How To Study English in 2020 Your 2020 English Study Planner

are you ready to achieve all of your

goals in 2020 all of your English goals

I mean are you ready to sound like a

native English speaker well in order to

do that you must have a plan now your

plan must include four sections if you

want to really speak like a native

English speaker you need to have these

four sections and I’m gonna teach you

all for today I’m teacher Tiffany let’s

jump right in alright here are the four

sections set design achieve and review

so first set what you want to do is set

all of your goals for the year in this

section you will organize all of the

goals you want to achieve for the year

you will break down each goal and see

what you need to do each month each week

and each day of the year in order to

achieve each English goal now when I say

this is so important this is the most

important thing you need to do you need

to start by listing out the goals you

have for the year now you’ll notice I

have a little bump above my eye I had a

negative reaction to some medicine I

took some supplements I took so don’t

worry I’m okay and it’ll go away but it

is what it is we have to keep going on

with class so again you’re going to set

your goals now let me show you exactly

how to do this okay so here’s what

you’re gonna do this is the page on this

page you need to write the 10 to 20

specific English goals you have for this

year you can also pick some from the

goal suggestions below remember to also

include the exact number you would like

to achieve for each individual goal now

I need to stress this point when you are

setting goals and you want to achieve

something you need to be very specific

so what’s your big goal for the year so

for example I have memorized 1,000 in

lished vocabulary words or read five

English books or even have a

conversation with 12 native English

speakers all of these things are

possible but you have to write them down

so let me

show you what mine looks like okay so my

planner if I was a student again here’s

my page for yearly goals and I wrote

number one read for English books but

you see that I actually wrote out how

many pages I wrote about 200 pages plus

per book which equals 800 pages now why

is this important there needs to be a

number associated with each goal and

this is gonna be important as we move

forward because we’re breaking down the

goals by year month week and day okay so

keep following along so first go read

for English books then I have memorized

2,000 vocabulary words again the number

2000 number three watch 25 English

movies remember these are my yearly

goals okay so these are the yearly goals

you will set for yourself

okay next talk to 25 native English

speakers and finally give 12 speeches in

English alright so now after I’ve done

that I need to move on to the next page

in my journal in my planner on this page

you need to break down your yearly goals

into twelve equal parts these twelve

parts represent the twelve months of the

year so you’ll be able to see what you

need to do each month in order to

achieve your yearly goals remember I

said I’m giving you the tool you need to

accomplish and achieve all of your goals

for 2020 all of your English goals so

again I said you already have your

yearly goals now you need to divide them

by 12 representing the 12 months so let

me show you the equation alright so look

at the bottom right here we have

equation and example so total number of

the individual yearly goal

divided by 12 representing 12 months

equals the number you need to do each

month so at the bottom I put 1020

vocabulary words in the year and divided

that by 12 means I need to memorize 85

vocabulary words each month suddenly it

seems very easy to accomplish this goal

right because

thousand and twenty vocabulary words

whoa that’s a lot but 85 vocabulary

words a month that’s not that bad this

is why it’s so powerful to use these

formulas I’m giving you so that you can

set up your planner for the year okay so

let’s see what mine would look like here

we go so again I have my planner monthly

goals so again number one read for

English books and I said each one needs

to be 200 or more pages which equals 800

which means divided by 12 will be sixty

six point six six now you’ll see I do

the same thing for number two three four

and five but what you’ll also notice is

there are decimals don’t worry

depending on the number you choose when

you start dividing the numbers may start

to look a little complicated but look at

my screen again you can round these

numbers up or down a bit so instead of

sixty six point six six I can say sixty

seven instead of one sixty six point six

six I can say 167 so again you can do

the same thing you can round up or down

okay depending on the number you want to

use okay alright now after I’ve done

that after you’ve done that we need to

move on to the weekly goals so this is

what’s gonna happen

on this page you need to break down your

monthly goals into four equal parts

these four parts represent the four

weeks of each month so you’ll be able to

see what you need to do each week in

order to achieve your yearly goals you

see how we’re going step by step went

from our main yearly goal to now monthly

right before this one now we’re at

weekly so again let’s look back at the

equation the equation is total number of

the individual monthly goal divided by

four representing four weeks equals

number the number you’re gonna do each

week okay so remember I had 85 so 85

vocabulary words in a month divided by

four equals twenty one point two five

vocabulary words each week come on now

twenty one point two five vocabulary

words a week it’s not that bad

number is getting smaller and smaller

and as long as you follow these

equations you will be able to achieve

all of your goals so again let’s see

what my planner looks like okay so in my

planner right here on my page again I

wrote down all the information number

one read for English books number two

memorize two thousand vocabulary words

number three watch twenty five English

movies well let’s look at number two we

started off with two thousand vocabulary

words but again remember broke it down

so now we’re at 167 divided by four

right remember we’re looking at my

personal goal not from the previous

example my personal goal that I wrote in

my planner okay so it says 67 divided by

four equals what I’m sorry 167 divided

by four equals forty one point seven

five and I rounded up to 42 so that

means each week in order to accomplish

my goal of 2000 vocabulary words a year

I need to memorize 42 English vocabulary

words a week again not that bad but now

we have one more step we need to see the

weekly okay so again going back to my

screen right remember we’re still in the

first section right so here we go daily

goals on this page you need to break

down your weekly goals into seven equal

parts these seven parts represent the

seven days of each week so you will be

able to see what you need to do each day

in order to achieve your yearly goals

again the equation total number for the

weekly goal divided by seven

representing seven days equals the

number for each day so again from the

previous example on the page we had

twenty one point two five divided by

seven equals three point zero three now

again what we’re gonna do is go back to

my planner and see what I wrote okay so

here we go again here’s my planner and

let’s see let’s look again at number two

you know what let’s look at number four

talk to 25 native English speakers all

right so you see it says point one four

right so again I can round that up to

one or I can prepare for the

next week or let’s see for example

memorizing the vocabulary words

well now it’s moved down to six per day

again it all depends on the total number

you chose for your yearly goal okay all

right so now let’s go back to my screen

because now we need to move on to the

next section these sections are so

important okay

so moving on to the next section our

next section is design what you’re gonna

do now is design your weekly schedule in

this section you will look at your

weekly schedule in detail and decide how

you would like to organize your days you

will decide when you want to study and

for how long this will help you remain

organized each day of the week so why is

this important you see there are some

days that you are busier than others

let’s say for example you work Monday to

Friday but Mondays are your busiest days

and Thursdays and Fridays are your

lightest days you need to arrange your

schedule so that you know on which days

you can study English more this is gonna

help you be more relaxed to not feel so

stressed about I should have studied

English more today well if you have a

schedule you don’t have to be stressed

because you know on Thursday and

Friday’s you can study a little bit

longer than on Mondays so let me show

you how to do this okay so back to my

screen now here we go

so you’re gonna see these pages weekly

schedule timetable on these pages you

need to organize your schedule for each

day and decide what you will focus on

you can block off sections for work

meals and other tasks this will give you

the ability to see when you actually

have time to study on certain days so

the daily breakdown looking at the page

the day starts at 6:00 a.m. this is

again this is just the way that I

decided to break down the planner but

again you can get the planner the

planner I’m explaining you can get it

the link is right here and you can also

get the link in the description but if

you choose to do your own that’s fine

but my advice is to get the planner

because I’ve already set it up for you

now this day starts at 6:00 a.m.

broken down into one-hour time slots

and then the day ends at 10:00 p.m. so

let’s see my day here we go

so we’re looking at mondays and I say

well on Mondays from 7 to 8 its family

dinner time I have dinner with my family

but from 8 to 9

I want to journal I want to write in my

journal about my day in English so I’m

writing right here that on Mondays from

8 to 9 I’m not doing anything else but

focusing on writing in English in my

journal ok then we have from 9 to 10 I’m

showering and getting ready for bed but

then I also have what’s the special

focus for Mondays I put journal writing

that means on Mondays I’m focused on

writing in my journal I’m looking at my

journal right here again I was an

English student Monday’s are for journal

writing Mondays aren’t for watching

videos in English there it’s not

important for me to worry about that if

I do that that’s ok but I want to make

sure that I’ve written in my journal

that’s what you need to do you need to

focus on certain things for specific

days ok

so now moving on we’re gonna do next is

we need to achieve this is the next

section section 3 achieve your goals by

following your plan in this section you

will start taking action each day of the

week for the next 52 weeks you will

document your goals important events new

English terms new English tips and also

your personal ideas about your day all

in English here’s the deal you want to

speak in English you want to sound like

a native English speaker and you are

amazing you’re watching this video

you’ve taken the time to actually study

and get books but you don’t know what to

do you don’t know how to move forward in

2020 you don’t know rip you don’t really

know how to achieve your goals well this

is what you need to do because this is

gonna break down each day you’re gonna

be able to write down notes so let me

show you how you’re gonna do this for

each day here we go so you’re gonna

start off looking at your month at a

glance on this page you can write down

any important events that will happen

during the month these events may affect

your study plan so you can adjust your

schedule by planning ahead of time this

page will also help

you see your month at a glance for

example write down important events

write down special programs you want to

watch and write down special meetings or

conversations so let me show you my

calendar so for January 2020 this week

today is January 5th Sunday I have this

week blocked off you can see ok January

5th I have a dinner meeting with my best

friend January 8th

going to the movies to see a Hollywood

movie January 10th one on one call with

my English teacher in January 11th a

business trip now why is it important to

do this first you see this is gonna help

you to know wait a minute I know that on

the 8th I’m gonna go watch a movie but

then on the 11th I’m going on a business

trip that means you’re gonna be busy so

you need to rearrange your schedule a

bit for your English study plan so if

you want to memorise let’s say 42

vocabulary words a week you know that on

the 11th when you go to your business

trip you’re probably gonna be too busy

to memorize words and when you go to the

movies you’re probably not gonna have

time either so instead of memorizing

words on those days you can share them

to the other days make sense so that’s

why this is so important to see your

month at a glance first okay now after

you do this what you’re gonna do is look

at your week at a glance on this page

you can write down the three main goals

you have for the week you can also jot

down the goals you set in the set

section this page will help you see your

week at a glance and help you stay

focused top weekly goals section so pick

the three goals that you want to focus

on the most these top three goals can

change each week and all of your goals

are important but these are special the

top of the page so here’s my page here

we go

so I said my top three goals again we’re

looking at the week of January 5th to

January 11th I said my top three goals

here we go write three comments in

English either on Instagram Facebook

and/or YouTube

number two memorize five new English

slang remember you guys that follow me

on Instagram I teach you guys slang each

and every day so again I put it on the

screen really quickly if you want

follow me on instagram here is my

Instagram handle right here my channel

but again you can set your top three

goals for the week now my third goal

let’s see my third goal watch a TED talk

and take notes now your weekly goals

your top three weekly goals can change

each week remember these are things

you’re like hey this week I kind of want

to do this this is something special I

want to do this week okay now after you

do that let me show you what you need to

do next you need to look at your daily

English study on these pages you need to

write what you actually do each day you

can highlight the goals you achieve

summarize your day using the five W’s

remember the five W’s everybody remember

the let the lesson we did who what when

where and why and then you can even take

notes about the new vocabulary

expressions and idioms you learn so

section break down in this page you can

see top is four goals the middle section

is for daily summary and new information

and the bottom is for notes and tips so

here we go again this is what my planner

would look like okay Wednesday January

8th looking at the middle part about my

day the five W’s so for who I wrote oh

my coworker what we ate lunch together

when from 11:30 to 12:30 we’re at a

restaurant near my office called Little

Italy why we both wanted Italian food

for lunch why is this important you see

I didn’t write a full paragraph I just

wrote notes that filled in the five W’s

if you do this every day you will start

thinking in English but you see it’s not

stressful you’re not writing full

sentences you’re just writing details so

again this planner was created to help

you start to think in English like a

native English speaker and if you

continue to do this on a regular basis

you will start to think in English and

eventually sound like a native English

speaker okay alright so let’s move on to

the next section again how you can

achieve your goals and have a plan for

2020 so the next thing is the weekly

review again very important on this page


can write down the three main things you

learned during the week and the three

things you would like to improve the

following week the goal is for you to

analyze your habits and English study

patterns this will help you improve

faster now I want to emphasize this even

though you study alone even though you

feel like you need a partner which is

important you can still analyze yourself

you can see hey what did I do last week

that was good and what did I do that

maybe I shouldn’t do that again you can

analyze your English journey okay so

here we go some important tips at the

bottom think about what you enjoyed

learning the most think about what you

disliked the most and think about how

you can do better moving forward so

let’s say for me for example weekly

review what do you want to improve next

week well I wrote I want to stop using

subtitles in my language when I watch a

video number two I want to stop saying

sorry for my English pronunciation and

number three I want to review the words

I learned before I go to sleep at night

again I’m making notes like hey next

week I want to change some things now

when you write it down you will actually

make the change the following week

that’s why it’s so important for you to

follow this plan okay alright so after

you do that here’s the next step

review the final section review the

English resources you used in this

section you will list the various

English resources you use along your

journey throughout the year you will

write down the podcasts blogs YouTube

videos books movies shows websites and

other resources that have helped you so

let’s say for example here we go on

these pages like I said you need to

write the information down and you can

document everything that you use

podcasts blogs now important information

remember to write the title or the name

remember that you can review them and

share them and remember to also include

suggestions from others why is this

important for example right now you’re

watching my video I’m teacher Tiffany

you enjoy my classes I enjoy being your

teacher but there

also many other amazing English teachers


well document.write those teachers down

right there YouTube channels down then

write the books you read well what

happened is you will actually begin to

create kind of your own English library

so when somebody else comes and says hey

where did you learn that you open your

planner let me tell you and you can tell

them exactly where you learned a certain

piece of information okay so let’s look

at my planner let me show you what it

would look like so here we go

I said blogs and articles so I said

number one ten ways to say bye in

English what I learned see you later

now I talked this actually on my

Instagram channel see ya or see you


it just means goodbye but again

something new that you learned so I

wrote it down and I wrote the date

number two Valentine’s Day gift ideas

okay and then the most popular gift is

chocolate next how to get fit in three

months three great ab exercises now

you’ll notice that that last one has

nothing to do with English instead it’s

about exercise the point is you can read

any article excuse me as long as it’s in

English it can be about something you’re

interested in but write it down later on

you realize whoa I’ve really learned a

lot this year I really read a lot this

year and you can review and see exactly

and chart your progress throughout the

year okay so this is why it’s so

important to follow the planner okay

now this is the planner for 2020 and you

can get yours I want you to achieve all

of your English goals this year so I

created this planner just for you all

you have to do is click the link in the

description now for the next seven days

it’s only $19.99 but the sale is gonna

end after seven days I want you to

achieve your goals but you need this

planner in order to actually set up your

goals I want you to have this plan so

again click the link in the description

I really hope you enjoy this lesson

remember if you can’t print it out it’s


all you have to use this Adobe PDF

reader or also another program and you

can write in it on your device okay I

hope you enjoyed and hey let’s

accomplish and achieve all of your goals

and all of our goals this year I’m

teacher Tiffany hey hey let’s jump right

in you know I didn’t forget it’s story


okay guys I’m really enjoying this story

time so all right for today’s story it’s

actually connected to the planner

because as I was creating this planner

for you guys I realized something I’ve

actually always been like this

and let me explain so when I was in

grade school I mean I can remember all

the way back to when I was about 11

years old I’ve always made planners

always I made planners to study for

tests all the time but the story I want

to tell you about is about when I was in

college so when I was in college I was I

was intelligent I was smart but I was

you know a regular student when it comes

to you hanging out and everything but

one thing about me I think that people

always remembered was I was smart but I

always tried to help everybody else in

my mind we need to all succeed together

it’s not about only one person’s about

all of us succeeding together so every

time we had a test I would literally

create a planner yeah literally so the

planner would include I mean 200

questions with the answers and

explanations for the exam so people

would literally call me and try to

contact me before the test so that they

could get the planner and I always gave

it four I always gave it to them because

I wanted other students to also do well

in the exam but one night so I’m an

early bird um you guys kind of know

those that have messaged me I get up

very early in the morning which means I

go to bed very early um my bedtime

normally is 9 p.m. I’m just an early

bird so anyways when I had an exam I

would use

go to bed around 8:30 because I would

get up the next morning around 3 or 4

a.m. to study in the morning cuz I think

really clearly in the morning so anyways

I went to sleep and I told my roommate

hey my roommate I’m gonna bed I’m going

to bed umm so yeah if anybody calls

please you know just let them know I’m

sleeping so I’m I’m knocked out I mean

knocked out means I mean gone I was

sleep and my roommate comes and says

TIFF now I wake up easily so I’m not a

grout a grumpy person when I wake up so

I said yeah what’s up and I was sleep

but I woke up she said somebody’s on the

phone he’s trying to get in contact with

you and I was like who there was a guy

in my class and he didn’t necessarily

study a lot but he knew that I had the

plan for the test and he had called it

was like 10:30 11 p.m. at night and he

wanted to get the planner now this is

the night before the test I’m super

sleepy I have to wake up the next day

but because he needed it I got up and I

found a way for him to get the plan

because I also wanted him to pass and he

was able to pass the test because he

used the planner that I made and again

like as I was making this planning for

you guys I thought about like man I

really enjoy helping people accomplish

and achieve their goals and I enjoy

seeing the results so I just felt like

telling you guys that story because I

never forgot it because he passed he was

very grateful and I continued to make

planners every single test and I handed

them out to all of my classmates so I

hope you enjoyed that story guys again

remember you can get your planner by

clicking the link in the description the

next seven days it’s 1999 but after that

the price will go up but I want you to

achieve your goals in 2020 I’ll talk to

you next week

as always remember to speak English bye