How To Stop Making Grammar Mistakes in English
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
step one study and rewrite now remember
that you need to recognize your problem
area or the difficult grammar before you
start these steps okay
so part one the first step starts with
studying three to five different grammar
sources each source should explain the
grammar rule in a way that is slightly
different from the other sources so once
again you want three to five different
sources now let’s go to the part right
here to understand this you can find
them these grammar sources in grammar
books grammar websites from a teacher
you give an English teacher and an
institute or maybe someone online you
follow that teaches grammar or you can
even use a video like a YouTube video
or maybe a different video you watch
online now part two of this step is the
next thing you need to do is rewrite the
grammar rule in your own words again
rewrite the grammar rule in your own
words okay in other words you need to
paraphrase the grammar rule by using
words you can understand this is very
important okay you can understand so
again let’s look at the bottom first
keep one we want to look at is write it
in a notebook y’all remember I mentioned
to you in a previous lesson about the
importance of having a notebook you can
watch my lesson in the top right I have
linked to a lesson that talks about
using a notebook when you study English
and then the next key is make notes
regarding how and why the grammar rule
is important now what you’re doing is
actually assessing the grammar rule okay
assessing or analyzing the grammar rule
you’re trying to see if you understand
what is the most important aspect or
of the grammar rule you are studying
okay now again the how and the why
alright so let’s look at this a little
closer and an example so we have an
example here the present perfect tense
this is a very common grammar rule in
this grammar rule now on the left side
right here you’ll see that we have the
explanations so I have found three
different sources one right here one
right here and one right here now my
sources came from the internet but
different websites okay so I used
different websites now what I’ve done is
I’ve looked at these three different
explanations of the same grammar rule
but from three different sources and
what I have done is I have rewritten the
grammar rule in my own words so let’s
look at the way that I wrote out the
grammar rule Cassatt it focuses on an
action or a situation so where did I get
this from if we go back and look at the
first source we will see where I got
this information from right here it says
action or state now I chose to instead
of saying state I chose to say action
right here alright so let’s keep going
so I said the action or situation is
described by using the verb to have so
where did this come from
well if I go back to my second source
reading through it
I’ll see ah they also said the verb to
have so I got that from my second source
and then let’s continue then you add the
main verb which is the verb plus II D it
connects the present to the past now
where did this come from
you guessed it my third source right
here we see between the present and the
past here we go let’s do this as well
indicate a link all right so let’s keep
going step to find now the
step starts with finding ten different
example sentences using the grammar rule
each sentence should be of a different
style or of a different pattern so again
it needs to be a different style or a
different pattern so here again at the
bottom we have the key points the first
key point is you can look for sentences
on Google in grammar books and magazines
on blogs or in other sources next the
key is that each of the sentences needs
to be a different type of sentence for
example past present future etc so let’s
look at this closer so again we go back
to our example the present perfect tense
so there are ten different example
sentences here and what you’ll see is on
the left side I have given them
different categories this is a past
tense so what is it
she said she has worked here since she
graduated from University now well the
rule is present perfect tense so she has
worked here right she has worked but the
fact that in the beginning I put she
said it’s in the past tense right good
all right so the next one was present
all right so the sentence says yes I
have written three letters today all
right so I have written now this again
is the grammar rule but for this one I’m
saying present because I’m talking to
you right now and I’m just telling you
about my day okay
all right next we’re going to go to the
next one future
okay future and remember for this step
it doesn’t have to be too difficult
all right the sentence itself you’re
just giving it a different format all
right here we go the first line of her
speech tomorrow will be I have lived a
good life now again this is the grammar
rule right here but her speech to morrow
all right this is the part that we’re
looking at
for the different style of the sentence
okay the future aspect all right let’s
keep going now let’s skip forward a
little bit to the right side all right
easy let’s look at the easy one okay
easy just means the sentence is easy
it’s not complicated alright so I have
been to New York now this sentence only
has how many words one two three four
five six words so it’s a very simple and
easy sentence alright let’s get down
let’s say we want to do a question
alright well the question we have is
where have you been for the past two
well again since we have this right here
it’s a different type of sentence okay
it’s actually a question so this is what
I’m saying when you want to find ten
different example sentences okay get
creative with it this is how you learn
to apply the grammar rule and actually
understand it alright so step three
memorize now the third step starts with
memorizing all of the example sentences
from step two each sentence will help
you remember a different way of using
the grammar rule okay again each
sentence will help you remember a
different way of using the grammar rule
I wanted to emphasize that and the key
put them on flash cards based on the
category or type of sentence now don’t
worry I’m going to show you how this is
done so again we go back to the present
perfect tense and we had ten different
example sentences now I’ve given you an
example right here with one style of
flashcards so in this area right here
you’re going to write which grammar rule
you are studying okay then right here in
this section you’re going to write the
category of the sentence now on the back
of the card is where you write the
sentence so you’re going
to be a memorizing this sentence right
here alright ok so if we look at all 10
flashcards from the 10 sentence we had
this is what it would look like ok we
have the past we have the present the
future the plural the singular the easy
the medium let’s go a little faster the
hard the question and finally free
now remember free means you can do
whatever you want a general sentence
whatever sentence you want to use ok all
step number 4 record and listen ok so a
fourth step starts with recording
yourself saying each of the sentences
three times very important now the key
there are ten sentences so reading each
one three times will end up being one
longer audio file
okay so part two is the next thing you
should do is listen to the file at least
three times you’ll notice that I’m using
three a lot okay this is very good the
first time you listen to it it’s brand
new the second time you feel a little
comfortable by the third time you feel
very very comfortable so that’s why it’s
important to work in threes when you are
doing this step okay all right and the
key right here hearing your own voice
will help you to remember the grammar
rule and the examples easier and faster
so when and where can you listen some of
you may not have time to do this at your
house for an hour or longer but what you
can do is in the morning if you have to
take the bus or you ride on a taxi or on
your way to work or on your way to
you can listen in the morning or in the
afternoon maybe you have lunch or you
have a short break time you can actually
listen during that break time in the
afternoon and even in the evening maybe
you go home and you are relaxing in
front of your TV or on
couch you can also use that time to
listen okay all right so step number
five apply the fifth step is to apply
the grammar rule by changing the ten
sentences you will delete certain words
from each sentence and replace them with
words or situations that apply to your
life this is very important and again
remember I’m gonna give you an example
okay the key is to remember that you
only need to change a few words
my advice is one to three words at the
most okay so let’s look at an example
all right on the Left we have the
original so these are three of the
sentences we looked at before the first
one she said she has worked here since
she graduated from university now what’s
gonna happen is I want to apply this to
my life so instead I’m going to say my
best friend said she has worked here
since she graduated from university so
now I changed this information right
here instead of she I applied it to my
life by saying my best friend okay all
right now let’s look at the next example
right here now we say yes I have written
three letters today so I want to change
this and apply to my life so now I can
say yes I have written two essays today
so again what information did I change
instead of three letters I say two
essays all right and the final one right
here the police officer down the road
said that there has been a big car
accident on the highway well I want to
change the sentence to apply to my life
and I will say my neighbor down the road
said that there has been
big car accident on the highway what did
I change instead of the police officer I
said my neighbor very good so again you
pick something that applies to your life
because this makes it easier for your
brain to hold on to this information and
remember it later this is why it’s so
important for you to do this step when
you’re trying to work with and remember
a grammar rule in English now if you
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youtube English video lessons and also
remember to watch the next video lesson
on the left side of your screen and as
always remember to speak English