How to stay motivated when you study English

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany and today I am going

to teach you how to stay motivated when

you study English are you ready

well then let’s jump right in one of the

keys to learning English is to stay

motivated the word motivation means the

reason or reasons one has for acting or

behaving in a particular way but the

question is how let’s look at some quick

tips that three individuals follow to

stay motivated with may study English

first make a list this is Michael he

makes a list of all the things that are

difficult about English for him

for example grammar vocabulary and

listening second decide why this is Sara

she decided exactly why she wanted to

study English for example to get a

better job

and to one day travel all over the world

and finally focus this is Andrew he

decided to focus on his English goals

instead of his difficulties for example

he would look at his goals every morning

before he began to study ok but does

this really work the answer is yes think

about when you were in school your list

of difficulties was long but three of

the main difficulties were you had to

take multiple exams you had to learn

difficult information and you had to

study daily but your goals were

to become more intelligent to get a

better job and to improve your quality

of life so in the end after staying

motivated by focusing on your goals

instead of your difficulties you

graduated now what about dating three of

the main difficulties one has when it

comes to dating are arguments

stress and it is time-consuming but

three of the goals of dating are to be

happy to fall deeply in love with

someone and to make new experiences with

him or her so in the end after staying

motivated by focusing on the goals

instead of the difficulties two people

get married so now we once again come to

your English study three of the main

difficulties you have when you study

English are learning grammar rules

memorizing vocabulary and listening to

difficult passages in English but three

of the goals you have are to travel

abroad to speak confidently in English

and to make new english-speaking friends

so in the end if you focus you will

become an English speaker so once again

how do you stay motivated by focusing on

your goals instead of your difficulties

now study hard and stay motivated you

can do it you can speak English


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