How to Study English With Our Videos On YouTube

going to talk about how to study with

our youtube

videos or facebook videos so if you are

watching this

on facebook or maybe somewhere else

maybe you don’t know

we have a youtube channel

101 on youtube so uh this

tutorial video i guess you could call it

is all about

how to use our videos to improve your


so lots of you asked me about this i put

together a little guide so i hope it is

helpful for you

no matter what you want to work on so uh

we’re going to begin in just a moment as

you join

please make sure to like and share the

video so that other people can find

today’s lesson that would be very very

cool and of course send a message in the

chat so i can say hi to you

if you’re joining live a couple of quick

announcements as always

uh first thing first this this banner at

the bottom of the screen there’s a 30

percent off sale

on our website so if you want to join

uh our website and practice learning uh

study with us

with our materials with video and audio


and uh transcripts all kinds of good

stuff you can

get 30 off that’s pretty cool so you can

find the information from the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you are watching

on facebook uh it is 30 off the premium

and premium plus plans and all the

details are at the link

so check it out okay so that’s

announcement number one announcement

number two

is as always if you have questions for

me that are different from today’s topic

or if you think of something

after today’s lesson that you would like

to ask you can send it to me for this

series our weekly question and answer


it’s called ask alicia and i will read

your question

but i can’t promise i’ll answer it i get

a lot of questions and it takes some


to answer but if you have a question you

can send it along

the submission page is at

ask hyphen alicia uh

okay i see lots of people in the youtube

chat welcome everybody rodrigo mta hello

rafi elbin jamal victor

jonathas jose hello everyone cool

uh welcome i’m facebook i’m coming to

you if you are just

joining if it’s your first time or you

haven’t joined in a while i am

broadcasting from home

so that’s why the setup is a little bit


facebook i’m coming for you to say hello

to you i’m watching you

from down here so again if you’re just

joining today’s lesson is about how to


with our youtube videos okay uh

so let’s see i think everything is

working facebook i’m looking for you to

make sure you’re oh there you are

facebook hi facebook

great i see you all i see you all on

facebook fantastic lou

doctor rosa moorad labcond hello

trong hello wait great great great okay

everyone’s here let’s get started

first i’m going to show you today’s

lesson boards

so you can see what we’re going to talk

about today

uh and you can take a screenshot lots of

you request that

so uh here is what we’re going to cover


again no big whiteboard because i’m at

home so

we’re going to talk about first this one

how to study

first i’m going to talk about how to

check yourself

uh to understand what you need to do

what you need to study

second i’m going to talk about like some


level ideas beginner super super


and some upper beginner ideas and some

sample courses

and then i’m going to talk about some

more intermediate

ideas to study with our videos and some


and some notes for your studies so i

hope that everyone

can find something in today’s lesson

that will help them

in their studies from home also before i


i made another video very recently about

how to study alone

a live video so you can watch that

search for that on our youtube channel

uh for some more tips about how to study

alone and

check yourself so let’s begin where’s my

pen okay

let’s get started so let’s begin with

where is it my first part for today’s


the first thing you need to do is

check yourself first thing first this is

a step for everybody

it doesn’t matter what your level is but

check yourself ask what do i need to

work on

what do i need to review so that means

like what do i need to work on it’s like


what is something i know i don’t know

but i know i need to study it that’s


kind of confusing so for example when

you look at a textbook

and you open the textbook to a grammar

point or maybe

a list of vocabulary words and you go oh

i don’t know this that’s something you

know you need to work on

right you know you don’t know it right

so something to work on and what do i

need to review

review is a super super super important

part of the learning process

you can’t just look at something one

time and remember it forever

yeah so what did you study recently

that you need to review so these are two

good questions

to ask yourself so these are some


of big topics so what do i need to work

on for example

i need to improve my grammar my

vocabulary my pronunciation

my listening skills my speaking skills

or maybe

i don’t know idioms many idioms or

phrasal verbs are hard for me i know

this one is true for many people

or it’s slang and i know that

a lot of you often write to me and say


i don’t know what i need to work on

so how do you check yourself how do you

understand what you need to do

i talked about this point uh

i made a whole lesson about this point

right here so if you want information

about this

please search for how to study alone uh

on our youtube channel or facebook

there’s a live lesson but basically the


short version today make a list of

can i questions so can i do something

and work on improving

the things you can do with a little


so what does this mean here are some

examples let’s look at this first one

so can i introduce myself this is a

sample i can

question you can ask yourself can i

introduce myself in

english or maybe a different language if

you’re studying that

can i introduce myself yes no or

a little but it’s kind of difficult so

give yourself

three possible answers so maybe

you can say i can introduce myself my

name is alicia okay no problem

i can do it so then go to the next one

can i use my computer

in english or can i use my computer in

the language i’m studying

maybe okay yeah i can do that no problem

how about this one can i read a news


in english or in the language i’m

studying it’s like oh

yes but it’s a little difficult okay

so that’s maybe a good place to start

you can do it a little bit

but it’s a little difficult so that’s

good because you know

some things but you have room to grow

right you can challenge yourself

so if the answer to one of these


is no it’s probably a little too


but if no or if it’s difficult think


why so for example if i say can i read a

news article

and i think um no it’s really difficult

or yes but it’s super super hard for me

then think about why why is it difficult

is it because of vocabulary is it

because i don’t know

slang is it because my grammar isn’t


good so think about why

something is difficult or why you can’t

do something

and then focus your studies on improving

that item focus your studies on

improving that item

so this is how i want to start today’s

lesson so

yes i’m going to talk about how to use

our videos

but that doesn’t mean it’s just watching

the video

you need to check yourself often all the


check yourself check your progress and

think what’s the next thing i need to do

because if you watch the same video

forever you don’t get new information

right so you need to always check and

think about

what the next thing is for you okay cool

uh some people are saying questions uh

someone says i don’t have a computer oh

well you can use your smartphone then in

the example if you like

um someone says alicia we need your

insta it’s in the description check the

description it’s there

uh the link is there uh hello everyone


bunch of people from myanmar and burma

watching hello on facebook

i don’t see questions if you have a

question send it to me live

i will try to answer for now a very tiny


a very short break and then we’ll go

back to part

two so um as i mentioned earlier this


at the bottom of the screen 30 off if

you would like to join

our website if you would like to study

with our materials video

audio lessons we have transcripts we

have a voice checking tool to help you

with your pronunciation we have all

kinds of cool tools flash cards smart

flash cards

so much stuff so you can check out all

the details from below the video if

you’re watching this

on youtube or above the video if you are

watching this

on facebook to check it out it is 30 off


and premium plus plans yeah okay

let’s go to part two if you missed it

today we are talking about

this right here how to study with our

youtube videos

so i just talked about the background

how to check yourself and again i made a


all about how to study alone how to

check yourself

again and again so do a search of our

youtube channel

maybe the facebook page too i’ve made a

lesson a search for how to study alone

i have some videos to help you with that


okay now let’s go to part two i’ll show

you the lesson boards again for today

we just talked about this how to check

yourself now

let’s look at some sample courses some


for your studies with our video series

so beginners super super beginners

maybe there are some super beginners

watching uh so

let’s begin with the

some video suggestions for

beginners and upper beginner so what do

i mean beginner

so for our channel for the videos i make

beginners when i think of a beginner for

our channel

i think maybe you studied english in

your native language

but you don’t have a lot of practice

in english so you studied a little bit

maybe when you were a kid or

when you were in uh in high school maybe


but maybe you don’t have practice uh


english in english so if you don’t if

you feel really really uncomfortable

you can start with this series again

search you can search

all of these on the english class 101


english in three minutes is the name of

this series

we made it many years ago but they are

short videos

here are some points they are slow slow


we cover basic phrases we have

culture points and some short lessons so

every lesson each lesson is about is


three minutes i think some maybe are

like five

but there are um i think 12

maybe i think there are 12 episodes of

that series this is a good place to


to learn some basic phrases and to


your speaking skills as well so there

are chances

to repeat after me in that series this

is a good starting point for

super super super beginners i recommend

this series

then upper beginner so for our channel

for our pages this is

for those of you who have some practice

in english maybe a little practice in

english maybe you have you’ve met like a

native english speaker friend

or you’ve watched some media and so on

so for you i recommend

a few points so i have a few categories

if you want to practice grammar


listening and so on here are some ideas

for grammar i know many of you ask

how do i use your whiteboard videos for

grammar basically

our whiteboard lessons maybe you see

them running

live all the time those are focused on

grammar points

i choose a grammar point or i choose


maybe prepositions i chew pretty slowly

and i repeat a lot and

you can practice making example


with patterns in lessons so by this i


especially in verb tense lessons

i usually introduce a pattern for the


or for the uh for the tense so you can

make your own practice sentences that’s

the idea

so again don’t only watch and listen but

make sure you

create as well here is a

very basic sample course if you have no

idea where to start with whiteboard

videos you don’t know what to study

here is an idea here’s a group of

lessons that you can work on

first sample course tenses

lessons tenses lessons so this means uh

past tense future sense present perfect


and so on there are tenses i’ve made

some tenses lessons

so you can review those

prepositions prepositions so many this


super popular at in on by

there are two good uh basic preposition


you can study prepositions of time and

prepositions of place

check those out then comparisons

making adjective comparisons countable

and uncountable nouns so you can search

for all of these videos

have to must and modal verbs

so all of these if you put these if you

search for these

items in the english class 101 youtube


you will get some whiteboard lessons to

practice with so

these i think this is this is a good

group of lessons to begin with

okay then vocabulary so this is

for if you want to practice uh your

grammar if you want to work on your


if you want to focus on vocabulary we

have a series called

top words top words what’s top words

maybe many of you have seen this

uh i choose 10 words or phrases in

each lesson and i talk about

the phrase in example sentences

sometimes they’re kind of

entertaining i think of them in the

moment sometimes

but we have sample sentences in each


so you can understand how to use that


and i hope that you can use the

vocabulary you learn in top words

together with the grammar from the

whiteboard lesson so you learn a new

word from top words

you create a sentence using the grammar

you pick up in the whiteboard lesson so

you can use these two

together yeah all right

and finally for listening

of course these are all video lessons so

you can practice your listening skills

with all of these

but we have

a few a few different levels of

listening videos for you to practice


so there’s a beginner listening series

that you can search for on the youtube


there are quizzes included in that to

check your

understanding uh so this is uh these are

a few recommendations for

upper beginners upper beginners okay

uh someone sent a question on youtube i

wanted to answer and natalia says alicia

i’m new here my problem is that i can


you but the problem is when i have to

talk i don’t know if what i’m saying is

correct or not and my words are false

friends yes for sure

two points there one many of you say why

can i understand you

but i can’t understand native speakers

that’s because

people like me and other teachers on

youtube and other

people making content we create our


for the purpose of helping learners to

understand so we choose vocabulary words

and grammar

to match the levels of our learners and

many many people are watching

so we communicate in a way that

is helpful for many people so that’s why

you can understand me

a lot of the time so if you want to

unders or if you want to practice


actual conversations i have tips for you

in part three

as for not knowing what’s correct that

comes with practice

unfortunately for all of us learning any

language we have to practice

in order to know what’s correct okay uh

facebook comments i’m coming to see you

facebook comments oh my gosh

facebook has lots of spam okay uh

facebook comments

just lots of people saying hello some

people are saying they want us uh thiru

says i want to study your accent

some of you have commented about using

how to sound like me one again remember

i’m trying to speak very clearly

so many people can understand that’s

point one uh

two that’s great if you want to use me

you can

shadow me so if you don’t know what

shadowing is

it’s repeating after something you hear

so you repeat very quickly and you try

to make it sound exactly the same this


challenging i recommend something i like

to do when i am

practicing uh this or if i’m practicing

like music or something

i record myself and then listen to it

later and then you hear

errors that it’s hard to hear otherwise

so that’s a good tip too

alrighty um okay i need to go to

the next point because time is running

out um

let’s take another quick break a very

quick just a reminder if you missed it


the team has a 30 off sale that you can

find from the link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube above the

video if you’re watching on

facebook uh you can get access to our


no matter what your level uh audio and

video lessons

so much good stuff so check it out there

for premium

and premium plus okay

let’s go last point here’s your

screenshot chance

if you want to take a screenshot of

today’s lesson boards but um

so we just did part one and part two

last let’s talk about part three some

intermediate points

and some tips and notes for your studies


also if you have not already please make

sure to like and share this video so

that other people can find today’s

lesson yeah

alrighty uh let’s continue part

three where are you part three part

three okay let’s talk about

part three now intermediate so

intermediate when i say intermediate i


you are okay with the basics in english

the basics are cool for you

so you want to move to the next level or

you know there’s some gaps but it’s kind

of hard to find them what should you do

here are a couple of ideas a couple ways

you can use

your youtube skills okay grammar and


if you want to work on your grammar and


we have a series called know your verbs

know your verbs

so in this series

i focus on one verb in each lesson that

might not sound like a lot but there’s a

lot to talk about

so when i made these i

uh i chose verbs specifically

that have many different meanings so

most of the time in these lessons it’s a

verb you probably already know

but uh the aim of this

is to share with you other ways to use

that verb

so in this i focus on one verb and

you learn other meanings idioms

uh and some phrasal verbs sometimes so i

don’t share

all of like the phrasal verbs in every


it’s impossible for some verbs but i try

to choose

some phrasal verbs and some idioms that

are very common

and that will help you in reading or in


uh in any in any aspect really

and you practice conjugation so i

created example sentences in this series

that use the verb in many different

grammatical forms

so you can review the basic grammar

structures of english

learn a new way to use a verb

and learn some idioms and phrasal verbs

too so

this one know your verbs is a really

really good one for that

for kind of more general knowledge or if

you have

lots of what’s the difference questions

like what’s the difference between house

and home

those sorts of questions those little

ones i recommend you check out

ask alicia so this is the weekly

question and answer series i always talk

about uh

on our on the live stream every every

every week in the live stream

so questions come from you actually

so viewers send me questions uh general


and i choose five usually i choose five

for each lesson

so we talk about small points grammar

points vocabulary points pronunciation

points and so on

and it’s a little more conversational

it’s just me

explaining things but it’s a little more


and the lesson is maybe 10 to 15 minutes


usually so you can listen to this once a

week and pick up a few points

there too for listening for conversation

if you want to work on your listening

skills we have a series called

english topics so in english topics it’s

me and another person

and we have one focused theme

so maybe it’s like food in the usa or


childhood game something like that we

have no script

just as just a just a conversation we

have a theme

but we have a conversation and we share

some key points

from our experiences so we’re talking


something that you maybe don’t know

about in terms of a culture point or


you haven’t thought about before but we

do it in a casual way

so this covers culture points okay

so these are a few uh points for

intermediate learners intermediate

to uh and of course i hope advanced

learners can find something

uh in here too especially in ask alicia


lastly last point for today tips

and notes again i cannot stress this

enough uh that expression i cannot

stress this enough

means uh this is very very important and

uh i want you to remember this review

review review

so don’t just watch one time don’t watch

just one time

so you need to continuously

refresh your mind on anything you learn

not just for language

so when you watch a video great you know

take some notes

review your notes watch the video again

a few days later

it cannot just be one time to remember

information it’s a lot of information so

you know make sure you give your brain

the opportunities

it needs to remember and to study

effectively so

review plan plan to review

second please please please this is a

this is a request from me

use the search function use the search


that means the search box the youtube

search box i get

so many messages and comments

from people requesting lessons i’ve

already made

sometimes many times how do you avoid

sending a message like that use the

search function so

if you want to know about prepositions

type prepositions

in the search box i’ve made many lessons

whiteboard and live stream about these

topics so please use the search function

you don’t have to wait for me the lesson

is there it’s ready for you

lastly google is your friend google is

your friend

so when you think to yourself i don’t

know if this example sentence is correct

try to google it see if native speakers

are using that

use quotation marks those little dashes

around it so that you can search for the


phrase so you can use that and of course

search on google for

some more like tips as well so if

there’s something that you need to know

use google search too so

those are my tips uh silva says it is

possible to use the playlists

yes there are playlists on the youtube

channel uh according to the series so

like top words playlists

or uh know your verbs playlists but just

please remember though too

it’s important to actively study i know

lots of you

like to turn on like english topics in

the background you’ll be cleaning

uh or maybe you’re studying or something

and you turn it on in the background

oh someone’s in the door but please make

sure to

actively listen actively listen so that

means don’t

just let it come into your ears make

sure you’re practicing

okay all right other questions

um i don’t see any other questions

so if you have any others just

send them to me on escalation okay i

have to finish

up for today’s lesson wow that was good

i hope that it was helpful for you i

hope that you found a way

uh to study uh with our videos

a little bit more effectively uh

yeah i’ll end there for today what is

the next thing i need to do i need to

tell you about next week’s lesson i’ll

be back next week of course

next week september 30th

the end of the month oh my gosh

september 30th

10 p.m eastern standard time that is

wednesday i am going to talk about

phone and video chat expressions

i know many of you are working from home

or studying from home these days or

using the phone a lot

so i wanted to cover some topics that i

hope will help you

um in using uh phone and video chats

more these day so we’re going to cover


uh and i think this will be a fun one

actually this will be good

uh so please join me again next week for

next week’s lesson

if you don’t remember the time set a

notification on youtube or facebook so

you can join in

all right i’ll say goodbye there that

was really fun okay

uh so thanks so much for your questions

thanks very much for joining me this


of course please make sure to check out

uh the sale from the link below the

video on youtube or above the video

on facebook that would be awesome thank

you for liking and sharing this video

too so other people

so lots of people could join us that’s

super cool enjoy the rest of your week


your weekend and i will see you again

