How To Talk About An Experience In English

How To Talk About An Experience In English

how to talk about an experience in

English let’s jump right in to six three

this is the formula you need to talk

about any first experience we are

speaking in English there are many first

experiences first time buying a car you

first day at work

your first time eating a pizza your

first trip abroad or your first family

vacation these are all first experiences

now the first part of our equation is -

and this involves telling when the

experience happened so your first

sentence will be giving the time period

or year the experience happened and your

second sentence will compare the time of

the experience with another time or

event now let’s see how this is done

exactly so the first one we have is our

first time buying a car we can say I

bought my first car about 20 years ago

so what happens this answers the time

period because I said 20 years ago the

second sentence I had just entered my

third year of college when I decided to

buy it second sentence comparing the

time so I compared the time to my third

year of college the next one when we’re

going to our first day of work we can

say I started working at my current job

about 15 years ago once again giving the

time 15 years ago

second sentence my first day of work was

exactly a month after I graduated from

university so now I am comparing the

time by saying it was exactly a month

after I graduated I’m giving some

context or a connection with another

period of time all right the next one my

first time eating pizza the first time I

ever had pizza was in 1995 so again

giving the time first sentence it was

right after I

moved to New York City with my family

comparing the time after I moved to New

York now one thing you’ll see right here

I said right after right after is an

expression we use to mean

e mediately following some action ok

immediately following an action so for

example I can say right after I got home

I ate dinner or I can say right after I

got home I watched my favorite TV show

it means II immediately okay let’s keep


alright the next one is traveling abroad

in 1998 I travel to Spain with my high

school friends so I gave the time or the

year 1998 the trip was about six weeks

before our graduation ceremony

now for the second sentence I’ve

compared the trip was about six weeks

before our graduation a I’ve given the

comparison for the next one family

vacation my first family vacation was to

Disney World when I was 5 years old I’ve

given the time I was 5 years old at that

time it was right before I started

kindergarten now I’ve compared by saying

right before I started kindergarten now

remember in the previous example we had

right after now we’re saying right

before which just means immediately

before something happens okay

immediately before something okay all

right so let’s keep going now the second

part of our equation is the number six

and we’re gonna use that part to explain

three details about what happened so for

the first sentence we’re going to tell

the first part of the experience for the

second sentence we’re going to give a

detail about the first part for the

third sentence we’re going to tell the

second part of the experience for the

fourth sentence we’re going to give

a detail about the second part for the

fifth sentence tell the third part of

the experience and number six we’re

going to give a detail about the third

part now let’s see this in action so for

the first one we’re talking about my

first car the first time I bought a car

so this is what it looks like in

preparing to buy my car the first thing

I did was go online to a popular car

website so now I have told the first

part so I said the first thing I did

what did I do

I went online to a popular car website

let’s keep going my goal was to compare

the prices and features of various cars

so I’ve answered the second one giving a

detail about my on-line experience what

did I do

I compared the prices and features ok

let’s keep going

then I found a Honda Accord Coupe that I

liked this was the second thing that I

did it was black and only had 20,000

miles on it the fourth thing giving a

detail so once again the third thing

what did I do

I found a Honda Accord and I gave

details about it only had 20,000 miles

so the car I found only had 20,000 miles

let’s keep going the fifth sentence

finally I went to the dealership near my

house to see the car in person number

five and number six I was very pleased

with the car when I saw it so I bought

it my sixth sentence so what happens I

went to see the car in person and I was

pleased with the car that is the detail

let’s keep going next first day at work

the first thing that happened was when I

walked through the door the CEO of the

company greeted me with a smile first

sentence the CEO of the company greeted

me with a smile now let’s go to the

detail he is a very tall and handsome

man so now I’m giving details about my

CEO so this is the detail

number three then the next major thing

that happened was we had a staff meeting

and I was assigned my first project so

we had a staff meeting and I was

assigned my first project that’s number

three let’s get the detail now it was my

first day but they still gave me a big

project to work on this is the fourth

sentence now the next sentence finally

the last big thing I remember happening

was right before going home in the

evening my coworker invited me to go out

to dinner with her and our other

co-workers all right so we’ve told the

third part what happened my coworker

invited me to go out to dinner okay now

we have to give the detail so the last

sentence is so we went to a restaurant

that was right around the corner from

our office so I gave details about where

we went to dinner this is my sixth

sentence let’s keep going to the next

example my first time eating pizza when

we arrived in New York the first thing

we did was look for a place to eat so

for the first sentence was the first

thing we did we looked for a place to

eat now for the detail second sentence

it had been a long trip so we all were

very hungry so why are we looking

because we were very hungry that’s the

detail next then my dad spotted a small

pizza shop on the corner of the street

we were on so what happened next

my dad spotted a small pizza shop now

let me explain this term very quickly

the term spotted let’s go this way right

here spotted just means to see suddenly

to see suddenly let’s take care of that

why really quickly M L to see suddenly

he was looking for something and

suddenly he spotted or he saw the small

pizza shop so that covers our third

sentence now the detail from the outside

it looked like a hole in the wall but


inside turn out to be quite nice that’s

our fourth sentence and what happened I

described it as a hole in the wall

now this is an expression it’s very

popular in the English language this

expression actually means a small or

dingy place okay a small dingy place

something that is not inviting that

doesn’t look good from the outside okay

hole in the wall now let’s keep going

finally we sat down and each ordered a

slice of pizza from the menu so the next

thing we did was we sat down and we

ordered a slice of pizza now let’s give

the detail

I ordered the veggie supreme pizza and

it was amazing so what’s the detail

I ordered the veggie supreme pizza and

it was amazing all right let’s keep

going next road trip or trip my first

trip abroad the first few days of our

trip were spent doing tours around the

city this is the first sentence what did

we do we did tours around the city now

we need details the tours took us around

the 15 major tourist spots in Spain so

the detail is we saw the 15 major

tourist spots in Spain okay the third

sentence then during the second part of

our trip our tour guide took us to the

best restaurant in the city so what

happened here we went to the best

restaurant in the city this is the third

sentence and the second thing that

happened now we need the detail the food

was even better than we had anticipated

so I’m talking about the food so I can

say the food was even better than we had


now this term right here anticipated

just means expected okay to expect

something so we expected it to be good

food but it was even more than we

expected okay so our fourth sentence is

taken care of next finally on the last

night of our trip we went to get dance

lessons so fifth sentence is taken care


and the third action is we had dance

lessons now a detail we learned some of

the most popular Spanish dances so at

our dance lessons we learned some of the

most popular Spanish dances and that

covers our sixth sentence and let’s look

at family vacation our first family

vacation all right the first thing we

did when we got there was go on the

rides so the first sentence we’ve taken

care of what did we do we went on the

rides now we need a detail the second

sentence my parents rode all of the

rides with us so what’s the detail

my parents rode all of the rides with us

all right so number two is taken care of

and number three then we decided to go

to the water rides so we went to the

water rise that’s the second thing that

happened we all spent hours going on the

slides and playing in the water so we’ve

taken care of since it’s number three

and now we have the detail by saying

that we went on the slides and played in

the water let’s keep going to sentence

number five finally we explored the

animal park so we have a sentence number

five what do we do we explored the

animal park now we need a detail it was

filled with exotic animals that we could

see up close now it had exotic animals

now the term exotic actually just means

to come from a foreign land

okay come from a foreign land or country

from a foreign land or country okay all

right so let’s keep going now the next

and last part of our equation is the

number three we’re going to talk about

how you felt when it happened so for the

first sentence we need to state our

specific feeling then we need to tell

three reasons for that feeling and the

third sentence is restate our feeling

using another word so let’s get started

again talking about our first car as

soon as I bought the car I felt excited

so what did I do

my feeling

expressed my feeling I felt excited now

I must give three reasons the next

instance says I was only twenty years

old I used my own money and I had found

a reliable car so I have given my three

reasons I was twenty years old I used my

own money and I also had found a

reliable car so the three reasons

checked and last I need to restate my

feeling so the last ndon says I was on

cloud nine for the rest of the day so my

feeling was I was on cloud nine now this

expression cloud nine is add-on so again

this expression on cloud nine actually

just means to be extremely happy okay to

be extremely happy in English we say on

cloud nine so I am on cloud nine or he

or she worth on cloud nine okay let’s

keep going now we have first day at work

now for this one we can say after all of

this happened I felt very comfortable

with my job so I stated my feeling again

I felt very comfortable with my job now

we need the three reasons I had met the

CEO been given a major project and spent

quality time with my coworkers so the

three reasons they are met the CEO given

a major project and spent quality time

with my coworkers okay and the last

sentence restate my feeling I was very

happy after my first day of work so I

was very happy we restated again all

right next one my first time having

pizza first engine says after finishing

my pizza I felt completely satisfied so

the feeling is completely satisfied now

we need the three reasons the pizza had

all the ingredients I loved

it was big and the flavor was perfect so

my three reasons are all the ingredients

I loved it was big and the flavor was

perfect so we’ve told the three reasons

and finally restate my feeling I was a

happy camper that day so a happy camper

so I’ve done a third sentence now a

happy camper

this expression actually just means

someone who is very happy very simple

right someone who is very happy in

English we can say a happy camper she is

a happy camper they are happy campers

okay let’s keep going the next one

my first trip abroad the first sentence

says my friends and I had a ball on our

first trip abroad okay so my feeling we

had a ball now this expression actually

means to have lots of fun okay to have

lots of fun had a ball I had a ball we

had a ball you had a ball now I’m gonna

write I write here because the purple

covered it up a little bit so you don’t

get confused okay let’s keep going

we had toured famous Spanish landmarks

eight amazing Spanish cuisine and even

learned new Spanish dances now pause

real quick cuisine just means special

food or it can just mean food but it’s a

nicer way of saying a good type of food

or a good dish okay cuisine alright so

the second thing is three reasons and

what are our three reasons we toured

famous landmarks eight amazing Spanish

cuisine and learned new Spanish dances

okay so this one is done and last

restate your feelings say it was an

unforgettable trip so it was an

unforgettable trip okay

that means something I will always

remember okay something I will always

remember it means that it is very

special to me I feel that it is special

so this one is taken care of and let’s

look at first family vacation so the

first sentence again state our feeling

even though I was five years old I still

remember how happy I was during our

first vacation so I was very happy I’ve

stated my feeling now the three reasons

we had spent the whole day riding rides

playing in the water and looking at

animals so my three reasons are we spent

the whole day riding rides playing in

the water and also looking at animals

these things made me happy now the final

thing restating my feeling I felt like I

was on top of the world that day so

right here we have on top of the world

now this expression is very similar to

being on cloud nine so it just means to

feel very good to have no worries and no

concerns I feel like I’m on top of the

world okay let’s keep going

two six three this is the equation you

need to talk about any first experience

in English if you would like to keep

studying with me teacher Tiffany go to

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online remember to look on the left side

of your screen and watch my next English

video lesson just for you until next

time keep studying English
