How to Use English Phrasal Verbs Letter C
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today we are
going to learn the twelfth secret to
speaking English how to use three
English phrasal verbs that start with
the letter C this secret will improve
your ability to speak logically and
fluently in English are you ready
well then let’s jump right in now you’ll
remember that a phrasal verb is
basically a combination of a verb plus a
preposition or an adverb
there are many phrasal verbs in English
and today we will take a look at three
of them that start with the letter C
number one call off number two call up
and number three chew on let’s take a
look at the first one call off the
meaning of this phrasal verb is to
cancel once again to cancel now let’s
look at five examples of how to use this
phrasal verb number one they are calling
the basketball game off because of the
snow they are calling the basketball
game off because of the snow number two
she decided to call off the wedding
she decided to call off the wedding
number three mark is ill so we will have
to call off the party mark is ill so we
will have to call off the party number
four the police called off their search
for the burglar after they found him
hiding in the store the police called
off their search for the burglar after
they found him hiding in a store and
number five the big game has been called
off the big game has been called off
moving on our second phrasal verb is
call up the meaning of this phrasal verb
- telephone someone once again -
telephone someone now let’s look at five
examples of how to use this phrasal verb
number one I called him up as soon as I
heard the news I called him up as soon
as I heard the news
number two please call up the manager
please call up the manager number three
I will call them up and see what they
want to do I will call them up and see
what they want to do number four
I’ll call you up tomorrow I’ll call you
up tomorrow and number five
she called him up after class yesterday
she called him up after class yesterday
and finally our third phrasal verb is
chew on the meaning of this phrasal verb
is to think about something carefully
before deciding once again to think
about something carefully before
deciding now let’s look at five examples
of how to use this phrasal verb number
one I’ll chew on it for a day or two and
then contact you I’ll chew on it for a
day or two and then contact you number
two I chewed on the question for a full
hour before responding I chewed on the
question for a full hour before
responding number three can I chew on it
for a little while can I chew on it for
a little while number four can I give
you something to chew on can I give you
something to chew on
and number five I had to chew on what he
said for a little while
I had to chew on what he said for a
little while
alright amazing today you learned the
12th secret
- speaking English how to use three
phrasal verbs that start with the letter
C you learned number one call off which
means that’s right to cancel number to
call up which means you got it -
telephone someone and number three chew
on which means that’s right to think
about something carefully before
deciding in the next lesson we will go
over the thirteenth secret - speaking
English now try to use these phrasal
verbs at least one time today you can do
it you can speak English
I hope this video helped to give you
more confidence in your English ability
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this has been speak English for the
teacher Tiffany have an amazing day have
a wonderful day and until next time
remember to speak English
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