How to speak more naturally in English
Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani.
I am Teacher Tiffani and today I am going
to teach you How to speak more naturally in English.
This lesson will improve your ability
to speak clearly and logically in English.
Are you ready?
Well then, let’s jump right in.
The process of learning English is made up
of various building blocks.
For example, grammar is a building block.
Expressions are building blocks.
And Vocabulary is also a building block.
But, when it comes to learning how to speak
English more naturally, like a native English
speaker, there are 3 building blocks that
are the most important.
Today we will look at these three building
The first building block is The story
Part of speaking English naturally is being
able to tell a story.
Or, in other words, being able to give detailed
information regarding your opinion or the
topic being discussed.
This building block is the foundation of speaking
English naturally.
It requires you to be able to give information
based on the 5Ws.
The Who, the When, the Where, the What, and
the Why.
Let’s look at an example.
For who we will say me.
For when we will say on my way home from work
For where we will say in the car
For what we will say eat red apples
And For why we will say they are a healthy
So, we now have all of the necessary information
to tell our story.
After combining the information, we get the
following natural statement.
I really like to eat red apples in the car
on my way home from work, because they are
a healthy snack.
The second building block is Reduction
What is reduction you ask?
Well reduction refers to the reduction of
speech that occurs when native English speakers
Normally, many words are shortened and that
is what makes them sound more natural.
Let’s look at a few examples.
Want to becomes wanna
Going to becomes gonna
Got to becomes gotta
Kind of becomes kinda
And Must have becomes musta or mustav
Now, let’s see if these really sound more
I will say each sentence twice.
The second time will be in a more natural
I want to build a big house in the country
when I get older.
Again, this time spoken more naturally.
I want to build a big house in the country
when I get older.
She’s going to go to her office tomorrow
Again, this time spoken more naturally.
She’s going to go to her office tomorrow
We got to go to the movies soon.
Once again more naturally.
We got to go to the movies soon.
I’m kind of hungry.
Do you have anything to eat?
Now more naturally.
I’m kind of hungry.
Do you have anything to eat?
And finally…
She must have thought we were leaving tomorrow.
Once again more naturally.
She must have thought we were leaving tomorrow.
So, using this building block, you can learn
to reduce your speech as well and sound more
The final building block is intonation.
For this step, you can think of English as
a rhythmic language.
It is kind of like a song.
There are highs, lows, and even melodies.
Varying your intonation makes you sound more
natural in English.
Let’s look at three of our previous sentences
one more time.
Here is a sentence read in a monotone voice.
I want to build a big house in the country
when I get older.
It felt very dry and like a textbook right?
Quite unnatural.
Now I will read it with more natural intonation.
Watch how natural it sounds after adding the
I want to build a big house in the country
when I get older.
This time my intonation changed from high
to low multiple times.
Let’s look at the next one.
She’s going to go to her office tomorrow
Now let’s try it with the proper intonation.
She’s going to go to her office tomorrow
That was much more natural.
Now, let’s look at the last one.
She must have thought we were leaving tomorrow.
Now let’s try it with the proper intonation.
She must have thought we were leaving tomorrow.
Much better.
Alright amazing!
Today you learned How to speak more naturally
in English.
We learned the three most important building
Number 1 The Story
Number 2 Reduction
And Number 3 Intonation
So, now that you know the three building blocks
to help you speak more naturally in English,
you will be able to express yourself like
a native speaker.
So try to use these building blocks at least one time today.
You can do it!
You can speak English!