How To Trick Your Brain To Learn English Quickly

quick question have you ever wanted to

know how to increase your ability to

speak in English how to improve your

speaking ability how to speak with

confidence and not feel frustrated and

how to do it quickly oh yeah I know I’ve

got your attention you see today I’m

gonna teach you how to trick your brain

into learning English fast but I need

you to do something for me you see my

goal is to help 1 billion students just

like you around the world speak English

with confidence now I need your help

and all you have to do is like share

subscribe come on I said like share

subscribe last time I say like share

subscribe and I will appreciate it so

much I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump

right in alright so first we need to

understand the power of interval

training the benefits and purpose now

interval training it’s a training that

involves a series of very intense

workouts I tell you something really

quickly so my friend and I because

everyone is stuck at home and not able

to go out I can’t go to the gym she

can’t go to the gym she and I have been

working out together via zoom in the

morning and what happens is we do these

intense workouts for a short period of

time we actually do interval training

and it’s been amazing it’s even though

the time is short my body is responding

so quickly to the training so interval

training alternates short intense bursts

of activity with periods of recovery in

between the bodies to energy producing

systems are important the aerobic and

the anaerobic now the aerobic system

allows you to walk or run for long

distances so I want you to think of a

marathon people running for hours they

need a different type of energy and the

aerobic system provides the energy

necessary to run for a long period of

time now on the opposite

side we have the anaerobic system which

it allows you to do short bursts of

activity now when I was growing up I

told you before I was an athlete I loved

to run but I was a short distance runner

I love the quick bursts of energy so the

100-meter dash and I did the 200-meter

dash but it was a little bit longer than

I liked but again my body I used the

anaerobic system to actually run quickly

for a short period of time so this is

the idea behind interval training now

has a really good effect on the body but

how do we apply interval training to our

brain to help us trick it to learn

English better second this is what

happens we need to organize first we

need to organize our plan and our

specific goal basically figuring out

what we want now I have three images I’m

sorry six images three times two I have

six images on the screen right now and

these images are going to help us learn

how we can organize our specific goals

all right first figure out what you want

to accomplish what is your desire do you

want to improve your speaking fluency do

you want to learn more vocabulary do you

want to understand more improve your

comprehension figure out what your goal

is all right again this is helping us

understand how to use interval training

this will help you focus when things get

hard I’m gonna be very honest with you

when you’re learning a second or for

some of you third or fourth language it

can be a little bit tricky because your

brain is actually fighting against what

you’re doing you’re learning another

language when you already have one

language perfected in your brain your

mother language your mother tongue so

it’s gonna get hard sometimes but if you

have your goal always in mind you can

push through those difficult times

alright so you have your goal then

you’re gonna need to decide the number

of days for your training now my friend

and I we that we study we actually

exercise three times a week we do

interval training three times a week so

you’re going to figure out

how many days do you want to do this

training for your brain related to

English you can decide now how is this

going to help you it will help you

develop endurance as you train you see

what happens to me again I do interval

training three times a week Monday

Wednesday and Friday with my friend

there are some days that I don’t want to

wake up but I remember I go hey TIFF

Tuesday and Thursday you can relax you

can take a break but Monday Wednesday

and Friday

you promised your friend your goal is to

be consistent for these three days and

what happens is I’m able to endure and

to get up and keep pushing forward

alright so deciding the number of days

is very important then you need to

decide how long you want to study each

day remember I mentioned for my friend

and I our interval training we only

exercise for 30 minutes so even though

it’s early in the morning and there are

times we don’t want to exercise the fact

that we know hey this is only going to

last for 30 minutes it helps us to

actually focus and to actually push

through like I mentioned before so again

deciding how long is going to help you

how will it help it will help you

balance your work-life schedule so I

mentioned that it would help you focus

but it will also help you balance your

work-life schedule

here’s the deal you are busy you may be

in school you may have a family you may

have children you may have a job that

requires you to work long hours so if

you’ve set aside a specific amount of

time whether it be 15 minutes 20 minutes

30 minutes or even an hour each day to

study and to participate in your

interval training you don’t have to

stress during the other parts of your

day because you know you’ve accomplished

the goal for that day kind of makes it

alright so again you have your period of

time all right now what you’re gonna do

is decide how and what you are going to

study that’s right everyone has

different goals right you you may want

to again learn vocabulary someone else

may want to learn how to speak fluently

about their their life or something else

so you have

figure out again what you’re going to do

in order to achieve your goal now how is

this going to help you see it will help

you learn your study preferences so


some people like to read more some

people like to listen more some people

like to speak a lot like in a practice

group so again you need to learn which

activities actually benefit you the most

now this is a perfect segue into the

sponsor for today’s video

lingo de now I love lingo de because

they have a mission that is truly in

line with the mission I have I told you

all before that I want to help 1 billion

students well then go to wants to help

students just like you as well

then Goethe is sponsoring a language

sprint now this is so awesome

they want students like you to be able

to in a three-month period improve their

English that’s right

this is literally interval training so

for 3 months they want you to be able to

improve your English now here’s the

thing they’re going to give you 100% of

your money back if you participate every

day over the three-month period I mean

honestly it’s a deal that you can’t pass

up basically what’s happening is if you

attend class every day for the 3 month

period you get 100% of your money back

now you can study any time if you work

in the morning you can study at night if

you work at night you can study in the

morning there teachers are awesome and

let’s say for example you want to

improve your business English they got a

class for you too

so again Ling gonna thank you so much

for sponsoring this video guys over

30,000 students have participated in the

Sprint’s provided by Ling gota so you

are guaranteed to improve your English

and there are so many students before

you who have improved their English so

click the link in the description and

use the coupon code and remember if you

participate every day for a three-month

period you will get 100% of your money

back now I don’t want you to miss out

because there are limited spots so click

the link in the description use the

discount code and lingo de thank you

so much for sponsoring this video all

right so again we’re talking about

interval training and you can use lingo

does language sprint as your interval

training all right your activities now

after you’ve decided your activities

what you need to do is document that’s

right track your progress via notes

video or audio basically you can have a

notebook I’ve showed you on my note

before this is my notebook I have it all

the time so if I learn something new

today I can document hey today I studied

for 30 minutes and I learned dot dot I

learned this expression or this

vocabulary word you want to keep a log

or track your progress as you go through

this this period of enhancement

improving your English skills right so

as you’re doing the interval training

but you can also record yourself now

I’ll be very honest doing this recording

yourself some of my students have

started doing this recording themselves

speaking in English and I’ve seen their

English improved so much faster so I

would suggest you record a video clip

hey today I learned a new vocabulary

word and I also watched an English video

they both were very interesting cut you

just want to keep a documentation of

what you’re doing alright now how it

will help you you will feel encouraged

and see your improvement so many times

as a student you’re not able to see your

improvement and I talked about that in

last week’s video how sometimes you feel

like you’re not improving well if you’re

keeping a log or if you’re documenting

what’s going on as you study English

whether it be writing in your notebook

or recording a video clip or even

recording an audio clip later on you can

review and you will know your process

and your progress alright okay so again

document and next you need to rest

that’s right take time to review what

you learn now how can this help you it

will help you process and use what you

learned you see the interval training my

friend again three times a week she and

I exercise

but in the midst of our interval

training we have break times that’s why

we go hard whether we’re doing jumping

jacks or push-ups or other difficult

exercises that have a sweating a lot

there is a break time in between and

this is so important because it gives

our body a chance to prove relax for a

second now it’s not a long break but it

is a break and you need to do the same

thing for your brain all right so now

let’s get into see exactly how many

intervals so decide the number of

intervals how many times you will repeat

it here we go all right so I’ve decided

four intervals again I’m gonna show you

my plan as an example so let’s say I’m

an English student just like you and I

say oh man this plan is great using

interval training to actually trick my

brain into learning in this faster I’m

gonna do four intervals all right so

let’s look at my plan so here we go

first my goal to speak confidently about

my life in English you see how specific

I am not just to speak confidently but

to speak confidently about my life the

more specific you are the better all

right so that’s my goal next I could say

the number of days I can do it for six

days right again

I’m choosing the period of time for my

interval training I said okay six days

is good next number of hours or minutes

I said I can do this thirty minutes per

day then specific activity I said I want

to write a daily journal and read it out

loud now you’ll notice that I said I can

write it but I want to speak confidently

so I must read it out loud so write in

my journal and then I need to read what

I wrote and I’ll tell you something it’s

so interesting how the brain works I

remember when I was studying Korean you

know I could write a lot but then when I

went to read it it’s kind of like

sometimes you feel a bit nervous because

you can hear yourself and you can hear

if you make a mistake but actually

that’s going to help you because you

will recognize your mistakes and the

next time you will naturally try to

correct the mistakes that you heard the

previous time so it’s very important for

me to write and read it out

all right so after I do that what

happens I need to document so I’m gonna

record a 30 second video clip talking

about what I learned so for me again for

the activity I chose again I chose to

read it out loud then when I document I

chose to do a 30 second video clip


remember these are intense activities

short bursts of intense activities I

know you’re thinking teacher wow it’s

gonna be a little bit difficult that’s

the point short bursts of intense

activity and then you break burst break

first break all right so I’m gonna

document by recording a 30-second video

clip and then I’m going to rest you see

I’m gonna review what I learned over the

last six days and get ready to do it

again there’s this go go go

stop review the video clips I learned

that on day one review my notes ah okay

I talked about my day I did learn that

new expression and then I’m gonna do it

all over again remember I chose four

intervals right so this is what my plan

looks like my interval training would be

seven days because remember six study

days and one review day times four

intervals so mine is going to last for

28 days that kind of makes sense

you see I’m for 28 days I’m saying hey I

need to speak confidently in English

about my life so for 28 days I’m gonna

go hard intense intense intense with

rest periods in between and you can do

the same thing so what we’ve done right

here again we have a plan we know the

number of intervals and now you need to

take action and that comes in part two

you see I have worksheets now because

you you study this lesson I’m sure you

enjoyed and you learned a lot but you

may need a worksheet that you can

actually use to write down so again for

those that are in my Academy if you’re a

member you can click the link right in

the description and watch part two and

down the worksheet down download the

worksheet that goes along with the

lesson and start filling it out for you

specific interval training again if

you’re not a member click the link and

you can join today and you can watch

part 2 once again I want to thank Ling

Goethe for sponsoring this video

remember I want you guys to participate

in the language sprint don’t miss out

don’t miss the date you need to sign up

right now and remember if you

participate if you go in these intense

bursts and you participate for the three

months you can get 100% of your money


thanks again Ling Gotha guys thank you

so much for joining I will see you next

week but as always remember to speak

English you know what time it is it’s

story time

hey I said it’s story time alright so

actually for today’s story time I’m

gonna do a little bit of singing for you

you see when I was growing up singing

was a really big part of my life just to

tell you a little bit so when I was in

elementary school I went to a Christian

elementary school and every morning

that’s right every morning before class

we would sing for about thirty minutes

our class loved music and so did our

teachers so we would be in our classroom

in the morning singing for 30 minutes

before we started our lessons so I have

so many good memories of starting my

days off feeling happy feeling good and

then the songs that we would sing we

also would sing them at church so I’m a

Seventh day Adventist and I went to

church on Saturdays and we would have a

Y s Adventist Youth Society so it was a

program in the afternoon for young

people and we’d sing some of the same

songs on Saturday afternoons that we

would sing in class during the week in

the morning so I have so many songs that

I remember from my childhood so I want

to sing you one of my favorite songs um

and have so many so one of my favorite

songs even to this day is sign me up so

I’m gonna sing a little bit of sign me


here we go

sign me up for the Christian Jubilee

just write my name write my name on the

roll I’ll be changed I’ve been changed

since the Lord have lifted me I want to

be got to be ready when Jesus comes now

we would sing that over and over and

continue but man I mean you if you could

have seen us we were like 10 years old

11 years old so happy to sing in the

morning we would rush to class every

morning asking our parents to get us to

school on time because singing those

songs just made us so happy and start it

off our days really really good so I

hope you enjoyed the song I gave you a

little bit of a song for today but let

me know something from your childhood

maybe you also enjoyed singing songs or

what did you do as a child that really

made you happy I hope you guys enjoyed

and I will talk to you next week