
first sentence this is what we need to
do we need to state the number of
reasons that we have okay now again
we’re looking at 3 but this number can
change depending on what you’re talking
number 2 state your first reason for
liking or disliking it referring to the
topic 3 give a support for this reason
right here number 4
state your second reason for liking or
disliking it number 5 give a support
again for the reason you mentioned here
number 6 state your third reason and
number 7 again it’s going to be the
support for this reason so again let’s
jump into seeing exactly how this will
look okay so we have three details about
what happened now we’re talking about
what we’re talking about music this is
what our seven sentences will look like
okay here we go personally I have three
reasons why I like music okay check we
have the first sentence right here state
the number okay
next first I think music is a great form
of self-expression
alright we got our second one why
because they said music is a great form
of self-expression okay self-expression
we also use let me bring this unless
there’s a different color for this one
guys okay let’s use a blue okay
self-expression just refers to let’s go
up here okay creative lis expressing
your self
okay creatively expressing yourself in
English we say self-expression okay
expressing let’s see if we can get this
in here your self alright so again the
second sentence is taken care of the
first and the second sentence now
we have there are hundreds of musical
artists in the world today and their
individual styles enhance the music they
produce remember we had enhanced on the
previous screen which just means to
improve or make better okay so we gave
the first support all right now moving
on to the next one second
I like music because I love to dance
alright this is the reason now we need a
support okay if you come to my house you
will always hear music and see us
dancing around the room okay that is a
support for that reason now next my
third reason for liking music is that it
brings people to gather
okay brings people together okay alright
so that’s there and then whenever people
get together in a group there is always
some sort of music playing in the back
ground alright so we have the support
okay very good seven sentences now what
about when we’re talking about reading
four readings the first sentence okay I
personally like reading for three
specific reasons okay remember specific
just means exact okay or certain so
exact or we can say certain alright so
again this covers our first sentence the
second sentence says remember the reason
first reason first reading helps me to
relax that’s the reason now what are
some specific details about that I
normally read a good book after getting
home from work in the evening okay so
we’ve given a detail this is how this
individual relaxes when they come home
from work in the evening they read a
good book okay alright next reading
helps me to gain more job related skills
okay that’s the fourth sentence alright
now gain
more okay gain just means to add okay
to add or acquire or get more okay to
add or get more
all right so gain more job related
okay so again we need some more details
now alright as a computer web developer
I need to constantly keep abreast of the
latest technologies being developed whoa
whoa maybe you said teacher what does
keep abreast of mean all right so this
pattern in English just means to be
aware of the latest information okay to
be aware of the latest information okay
so this person said that they work in
computers and they need to keep abreast
or be aware of the latest information
okay in English we say keep abreast of
all right
okay so again that’s done now finally
the last reason reading is a great way
to spend time with my kids my children
so again that’s taken care of that was
now the support my children love for me
to read to them every night before going
to bed all right check we have that
support done very good okay now what
about the weather this is what the
weather would look like the first
sentence again while some people may
like this type of cold weather I have
three reasons why I don’t like it okay
so this is taken care of now let me
explain this pattern really quickly
while some people may dot dot dot okay
so we use this pattern when we are about
to present a contrasting viewpoint
okay contrasting or opposite view point
all right so let me show this to you
visually let’s say for example we have a
group of people okay
now this group of people is discussing a
certain topic let’s say these people
right here let’s make this one a woman
and this one woman as well now they are
discussing politics okay
politics and school all right now let’s
say for example these individuals
believe that politics should be
discussed in school so they are yes
right they say yes it should be
discussed in school
however this individual and this
individual say that politics should not
be discussed in school so what happens
now if we’re going to use once again
this right here we can say while some
people may believe that politics should
be taught in school now we have the
contrast other people do not agree
okay so again while some people dot dot
or while some people may dot okay all
right great job now the first reason
first I have a low tolerance for cold
weather not real quick let me explain
that to you guys
low tolerance low tolerance just means
not able to deal with or endure okay not
able to deal with or endure so some
people say they have a low tolerance for
children they can’t deal with them or
endure you know the screaming or them
being loud I have a very high tolerance
I love children okay but again we say
low tolerance alright so again that is
taken care of now the next sentence
giving more details giving a support in
other words no matter how many pieces of
clothing I have on I am still usually
cold again support the person is wearing
a lot of clothes but they’re still cold
next we have the second reason I usually
catch a bad cold when it gets cold when
it gets cold outside okay that covers
right here now the support I remember
having a cold that eventually led to me
getting the flu last year so for the
support this individual actually gave an
example okay next we’re gonna have
lastly the last reason I can’t go
outside as much as I would like when it
is cold alright so this is a reason they
can’t go outside a lot what’s the
support I love outdoor sports but cold
weather inhibits me from enjoying the
sports I want to enjoy so we got more
detailed because this person mention
that they do like sports
alright so real quick inhibits this word
just means to stop or to prevent okay to
stop or prevent someone from doing
something alright okay great job now if
you’re talking about travel okay this is
what it would look like for travel now
in my case even though I have many
reasons for liking to travel I can tell
you my top three okay so we got that
taken care of but again let’s look at
this right here
now in my case alright in my case just
means in my situation in my situation or
in my experience okay let’s say or
experience alright in English we say in
my case alright okay now we have that
taken care of next we have the first
first I love to experience new cultures
taking care of that’s the reason what’s
the support after traveling to many
different countries I realized how much
I could learn from the unique qualities
of other cultures so giving an actual
example this person traveled to many
different countries okay now second
reason I enjoy learning new languages
now was the support languages connect
people in a way that supersedes many
other types of connections okay
supersedes now supersedes just means to
be more important or valuable okay more
important or valuable all right
supersede so this person gave that as a
support all right okay next finally the
last reason I enjoy meeting new people
okay that’s the reason and the support
each time I travel around the world I
make new amazing friendships this person
actually makes new friendships that’s
their support ok very good
now if we’re talking about cooking how
do we answer this one so cooking here we
go the first sentence I mainly have
three reasons why I enjoy cooking okay
so in English when we say I mainly okay
this is in general okay in general or as
the majority in general or the majority
alright let me say I mainly let’s fix
this really quickly make that I clearer
okay all right so again the first ones
taken care of they have how many reasons
you got it
three reasons okay first cooking is a
way for me to express myself in a
creative way remember earlier is the
second sentence we learned creative
expression we can also say self
expression all right so what’s the
support instead of cook
with recipes I simply cook everything
from scratch all right that’s the
support but you may be asking yourself
teacher what is this trying to tell us
from scratch so from scratch just means
with no recipe no recipe or assistance
okay all from her or his head okay
cooking from scratch all right so again
the second Kara now second reason
cooking gives me the ability to control
what I eat when I cook the food okay so
again the reasons taken care of now the
support when I cook the food I don’t
have to worry about any harmful
ingredients okay that’s the support all
right now what we’re gonna do is the
last reason here we go finally I love
cooking because I can experience new
cultures alright that’s the reason
what’s the support the support is some
of my favorite types of food to cook are
Indian and Mexican food again this
person has given us their support for
their reason so we are able to discuss
cooking in a way that was very fluent
okay using fluent English all right okay
remember this is the formula one to
seven once again I want to thank I
talked II for sponsoring this video
remember you guys can click the link in
the description and you can get a coupon
towards your first lesson your first
tutoring lesson keep studying English
and remember to watch the next video
have an amazing day