Learn English for Casual Conversations in 20 Minutes

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today’s video is on words americans

overuse i haven’t seen these words yet


apparently it’s going to be a series of

words that we as americans i’m american

um we overuse we use too often so let’s


uh oh the first word is definitely

definitely is definitely a word that

americans overuse we use it to

put emphasis at the end of a phrase to

put emphasis at the end of a sentence

uh as in oh that party last week was so


yeah definitely or to agree with

somebody like that

uh oh god literally oh just in the last

few days i’ve seen the word literally

so many times on the internet and used

in just such

stupid ways the word literally

means actually or truly something this

is literally the best hamburger

i’ve ever eaten so literally meaning

truly or actually

would mean that in that person’s entire

life that is the best hamburger they’ve

ever eaten

however it gets misused a lot in

sentences um

like george bush was literally

supporting the war in iraq or something

like that taking a phrase like that

literally would have to mean that you

know the president former president

would be

you know physically supporting a war

with his body

onward onward hilarious

hilarious is the next word i like to use

the word hilarious when something is

actually funny

um hilarious of course means something

that is really funny super funny

it’s a step above funny maybe two steps

three steps i don’t know

however people like to use this word in

place of laughter

so uh for example friends are talking

and instead of just

laughing the friend will say that’s


well if it’s so hilarious just laugh oh

this must be the last one

because this is the worst one this word

is like

um i’ve probably said it several times

already today for the for the purposes

of this video

the word like is used as a filler word


it’s the same as something such as

um for example

we use like as a filler word when we’re

trying to think of something

you it’s not uncommon to hear the word


like three four five times in a row when

someone is thinking

they’ll say oh you know that party that

i went to like

like uh like like uh

do you know who was there it just

invades your speech sometimes when

you’re trying to think of something and

no other filler words come out but the

word like does

ah this wasn’t the last word there is

another one

seriously seriously is used

oh it’s good for any time you receive

bad news

um well not from your boss it’s a really

casual word

but if you hear something like your

friend lost their job

and you can sympathize with them or

maybe empathize with them by saying


oh that’s too bad or oh tell me like

all your problems oh my god i just use

like oh god

oh i hate myself is that the end it’s

the end all right well i hope you

enjoyed learning about a few

um words that americans overuse

i’m sure that there are more words that

americans overuse but

perhaps you’ll find those out on your

own thanks very much for watching and

we’ll see you again next time

bye hi everybody welcome back i’m joined

today again in the studio by

michael hey everybody and today we’re

going to be talking about our favorite

english that we use without even

thinking about it so these are things


we just say we say just so often and

they come really really naturally to us

so that might be kind of helpful for you

to hear about some of the things that we

like to say

uh so i guess i’ll start us off for this


uh the first one that i’ve picked i

think i think i picked really simple

phrases this time around the first one

that i’ve chosen is the phrase i know

i know i like to use this to agree with

my friends a lot so my friend gives me


some kind of interesting information i

go i know

or i know or something something just to

show that i’m listening to them and that

i agree it doesn’t necessarily mean that

i’m i’m already i don’t know like i’ve

learned the information or something

like that

it’s it’s an agreement phrase that i

like to use with my friends

um is this something that yeah yeah yeah

that’s that’s funny you said that

because before you explain like the tone

and gave an example of how you say it

i thought of it on the opposite side to

me it sounded like

like a kid who’s just like i know i know

mom you know giving them like you need

to do this and this and this

i know i know you know i’m trying to

think do men

i mean these these are gender roles you

can say whatever you want but i’m trying

to think

i i know yeah i don’t know if i’ve ever

said it like

sorry oh maybe it is a gender thing

maybe it’s more common among women than

it is among men but i feel like

maybe it’s just in a movie or maybe it’s

because of where i’m from that people

will say like if you watch the last

video for example

dude i know that kind of yeah yeah yeah

but that your point about

kids saying that is so funny like when

when you get in trouble

i know i know saying it like that

it has a different meaning it’s another

exercise in intonation maybe this word i


for this phrase okay cool so there’s one

what’s your

what’s your first one so my first word


not really a word it’s spelled a couple

different ways ish

so this is something i i didn’t realize

that i i do a lot or

say a lot or whatever but it’s um

it it’s a sound that english speakers


that shows disapproval so

i don’t know like okay for example the

kid the kid who’s talking to a parent

and then the parent says you know you

need to do your homework

i know i know but no seriously you need

to get into a good gut

mom whatever yes maybe same as like


yep is good there are a lot of

variations on whatever whenever you

don’t want to hear what the other person

is saying

you can use or i see another one that i

like to use

um p f f ffft

that one’s harder to say though it’s not

so natural i think she’s good

any any sort of p p kind of sound or meh

just any sort of just nonsensical phrase

said like that means i don’t want to

listen to what you’re saying

yeah that’s a great one that’s a great

one i use that all the time too

oh i wish i wish i didn’t use it as much

as i did but oh i suppose so i see what

you mean

okay all right uh well onward i guess my

next word is anyway

anyway i like to use to transition

between two things to transition between


i also like to use it when i’m i’ve been

talking for way too long and i need to

make an exit from the conversation

usually i use anyway with kind of a dot

dot dot at the end like

anyway and i don’t finish any i don’t

finish saying anything after that

it’s just sort of it’s my just a little

sidle out of the

out of the conversation yeah anyway um

anyway so i use this word a lot actually

i’m glad you said that um actually some

of my students

asked me they said you know what are

some good um

words that connect two ideas or

something like that like a beginning

you know like first second these kinds

of words and i noticed and i never

noticed this before it actually relates

to this

question um that a lot of the things

that you look up

that are transition words we don’t ever

use in speech

it doesn’t sound natural but you have to

use synonyms you have to switch it up if

you’re writing

yeah speaking i say anyway almost every

other sentence

maybe i do it too much well not that

much but a lot a lot i realize

even typing even business emails i say

it all of the time

like it’s kind of like well yeah anyway

yeah maybe because i go on tangents a

lot so for me i use it not not as much

as the

anyway dot dot dot i usually do the

anyway back to what i was saying blah

blah blah blah yeah yeah yeah so

yeah that’s a good point about it being

used for transition so a lot of my

students are the same way they’ll pick

like a really really formal almost

businessy term to use to transition in

their speech and it doesn’t really sound

so natural but something like any way or

like you said well

or so is much better to use in

conversation i think

cool okay anyway anyway

um seriously

so seriously this is another one always

the the intonation this is this is our

our thing is intonation i guess but um


can be said in a lot of different ways

um for me maybe the most common

is the same as when you say really just

kind of like seriously

like did that actually happen no way

really yeah anytime you

anytime you go up like that it’s just

it’s a rhetorical question you don’t

actually want an

answer just like wow same thing as wow

um and then there’s also the

when someone does something stupid and

you just look

seriously you know but that’s less

common that’s you know kind of uh

really seriously

no really i mean i i use it the way that

you just described it to

just to like if i see i don’t know

somebody is walking on the street in

front of me and maybe they stop

and they don’t have any consideration

for the people behind them on the street

i might go seriously

oh you’re right you’re right you’re

right like

is this really happening did you just

make this decision i so i

maybe i use it when i’m talking to

myself more not so much i don’t


yeah those are fighting words yeah those

are fighting words so no you’re right

i think maybe driving same thing yeah


or i mean are you are you kidding me

well i don’t want to say the bad version

of it but this is what i’m thinking when

i’m driving like are you kidding me

seriously you’re right you’re right but

it’s usually to yourself because


it’s pretty aggressive that’s true yeah

so don’t say it to the other person

but yeah you’re right in terms of when

you’re talking to your friends and you

want to ask

did that really happen to you seriously

yeah it’s super useful

okay is it my turn again okay last one

for me

my last one is one i use all the time in

a number of situations i’ve chosen i

don’t know

um this is great for of course when you

don’t know the answer to something

um but i think when you don’t know the

answer to something like a you know a

math question or whatever it’s better to

say i don’t know

but when you use the the contracted dno

form of don’t know

it just shows kind of that you’re it’s

not a serious issue

it’s not something you need you’re

overly concerned with you’re just i

don’t know i don’t have an

answer i don’t have an idea it’s kind of

like saying you know what do you think


just this is all i’ve got you know um

so i don’t know do you use this that’s

how i use it no that’s that’s a really

good one

um the same thing is anyway i type this

a lot i say well i say idk

which is the acronym for it i would

never say idk out loud don’t say idk

that sounds kind of stupid i’m sorry in

my opinion

but you say i don’t know i don’t know i

don’t know i say that all the time

because i think

it’s it’s just a nice way to be humble


because maybe you do know or you think

you know but it’s a nice way to be like

i’m not sure you know what do you think

it’s a nice

um it’s it it tones down your your tone

you don’t sound as authoritative as

aggressive you say i don’t know what do

you want to eat chinese food tonight

yeah i mean i don’t know we can we can

eat whatever you want what do you think

yeah it’s like a really nice softener

like that if you want to introduce

you know like an offer if you have an

idea about something but you’re not sure

how the other person feels you can just

say i don’t know what do you want to do

i don’t know what do you want to do but

that’s usually the thing that

i don’t know what do you want to do i

don’t know what do you want to do okay

just make a decision we’re going to go

to youtube and we’re going to watch some

videos in englishclass101.com wow nice

okay so that’s some english that we use

without thinking about it all the time

i think that they’re pretty useful

phrases and they’re a little bit fun

too if you have some english that you

like to use from time to time or that

you just find comes out of your mouth

without thinking about it please leave

us a comment and let us know what it is

and yeah so also

this is this is a tough one because if

you use it without thinking about it

it’s hard for us to realize what those

words are so if there are any words you


english people say and you’re curious

also leave that in a comment any way you


and uh anyway i think that’s that’s

about all we have

anything else i think that’s all so give

them a try and we will see you again

next time when we have more fun stuff to

talk about thank you

bye roll and roll and roll in

okay hi welcome back to weekly words i’m

alicia and today we’re going to talk


phrases that aren’t cool anymore woohoo

i probably say a whole lot of these

phrases so i’m about to embarrass myself

the first phrase is sweet oh sweet’s not

cool anymore sweet means cool sweet

means something that’s good you might

say oh man

that skateboard trick you just did was


groovy i still say groovy um groovy

means cool groovy means good

it was used in the 70s when you know

funky groovy music was popular

in a sentence like oh hey um those are

some groovy moves on the dance floor

i don’t know if we can use that going

steady going steady is kind of an

old-fashioned phrase as well

going steady just means you’re dating

someone who is dating someone else like

me and trisha are going steady

well it just means you’re dating you’re

a couple not

oh this is this word is actually what

the entire holiday of april fool’s day

is based around

that’s a lie particularly i would say

for junior high school students this

phrase is

um very popular they might say something

like hey

steve thinks you’re cute not

so in other words it’s often used as an


duh is used when someone says something

really stupid or something

really obvious uh so if you say

something like

uh oh hey it’s raining the other person

who can also maybe look out the window

you’re both sitting in front of

might say duh because you’ve just

indicated something very very obvious

you can also use duh

to make fun of yourself when you do or

say something really stupid

as soon as you realize this you can go

ah duh yeah i’m learning today but i’m

not cool

that’s the end oh okay well those are

some phrases that are no longer cool i

hope you learned something about things

that are no longer cool but you can

still use these words just you know

don’t expect to sound really interesting


hip to the lingo if you use these words


thanks for joining us and i will see you

again next time bye bye

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hi everybody welcome back to weekly

words i’m alicia and this week we are

going to talk about

internet lingo internet lingo is a fun


the first word that we’re going to talk

about or the first phrase

or first acronym i suppose is smh

which means shaking my head or it’s some

way to explain that you are

disapproving of whatever you’ve just

seen or whatever you’ve just read

so it’s not really used so much in a

sentence as it is at like the end of a


for example did you see that recent news



the next word is btw uh

this this also notes that uh people will

say bt

dubs where dubs is sort of a casual

short version of w this means by the way

so when you’re speaking to somebody and

you want to change the topic to

something that might be

a little bit related to whatever you’re

talking about at the moment you can use

btw you might say

hey i heard about that new job that you

got btw

how’s the salary that might be a little

bit too direct of an example but you

kind of get the idea any place you would


by the way you can use btw

next is really spelled y-o-l-o but it’s

usually red

as an act as a new word it’s it’s

pronounced yolo and it stands for you

only live once people will usually say

it and it tends to be at least from what

i’ve seen

young people they will usually say this

before they do something crazy

you’ve seen a video of somebody’s who’s

had too much to drink and they decide

they’re going to

i don’t know jump off a house and right

before they do it they scream

yellow meaning you only live once so i’d

better do this

now that’s kind of the implied meaning

of it okay the next one is

tbh to be honest oh this is great i can

use this in relation to the last word we

just talked about

tbh i don’t think particularly highly of

people who use the word yolo

btw it’s my irl

day off today he’s

he’s s m oh that was a failure

okay the next word is ttyl it means talk

to you later

you can use this at the end of a

conversation uh whether you’re using

skype or an instant message program

when it’s time for you to leave or maybe

when it’s time for the other person to


they might type ttyl meaning just ah

i’ll see you later i’ll talk to you


okay i have to go to class now ttyl talk

to you later

that’s the situation where you might use

something like this anytime you have to

leave a conversation it’s good

and that’s the end of internet lingo

i hope that you learned a few things you

can try out a few of them right away

because you’re watching this on the

internet and you can leave a comment

thanks for watching ttyl

hey everyone i’m alicia in this series

we’re going to learn some easy ways to

ask and answer common questions in


it’s really useful and it only takes

three minutes

in the final lesson in this series

you’re going to learn some of the things

that native speakers say to make your

english sound perfectly fluent

so this is the last english in three

minutes lesson for this series i hope

you’ve learned a lot

in this lesson we’re going to look at

some words that are a feature of

spontaneous fluent english speech

they’re known as filler words you

probably have these in your native

language too

words that don’t have any meaning but

that fill a pause in the conversation

while you think about what to say next

you may not even be aware you’re using

them in your native language

however one of the quickest ways to

remind the person you’re speaking to

that you’re not a native speaker of

english is to slip back into using one

of these

filler words in your native language

so now we’re going to introduce a few of

these common filler words in english

you will hear these a lot when you’re

speaking to native english speakers but

this doesn’t mean you should use them

all the time

yourself just sometimes is more than

enough to make your speech sound fluent

and natural using these too much can

sound very irritating

some examples of filler words are sounds


um so using these in a sentence would

sound like

i’m going to um florida this weekend but

we also have

actual words and phrases that serve as

filler words

some of the most widely used are you


actually basically i guess

of course if you know what i mean and so

on and so on

however the most overused filler word

is without a doubt like hey that’s like

a really nice haircut

she’s like such a cool person this usage


like has absolutely no meaning you will

hear it a lot

especially if you’re speaking to younger

people but you should try to avoid

overusing it as it can make your speech

sound sloppy and uneducated

but there’s actually another use of like

which you may not be aware of

it’s used to quote speech in

conversation in your grammar textbook

you probably had some sample sentences

like this

he told me that he was going to see a

movie this weekend or

he said he was going to see a movie this

weekend or

he said i’m going to see a movie this

weekend but i’ll tell you a secret

it is very very common for younger

native english speakers to quote using

the phrase

was like for example he was like

i’m going to see a movie this weekend to

expand this further

you might even overhear something like

this he was like

i’m going to see a movie this weekend do

you want to come

and i was like i don’t know i’m kind of

busy and he was like

okay maybe next time did you follow all


now i’m not suggesting you copy this way

of speaking

exactly but just be aware that he was


and i was like is a very common if

slightly lazy way of quoting speech in

modern english

and throwing in a he was like and i was


every now and then will make you sound

like a totally fluent

young native english speaker now it’s

time for alicia’s advice

i said that these filler words don’t

mean anything and that they can sound

annoying when you use them too much

but actually they have an important

function as well as giving you time to

decide what to say next

they also help you to keep your turn

when speaking as opposed to going quiet

and possibly allowing someone else to

jump in and start talking

they can also weaken or soften what

you’re saying which can work either

positively or negatively

if you’re saying something important

that you want people to take seriously

you should try to avoid using fillers

but if you’re telling someone something


or if you’re expressing some strong

feeling it might be good to add in a

like or you know for example

i’m worried about you sounds very

serious and heavy

while i’m you know worried about you

sounds much gentler and less heavy

on the other hand adding a you know at

the end of a sentence can actually

underline and strengthen what you’re

saying as in i’m worried about you you


and that’s it you’ve learned a lot of

natural english in the last 25

lessons but that doesn’t mean you’re

done learning for more english resources

tips lessons and tools visit


i’ll see you later

