How To Study English For IntermediateAdvanced Learners

you have studied English for many years

you learned grammar vocab and other

things but now you feel stuck today you

will learn how to study welcome to speak

English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany let’s jump right in

okay there are five methods to studying

English now before we look at these

methods we need to remember that there

are three types of English learners the

beginner the intermediate and the

advanced learner now this video is

focused on the intermediate advanced

learner but I still want to explain the

difference so let’s take a look at the

beginner you see the beginner learner is

focused on mimicking okay mimic just

means to copy so for example when you

first start learning English you learn

this how are you this is the question

that you normally start off with and

what’s the response many students that

are beginner learners learn I’m fine

thank you and you you see as a beginner

learner you just learn things to copy

this is what the beginner learner learns

now the intermediate learner is focused

on expressing let’s do that are again

expressing opinion okay when you are an

intermediate learner now your opinion

becomes important for example the

questions normally are what do you think

about dot dot dot or

what is your favorite dot dot dot and

why okay at the intermediate level

you’re learning how to express your

opinion and also give reasons why now

the advanced learner is totally

different you see as an advanced learner

you must learn how to analyze summarize

and also compare let me explain so this

is what happens at the advanced level

and remember this part is also explained

if you go to my video on how to think in

English okay I’ll put the link above to

the right now this is what happens you

are giving your opinion when you are an

intermediate learner but now you must

give your opinion and also look at the

opinions of other people okay now other

people’s opinions are also important

this is why the advanced learner

sometimes feels stuck it’s hard to know

how to advance at this level but don’t

worry today I will teach you exactly how

to do this okay let’s keep going alright

so let’s get started with the first

method the first method is to study in

chunks now the word chunks it just means

a group okay studying as a group all

right okay so the first thing is you

have to remember that your brain is

already full of lots of English

information okay in the beginning and

also the intermediate level you have

attained or acquired

lots of English information for example

you’ve learned English grammar all of

these things are inside of your brain

you’ve learned English idioms and even

expressions let’s change this real quick

English expressions and also idioms and

you’ve also learned English vocabulary


now the fact is all of this information

is in your brain but you need to figure

out how to study using all of it at the

same time so this is what you’re going

to do first you need to pick a topic

okay then what you need to do is find

videos on that topic okay on the topic

then you need to find articles or blogs

about that topic okay about the topic

okay the next thing you need to do is

find images and vocabulary about the

topic now remember if you need any

advice or you need to look at how this

is actually done go to my previous video

that explains how to do this okay let’s

keep going now the next thing you need

to do is combine see if we can get this

e in there combine all the information

remember info is the same things

information just a shortened form

you need to organize it on one page okay

remember your journal or your notebook

is going to be very important when

you’re an advanced or an intermediate

advanced learner and then you need to

section off so section off your notebook

by topic

okay this is going to help you to

remember things in chunks okay

and so this is what’s gonna happen when

you look at your notebook let’s go to

the last phase of this method so your

topic is going to be written in your

notebook like this okay so what you’re

gonna do is review let’s do this like

this review the information based on

topics when you come back to review the

information you’re studying it in chunks

what happens is this gives your brain

tons of triggers okay triggers are

important for you to remember okay and

also if you want to learn more about

triggers you can see my previous video

that talks about triggers and they’re

important when you’re studying English

and also this is important because you

will remember information or info based

on a topic okay and this is very easy

when you’re speaking English this makes

it easier for you to speak confidently

okay so again the first method study in

chunks okay let’s go to the next screen

alright our second method is to read

opposite up

okay so the fact is everyone has their

own opinion okay no matter what language

you speak everyone has their own opinion

this is a fact so it is important for

you as an intermediate advanced or as an

advanced english learner it is important

to understand more than one opinion okay

more than one opinion on a certain topic

let’s visit this in fix the end okay to

understand more than one opinion on a

certain topic now what happens first

with this method is you need to find an

article or a blog to read you can pick

whatever topic you want but find an

article or a blog to read now what

happens as you’ll notice there are two

different articles here the reason is

because the next thing you need to do so

first was this the next thing you need

to do is find a different or another

article or blog but here’s the key with

an opposite or an opposing opinion this

is the key so for example if this

article said that apples are the best

fruit you need to find a separate

article that says that pears are the

best fruit okay this is what you need to

think about find an article with the

opposite opinion okay then as you move

on after you found

both of those articles what you need to

do is first analyze both opinions okay

now the next thing after that is you

need to write the differences just gonna

put di FF which is short for differences

and similarities short for similarities

between this means between the two

opinions okay now you see what’s

happening is you have to look at the

articles and see the similar points and

the different points okay this is gonna

help you to start thinking even more

deeply about this topic in English now

after you’ve done that we’re gonna go to

the last phase of this method what you

need to do is to think about which

opinion you agree with now this is when

your opinion comes into play or becomes

important which opinion you agree with

more alright now the next thing is you

must come up with three reasons why okay

you need to support your opinion now

again remember if you need help figuring

out how to come up with three reasons

watch my video that explains how to

answer any question and how to give

reasons for your opinion okay let’s keep


method number three is watch and find

examples alright so the first thing you

need to remember when you’re looking for

something to watch is to find an

interesting show or movie when you’re

looking for something to watch in


remember that it’s important to find

something that you would also watch if

it was in your own language okay so find

an interesting show or movie now some

students may feel uncomfortable because

they speak very quickly in the show or

the movie so when you’re watching the

show or the movie if necessary you can

watch with the English subtitles okay

only with the English subtitles if

necessary okay

sub titles alright so then what you’re

gonna do is as you are watching the show

or the movie you’re going to listen for

unknown expressions or idioms okay

unknown expressions or idiom that’s what

you’re looking for as excuse me as you

watch the show or the movie okay and

what you’re gonna do is you’re going to

write them down in a notebook okay now

remember I’ve went over this in a

previous video lesson on how to study

English thirty minutes a day so you can

go back to that lesson the link will be

at the top on the right if you want to

get a refresher course on how to study

thirty minutes a day it will help you

with this step as well okay now you’re

going to write them in a notebook but

remember to keep watching okay but

continue watching you don’t want to stop

in the middle of the show to start

studying you want to keep watching the

show that you are looking at okay

let’s do this over again that G is not

showing up so keep watching there we go

now we’re gonna move on to the next

phase of this method so what you’re

gonna do is right here you’re going to

after you finish watching the show or

the movie for each of the words or the

expressions of the idioms for each one

you’re going to look online for other

examples okay for other examples of when

it is used okay you can look on blogs

you can look on your articles whatever

you find online but here are some other

examples you can find images that

express that actual expression or idiom

you can find videos and you can find

that’s a test there you can find blogs

okay there are many different ways that

you can find expressions in ATMs and

other places and the last thing you want

to remember is you want to write them in

your notebook okay but you’re gonna

write them next to the expression okay

and this is important because what

you’re doing is you are building

connections okay you’re building

connections related to the topic okay

building connections related to the

expression it’s not a topic but related

to the expression or idiom okay so this

is why it’s so important to find

examples and when you do this it’s also

easier to remember okay later on when

you’re talking about this expression or

talking about the

or even talking about a topic related to

them it’ll be easier for you to remember

these expressions and these idioms okay

so again method number three watch and

find examples okay let’s go to method

number four

alright method number four is to listen

to the most popular now what you have to

remember is that there are many people

and many people speak English as native

speakers okay many people speak English

they can be American they can be British

and they could be from many other

english-speaking countries now these

people who speak English listen to many

different programs so there are many TV

shows there are many radio shows or

radio programs that these individuals

listen to now as an English Learner your

job is to first find the most popular

among these people okay so you want to

find the most popular ok the radio show

or the TV show whatever you want to

listen to okay it’s TV but you can still

listen to it in the background sometimes


so you want to find the most popular and

this is because the native English

speakers are listening or talking about

that specific topic or that specific

radio program so again you want to find

the one that native English speakers are

s didn’t come up hold on one second

there we go put it right there are

listening right a little smaller

listening to or talking talking about

okay now

you have a little bit of questions about

this part and you want to understand how

to improve your listening skills then

watch my other video that talks about

how to improve excuse me how to improve

your English listening skills okay let’s

keep going now after this what’s going

to happen is you are going to listen to

it okay so you’ve found what they’re

listening to now you need to listen to

it remember you can find so for this

step right here you can go on google and

you can find it there or you can go on

Yahoo or whatever search engine you want

to use to find what’s popular at the

time okay so you’re going to listen to

it and then if you need to you can

listen more than once okay listen

more than one time okay more than one

time if you need to okay

now after you’ve listened to it what

you’re going to do now is right here

you’re going to find blogs talking about

the topic okay so whatever the topic was

of the radio show or the podcast or the

TV show that you listened to and watched

find blogs that are talking about that

same topic okay why because you want to

find what people use native speakers

what people are saying about it okay

what people are saying about the topic

that’s why it’s so important to go on

line okay about the topic that you

listen to okay so whatever it may have

been alright

now let’s move on to the final method

for studying English as an intermediate

advanced or an advanced learner okay the

final method number five is write about

your daily life okay so for the fifth

method the write about your daily life

the first thing that you want to write


is what lesson or lessons did you learn

today okay think about your day and

think about what you learned throughout

that day okay write down the lesson or

lessons you learn then you’re going to

write three details about the lesson or

those lessons this is important okay

this is going to help you think about

English throughout the day okay and the

next thing you want to write about is

one that’s put arrow one interesting

okay interesting person you met now if

you don’t meet anyone you can also say

someone you saw or read about okay maybe

you saw them online or read about them

online okay it’s better if it’s someone

you met but it can also be someone you

read about okay

now what you’re gonna do is you’re going

to give five pieces of information about

that person

you’re gonna give who what you got it to

five W’s when where where you saw them

where you met them and why they were

interesting okay now again if you need

help with this information right here

and how to organize it watch the video

that I did it talks about how to make

long sentences and also how to organize

your thoughts

okay the link is right above on the

right side okay after this what you’re

going to do is you need to write five

tasks that you accomplished okay five

tasks you accomplished okay today okay

what did you do now remember the order

is not important okay the order is not

important okay so let’s say for example

one of your tasks was

to watch an English YouTube video and

also to write down three vocabulary

words it doesn’t matter what order you

did it in but you want to write them in

your notebook okay tasks that you

accomplished and finally what you want

to do for this method is you want to

write something amazing that happened

okay that happened today okay something

amazing that happened to you and then

what you’re going to do is write three

reasons why it was so amazing

okay this method will help you think

throughout the entire day in English I

hope this lesson helped you learn how to

study English as an intermediate

advanced or an advanced learner remember

I have a free speak English ebook that I

would love to send to you so please go

to speak English with Tiffany dot-com /

ebook and get your free ebook today and

then watch the next video that you’ll

see on the left side of the screen have

an amazing day