How to use WOULD Live Lesson

welcome to the Facebook live support

sample video from the course The

Fearless fluency Club in this video

you’ll see a recording of the live video

that I did on the speak English with

Vanessa Facebook page when you join the

full course for The Fearless fluency

Club you will get live support like this

each week to help you understand and

keep up with the full course enjoy this

video and learn a lot hello hello

welcome to today’s Thursday live

Facebook lesson here on the speak

English with Vanessa Facebook page I’m

so glad that you’re here you’re taking

time to improve your English

congratulations today we’ve got an

important topic a word that a lot of

English learners asking you about and

also have difficulty with we’re going to

talk about how to use wood wood today w

o u LD we’re going to talk about how to

use this at the end of this lesson you

are gonna feel confident using wood so

I’m happy to help you with this it’s my

pleasure if you are new here welcome I’m

Vanessa and I teach English on the

website speak English with Vanessa comm

I recommend that you first download the

live or the live why did I say live the

free is a free lesson set for the

fearless fluency Club you can find that

link up here in the description of the

post speak English with Vanessa comm

slash fluency in this free lesson set

you are going to get a conversation

lesson a grammar lesson pronunciation

vocabulary analyst a guide this is going

to be full of useful information for you

and today we’re going to be talking

about part of the grammar lesson this

week we’re focusing on the grammar part

of that free lesson set so let’s

started and I want to welcome those of

you who here with me welcome

Lucas excellent I’m glad you’re here

Tanaka - Ella P welcome

Utica hey how’s it going good

I watch live like you were first today I

know I say your name a lot and I want to

make sure I’m pronouncing it correctly

wash a slob oh I think I don’t say this

love part wash is love let me know if

I’m saying exactly I hope so hi Daniela

welcome welcome

Louise excellent from Brazil oh I’m glad

you’re here today I have a question for

you as we get started today I want to

know what is something that you loved to

do when you were a kid what is something

that you love to do when you were a kid

for me I loved to go outside and just

dig dig in the dirt no reason just dig

this was something that made me really

happy what is something that you loved

to do when you were a kid maybe you

loved to ride your bike or play with

your friends or something else so I want

to know what is something that you loved

to do when you were a kid

Delfy and I’m glad you’re here ah-ha no

guess I’d eat oh we shall check

bicycling so even when you were a kid

you enjoyed riding your bikes I know now

you you still ride your bike you are a

kid at heart

excellent we’ve got great great comments

here lots of people I’m so glad that

you’re here so tell me what is something

that you loved to do when you were a kid

Claudia says play soccer okay excellent

ludis I love to play football with my

friends Oh Davi David you loved working

ah tell me what kind of work did you

enjoy doing when

kid oh well my blood this is your first

time here can you tell me how I should

pronounce your name let me know how I

should pronounce it

Oh Sara says I love to paint on the wall

of your house oh I bet your parents

loved that oh look at this I used to

play video games Oh eat candy Monta

Cesar from Costa Rica welcome you says

Halloween and is running

Joey’s as a biking King born kings you

took on great great seems like we have a

lot of activities that are fun kids like

to do fun things

sooo so yeah Lee done I hope I

pronounced that correctly suis le to

welcome for the first time o

Timo since I love playing computer games

oh and shall Jack like making pastries

with his mom great well I want to help

you talk about these activities with

today’s words so today’s word is wood

wood and there are three different ways

we can use wood I’m going to talk about

the second way so the first way is just

a polite question would you help me the

second way today is talking about things

that we did in the past we did a lot in

the past and the final way the fourth

way the third way the third way is

talking about some hypothetical

situations if I were a boy I would be

very different but we’re not going to

talk about the first way or the last way

we’re going to focus on the second way

today so I’m going to write here on my

handy clipboard a sample sentence a

sample says it so that you can you can

also write yo

so we could say uh when and I was a kid

this is the beginning of the sentence

when I was a kid or you could say when I

was younger when I was little when I was

a child usually the word child is uh we

I use it quite as much usually we use

kid more but both those are fine

obviously when I was a kid I wouldn’t

for me my example was I would dig in the

dirt every day so the key the key in

this sentence is this is something that

I did a lot it’s not something that I

did once it’s something that I did

continuously so when I was a kid I would

dig in the dirt every day so you guys

just told me some things and activities

that you loved doing when you were a kid

so I imagine that you probably did those

more than once so I want you to be able

to use this sentence structure so let’s

let’s use wood and then here let’s add

another verb so can you tell me the same

thing that you just told me so for

example let me take a look at one of

them you took I said I like to play

board games I like to play board games

when I was when I was little so for you

tuck i sentence he could say when I was

a kid I would play board games on the

weekends or I would play board games

after school I would play board games

with my family so talking about a

continual activity with the word wood

wood so I would like to give you a

chance to use this and I’m sure after

you see everyone’s lovely sentences

you’re gonna use this continuously aha

Delphine says when I was a kid I would

read comic books every day this is a

beautiful sentence I hope that we can

all look at her sentence and imitate

this when I was a kid I would read comic

books every day Oh fun

Jonnie says when I was a kid I would eat

every day I hope now to

oh you took a great thanks for

clarifying he says when I was a kid I

would play board games with my brother

excellent if you would like to use the

word the let’s just make it singular I

would play the board game with my

brother but because there’s so many

probably board games that sounds like a

fun family activity oh watch a Slav says

when I was a kid I would play

transformers yes these are the kind of

robots that can change shapes sounds

like fun who would you play transformers

with when you were a kid I want to let

you know as well it’s possible it’s

possible to also say and native speakers

will mix these a lot it’s possible to

say I dug in the dirt

so this is this is just the past Doug

Doug is the past a big update so if I

said I would dig in the dirt every day

or I dug in the dirt both of these are

perfectly fine and you’re gonna hear

native speakers mix these all the time

and use them even while they’re telling

the same story so if you if you use just

this simple past kind of verb it’s okay

but when talking about especially

continual long-term activities we love

to use wood so you could use either of

them but I want you to feel comfortable

with this because I feel like a lot of

English learners free maybe for you when

you hear native speakers use wood it

kind of feels like a mystery why are

they using it how can I use that too so

I want you to see that you can use it in

this situation it’s not just simple pest

you can use wood here as well all right

we’ve got lots of sentences I don’t want

to miss them I’m gonna go back really

quick and read some of them aha a Lhasa

is when I was in university I would meet

my friends every day excellent excellent

I would meet my friends every day so I’d

says when I was a child when I was a

child I would play soccer with my

friends great where did you play soccer

did you go to a park can did your school

have a soccer field I think that’s a

really common activity for a lot of kids

around the world playing soccer with

their friends Oh

Malak says when I was a child I would

play playstation haha

every day I guessed Oh excellent the

answer is when I was a kid I would play

a traditional game because we had no

gadgets then yes I think this is really

true for a lot of us maybe when we

became for me when I was in high school

middle school high school there started

to be more or Playstation but when I was


in elementary school there was

definitely not an option like that so

yes we had to play traditional games go

outside or play with our family hi i’m

gerry oginski

I would like to play with my toys every

weekend great great uh when I was young

I would always have picnics on the beach

excellent tell me where where do you

live what kind of a area do you live it

I gets close to the beach Tina says when

I was a kid I would take a bath in the

rape everyday oh I think kids dream

about playing in the rain here in my

city it’s been raining a lot and I’ve

seen some kids walking down the street

jumping in puddles and just playing in

the rain and their parents have an

umbrella they don’t want to play or get

out and get wet but kids love that kind

of thing

oh I get it in welcome I’m glad you’re

here oh oh yes in my childhood I used to

read books great so maybe we could say I

would read books all the time

I would read books with my mom I would

read books in bed before I went to sleep

that’s what I do yes is when I was a kid

I would go to restaurant every weekend

with my dad wait is this a specific

restaurant usually if we use the word

though it’s a specific one when I was a

kid I would go to a restaurant maybe

just a general restaurant with your dad

that’s a great just connection time you

can get to know each other

uh-huh he says when I was a teenager I

would study more than now yeah oh I

think that’s true something about school

there’s pressure there’s lots of

teachers you have no other

responsibilities so we study more but

it’s not always very effective

maybe the quantity of study the amount

of studying doesn’t really equal the

amount of

I hope today in this 2003 minute lesson

you are going to learn and master a lot

so I want your quantity and quality to

be equal today Oh

Mohammed has a great thing about food

when I was a kid I would prepare

couscous with my mother

excellent excellent what kind of things

did you put in the couscous were there

some some vegetables or meats or

different things I’m curious what your

traditional style of making it was I’m

saying says when I was reading in school

I would flee away from school in your

mind you’re reading and dreaming about

another place excellent LCOE hi when I

was a college student I would play pool

oh great great

and just for those of you who are not

certain about this word play pool play

pool means we could call it billiards or

playing pool this is not swimming so he

will used to play pool excellent

oh great great let me read some more

we’ve got oh I’ll say just watching the

Olympics I hope your your team wins mmm

let’s see oh you took us s when I was

little I would read books Oh with your

mom with your mommy your mom would read

them with you or you would read them

with your mom that’s excellent if we say

bye my mom it means your mom wrote the

books maybe your mom wrote the books

that would be really awesome sometimes

parents make up stories

so that’s possible let’s take a look ah

ha ha

Oh Slavik hi he says I would like to

play soccer

ah yeah well maybe if you said a

continual thing hmm when I was younger I

would play soccer a lot where I liked to

play soccer

maybe with like it does sound a little

strange so you could use just simple

paths think that’s a great suggestion he

dug up when my son was a kid he would

play with Legos oh yes Legos are a

classic childhood toy uh-huh and there

has a good question can um he says so I

can use wood instead of used to in the

past so here you have several

suggestions so as I wrote down here you

can use just a simple a simple verb here

or you could say when I was a kid I use

to dig in the dirt yeah this is

perfectly fine as well to say I used to

dig I think these all have this similar

meaning meaning something that you

continuously did in the past great

question great question

ah Norris is not playing outside with my

daughter while listening to you oh great

so great Neuer tell me which country are

you from again let me know oh she says

when I was a child I would play a side

with my sister till night yes I have

great memories of this too I think a

part of childhood is this love of being

outside and playing and spending time

with your family you don’t care about

responsibilities just having fun and

that is your that’s your job when you’re

a kid is to play and have a five those

are great memories I slit ah let’s see

what else he’s got

ah Hossein I think this is something

that we all understand he said when I

was a teenager I would irritate my mom

but today I don’t do it yeah I think

when were younger we say things we

shouldn’t have said we do things we

shouldn’t have done but now hopefully

we’re older more mature

hopefully smarter and do things a little

differently especially with family

excellent multisim we’re talking about

the word would what is something that

you would do when you were a kid

something continuous that you would do

when you were a kid Oh Bahamas is when I

was a teenager I would like to watch

vampire movies uh-huh like to watch

vampire movies and I just want to give

you a little note because you said a

great word the word film film and in the

u.s. in the u.s. the word film usually

doesn’t talk about a regular movie

typically this word is gonna talk about

not a Hollywood movie maybe a locally

made movie is something smaller now in

the UK in England this is going to be a

different meaning so I’m not an expert

with that I’m going to interview a

British guy quite soon so keep your eyes

out for that but uh in the u.s. usually

when we’re talking about Hollywood

movies or big production movies these

are movies instead of films thank you

for bringing that up

all right let’s see when I was a kid I

would like to be like my dad oh yes you

wanted to be like your dad perfect


Oh Jerry oh thank you for your kind of

comment I would like to thank you for

this live lesson excellent oh it’s very

true cloud excellent I would like to

take my friend to go out for lunch this

would be a wonderful thing especially if

it’s me love to go out to lunch so thank

you everyone for your great sentences I

hope that the next time you speak

English when you’re talking about a

continual action in the past you can use

the word wood or used to or the simple

past we mix them all up because the

is what native speakers do when they’re

telling a story about the past so if you

hear on a TV show that somebody uses oh

when I was younger I would do this when

I was in college I would do this you’re

gonna know why they’re saying this it’s

because they continually did it in the

past I plan if you have any questions

about this

this verb today feel free to ask it in

the comments below I’ll try to go back

after this lesson and take a look at it

and I want to remind you if you’d like

to download I’m not sure why not it’s a

free download the free sample lesson set

I’m going to show you how do that so I’m

gonna turn around my camera and this is

the best page for you on this page this

is speak English with Benedict Tom /

fluency you can download the sample

lesson pack for free you can get today

we are talking about could would and

should this video and there are also

other videos the conversation vocabulary

pronunciation next week we’re going to

talk about the pronunciation video so

make sure that you check it out you can

download it and the full course will

open in fifteen days nine seconds thirty

four minutes five four three two one

up starting again seconds so I recommend

downloading the free sample lesson pack

and when the course opens you will have

also discount information so that you

can join the course with a discount if

you’d like alright I’m going to say bye

really quick before we go and if you

have questions about other ways to use

would or could or should I recommend

downloading the samples instead speak

English with Vanessa comm / fluency this

way you can get all of the information

about these three

really important words I will teach you

how to use each one and show you

examples from our conversation the

conversation that I had with my sister

so thank you so much for your hard work

today participating in it writing

comments if you didn’t write a comment I

challenge you to do it the next time

this is a great way to interact and meet

other people and hopefully to connect

with me too I’d love to meet you

thanks so much Lucas thanks so much for

being here enjoy your day - so Yoshi it

is late night for you enjoy your night

yes elf needs you on Tuesday I will be

back on Tuesday at the same time and

there might be a little surprise on

Tuesday I’m gonna have some visitors -

visitors possibly their dog I’m not sure

about their dog because I have three

cats so I’m not sure what we’re gonna do

but I will have some visitors and maybe

if we are lucky maybe they will

participate a little bit in the live

lesson let’s be so I’m not gonna promise

but I hope that it will work so come on

Tuesday at the same time today a.m.

Eastern Time and you can learn about the

next lesson which is pronunciation we’re

going to talk about Edie Edie past words

next week on Tuesday and Thursday thanks

so much and have a wonderful Thursday

and a wonderful weekend see you later

everyone bye Claudia Oh bye see you

later thank you for watching this sample

video lesson from the fearless fluency

Club I would love to help you continue

to improve your English would you like

to get full lesson sets every month and

personalized feedback from me click the

I at the top of the screen to join or

click the link in the description below

you can become a fearless fluent English


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