Improve Your English Speaking Skills The Imitation Technique

Hello! I’m Emma from mmmEnglish, helping you
to build your confidence as an English speaker.

Now you might recognize me from the

mmmEnglish YouTube channel, but if you don’t
I’m here to help you improve your

English pronunciation and to help you
become a bolder, braver, more confident

English speaker. One of the first
questions that my students ask me is:

“How can I improve my speaking skills?” and my
answer is always the same and it’s simple.

Focus on your pronunciation and
actually practise speaking.

Now that can be easy to say and less easy to do, right?

If you don’t live in an English-speaking country,

this can be kind of difficult.
And even if you do live in an

English-speaking country, you might want
to start a conversation with a native speaker

but you probably feel too
embarrassed or nervous to even start

that conversation. Perhaps you’re worried
that they won’t understand your accent.

What if I told you there was a way to
practise your pronunciation to build

your vocabulary and to practise speaking
English naturally?

Today I want to introduce you to the imitation technique.
Now I use this technique to coach my

English students to improve their
pronunciation but also to improve other

important aspects of communicating in
English so that they sound more natural

when they’re speaking. Imitating a native
English speaker can help you to improve

your pronunciation skills and
communicate clearly in English - faster

than any other method! Just like singing
your favorite song or performing like an

actor in the movies, English when you’re
learning it, is a performance.

You’re learning the script, you’re
getting ready to perform. When you’re

communicating in English it’s not only
what you say but it’s also how you say it

that’s important in English. We use
tone, pause and interjections to help

communicate how we’re feeling. By
imitating a native English speaker

you’re performing in English. It’s like
you’ve become a native English speaker!

You can copy the stress, the tone, the
intonation, the facial expression.

You’re learning English in the most natural way
possible - from the experts.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s boost your English
speaking skills together and find that

confident English speaking version of
you! To get started right away

visit my website. You can get there by
clicking the link above this video or by


Thanks so much for watching and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Bye!