How to use Active and Passive Voice in English


I’m Vanessa from

Do you know how to use passive and active

Let’s talk about it.

When I was in school my English teachers always
said, don’t use passive sentences.

That’s not the best way to express something.

But, do you know what?

That’s not a reality.

There are specific times and places when you
should use passive sentences.

Today, I’m going to describe what active sentences
are, when to use them, and what passive sentences

are, and when to use them, because you want
to make sure you’re using them in the right

context, at the right time.

Before we get started, I want to give you
a little test.

I have two sentences, and I want you to guess
which one is active, and which one is passive.

Of course, we haven’t talked about this yet,
so you’re just using your gut, your instinct

to tell you which one is active and which
one is passive.

The first sentence is, the dishes weren’t
done yesterday.

The second sentence is, I didn’t do the dishes

Which one is active and which one is passive?

Let’s talk about the answer to that question
at the end of this lesson.

I’ll ask you it again, and I hope that you’ll
feel more confident in your answer.

First, let’s talk about active sentences.

What I the world are they?

They key to an active sentence is that the
subject is the one who’s doing the action

of the verb.

That’s why they’re called active sentences.

There’s an action that’s happening and the
subject is doing it.

A quick example is that stereotypical time
when maybe you were younger and you came home

from school and your mom asked you, what’d
you do today?

Maybe you said, not much.

Maybe you said, nothing.

But let’s imagine that you give some kind
of answer.

You might say, well, we studied math.

I took a test.

The teacher read us a book.

The principal yelled at me because I got in

These are all active sentences.

The subject is doing the action.

The subject is directly linked to the action.

The best time to use active sentences is when
you’re telling a story.

It’s engaging, or linking the subject to the
verb, so it’s feeling more active.

You’re following the story.

There’s more action verbs.

This is a great way to tell a story, to write

If you want to be indirect, this is not the
voice for you.

You should you use passive voice, which we’ll
talk about in a moment.

But this is a great way to be direct and to
tell an interesting story.

What’s passive voice?

Well, the key to passive voice is that the
subject is not doing the action of the verb.

The person who’s doing the action is not the

Let’s imagine that every day when you get
home from work, dinner is made.

Dinner is finished.

Do you know who made dinner?


It’s a mystery.

But in this sentence the subject is dinner.

Dinner is made.

That’s great.

I would love to come home and dinner would
be already made, and on the table.

That would amazing.

This isn’t really the reality in my life,
but maybe it is for you.

You get home from work, and dinner is made.

Dinner is on the table.

Dinner is waiting to be eaten by you.

Who is doing the action here?

We don’t know.

It’s not in the sentence, so you might say,
dinner is made by my wife.

Dinner is made by my husband.

Dinner is made by my mom.

Dinner is made.

Dinner is not making itself.

Someone is doing it, but that person is not
the subject of the sentence, and so, voila,

we have a passive sentence.

There are three times that you are going to
use the passive voice.

The first one is when you don’t know who did
the action.

Let’s imagine that you’re car is stolen.

This is a perfect passive voice sentence.

We don’t know who did it.

You could say, the thief stole my car.

This is active voice.

But you can really easily use a passive voice
sentence here, and say, my car was stolen.

Car is the subject, but car is not doing the

The car didn’t steal itself, so here we’re
using the passive voice, because we don’t

know who did the action.

The second time that you’re going to use the
passive voice is when you just don’t care

who did the action.

Maybe it’s not important or relevant to your

You might say, my car was made in 2010.

I didn’t say, Mazda made my car in 2010.


I just said, my car was made.

My car didn’t make itself, but I’m not stating
who did the action, because it’s just not

relevant, or it’s not important, or maybe
I don’t care to share that information with


I know who did it.

It’s not the first reason.

I do know who made my car, but I just don’t
care to share it with you.

My car was made in 2010.

The third time that you’re going to use the
passive voice is one of the most useful, and

this is when you don’t want to blame someone
for doing an action.

Let’s imagine that you have an agreement with
your husband, like I do.

In our house, Dan does the dishes and I help
to do a lot of tasks for our baby.

If he doesn’t do the dishes, I might say,
you didn’t do the dishes.

This is an active sentence.

It’s direct, and it’s clear.

But if I want to be a little bit more polite,
a little bit more indirect, I might say, oh,

I saw that the dishes weren’t done yesterday.

The dishes weren’t done.

I’m not saying, you didn’t do the dishes.

We’re not stating that the subject here, the
active sentence, you didn’t do the dishes.

Instead, it’s passive.

It’s a little bit more indirect, and depending
on the situation, this could be a good idea,

or a bad idea.

Personally for me with my husband, we would
rather be more direct with each other, especially

in these kinds of situations.

We don’t want to be passive aggressive.

But in certain situations, especially at work,
this is really a great idea.

When you want to be indirect, you don’t want
to blame someone, so you’re going to be more


Let’s take a look at a quick work situation
where you’re going to hear two people talking

about a task that wasn’t done, and they’re
trying to figure out who should do it, but

they’re trying to be polite and not blame

You’re going to hear the active voice used,
and the passive voice used.

I recommend looking at the screen and trying
to follow along, so that you can make these

sentences yourself.

Hi, Daniel, do you have a moment?

Sure, what’s on your mind?

Well, when I came into work today, I noticed
the boxes didn’t get put away last night.

Uh huh, I see.

And so this morning, someone had to put them

You’re saying that you had to put the boxes

Yes, that’s it, and when things don’t get
put away, someone needs to spend extra time

cleaning in the morning.

Ah, yes, yes.

Well, I certainly don’t want boxes being left
out, and employees wasting time.

That’s why I wanted to bring it to your attention

What should we do?

Well, whose job is it to put everything away
at night?

The problem is that this task isn’t assigned
to anyone yet.

You seem like a responsible person.

Why aren’t you in charge of boxes at night?

Oh, I guess I could do it.


Then the problem is solved.

I hope you enjoyed that quick conversation
and before we go today, let’s return to the

test sentences that we talked about at the
beginning of this lesson.

The first sentence was, the dishes weren’t
done yesterday.

The second sentence was, I didn’t do the dishes

Which one is passive and which one is active?

I hope that now that we’ve talked about this
a bit, you feel a little bit more comfortable

choosing one or the other.

The subject, the action, who is doing the

Who is the one that is doing the dishes, or
not doing the dishes?

It’s me.

I didn’t do the dishes.

I’m the one who’s doing the action, so the
second sentence is going to be our active


The first sentence is going to be passive.

The dishes aren’t doing themselves.

That would be amazing, actually.

We don’t have a dishwasher, so I’m the dishwasher,
or in this situation, actually Dan’s the dishwasher


But we are using the active voice to say,
I didn’t do the dishes.

Or, the passive voice, the dishes weren’t

Now, I have a challenge for you.

Can you make an active sentence and a passive
sentence and write them in the comments?

Maybe you can let me know about some chores
in your house, and who did them, who didn’t

do them, or maybe you can make it passive
and you don’t have to tell me.

Just tell me that the sweeping wasn’t done
yesterday, or the vacuuming wasn’t done yesterday.

You can make it indirect, or passive if you

I hope that you enjoyed this lesson, and learned
a lot.

I know the active and passive voice are really
valuable for improving your English and making

your sentence structure more complex.

Thanks so much for learning with me, and I’ll
see you the next time.


The next step is to download my free ebook,
Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English


You’ll learn what you need to do to speak
confidently and fluently.

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Thanks so much.
