How To Use INSTEAD OF Advanced English Expression Lesson
hello hello welcome to today’s live
YouTube lesson here on the speak English
with Vanessa YouTube channel if you’d
like to join me live for these lessons
we have live lessons every Tuesday at 9
a.m. Eastern Time that’s New York time
Tuesday 9 a.m. which is what time it is
right now as I’m talking live so thank
you everyone for participating joining
me the purpose of live lessons is to
give you some feedback it’s great to
watch YouTube videos I have over 200
videos you can watch but these live
lessons are great because we can
interact together and you can get some
feedback so if you can’t join live feel
free to watch the replay I will be
reading some some people’s comments
those of you who are here live I’ll be
reading your comments and trying to give
you some ideas about how to make your
sentences as natural as possible
welcome Douglas Kyle welcome it’s wrong
thanks for joining me Cooper from Turkey
I am from Indonesia you guys are awesome
Jacqueline Gabriela Jefferson hello
hello today we have a requested topic
one of the the members from The Fearless
fluency Club requested to talk about the
expression instead of and really we use
this all the time so I want to help you
use this in the way that we use it the
most often so you’re going to have a
chance to write sentences repeat it I’ll
give you some variations so that you can
say it how you feel best and if this
lesson is useful to you and you want to
continue learning English with me feel
free to download my free ebook which is
linked in the description
shouldn’t below this video 5 steps to
becoming a confident English speaker I
want to help you become confident
fluency will come only after confidence
so let’s practice confidence using
instead of today instead of let’s start
with a basic question I want to know
what is something you don’t like doing
what is something that you would rather
do almost anything else what is
something you don’t like doing and I
will use one of these examples as we
practice instead of all right here on my
trusty clipboard what is something that
you’re not really not really a big fan
of something that you don’t like all
right Julian says I don’t like doing
exercises okay I think a lot of people
probably feel similarly especially at
the beginning of the year
kiyo says going to the dentist I don’t
like going to the dentist
oh yeah for me I don’t I don’t like I
always talk about the dishes but I’m not
a big fan of doing the dishes it’s okay
but it’s not my favorite activity I
would rather do a lot of other things
Oscar says I don’t like studying math Oh
Shawn says I don’t like taking an
examination okay hmm I don’t like doing
the dishes I don’t like studying Oh lots
of things I don’t like winter I don’t
like waking up early I’m not a big fan
of cleaning the house I don’t like to do
housework oh I see
so we’ve got a lot of things that people
don’t like doing let’s keep these in
mind let’s start with let’s start with a
simple word how about uh juyeon agrees
with me cleaning cleaning is something
that maybe you would rather
Jahnavi you’d rather spend time with
friends you’d rather do a lot of things
instead of instead of cleaning
so let me write our first Senate
structure here and I want to hear your
opinions all right let’s say instead
because we don’t like cleaning instead
of cleaning you can put anything here
instead of studying math instead of
waking up early instead of cleaning
I rather ah speak English great so let
me give you a little hint here we’ve got
this word is wood what alright so here
we have our first sample sentence with
instead of instead of something instead
of cleaning I’d rather speak English
instead of waking up early I’d rather
sleep so for you I want to know instead
of cleaning or you could change this if
you want instead of cleaning what would
you like to do what would you like to do
instead so we could also say instead of
cleaning I’d like to I’d like to speak
great great we’ve got a choice here oh
this is going to get a little
complicated I should have given some
more space I’d like to speak English so
you’ve got pretty much endless choices
these are just two choices Carlo says
instead of washing the dishes I’d rather
play the piano excellent Oh Sean says
instead of just watching video
lectures I’d rather attend the lectures
by myself and that’s kind of what I was
mentioning about these live lessons
instead of just watching the videos
you’d rather participate enjoying live
great Truong says instead of doing
housework I’d rather sleep oh oh I says
instead of learning French I’d rather
study English okay Douglas as instead of
watching TV I’d rather watch vanessa’s
videos from the fearless fluency Club
wow that’s a high compliment so I want
to give you a quick little tip about the
verb tenses the tenses that we’re using
so we need to use I ng here and then
here do you notice there’s no ing we
have just the regular verb so we need to
make sure for instead of like Julio says
instead of learning math learning
beautiful instead of learning math uh he
says oh I missed your comment instead of
learning math let’s say something
instead of learning math I’d like to
learn English great the first one has an
ing the second one doesn’t Oh Mohammed
says instead of studying English grammar
I’d rather listen to English beautiful
Rania says instead of cooking dinner I’d
like to read a story okay let’s take
this and twist it around a little bit
move it around a little bit
can we slip the two parts of this
sentence so the first part is instead of
cleaning and the second part is I’d
rather speak English let’s just put this
second part first
all right great I’d rather
study English over running out of space
I’d rather study English instead of
cleaning so we have the same the same
but we’ve just switched it no problem
this is excellent native speakers use
both of these all the time so if I
suggested to you
oh um Sean would you like to clean the
house this afternoon he could say to me
oh I’d rather do anything instead of
cleaning the house I’d rather go to the
dentist instead of cleaning the house
notice that we have the same verb tenses
here we have ing here we have ing and
then here we don’t just study so we
could flip this sentence as well
Chon says I’d rather dance instead of
sleeping oh you’ve got lots of energy
Julian says I’d rather watch movies
instead of reading books I’d rather
watch movies instead of reading books so
I hope with all of these examples you
can kind of get an idea of when we use
instead of instead of is gonna be
closest to the thing that you don’t like
to do the thing like cleaning or waking
up early all great jean-jacques says I’d
rather make my own croissants instead of
buying them and I’d rather eat your
homemade croissants then almost anything
else probably I bet they’re amazing so
for you this is something that you would
rather do and like I said we could
change this part instead of cleaning I’d
like to
speak English if we are speaking let’s
take this up to the next level if you’re
speaking to someone these are good for
speaking or writing but if you’re only
speaking maybe I give a suggestion like
a cherry says I’d rather walk instead of
running so if I said to cherry oh let’s
let’s run this afternoon I want to get
some exercise let’s run cherry could say
give me a giving me a suggestion uh
instead of running how about this is
gonna be a question how about we walk
instead of running how about we walk
this is a suggestion kind of question
instead of running how about we walk
really polite but we don’t use this when
we’re writing because usually we’re not
maybe if you’re writing a text message
to someone directly but if you’re
writing an email or a paper this is more
conversational so I recommend that you
use this when you’re talking directly to
someone so let’s underline again those
lovely verbs here running and walk look
we have a question about this comma this
comma here I added a comma and yes we
need to add this comma if you’re writing
especially writing a formal paper make
sure you add that if you’re speaking
don’t worry about it
but I want to see if you can come up
with some ideas for using how about how
let’s have it a suggestion Oh
going to the dentist it’s something that
not many people like in fact Dan my
husband went to the dentist yesterday
and he was not looking forward to it so
for him he might try to suggest instead
of going to the dentist how about I
brush my teeth ten times a day he’s
trying to avoid going to the dentist Oh
lovely ideas on Jack instead of going to
Rome how about we visit Vanessa
well my city’s not quite Rome but it
would be amazing if you visit it instead
of going to Rome how about we visit
Vanessa lovely oh let’s eat something
sweet Maggie says instead of cleaning
how about we cook something sweet oh yes
maybe like some some bread or some
pastries lovely Lucas hello Lucas says
instead of studying English out how
about we have classes with Vanessa then
you can sit in your house sit on your
bed you can play with your animals while
you’re studying beautiful beautiful
ideas Constantine has a healthy idea
instead of sitting home all day and
eating chocolate oh it sounds fun though
how about we work out probably should
instead of sitting home all day and
eating chocolate how about we work out
oh it would be nice yes how Sean says
instead of providing only online courses
how about you set up your own English
school Vanessa Wow
wouldn’t that be exciting and you could
travel from everywhere and come visit
Vanessa’s English school hmm where
should I have it hmm maybe close to you
since you suggested it
Oh instead Roberto says instead of going
to the doctor how about we eat healthy
food yes
prevention prevention is important I
think there’s a kind of a proverb or
idiom maybe more like a proverb that we
use about this idea preventing sickness
we say an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure so for example yesterday
Dan had to go to the dentist and get a
cavity filled between his teeth I’m sure
it was not fun for him but if he had not
eaten so much chocolate maybe if he had
brushed his teeth more he could have
prevented so instead of going to the
dentist he could have brushed his teeth
more I’m not sure exactly I’m not a
dentist but instead of that problem he
could have tried to fix it and it would
have saved him a lot of trouble Angela
says instead of having a bad time with
English how about we learn with Vanessa
let’s do it you’re here now success so I
hope that this expression today is is
useful to you and is something that you
hear a lot native speakers use this all
the time I’m sure that in your native
language you use instead of all the time
because we want to give other options
instead of this how about this instead
of this I’d rather do this so you want
to always offer other suggestions that’s
part of conversation part of
communication so let’s try to use this
as much as possible and before we go
let’s say one sentence together a
beautiful sentence I want to give you a
chance to use your pronunciation muscles
and speak out loud so if you’re
somewhere quiet somewhere private
you have no excuse speak out loud with
me if you’re on the bus or somewhere
more public at work maybe you can say it
quietly it’s okay and then later shout
it loud so let’s try to say a sentence
using instead of together let’s start
with one of these first one so let’s
just say one of the first sentences like
this ah how about instead of sleeping
I’d rather study English yes instead of
sleeping I’d rather study English
there’s so many interesting materials
online in the world instead of sleeping
I’d rather study English instead of
sleeping I’d rather study English use
your pronunciation muscles and say it
out loud instead of sleeping I’d rather
study English Hiroyuki you got it yes
instead of sleeping I’d rather study
English maybe this means that you wake
up a little bit early so that you can
download a podcast and listen to it
while you’re on the way to work or maybe
this means that instead of going to bed
at 10 o’clock or 11 o’clock you can’t
wait to finish watching that English
movie it’s so interesting so you stay
awake until midnight instead of sleeping
I’d rather study English there’s a world
of possibilities out there excellent
Gyan Gyan says instead of sleeping I’d
rather study English great well I hope
for you you can sleep and study English
but thank you so much for joining me
it’s been great to help you use this
commonly used expression instead of
instead of with a lot of examples so
make sure that you watch this
lesson again if you have any questions
about how to use instead of make sure
you follow some of these verb rules and
ideas you can use the variations and the
next time you speak English use this and
also listen for it when other people are
speaking I’m sure now that we’ve talked
about it repeated it a lot together
you’ll be more aware when you hear this
in podcasts and YouTube videos TV shows
you’ll hear this expression more often
and you’ll be able to understand the
Senate structure more easily that’s the
goal at least well if this lesson was
useful for you instead of closing your
computer you can download my free ebook
5 steps to becoming a confident English
speaker I would love to continue to help
you learn English instead of I’m trying
to think of a lot of instead of
sentences here instead of just watching
live lessons use what you’re learning
learn how to use it to become confident
how to use it to improve your speaking
the link for the free ebook is in the
description below this video and at the
end of this lesson it will be on the
screen here so thank you everyone for
joining me I’d love to help you continue
to learn English instead of just being
your youtube teacher I’d love to help
you with email lessons and face book
lessons and video lessons as much as
possible it’s my goal so thank you
everyone have a beautiful day I’ll see
you again next Tuesday at 9 a.m. Eastern
Time see you later bye