How to write an English Essay Part 1

after studying English for years do you

still find it difficult to write an

essay in English do you ask yourself how

do I begin

what should I include how do I end if

you have ever asked yourself these or

any other questions

don’t worry in this lesson I will teach

you part 1 of how to write a proper

English essay welcome to speak English

with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and

today we are going to learn part one of

the third secret in speaking English

this secret will improve your ability to

write logically in English are you ready

well then let’s jump right in as an

English Learner you spend hours in order

to improve your speaking skills however

there are many times when you have to

use your English to write an essay but

in order to write a proper essay in

English you must first know the general

setup of an English essay an English

essay can be separated into five

different parts the intro or

introduction support number one support

number two support number three and the

conclusion today we will look at the

first part the introduction the

introduction is the first part of your

essay and in some ways the most

important it is at this point that you

get the attention of the reader it can

be broken up into three smaller parts

the attention grabber your opinion or

hypothesis and the intro to your three

points the attention grabber is the very

first part of your essay it is the

portion of your essay that literally

gets the attention of the person reading

your words there are three different

types of attention grabbers that can be

used when writing an essay in English

the first one is an interesting question

the goal of this attention grabber is to

make the reader think deeply about a

specific topic or situation after

writing the question you will then give

a short comment on the topic or

situation this will help the reader

prepare to read your essay now the

second one is an interesting fact the

goal of this attention grabber is to

present information to the reader that

will cause them to be curious about your

essay you want to look for interesting

facts that connect to your opinion on

the topic of the essay these facts will

also make the reader have confidence in

your knowledge of the subject and

finally the third type of attention

grabber is story this is the most

effective attention grabber because

everyone likes a story it draws your

reader into your essay or in other words

it makes your essay come alive and seem

more realistic now after you have

successfully written your

attention-grabber the next thing is to

write your opinion or hypothesis your

opinion is stated simply and clearly at

the beginning and the details will be

given later on in the essay now finally

the last step for the introduction is to

write your three basic points you will

do this by writing the basic pieces of

information that support your point now

let’s take a look at an example essay

question and apply the steps we learned

today for writing a proper introduction

the question how can a person become

successful so for this question


first step is to that’s correct right

the attention-grabber I have chosen to

write an attention-grabber based on an

interesting fact according to Forbes

magazine Bill Gates is one of the most

successful people in the world in 2012

his net worth was approximately seventy

six point eight billion dollars he is

basically filthy rich but is success

simply based on the amount of money a

person makes now let’s move on to the

next step my opinion or hypothesis

remember this comes right after the

attention-grabber no I believe that

success depends on a person’s aim and

purpose in life not simply on the amount

of money they have in the bank

and finally my three points so in order

to become successful a person must do

three things first they must write down

their aim or purpose in life second they

must write down the reason why they want

to accomplish that purpose and third

they must write down what the results

will be if they accomplish that purpose

done all right amazing today you learned

part one of the third secret to speaking

English how to write an English essay

you looked at the three parts of the

introduction of an essay the first part

was attention grabber

the second part was your opinion or

hypothesis and the third part was three

points in the next lesson we will go

over how to properly write the

supporting information in the next step

of our English essay now try to write

your own

introduction to an essay question at

least one time today you can do it you

can speak English I hope this video

helped to give you more confidence in

your English ability if you would like

to receive English worksheets via email

once a week that go along with these

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getting your free worksheets in your

inbox today this has been speak English

with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and I

hope that you have an amazing day until

next time remember to speak English