Learn English From Natural English Conversations Episode 1

hey guys in today’s episode I teacher

Tiffany I’m gonna teach you some useful

natural English expressions that

actually came from a conversation I had

with one of my friends who also happens

to be an ESL teacher you don’t want to

miss this lesson are you ready

well then let’s jump right in alright

guys this conversation actually happened

in episode 32 of the speak English with

Tiffany podcast this is my friend

teacher Kat now my friend is actually

from New Zealand so you’ll notice when

you watch some of the clips from our

conversation that she has a very

beautiful accent but don’t worry you

will be able to understand her now what

we’re gonna do is I’m gonna take you

through a series of four different clips

within each clip we’re gonna learn three

new English expressions okay so let’s go

and look at the first clip here we go

tempted to ask you well I guess that

leads right into our next question

because I want to ask you how you kind

of transition to becoming an English

teacher so when did you become an

English teacher and you said you’ve been

in Korea for nine years so is that when

you first became an English teacher and

kind of what led you to become an

English teacher

okay long story okay I’m I became an

English teacher when I came to Korea

uh-huh when I came I had I had no

intention of staying for nine years at

the moment it’s like eight in a bit I’m

in a little of my life yeah mm-hmm okay

so you guys noticed that there were

three expressions we saw in that first

video clip now what we’re gonna do is

we’re gonna look at the expressions and

I’m gonna explain them to you and also

give you multiple examples and then

we’re gonna watch the clip again to see

if you catch them okay so let’s go back

to my screen and let’s look at the first

expression that we heard in that clip

from clip number one here we go the

first expression was leads right into

once again leads right into alright so

here’s the meaning this means to guide

someone or something into something or

some place or in other words to

transition into something else so for

example I’m gonna give you some

sentences but I want you to think about

this let’s imagine that you’re in church

or you’re at a big program and there’s

gonna be a main speaker now before that

main speaker gets up to talk someone

else comes up before him or her and

sings a beautiful song now I told you

guys before that I was known as the

singing teacher in Korea I love to sing

so let’s say for example they come to

the stage and they clear their throats

em and then the music starts and they

start singing I ever make

you guys didn’t know I could say huh all

right so they continue they sing the

song and then after the song it goes

directly to the main speaker so we can

say the song led right into the main

speakers speech kind of makes sense all

right so let’s look at some more

examples here we go the first example is

the speech naturally led right into a

long discussion on the current state of

our environment okay so again that means

after the speech many people who are

listening to the speech started thinking

and after the speech ended they started

discussing different topics about the

environment okay all right

next number two we have his solo will

lead right into the finale of the play

again so this person is doing a solo and

when they finish it will go directly

into the finale or the end of the play

alright and finally we have their

questions lead right into a heated

debate between both groups now maybe you

guys don’t know what heated debate so

you know what a debate is right kind of

a discussion where each side is trying

to prove their point but when we add

heated in front of the word debate it

means there was a lot of tension maybe

each side was feeling a little bit angry

or upset or very passionate about what

they were saying so in English we say

heated debate so again the sentence said

their questions led right into a heated

debate between both groups okay now I

want us to look at this final example

using this expression we see two women

sitting on a bench and the sentence says

the two women sat on the bench at the

same time which naturally led right into

a deep conversation now this is

something that is very possible or

highly possible in America

because remember in American culture we

actually talk to strangers we’ll walk on

the street and if we make eye contact

we’ll say hello how are you and if we’re

in a space where they’re just two people

or two or three we actually can start a

deep conversation so when the ladies sat

on the bench it led right into a deep

conversation make sense all right now

let’s go into the second expression that

we heard in the first clip here we go

how to use what led you to in real life

so again the expression what led you to

so this just means or in other words

what caused you to do something or what

influenced you to do something so again

I’ve told you guys that I went to South

Korea right so you can say teacher what

led you to go to South Korea or what

influenced you to do that well I

actually wanted to go teach English and

the Bible I wanted to be a missionary so

my desire to be a missionary and help

other people led me to go to Korea make

sense all right now the first example

sentence here we go

what led you to go to Korea ten years

ago that’s exactly what I just said to

you guys a few moments ago so now you

understand that first example sentence

now the second example sentence is what

led you to want to become a lawyer okay

and finally what led you to start dating

him last year okay so you understand how

this is used now remember guys in the

comment section I want you guys to pick

at least two of the expressions we are

going to learn in this video lesson and

I want you to make your own sentence

using each of the expressions you choose

okay so I need at least two sentences

each one using one of the expressions

you learn in this lesson okay all right

now we have one more example with what

led you to so here we go we see people


books and it looks like they’re studying

here’s the sentence what led you to want

to study English when there were so many

other options

okay so again this is something that a

teacher could ask a student hey I’m

curious what led you to want to study

English when there were so many other

options you could have learned Spanish

you could have learned French and then

the student like you would give their

answer or response okay all right let’s

move on to the next expression here we

go the third expression was have no

intention of or have no intention to now

this expression is emphasizing that you

are not going to do something or to not

plan or want to do something so let’s

say for example it is 10:00 p.m. at

night now I’ve told my students maybe

you know this about me but my friends

know this about me I am an early bird

and an early bird is someone who goes to

bed very early but wakes up very early

so I normally wake up at 5:00 a.m. yeah

that’s true 5 or 6 a.m. in the morning

because I am an early bird well that

means if my friends call me at midnight

and they asked me to go out I’m gonna

say no so I can say I have no intention

of going out late at night

why because I like to sleep early kind

of makes sense all right now let’s look

at our first example sentence here we go

he had no intention of apologizing to

her all right

makes sense he had no desire he didn’t

want to do that next she has no

intention of going there okay

and finally I have no intention to

change my plans for tomorrow so again I

want you to think about a time where you

didn’t want to do something but someone

asked you to do it but you still had no

desire at all

that time what could you have said you

could have said to that person I’m sorry

I have no intention of doing dot dot dot

make sense all right now our final

example using this expression is right

here this lady looks a bit angrier this

child or young person doesn’t look happy

at all

so we can say the child has no intention

of speaking to her friend again I’ll

tell you guys a quick story when I was a

teacher in South Korea I taught all ages

I taught adults

I taught older people I taught children

and I loved it but I remember one

situation I had two little girls in my

class they were about seven years old

seven years old and they were super cute

and they were the best of friends so

every time I taught my class they would

be looking at me and saying teacher oh

man we love this class and I really

enjoyed being with them but one day I

came to class and both of them had a

frown on their face so I was confused I

said okay let’s just say their names

were Sally and Mindy okay

I said Sally what’s wrong nothing

teacher nothing I said okay and I looked

at Mindy Mindy what’s wrong nothing

teacher nothing but I noticed that they

weren’t sitting together so I took Sally

and Mindy out of the classroom and I

stood them next to each other and I said

tell me what happened guys you guys are

best friends why aren’t you talking to

each other

so then Mindy spoke up and said Sally

was mean to me on the bus and I didn’t

like it and I looked and that was true

Sally said I was mean to her teacher and

I don’t want to talk to her I don’t want

to apologize so in that situation I

realized that Sally had no intention of

apologizing to Mindy you understand

right they both were upset but Sally it

was the one that made the mistake and it

was treating her friend wrong but she

still did not want to apologize she had

no intention of apologizing to her

friend make sense all right now let’s

move on to

our next clip okay we’re gonna move on

to clip number one first let’s look at

it one more time

then we’re gonna move on to clip number

one here we go let’s watch the clip one

more time and see if you recognize them

tempted to ask you well I guess that

leads right into our next question

because I want to ask you how you kind

of transition to becoming an English

teacher so when did you become an

English teacher and you said you’ve been

in Korea for nine years so is that when

you first became an English teacher and

kind of what led you to become an

English teacher

okay long story okay I’m I became an

English teacher when I came to Korea


when I came I had I had no intention of

staying for nine years at the moment

it’s like a tin of bits I’m in the

middle of my life yeah

okay so you heard all three expressions

in that short clip right and now you

know what they mean okay so now what

we’re gonna do is we’re gonna move on

and we’re gonna jump into our next clip

okay we’re gonna jump in but right

before that I have a quiz for you guys

question number one how do you finish

this question what to study English when

there were so many other options is the

answer a leads right into B what led you

to see have no intention of or - or D

none of the above what I want you to do

is in the comment section for number one

this is quiz question number one write

down the correct answer is it a B C or D

okay all right now guys remember there

are three more quiz questions coming up

so as you watch the video just write

your answer down first so number one

what’s the answer and then for the next

three questions you also need to write

your answer in the comment section -

okay all right now we’re gonna move on

to clip number two all right guys here

we go

so moving on to clip number two let’s

see what it is

enjoy this company and I struggled to

adjust it’s so interesting you’re

presenting the two kind of opposite

student types I guess the ones that

really want to learn and really want the

teacher to correct every single mistake

they have and have a desire to learn and

then the other side of students that

English is just something I enjoy I

don’t care if I make mistakes let’s just

enjoy so yeah as an ESL teacher I also

experience the same thing it’s kind of

difficult to balance those two different

types of students because I’m similar to

you as a teacher I want to correct

everything so that I can help the

student grow because when I was studying

Korean I wanted everything corrected

don’t just

let me kind of go by the wayside and

make mistakes like correct me so I can

grow so yeah I totally understand

so you’ll notice that there were three

new expressions and these expressions

guys honestly when you come to

understand them and learn how to use

them you are definitely gonna sound more

natural so here we go we’re gonna go

back and look at the next expression

expression number four enjoy each

other’s company now this expression

means to have fun and be happy to be

around one another or to receive

pleasure from being around some one ok

so again think about somebody in your

life right now it can be a family member

it can be a friend or even those that

you work with someone who when you’re

around them you actually feel good you

feel happy

you enjoy their company you enjoy the

environment that exists when you’re

around them or with them ok so the first

sentence here we go my best friend and I

really enjoy each other’s company this

is true I remember one of my best

friends and I we would travel a lot

together and I loved it because we

enjoyed each other’s company we had a

good time we would relax we would laugh

we would joke we just enjoyed being in

each other’s presence or we enjoyed each

other’s company makes sense all right

now the next sentence is it’s easy to

see that they enjoy each other’s company

very easy sentence and finally we enjoy

each other’s company

now we’re gonna jump right into the

final example for this one we see

there’s a couple sitting on a sofa

together and they look very happy so we

can say since they enjoy each other’s

company so much they should hook up oh

now let me explain this to you guys

really quickly my friend and I actually

had a conversation about this this past

week my friend is Korean and she speaks

English very well she’s a teacher but

she asked me about this expression hook

up so an English hook up can have

multiple meanings so of course it can

have the literal meaning of hooking some

up to something else or you can say to

people hook up which means they start

dating they become boyfriend and

girlfriend or another meaning depending

on the situation a slang meaning for

this is two people come together for a

romantic relationship okay

so in this example we’re looking at

these individuals coming together as

boyfriend and girlfriend

hook up okay so you learned two

expressions in this one all right okay

so let’s move on now the next expression

expression number five is every single

okay so how do we use this in real life

now this is used to emphasize that you

are speaking about every member group or

thing now I want to tell you guys really

quickly an example that would help you

understand this so a few days ago my

family and I if you guys follow me on

Instagram you remember that I talked

about my family and I having lunch

together my dad wanted to do a cookout

the small cookout

so he made fries and burgers and hotdogs

they were all vegetarian we’re

vegetarian but we had those he put them

on the grill and my niece’s love french

fries so I went and I bought some french

fries so that we could have them with

our burgers and hotdogs now my youngest

niece is three years old and she loves

french fries so I put the french fries

on her plate now let’s say for example

there were ten french fries she ate all

of the french fries or we could say she

ate every single french fry that means

there were none left makes sense all

right good good let’s go back here we go

number one please don’t write down every

single word okay next the baby cried

every single day and finally I want to

help every single child excellent now

the last one we have is right here this

man looks like he’s working but he looks

quite tired so we can say my

dad works every single day which means

this person’s dad doesn’t get a break

because he works Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and

Sunday he works every single day now

guys as you’re watching this video don’t

worry you guys can get the PDF that has

all of the examples and all of the

expressions okay the link is in the

description it’s totally free a PDF that

I want to give you guys so that you can

study at the end of this lesson you can

print it out and study it it’s totally

free so again I’ll mention it again at

the end of the video but if you want to

check it out the link is in the

description for the PDF for this lesson

okay all right here we go let’s move on

now the next one we have is expression

six go by the wayside I said this at the

end of the clip again go by the wayside

now this expression means to put aside

because of something more important or

to be set aside or discarded because of

other considerations so again basically

go by the wayside just refers to

something that is kind of ignored or put

away because other things are more

important okay so let’s look at some

examples and it’ll make it easier for

you guys to understand this expression

all right so the first expression is the

war has caused other things to go by the

wayside so again think about when a

country is in the middle of a war

everyone’s attention is on the news and

also on the current state of the war so

other things other laws or other things

that were in the new digital system that

needed to be taken care of sometimes go

by the wayside because the war becomes

the most important thing okay all right

next we have his plan has gone by the

wayside because of other important work

and finally the president’s plan for

reform has gone by the way

side all right so again we’re

understanding what this means finally

here we go

we see that these individuals look like

they’re working on something they’re

busy and a light bulb usually in

American culture and maybe in your

culture as well when we have a light

bulb graphic it refers to an idea like

ah so they have an idea so we’re making

a sentence using go by the wayside and

idea so let’s go back here we go I know

you are busy but don’t let your idea go

by the wayside makes sense right okay

you guys got it

don’t let your idea be ignored even

though there are other things that are

important remember to also focus on your

idea okay you got it all right now let’s

keep going here we go now let’s see clip

number two one more time and listen

closely for the expressions and enjoy

each other’s company and I struggled to

adjust yeah yeah it’s so interesting

you’re presenting the two kind of

opposite student types I guess the ones

that really want to learn and really

want the teacher to correct every single

mistake they have and have a desire to

learn and then the other side the

students that English is just something

I enjoy I don’t care if I make mistakes

let’s just enjoy so yeah as an ESL

teacher I also experience the same thing

it’s kind of difficult to balance those

two different types of students because

I’m similar to you as a teacher I want

to correct everything so that I can help

the student grow because when I was

studying Korean I wanted everything

corrected don’t just let me kind of go

by the wayside and make mistakes like

correct me so that can grow so yeah I

totally understand

okay now so we just watched the clip one

more time and you notice that now that

you understand the meaning of the

expression one two and three well again

we had three expressions for this clip

it was easier for you to understand the

conversation we were having in that clip

okay all right now let’s move on here we

go we’re gonna move on now and we’re

gonna move on to this question question

number two my dad works day so what goes

in this space is it a enjoy each other’s

company is it be every single is it see

go by the wayside or is it D none of the

above again remember you’re gonna put

your answer in the comment section for

number two I’ll show it to you one more

time what’s the answer to this question

this quiz question alright okay now what

we’re gonna do guys we’re gonna move on

to our next clip alright now the next

clip we have is clip number three here

we go yeah okay I ended up more balanced

now I pull up some mistakes particularly

if I’m seeing two things mm-hmm but I’m

not pulling out the one after I’m not

pulling up every single mistake I think

it makes me a better get a teacher yeah

that’s true yeah yeah that’s true that

is good we saw that clip and there again

three new expressions that we learned in

that clip so let’s jump to my screen so

we can see what these expressions

actually mean and how to use them

properly in a conversation so here we go

the seventh expression is good overall

again good overall alright so this is

good all over

good as a whole or good in general okay

alright so let’s look at some examples

here we go he’s pretty good overall now

for this one we’re basically saying that

he’s a good person

he’s kind he treats everybody well so

overall in general he’s a great guy he’s


over all all right now let’s go to our

next example here we go the new athletes

are good overall so I want you to

imagine a situation where there’s a new

coach coming to a school and he has to

assess or look at the athletes and see

their abilities and their skills and he

realizes pretty much overall they’re

good the athletes are good overall all

right now our last example here we go

the last written one is I think they’re

speaking ability is good overall

alright good sentence so here we go with

a visual now we see that these people

are working on some kind of project and

they have kind of a PowerPoint over here

so we can say the new sales project was

good overall ok so guys again remember I

want you guys to pick two of these

expressions that I’m teaching you in

today’s English video lesson and I want

you to try to make your own sentences

using the expressions okay alright so

let’s move on to our next expression

number 8 particularly if again

particularly if now real quick this

pronunciation can be a bit tricky so

after me par T you lar Li very good it

feels weird but you’re doing good now

let’s say it faster after me

particularly great one more time

particularly excellent job now together

particularly if very good don’t forget

the F sound your front teeth on your

bottom lip

if excellent job alright so now this

expression means it is used to emphasize

a specific point or aspect of something

you are saying okay so for example soup

and salad is a great menu idea


if you’re planning to feed a lot of

people okay next I think you should take

a raincoat particularly if you want to

stay dry you see that these points are

being emphasized and finally here are

some tips from my attorney

particularly if you are not a US citizen

okay now again the visual so we see

these women are singing so maybe it’s a

concert and we can say in my opinion you

should go to the concert particularly if

you really like country music alright so

again guys you noticed that I was

emphasizing a certain point and that’s

what I used particularly if alright okay

now let’s move on to our next expression

expression number 9 how to use the

one-offs in real life again the one offs

so this means done made or happening

only once and not repeated okay

so here we go the meeting was a one-off

okay only happening one time next this

is a one-off deal so don’t ask again

alright only happening one time and

finally will you be doing more talks in

the future or was that just a one-off so

perfect example guys last week I did a

live English class here on YouTube and

I’m sure some of you joined and there

was a question at the end of the live

video about teacher is this gonna be the

only episode are you gonna do this again

so that student could have said teacher

is this live class a one-off or will you

be doing it again make sense all right

now just to let you guys know I am gonna

be doing another live video so pay

attention I’ll put some notices out on

Instagram Facebook and even here in the

YouTube community okay all right so

let’s go to our final example for this

expression here we go we have lots of

money on this page they gave him a

one-off payment to compensate for the

extra hours he had to work all right you

see what happened there right okay so

now what we’re gonna do is now that

we’ve learned these expressions we need

to move on to the next phase so here we

go we’re going to move on to the next

phase we need to listen and watch the

clip one more time yeah okay good

overall because I ended up more balanced

now I pull up some mistakes particularly

if I’m seeing habitual things mm-hmm but

I’m not pulling out the one off so I’m

not pulling up every single mistake I

think it makes me a better better

teacher yeah that’s true yeah yeah

that’s true that is good okay so you

notice we heard all three expressions

and now you know exactly what they mean

okay so let’s go to our quiz let’s see

if you guys can get this answer right

for the quiz here’s question number

three I think they’re speaking ability

is dot dot dot is it a particularly if B

one offs C good overall or D none of the


now remember you’re gonna put your

answer in the comment section for number

three what’s the answer

okay all right now guys let’s move on to

our next clip clip number four here we

go you cannot sound fluent if you have

not seared the phrase hundred thousand

trillion time mm-hmm

yeah it’s needed to get that fluent some

students that are just time serving

anyone interested in doing that it bores

them and they don’t

okay so that was our final clip now guys

you may notice that in the clip

sometimes it’s a bit hard to understand

what she’s saying what teach your cat is

saying it’s okay for you to go back

rewind and play the clip again and kind

of up the volume but remember this is

gonna really help your listening skills

cuz you have to listen very closely when

she speaks okay all right so let’s jump

into looking at the expressions that

were mentioned in this clip expression

number 10 important component again

important component now this expression

emphasizes that one part or section is

vital or of great importance so here’s

the first example sentence this is an

important component of the program okay

so again this is an important part or a

section of the program alright okay next

we have I think this is an important

component of the process okay

and finally remember not to leave out

this important component very good all

right now just to kind of bring it home

and help you guys to really connect with

this expression when you’re learning

English there are many different things

you have to learn you have to learn

vocabulary you have to learn expressions

you have to work on your listening

skills your speaking skills and also

your understanding of grammar so each of

these are important but a lot of times

for your foundation grammar is the most

important component of your English

language journey makes sense right you

cut that one right makes sense now huh

all right so let’s look at one more

example here we go

we have these little children sitting

here with their teacher and we say an

important component of early language

development is listening this is very

very true okay all right so let’s move

on to expression number 11 put the work

in one more time put

the work in now this expression actually

came up in a conversation I had with one

of my students on Instagram and it

literally just refers to giving all of

your effort giving your best effort to

make something work or to do something

all right excuse me guys

so here we go means to do the work that

needs to be done even if it requires a

lot of effort so first example you have

to put the work in if you expect to be

fluent in English this is so true again

guys I understand that learning English

is not the easiest thing I know that

they’re gonna be times when you feel

discouraged and it feels like you can’t

move forward but if you put the work in

I guarantee you will reach your goals

I’ve been where you are

I had to also learn how to speak Korean

and it was extremely difficult

studying the grammar and the vocabulary

and so many other aspects of the Korean

language they were very difficult for me

but I decided to put the work in and the

results were good so keep at it don’t

stop you can do it alright okay number

two we have he put the work in which is

why he received good results and finally

have you put the work in or are you just

trying to do the minimum requirements so

you see right here in this example we’re

comparing putting the work in

and minimum effort or minimum

requirements okay this is giving all

your effort this is giving just a little

bit of effort okay all right now let’s

go to our other example using this

expression here we go we have an

individual standing right here and it

looks like he’s holding a graph okay so

here we go her accountant put the work

in and got her the money she needed

that’s why he looks so happy right here

okay so again you can use this

expression whenever someone has put a

lot of effort into something or someone

has done something for you that was very

very help

alright ok so let’s move on to our next


alright expression number twelve how to

use time serving in real life alright

not working very hard at your job or

something else because you are just

waiting until you reach the time when

you can stop so again is when you feel

like oh I’m only doing this because I

have to and I’m really watching the

clock when can I leave I don’t want to

be here anymore

I’m just time serving ok all right now

let’s look at the example sentences here

we go first one he’s a time serving

drone who works for America’s Internal

Revenue Service he’s just staying there

because he has to be there alright next

these time serving workers are not

putting the work in

at all again they really don’t have to

be there and they don’t want to be there

but they’re just doing it because they

have to and they’re not working hard ok

all right next we have sometimes he just

feels like a time serving career man ok

alright grateful here we go the students

looked like they were just time serving

instead of actually being excited to

learn you see in this picture they’re

all looking at their phones and they

really don’t want to learn or so it

seems ok alright so let’s move on here

we go remember the next thing we have to

do is watch the clip one more time so

here we go you cannot sound fluent if

you have not seared the phrase hundred

thousand trillion time mm-hmm yeah it’s

needed to get that through and some

students that are just time serving

all right so this time you heard all the

expressions right guys so we learned the

three expressions and we heard the clip

again and now we can recognize ah this

is what myself and the other teacher

we’re saying so now let’s see if you

guys can get the right answer for the

quiz here we go we’re going back to my

screen again guys here we go

question number four he dot dot which is

why he received good results okay let

her a important component let her be put

the work in let her see time serving or

letter D none of the above

again question number four what’s the

answer all right guys remember number

one two three and four I want you to put

your answers in the comment section and

also try to pick two expressions to make

your own sentences okay all right so

guys I really hope you learned a lot

remember we learned 12 expressions 12

English expressions today now guys I

really hope you enjoyed this lesson and

I also want to give you guys the free

pdf all you have to do is click the link

that’s in the description and you can

download the free pdf so that you can

practice and use these English

expressions that we learned today I’ll

talk to you guys in the next episode