Learn English how to use to get EnglishWithLucy

are you ready okay hello and welcome to

English with Lucy it’s been a long time

since I last made a video using my

whiteboard so today is going to be a

really useful lesson it’s going to be

all about the verb to get oh very

important news I now have an Instagram

along with my Facebook and obviously my

youtube channel which is right here and

for my Chinese followers I’ve created a

Weibo account as well and you can

communicate with me on there now I warn

you I don’t speak Chinese so I’m finding

it quite difficult but I don’t want you

guys to feel like I don’t appreciate you

because I do so what does get mean don’t

tell me that it means to obtain because

that is only one of the many many many

uses forget today I’ve got a really

really useful video for you it is all

about the verb to get and the many uses

that it has so make sure you watch right

to the end so if you look in an English

dictionary you probably find that there

are around 50 uses 50 individual uses

for the verb to get now I’ve managed to

group some of these uses into seven

categories and today we’re going to talk

about six of them I’m going to talk to

you about how the verb to get can be

used to replace to arrive to receive or

to obtain to become to bring to buy and

to find and it can also be added to to

have or to have to I will then discuss

some of these many phrases and

expressions that can be used with to get

now I do have phrasal verbs written here

but I’m not going to talk about those

today and if you don’t know what a

phrasal verb is I do have a video about

how phrasal verbs are made and how we

use them now there are a lot of phrasal

verbs that use the verb to get but there

are too many to talk about today so I

promise you that I will make another

video all about phrasal verbs using get

so the

first one to travel or to arrives very

similar how did you get to London I got

here by train now this could mean how

did you travel to London I traveled here

by train then we have what time did you

get here I got here at 10:30 well in

this case get means arrive what time did

you arrive here I arrived here at 10:30

so now we’re on to to receive or to

obtain so here are five examples of

situations where get can replace to

receive or to obtain so I got a letter

in the post I received a letter in the

post I hope I get a promotion I hope I

received a promotion I think you get the

idea now so he’s not going to get an

apology I get presents at Christmas and

can I get a kiss okay

so now on to to become and this means to

show a change so we can use the verb to

get with adjectives comparatives and

past participles here you have some

examples and three examples of these in

use are in summer it gets hot in summer

it becomes hot I hope I get better

English I hope I become better at

English and I need to leave I’m getting

tired whoops

stop there passed Lucy this is future

Lucy even professionals make mistakes I

meant to say I’m getting bored not on

getting tired I need to leave I’m

becoming tired ok we are over halfway

through now so number four to bring to

buy or to find now these ones depend a

little bit on the context so for example

with the first one can I get you a drink

this could mean to buy if for example

I’m in a bar with my friend if I say can

I get you a drink

it probably means can I buy you a drink

but if I have my friend over at my house

it would mean can I bring you a drink

because I’m going to get it and bring it

from the kitchen then we have

some new clothes well this is going to

mean I need to buy some new clothes

finally well you’re able to get the

information where you’re able to find

the information so now on to number five

where get is attitude to have or to have

to but without the meaning changing so

in some situations there are two ways of

saying exactly the same thing so let’s

look at to have first I’ve got examples

of the affirmative the negative and the

interrogate if I have so much money

wish this was true I’ve got so much

money so we contract the I have I’ve got

we cannot use the contraction without

got in this case I’ve so much money

doesn’t exist so I have so much money or

I’ve got so much money on to the

negative I don’t have any friends I’ve

not got any friends

the nots goes before the got and again

the contraction is used the last one the

interrogate ‘iv do you have another time

have you got enough time note that no

contraction is used in the

interpretative and now the examples for

to have to the affirmative I have to

tell her we’ve get I’ve got to tell her

same meaning the negative she doesn’t

have to come we’ve get she hasn’t got to

come the interrogated do you have to

leave we’ve get have you got to leave

and that’s it easy peasy lemon squeezy

so now on to the final one last but not

least expressions we get now there are

loads of expressions that use the verb

to get so I’ve chosen five for you oh

I’ve just realised this is a bit messy

sorry I hope you can read it and the

first one is do you get it and this

means do you understand it so I often

ask my students in class if they get

something I’m asking if they understand

something the next one

did you get it right did you answer

correctly I ask my students how many did

you get right in an exam how many


they answer correctly I need to get

going this is very common in English I

need to start to leave you probably want

to leave but you don’t want to be

impolite then we have we didn’t get off

to a good start this means we didn’t

begin well you are getting on my nerves

this means you are annoying me if

someone gets on your nerves they annoy


well I hope you got all that haha get

expressions and well really I do hope

that you understood with that if you

didn’t watch again and remember that

there are subtitles on the video please

use them because it takes me honestly

about 2 hours to write the subtitles for

my videos because I just speak so much

but if you liked the video subscribe to

my channel follow me on Instagram like

me on Facebook and if you’re in China

then make sure you follow my Weibo

account please if I’m saying that wrong

correct me anyway thank you so much for

being such lovely students and I’ll see

you in the next video mwah I receive a

letter in the post