Its open

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and today i have a quick

announcement the course 30-day listening

challenge is now open it will be open to

purchase and join from December 19th

until December 31st you need to join

before the new year because on January

1st I’m gonna send you the first course

material every day for 30 days I will

email you an audio clip from a real

conversation you can listen to this fast

original version and then the slower

version and I want you to write down

exactly what you hear when you finish

writing down everything you hear you can

compare it with the original transcript

that I send to you you can check your

mistakes you can see which words are

difficult for you to hear and you can

train your ears to understand all

English speakers this listening

challenge should only take 5 to 10

minutes every day it’s a quick practice

but you need to commit to doing it every

day for the 30 day challenge I can’t

wait to help you improve your listening

skills so that you can speak confidently

and fluently for more information you

can click the I up here or the link in

the description below and I can’t wait

to see you inside this challenge to

start the new year in the right way see

you later bye would you like to

understand native English speakers


would you like to imitate them when you

speak click the picture to join the

30-day listening challenge start 2018

the right way by improving your English

skills thanks so much

and keep up the good work with English