Learn English in 3 Hours Basics of English Speaking for Beginners
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hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome
back to top words today we’re going to
talk about 10 ways to stop translating
in your head let’s get started
identify objects around you in English
the first way to stop translating in
your head is to identify the objects
around you in your target language so if
you’re studying English that means you
look at the objects around the room look
at the things in your life don’t think
of them in your native language first
think of them in your target language
first so if I look around the room I see
a computer I shouldn’t think my native
language word I should think my target
language word so start with the items
and the situations in your everyday life
if I say computer in English maybe I
should say computer in Japanese I should
say not I don’t know water in English I
should say Oh Mesa in Japanese so start
associating the words in your target
language with your everyday life now so
if you’re studying English that means
start getting familiar with the things
in your everyday life in English repeat
phrases you hear native speakers use tip
number two is to repeat the phrases that
you hear native speakers use so if
you’re watching this channel for example
or you’re watching a TV show or a movie
listen for the way that native speakers
make those phrases if you hear a phrase
you have never heard before or you hear
an interesting combination of words try
to repeat them yourself don’t just
listen try to save them yourself if
you’re in a public space and it’s
difficult for you to do that fine
practice in a place where you feel more
comfortable maybe if you have some
private space to practice just repeat
them get your mouth used to saying the
words the way that the speaker’s the
native speakers do so if you never
actually say words if you’re only taking
in if you’re only
singing and you’re not actually
producing the language it’s it’s kind of
hard to to practice and to to really
hone your pronunciation to improve your
pronunciation so when you listen to
native speakers try to repeat after them
so for example if you’re studying
you can try to repeat after this video
you can repeat after the things I’m
saying because maybe I’m using an
expression or I’m using a certain series
of vocabulary words together the way a
native speaker would and it’s maybe a
good idea to try to practice the ways
that native speakers put their words
together so try to repeat after native
speakers especially when you’re looking
at media and you can do this when you’re
reading books too you can try to read
out read out loud interesting lines of
books that you find or something that
maybe is difficult for you
very nice practice to make a situation
where you can’t escape into your native
language make a situation where you
can’t escape into your native language
essentially means immerse yourself of
course going to that country are going
to a place where you can speak only that
language is very difficult for some of
you totally understand but if in your
life you can create a situation in your
library in your room in your house
somewhere for just an hour or I don’t
know maybe a day I don’t know what your
schedule is like but if you can create a
situation or create an environment where
you have no choice but to use that
language and you cannot escape meaning
you cannot go back to using your native
language as a crutch you can’t use the
native language at all it forces you to
use the language that you’re studying so
of course if you are lucky enough to
live in the country or to live in a
place where people speak the language
you’re studying great but you have to go
out and interact with people you have to
put yourself in a place where you have
no choice but to speak it’s very hard
and it’s very scary and it’s very
embarrassing at first but if you take
time to find places and to make and
parents that are comfortable for you
where you feel comfortable making
mistakes and asking questions it’s very
valuable for your learning process this
is actually something that I did totally
I totally did this
my Japanese wasn’t very good for a long
time but then I started making friends
who could not speak English actually I
just did this through finding hobbies
there was a hobby that I had I joined a
group I joined actually a school to
where I could learn how to do that hobby
and everything was taught only in
Japanese and the people in my class only
spoke Japanese mostly and then maybe we
would go out for drinks and food late at
night or on the weekends and everybody
spoke only Japanese and if I couldn’t
communicate even simply in Japanese I
had no hope of keeping that friendship
together so it forced me to study it
forced me to think about the words they
were using and to try to learn those
words those patterns as well as how to
produce them naturally myself so I was
learning the vocabulary words the people
around me were using and learning how to
apply them on my own that was only
possible because I had no escape in
those situations so try to do that even
if you can do it yourself in your house
it’s super helpful I think watch TV and
movies in your target language without
subtitles tip number four is to watch TV
and movies in your target language
without subtitles without subtitles so I
think that watching with subtitles can
be very beneficial so if I’m watching
something or if you want to watch
something with subtitles on great let’s
I sometimes find that I can in my case I
think too much about reading the
subtitles and I forget to listen so
maybe if you’ve seen a movie in your
target language a few times with the
subtitles on try turning the subtitles
off and think about the like character’s
body language the words they’re using
you can always look that up later look
up the you know the words you don’t know
in a dictionary but try to do it where
you’re focusing completely on the way
that people are using
words try not to use the subtitles so
kind of play around with it a little bit
if there’s a word that’s difficult for
you to hear you can actually turn on the
subtitles in like the in the native
language of the movie as well that’s
something that I’ve done like if look if
I wanted to study Japanese it’s very
useful when the actual words spoken in
Japanese appear on the screen sometimes
it’s easier for me to catch a word if I
see it visually and I hear it at the
same time so another way to kind of
explore how you can use TV and movies is
to actually turn on the closed captions
like the the words on the screen in the
native language of the movie so so this
is sort of two points in one so one
watch movies without subtitles
meaning subtitles in your native
language and hint to is to watch movies
with closed captioning on but the closed
captioning is in your target language
not in your native language so you can
try those two things with TV and with
movies don’t bring a dictionary to your
lesson tip number five is don’t bring a
dictionary to your lesson okay so it
gives me a second here so I understand
the dictionaries it was especially
electronic dictionaries we have them on
our phones now are very very convenient
of course it’s important to use them and
it’s a they’re a great resource to have
however one thing that really bothers me
and that I think is detrimental it’s not
helpful for students is when students
are in a lesson and they’re practicing
conversation and they reach a point in
the conversation where they don’t know
the word they want to use they know it
in their native language and they don’t
know how to say it in their target
language they pull out their dictionary
they say to this the person listening to
them their practice partner in their
lesson where they have a limited period
of time just a moment and then they look
it up on their phone it takes a few
seconds the flow of the conversation
stops and then they say a word it’s like
wow no that’s not you don’t
have that ability you don’t have the
ability to do that in a conversation
with a native speaker most people like
if you go to a bank and try to open a
bank account are you really going to
pull out your dictionary and sit there
and try to communicate you know just a
moment just a moment as you look up each
word you don’t know no or if you do
that’s not a real conversation
so instead try using a different
strategy by that I mean if you find a
word you don’t know in conversation
explain the word to your conversation
partner maybe they know the word if
you’re speaking with a native speaker
this is a chance for them to teach you a
word I find that when people take the
time to teach me a word
I remember the word much better than
just looking it up on my dictionary so
try to resist maybe you can bring a
dictionary to your lesson but don’t use
it or try not to use it in your
conversation practice it’s just it
destroys the flow of a conversation so
instead practice the skill of describing
the vocabulary word you want to use and
learn how to ask the meaning of a word
or learn how to ask for a vocabulary
word from your partner so you can use an
expression like ah what’s the word that
means pop habla or you know it’s this
thing that does this and this and this
so this is an opportunity for you to
describe characteristics of something or
find a different way you can use your
body language you can use whatever you
have a lot of tools but try not to use a
dictionary in a conversation because
it’s not realistic train responses to
common questions number six is a quick
one I think number six hint number six I
have is just to Train responses to
common questions train responses to
common questions so for example a very
common question in English is hey how
are you you should know how to answer
this question just have a default
response hey how are you I’m good if it
takes you a long time to answer the
question hey how are you
you need to practice I think that’s a
pretty good a pretty good indicator so
for example sometimes I ask
students a question like that they
haven’t quite gotten the idea of how to
respond just yet they’re not so quick at
responding I say hey how are you and
they say yes and then they think and
they go I am I’m a good and it’s like
that’s a very common question so think
about just a default response that you
can spit out that you can quickly say if
it’s how was your weekend or hey what’s
up or what do you want to do for dinner
tonight think about like just a handful
meaning just a few responses to those
questions and train them quickly just
how are you I’m good how are you I’m
okay how are you not bad there’s three
so it’s just training responses to those
questions there’s no reason to be
surprised by a question like how are you
like that’s a very common question so
for those common questions trained
responses so that we’ve got a bunch of
videos especially beginner level videos
for some example responses you can do so
don’t get stuck with these little
questions just train a few responses
practice a few responses till they feel
natural to you it’ll save you time and
it’ll help the person asking the
question to to move forward in the
conversation okay
study with materials that don’t provide
a translation the next tip is to study
with materials that don’t provide a
translation so by this I mean if you’re
using worksheets or some kind of
textbook or whatever and it has your
target language the language you’re
studying and it has your native language
next to it while this can be useful I
feel that if you can studying your
materials only in your target language
and then simplified explanations for
more detailed points also in your target
language can be a little bit better so I
don’t want to say like you should only
study things in your target language and
nothing from your native language
because of course like it can be helpful
sometimes to look up a word or to
understand a grammar point in your
native language but where possible if
find something that provides simplified
explanations in your target language it
can be really really helpful because
again you’re thinking you’re learning to
think on like a simpler on a more basic
level about the language you’re studying
in the language that you’re studying so
this can be really really good
so finding some materials to use where
there’s no translation maybe you can
practice of course with with books and
with written materials but also with
like video materials as well so there
are a variety of different ways that you
can find materials in your target
language like in video and TV so some
things to think about there are the
level of vocabulary words people are
using in the media content you’re
watching who the media content is
intended for children young adults
adults the speed at which the speaker is
talking so like I have the ability to
change the level of difficulty of videos
based on the rate of speech the
vocabulary words that I use and how many
like idioms and things I use so I could
make a video very difficult we could
make a very like a very difficult video
series by leveling up our vocabulary use
or by speaking very quickly or as you
might see in like our English in three
minutes series we can also use very
simple vocabulary and speak at a low
rate of speech so maybe right now this
is a very intermediate level video so
please think about that so not just for
written materials but also for your
audio and visual materials think about
who your audience is the level of the
material and so on it can be really fun
and it can be helpful to think about
your your target language in your target
language all right we’re all Muslim
study phrases in addition to single
vocabulary the next tip is study phrases
in addition to single vocabulary words
so yes of course vocabulary is important
but I find it personally very very
useful to look at how a vocabulary word
is used in a phrase because sometimes
using it in a phrase helped
see use understand the nuance of that
vocabulary word really really well so if
I like a word like crazy for example in
English depending on the situation where
the word crazy is used it could mean
something different it could mean like a
person who is mentally confused or mixed
up it could also mean something really
good it could mean something really bad
so if we look only at the word crazy
it’s quite difficult to understand
really the meaning of the word but if
you look at the way the word is used in
a phrase you can get a lot more
information so take a look at the way
people use words in phrases not just a
single vocabulary words you can learn a
lot more that way I think do your daily
activities in English where possible the
next step is to do your daily activities
in your target language so if you’re
studying English that means try to do
some daily activities in English if
possible so this can be very very boring
stuff but just think about it when
you’re doing the activity so like right
now I’m filming a video for English
class 101.com or I’m going to work I’m
cooking breakfast I’m doing the laundry
what do I have to do tomorrow so try
thinking about your everyday life in
English if you’re studying English try
thinking about your everyday activities
the people that you meet what are you
doing so this is a way to help you
practice your verbs so if you don’t know
if you’re I don’t know you’re doing
something at work and you’re like oh my
gosh how do I explain the what’s the
verb for you know a picture like I want
to blah blah blah a picture what’s the
word you can check a dictionary at that
point and go up its draw like I need to
use the verb draw or draw a picture so
you can find these little gaps in your
everyday life these little gaps in your
knowledge if you think about your
everyday activities in your target
language if you don’t think about it in
your target language you might not
realize you have vocabulary gaps or
phrase gaps here and there so this is a
really good and kind of funny actually
way to study use a learner’s dictionary
for new words the last tip is to use a
learner’s dictionary for new words so in
English there are
learners dictionaries available in
English so my favorite my personal
favorite is merriam-webster
merriam-webster is a fantastic
dictionary resource they’re so
interesting and they have tons of like
historical information I really do just
sit and like readings on the dictionary
page lately it’s true
but of course there’s a definition
there’s a meaning for words there are
example sentences for words but
merriam-webster also has what’s called a
learner’s dictionary if you find a word
that you don’t recognize you can check
it in a dictionary in a learner’s
dictionary and it gives you a simplified
a simple explanation in simple English
of that word so instead of checking it
in your native language you can check it
in your target language so again this
helps you to understand the word that
you are that you’re focused on but you
understand it from the language you’re
studying not from your native language
so using a learner’s dictionary can be
really really useful as well yeah all
right so those are ten tips those are 10
tips to help you stop translating in
your head I know it’s very difficult but
it’s it takes time and it takes practice
and I hope that these are a few
strategies that can help you as you
study any language of course this is an
English language channel an English
language learning channel but I think
these tips are pretty good for learning
just about any language really so I hope
those are useful for you if you have
tried these strategies or if you have
any other comments or other tips please
let us know in the comment section below
this video if you liked this video
please make sure to hit the thumbs up
share this video and subscribe to our
channel to check us out in English class
101.com for more good stuff as well
thanks very much for watching this
episode of tough words and I will see
you again soon hi hi everyone I’m
Bridget and welcome to today’s lesson
today’s topic is ten ways to say hello
in English good morning good morning is
the first thing you say to someone when
you see them in the morning good morning
sir would you like a cup of coffee
good morning could I please get some
jous good morning I’m still tired from
the night before hello hello is the most
common greeting you’ll hear that and hi
hello is a polite nice way to greet
someone when you see them hello
everyone says it you cannot go wrong
saying hello hello can be used at any
time of the day no matter whether it’s
morning or at night or at 4:00 a.m. when
you see someone you can say hello and it
will still be appropriate long time no
see long time no see it’s not
necessarily grammatically correct but
it’s a saying that we have hey long time
no see what it means is that you haven’t
seen that person in a long time so it
literally means long time no see long
time no see is something you say to
someone when you haven’t seen them in a
while hey John long time no see how are
the wife and kids
how have you been hey how have you been
I haven’t seen you in a long time
how have you been is asking someone how
they’re doing and how they’ve been for
the past however long if you haven’t
seen them in a while
you might say hey long time no see how
have you been how have you been that’s
past tense it implies that you haven’t
seen them in a while and you want to
hear about how they are and how they’ve
been for all of that time that you
haven’t seen them Hey long time no see
how have you been how are you how are
you means how are you doing how are you
feeling how is everything it’s a
standard thing that you might say to
anyone even if you’ve seen them the day
before you might see them today I’d say
hey how are you how’s it going hey how’s
it going how’s it going is a more
informal way to say how are you so how
are you and how’s it going they mean the
same thing it’s asking how you’re doing
how you are feeling is everything okay
with you what’s up what’s up is another
way of saying hey how is it going but
this one is even more informal so you
might say this to friends hey what’s up
and they’ll say nothing just living my
life you know day in and day out hey
what’s up hey what’s up good afternoon
good afternoon how are you would you
like some lunch good afternoon is a
polite way to greet someone in the
afternoon so if you run into your boss
you might say good afternoon it’s very
nice it’s polite not a lot of people say
it to their friends but it’s it’s a
polite way to greet someone good evening
good evening is a nice way to greet
someone in the evening time you can only
use this phrase in the evening because
it’s wishing someone a good evening it’s
saying hello at a certain time of day
good evening would you like some dinner
good evening have you eaten yet all of
my examples involve food it seems it’s
nice to meet you it’s nice to meet you
this is something that’s very common to
say the first time that you meet someone
you might shake their hand and say hi
it’s nice to meet you
my name is Bridget my name is it’s
telling that person that you are happy
to be meeting them it’s a pleasure to
meet them hi it’s nice to meet you that
brings us to the end of this lesson
ten ways to say hello if you guys liked
the video please don’t forget to give us
a thumbs up and subscribe to our Channel
if you have any questions or comments
leave them below and don’t forget to go
to English class 101.com for more
okay everybody shift information has
been posted for the month
it looks like we’ll visit 25 cities in
30 days do we normally visit 25
different cities in one month yes
sometimes we visit even more where’s our
first stop Charlotte hey I have friends
in Charlotte it would be nice to see
them good evening in room/dining this is
Alex how may I be of service
hello I would like to order some food of
course ma’am
just to confirm this is mrs. rawson in
room 417 yes it is excellent
may I take your order yes I would like a
turkey sandwich on a parmesan bagel and
what’s a drink a diet coke will there be
anything else yes I would also like a
wake-up call for 7:00
my major is education how about you I’m
an English major cool I like English oh
and what’s Oksana’s major she’s also an
English major that’s nice you can help
each other study yep in fact I need to
meet her now so we can study together
okay it was nice talking with you you
see you later see ya good evening ma’am
may I have your first and last names
Melissa West thank you ma’am
I have found a reservation here’s the
registration information does everything
look correct to you yes it seems to be
correct excellent now I will just need a
photo ID for legal purposes
well my passport do that would be just
fine ma’am checkout is between noon and
2 o’clock you may request an extension
of up to five hours for your charge what
if I need more time then a late charge
of 5% will be added to your bill hey
Vicky did you forget our study date at
10:00 this morning I’m sorry now me at
10:00 I was talking with my professor
and couldn’t get away I’m sorry I should
have called that’s okay so how did the
meeting go with the professor it went
he gave me an extension on my paper and
I can still take the midterm how was
your study group yesterday well we were
studying together during lunch when I
noticed an old friend of mine from high
school in the same cafe my concept
legend quickly switched from class to
catching up with my friends so I didn’t
get much done you’ve taken that class
before right yeah last semester I was
always asking questions in that class
because it was so difficult well I was
hoping that you could lend me a hand
with my paper I can’t think of anything
else to write
sure no problem that is if you can help
me study for our history test sounds
like a deal wanna speak real English
from your first les
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at English class 101.com
hi everyone i’m christine from english
class 101 comm in this video we’ll be
talking about how to curse like an
english native speaker piss a slang term
for urine for example don’t piss your
pants you can say this when you’re
really scared or anxious for example if
you’re about to go onstage to make a
speech or perform someone can say don’t
piss your pants you can do it pissed off
to be really angry when I’m angry I can
say hey I’m really pissed off at you
right now
why did you do that for loser used to
describe an uncool person in high school
my friends and I would use this a lot
and we would say hey loser how’s it
going idiot
used to install people by saying they’re
not intelligent of all the mean things
that you can say this is on the lighter
side but people still use it shoot this
is used to show disappointment or
frustration without using a stronger
curse word shoot I spilled my coffee
shut up you can use this when you want
them to be quiet or there’s something
surprising that you just heard you can
say shut up no way
ticked off to be really angry you can
say this with pissed off so this is
actually an older term not many people
use this as much anymore because most
people actually just use pissed-off fool
this is similar to saying someone is
like a clown you can say you’re acting
like a fool right now jerk this is a
light insult used to describe someone
who is mean for example if there’s
someone bullying another person that
person is being a jerk whip this means
someone who isn’t strong there is a
movie out right
now called Diary of a Wimpy Kid have you
seen it have you not I haven’t yet so
how was it if you have any more
questions please leave a comment below
see you next time
hey everyone I’m Parris from English
class 101.com in this video we’re
talking about how to ask and give
directions let’s start to the left the
first phrase is where is the where is
the for example you can ask where is the
bank this can be used to ask for a
general location or detailed directions
don’t be surprised if you only receive
basic information for example next to
the grocery store the next phrase is I
need to go to the I need to go to the
for example you can say I need to go to
the police station the word need is used
but this is used for non-emergencies as
well how do I get to the how do I get to
the for example you can say how do I get
to the museum this question can be used
to ask for step-by-step directions
instead of a general location is the
near here is the near here for example
you can say is the library near here if
you’re unfamiliar with an area you can
ask to get this information about a
specific place where you want to go is
the bathroom near here excuse me
do you know where the is excuse me do
you know where the is for example you
can say excuse me
do you know where the park is only use
excuse me when you’re starting a
conversation with a stranger another
common phrase is is the far from here is
the far from here for example you can
say is the post office front from here
this is an indirect way to ask for
directions people will tell you how far
the place is and probably tell you the
best way to get there walking taking a
bus driving uber now let’s take a look
at expressions to give directions turn
turn left for example you can say turn
left after two blocks this gives you
information about how far you should go
before you make any changes in this case
you should go left to the left turn
right turn right for example you can say
turn right at the third traffic light
this also gives you information about
how far you should go before taking
another action in this case you should
go right go straight go straight
this simply tells you to go in one
direction it also implies that if you
keep going straight that you will
eventually find what you’re looking for
go past go past for example you can say
go past the church a landmark is just an
easily noticeable place for example a
movie theater restaurant at the corner
of at the corner of for example you can
say it’s at the corner of this means
that a place is located at the corner or
two streets meet in front of in front of
for example you can say the bus station
is in front of the supermarket we use
front to refer to the main entrance of a
building it can also mean visible from
the front and doesn’t necessarily mean
it’s directly in front of something
behind behind for example you can say
the parking lot is behind the movie
theater we use behind to say that
something is at the rear of a building
the front of a building is its main
entrance so which side it’s facing the
street is really not important next to
next to for example you can say the
restaurant is next to the part this is
an example of using a nonspecific
location to give general directions next
to can be anywhere beside in front of or
around a place McDonald’s is next to my
house between between for example you
can say the store is between the coffee
shop and the pet store the
queen is used with two other places when
using between the main place will always
be in the middle of the two other places
okay that’s all for this lesson which
phrase do you like the most
leave us a comment and let us know and
I’ll see you next time guys bye hey guys
I’m Parris from English class 101.com in
this video we’ll be talking about making
complaints in English so let’s get
started the first complaint is I’m
starving I’m starving this is an
exaggeration you can use when you’re
hungry I am always starving even right
now the next complaint is its noisy its
noisy this kind of complaint is one that
you would make to a friend telling the
staff of a restaurant won’t help since
they can’t tell people to be quiet
I hate when it’s noisy restaurants save
that for another time then we have it’s
hot it’s hot this can be used to talk
about the weather or the temperature of
a room you can add a request like can
you turn on the air-conditioner I am
never hot so I like that
the next complaint is it’s cold it’s
cold this can be used to talk about the
weather or the temperature of a room you
can add a request like can you turn on
the heater I always make this request
because it’s always too cold everywhere
everywhere it’s too expensive it’s too
expensive even if you have enough money
to buy something it may be more money
than you want to spend it would probably
be considered rude to say this to
someone who works at a store but I
always think okay I’m in Gucci it’s way
too expensive another common complaint
is I’m tired I’m tired use this
complaint to imply that you want to sit
down relax go home take a break when I
babysit my five-year-old cousin I leave
thinking I’m tired the next complaint is
I gained weight
I gained weight this is a self-criticism
that implies that you want to lose
weight men
people say I got so fat I’m always broke
I’m always broke
use this to complain about never having
enough money
I am always broke because I always want
more money the next complaint is my job
is boring my job is boring this is a
really common complaint used by people
who don’t think their jobs are very
exciting usually it means that you want
to find a different more fun job it’s a
right teachers your job isn’t boring
that person stinks that person stinks
you can use stinks to talk about a
literal physical smell or a general
insult meaning that you don’t like how
someone smells I hate when people snow
on the bus not good not okay the next
complaint is there’s too much traffic
there’s too much traffic this is a
common complaint among people who
commute to work by car certain roads are
especially bad during rush hour which is
the time in the morning or night most
people are going home or to work if I
left at it was 7 p.m. I would be here in
10 minutes but because it’s daytime in
LA it took me 30 minutes to get here and
I drive really really fast and it still
took me 30 minutes the next complaint is
the Wi-Fi here is too slow the Wi-Fi
here is too slow this is just a general
complaint you may have about the
internet speed if you’re at a cafe or
somewhere with Wi-Fi you can request
that they reset the Wi-Fi to improve the
speed if you’re having a party and
you’re having friends over and your
Wi-Fi is too slow you might as well end
that party now no Wi-Fi no party my boss
is annoying
my boss is annoying annoying can be used
to mean that someone does things that
you don’t like or they ask you to do
things that you don’t like either way an
annoying boss is a bad experience I am
very familiar with this hey Paris grab
me coffee hey Paris check my emails my
boss is annoying but don’t tell him I
said that the pay is too low the pay is
to low you can use this to complain
about how much you make or to reject a
job offer because it doesn’t pay enough
I’m a surgeon the pay is too low I don’t
like it I don’t like it this is a very
general complaint that can be used for
almost anything what don’t I like
posting a thousand selfies on Instagram
I don’t like it hmm okay
that’s it for this lesson which
complaints do you like more leave us a
comment and let me know and we’ll see
you next time bye bye you just got a
text message from your hotels pickup
service what does the first number refer
what does the first number refer to
the number in the text message refers to
the customer code you are at a train
station where you’ve just bought an
Express ticket which train car row and
seat number are you in
which train car row and seat number are
you in
the ticket says that you’re in train car
number one in the eighth row in seat C
you are at a train station where you’re
attempting to buy an express ticket from
a ticket machine which option should you
choose to buy an express ticket
which option should you choose to buy an
express ticket
the option on the bottom left is for an
express ticket
you are on a platform at a train station
where you’re waiting for your train
suddenly a message appears on the
display what does the message on the
display mean
what does the message on the display
the display reads the next train will
not stop you are at a train station
where you’re reading the train scheduled
for an express ticket that you’ve just
bought on which days are there no
Express trains running
on which days are there no Express
trains running
there are no Express trains running on
public holidays and the third Sunday of
every month want to speak real English
from your first lesson sign up for your
free lifetime account at English class
you are on a platform at a train station
where you’re waiting for your train
suddenly a message appears on the
display what does the message on the
display mean
what is the message on the display mean
the display reads the next train will
not stop
you are at a train station where you’re
looking for the best exit to catch a
taxi which exit should you take to get
to the taxi stop
which exit should you take to get to the
taxi stop
you should take the east exit in order
to get to the taxi stop hi everybody my
name is Alisha and today I am joined
again in the studio by my goal hello and
today we’re going to be talking about
things that were cool in the 90s the
things that were interesting or things
that maybe we were interested in in the
90s I’m guessing that we’re going to
have some very different opinions based
on our experiences of the 90s so let’s
get right into it Michael your first
item please okay boy bands so I remember
boy bands were very very popular when I
was a kid in the 90s I had three older
brothers who had punched me and tell me
boy bands are for girls don’t like boy
bands so that was my experience with
them and they became kind of uncool I
feel like after the 90s and then they
never were uncool in like Korea and like
a lot of Asian countries they still had
like a strong boy band kind of scene or
whatever my band’s now is that really
what they’re called I don’t know I just
mean I think I feel like boy they’re boy
bands then are now becoming boys to men
maybe so I mean now they came now it
came back like what is that what’s the
British one now it’s kind of cool again
well one direction one direction yeah so
I think it’s come back it’s full circle
didn’t they just break up I’m gonna go
with something that I loved in the 90s
this is probably way too specific uh
but it’s this show called Doug that was
on Nickelodeon and there weren’t a whole
lot of episodes of Douglas I don’t know
like twenty or thirty I feel like not
even that many did you see this show
yeah that’s very nostalgic for me I
don’t twenty thirty episode I feel I
feel like I had I’d seen them all so I I
know that I saw them all because I paid
it would come back it would come on one
day after school and I bet I’ve seen
this episode but the whole the whole
idea with Doug is Doug was like this
just this plain kid and he had an older
sister he went to school he had a dog
get a best friend and he would just
encounter these every day of life
scenarios that would be kind of
troubling or he
know how to deal with them but like he
was kind of a role model I feel like he
was kind of being like a good kid or
sometimes he would get into trouble but
then you know eventually he would solve
the problem or he’d find a way out of it
so but I really loved that show I really
loved Nickelodeon in general I’m during
the 90s it yeah did you watch that
channel of course I love to Nickelodeon
um I think I was more like Fox stuff
like that but I guess I’ll segue into
another one of mine you’re talking about
wholesome so something that’s my
childhood I was raised on TV those
sitcoms so I think this is kind of died
down again like the boy bands wear it
people think it’s cheesy now it’s all
reality TV shows that kind of stuff but
that’s that is my childhood right there
is you know full house and these kinds
of shows step by step where there’s a
moral at the end of the story and so
everyone there’s always kind of like the
the protagonist is always like maybe
he’s unsure but by the end they know the
right thing to do and they play like the
violin kind of sad not quite sad but
like heartwarming music you know like
well and then they give a speech and as
a kid you know you don’t really like
think about it but that gets into your
like I move man deep because a full
house if you lie I’ve learned this as
deep in my subconscious if you lie and
then you keep lying
it’s snowballs and it gets worse and
worse and worse so it’s best to just
right away tell the truth that was a
really common theme and most sitcoms I
think that like they’re just trying to
teach kids don’t lie it’s bad you’re
right you’re right sitcoms are youjin by
the way sitcoms is is a portmanteau
portmanteau meaning two words put
together of situation and comedy so
situation and comedy equals sitcom in
this case okay nice nice I’m gonna go to
my next one let’s see I think probably
every little girl in the 90s in America
anyway knew what this was I don’t know
if you knew it’s this brand called Lisa
Frank um Lisa Frank are you aware of
Lisa Frank
are you aware elesif right no okay she
knows she knows and Lisa Frank is so
Lisa Frank is just bright it was always
like brightly colored school supplies
like pinks and purples and blues and it
would always have unicorns and doll
and mystical creatures he was just
bright and everybody all the girls loved
it I loved it I had Lisa Frank just
whatever I could get my hands on it’s B
pencils or erasers or just pinks and
rainbows and hearts and stuff like that
so I think every every girl who grew up
in the 90s knows what Lisa Frank is okay
so talking about style in whatnots
grunge grunge is something that I hits
close to home for me and I think that
came out of the 90s is I mean everybody
knows around the world I think most
people know Nirvana yeah Kurt Cobain and
this is something that I guess was
brought to the world from Seattle and it
was a music genre and it was kind of
it’s like rock but sometimes slower
almost emo kind of like sad usually
undertones but anyways the style that
came with it was the opposite of like
the 80s and early 90s of really bright
colors you know it was the opposite you
just wear holey jeans you don’t really
shower that much you don’t shave and
like plaid and just really like dreary
colors so that was really popular I at
least I remember in like the early
nineties yeah and it’s as soon as I saw
that card grunge as I got Nirvana that
was that’s the first thing that comes to
mind when I hear about when I hear
grunge I didn’t get into the grunge
scene though I was I was busy with boy
bands but like grunge for me was never
really I was aware I was aware of
but I did not I was not up the Nirvana
God okay I’m gonna go to a style point
then too because you’ve read up a style
point I’ll put up bring up maybe a
female style point scrunchies still
popular perhaps among some people what
is a scrunchie a scrunchie let’s see I
don’t have so there’s regular rubber
bands that you can use to tie back long
hair he’s making a no shirt with his
hands yes it’s a very descriptive very
descriptive no I’m the prop and then you
go like this you could take it take it
take it
there’s like that if there’s an awesome
video team somewhere in the world
somewhere that can put make this country
like right here anyway
yeah scrunchie it’s just it’s just a
piece of elastic with some kind of
colorful cloth wrapped around it and but
when not in use so you would go and it
would scrunch I think I think this is
why we call it a scrunchie but then when
you pull out it you could expand it a
bit and wrap your hair up in it and then
when you’re finished doing that it would
kind of close around it I had a couple
Nintendo anything any game related stuff
I remember gameboy is anything handheld
except when I was a kid it wasn’t like
this fancy 3d high you know highly like
vibrant colors it was like black and
white and like you’d play it in the car
and you had to squint and it hurts your
head you know if you’re playing too much
you’re getting like carsick and you’re
like you can barely see Mario that’s my
game boy game boy all right any like
there was handheld - there was like
Atari and stuff like that and like Sega
Sega was pretty good that would light up
I was thinking about NES when you said
Nintendo I imagined by any yes the one
that like when it wasn’t working
correctly you could just pull the
cassette on deck put it back in so you
put the cartridge in here right and
sometimes if it was really stubborn and
it didn’t work
you would blow into this part and you
try and it really doesn’t make a
difference but you would take turns like
me and my brothers would be like no you
want to be the one to get it to work so
you take turns hitting I don’t know let
me let me let me and just by luck you
would work you’re like see see ya know
this is super nostalgic I love Nintendo
I have a game two pogs do you have pod
ok pogs are either simultaneously the
most brilliant game in the stupidest
game ever invented
they’re just discs of cardboard about
this size and on one side there’s a
picture and on the other side there’s
just nothing and then you had a thing
called a slammer which was essentially
just a heavy POG that she would use and
you had to flip you had to use the
slammer to flip the plain cardboard ones
what I don’t even know it was that
stupid and forgettable of a game but it
was like crazy when I was about I don’t
know like 2nd or 3rd grade or something
everybody had pogs like we had pogcham
days at my school I remember thank you
America we’re really obese let’s go into
the gym and sit there and smash fogs and
like I was telling I was telling her
before we started this like one day like
my mom wanted me to get a haircut and I
was just being stubborn and I wasn’t
having it I was in the malls like I want
to get a haircut she’s like I’ll buy you
pogs and she did it was like this giant
tube of pogs and I was just so thrilled
and I agreed to get my haircut well that
was a lot of things that was that were
exciting and or popular and or we were
into in the 90s what were you into in
the 90s what was popular in your country
I really have no idea what was popular
around the world at that time maybe some
of these things are similar please let
us know in the comments I’m very
interested to find out we read these by
the way any thoughts any other any
closing thoughts about the 90s you’re
not gonna sing a song for us
oh that’s copyright we can’t do that
just like blare that all out no that was
that was very accurate so I’m sure we
can use that very accurate I mean
totally wrong clearly we’re very good at
talking about the 90s okay but we hope
that you are too we hope that you learn
something exciting about the 90s that’s
all for us today thanks very much for
watching and we will see you again soon
bye hi everybody my name is Alisha and I
am joined again in the studio by Michael
hello and today we’re going to be
talking about English conversation
strategies so let’s get right into it
let’s start with Michael what is your
first strategy for keeping an english
conversation going this is very
important don’t
say I’m fine thank you and you you hear
this all the time from second language
English learners or non-native speakers
you learn this it’s one of the first
things you learn in an English class
it’s easy it’s good it’s a basic its
foundation okay that’s fine but as soon
as you can switch it up because to me
when I meet a foreigner and they come up
and if they say hey how are you say oh
I’m fine you know I’m good whatever how
about you and they say I’m fine thank
you and you and it’s just it’s almost
robotic because I’ve said it so many
times and when I hear that I think their
English isn’t that good and inside I’m
just gonna be really polite and say
hello and talk slowly and try to get out
of there as quick as I can
so really impress the foreigner in my
opinion I think the best way to do it is
say something you know you use a big
word or just like a slang word something
like that when I hear that I go wow man
I want to know what this person thinks I
want to get their point of view and I’m
really excited and then I’ve had great
conversations because of that um yeah
that’s a really really good one actually
I think on this YouTube channel actually
from a couple years ago there’s a video
all about better answers to the question
how are you then I’m fine thank you and
you or if someone says hey how are you
I’m good you are fine you never I’m fine
thank you and you never but try to
actually use you know afraid that a
native speaker would use and then that’s
a clue to the native speaker that oh
maybe this person is ready for a
conversation beyond you know basic
English so that’s a really good point I
like that I didn’t think of things not
to do I only thought of things to do oh
okay cool um let’s see let’s go to my
first one oh so this strategy in general
is just ask the other person a question
I think and I’m guilty of this too when
I’m learning another language I tend to
only get input like somebody else is
always asking me the questions and then
I forget myself to ask the other person
a question so one question that I like
to ask or you know a variation any kind
of WH question is good like a food
question what where something like this
if you’ve been paying attention you can
use any way to transition in your
conversation this was in a previous
you can ask something like anyway up to
anything fun this weekend this is a
pretty casual conversational question
that you can ask just about anybody
whether you’ve just met them or whether
you’ve known them for a while but just
just get in the habit of asking other
people the question don’t wait for
someone else to ask you the question so
that that’s one strategy that I try to
use to keep things going yeah me too I
agree and I’m gonna say samesies because
actually two of my questions were
exactly what you said
agree 100% this is kind of cheating
these should be one but so always ask
questions so you know again you forget
it’s really easy I’m really guilty of
this English non English whatever I’m
guilty of this and the other thing is
ask deep open-ended questions so if you
ask a yes-or-no question so again like
Alicia was saying it just dead ends you
can’t just say you know do you like
cheese yes or no right so you want to
say what do you think about cheese what
is your favorite kind and kind of open
it up to something else and let it let
it just kind of snowball yeah I think I
think that’s that’s really a key like I
have another variation I wish I guess
I’ll just continue on to cuz it kind of
relates to what you’re talking about
like he’s saying always ask questions
always ask deep open-ended questions so
like you met you just said don’t ask a
yes-or-no question because yes or no
ends with the yes or the no so one of
the things that I’ll do is use a pattern
similar to this like hey did you see or
hey did you hear about blah blah blah so
you can use this little blah blah blah
as your you can ask about the news you
can ask about something funny you saw on
the internet you can ask about you know
some something that you heard from
another friend of yours whatever it’s
just a way to check in with the other
person and say oh did you also
experience this thing that I experienced
let’s talk about that so that might be
another question is you can use with
people I like that one I really like
that one because you got to stay within
people’s comfort zone so maybe you ask
and maybe they don’t want to write so a
good thing is did you hear about it
that’s up to them maybe they don’t want
to talk about it they can say oh yeah I
heard about that and you can kind of
feel the the atmosphere and and realize
maybe I shouldn’t talk about this change
the subject or they get passionate and
they start talking about it and there
you go and just let it go
yeah absolutely one thing again I’m
guilty of is is you do got to keep keep
returning it right don’t let it don’t
just say oh yeah and what I think about
that bring you back ask them what about
you that’s a common thing I forget about
yeah yeah yeah okay um good I have one
more this one um use when you see fits
don’t I guess just okay I’ll just
introduce it compliment the other person
or compliment the other person this can
be a nice strategy just to show that
you’re enjoying the other person’s
company it can be as simple as oh I like
your shirt today or oh that’s a nice
dress you’re wearing today or oh did you
get a new haircut that looks good on you
something like that so this is a nice a
nice way to make the other person maybe
you want to spend more time with you I
think yeah I agree 100%
two things one I think it’s a good
conversation starter sometimes if you’ve
got to be careful with the stranger it
can be creepy it can be a little
uncomfortable what you’re complimenting
right but if it’s something like if they
have a t-shirt and it’s a band that you
both like that’s a great conversation
starter and you feel wow we’re connected
you know number two the second thing I
was thinking about is that keep it
honest I love I love a sincere
compliment it really means a lot more
and it really does butter them up kind
of get them open to having more
conversations deeper that kind of thing
but one of the things people do which
which I don’t like is let’s say they say
hey nice shirt and then the person out
of habit will say oh you too I like your
shirt too just my opinion I don’t think
this feels really natural doesn’t really
feel sincere so I would I would save it
make a mental note and go hmmm I need to
return the favor I need to give them a
compliment but wait until you notice
something you really do like and say hey
actually I love blah blah blah yeah I
think that’s a great point like when you
you can sense whether someone is being
sincere or not what is your next energy
for continuing an English conversation
well don’t be afraid to open up I like
this one I think this is good a lot of
people will be kind of shy they won’t
open up too much again within within
your comfort zone but I like this one
because people will return the favor
because if you’re just having small talk
and you say you know the weather is nice
today blah blah blah you can only go so
far so don’t
be afraid to say something personal
again trust your judgment there’ll be a
creeper don’t go we don’t want to hear
certain things about your life don’t
don’t be a creep don’t be a creep don’t
be weird don’t be strange and like what
you’re saying about opening up open up
is just a phrase that means share
something about yourself so it can be as
simple as what you did last weekend or
what you’re going to do this weekend or
a project that you have coming up
it doesn’t mean that you have to spill
all of your life secrets to the other
person but just showing that you’re
willing to share something more personal
about yourself can help ingratiate
yourself or can help you know make the
other person help the other person
understand you a little bit better
that’s a good tip I like that tip that’s
hard to do though it’s hard it’s a
little bit scary I think to share parts
of yourself but it’s good it’s good way
to meet people and make friends all
right I think that’s all is that all
that you have yeah that’s all I got okay
all right well those are some
interesting strategies to keep an
english conversation going so give them
a try if you’re ever at a loss for words
and don’t know what to say you can try
one of these strategies and hopefully it
will help you out please let us know if
you have any other strategies or
anything else that you would like to use
or you try to use when you are having
trouble keeping a conversation going
leave us a comment and let us know what
it is we will see you again next time do
you have anything else you’d like to add
that’s about it
all right so thanks very much for
joining us and take it bye bye wanna
speak real English from your first
lesson sign up for your free lifetime
account at English class 101 calm
hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a woman is asking a store clerk
something at a bookstore which book does
the woman want to see excuse me I’d like
to take a look at a book on that shelf
which book would you like the one about
cars one moment please
this one yep that’s right
here you go
which book does the woman want to see
a woman is asking a store clerk
something at a bookstore which book does
the woman want to see excuse me I’d like
to take a look at a book on that shelf
which book would you like the one about
cars one moment please
this one yep that’s right here you go
a man and a woman are looking over a
menu at a restaurant what’s the man
going to order what are you going to
order the pizza looks delicious I think
I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger
sounds good I’ll go with that
what’s the man going to order
a man and a woman are looking over a
menu at a restaurant what’s the man
going to order what are you going to
order the pizza looks delicious I think
I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger
sounds good I’ll go with that
a man is calling the doctor’s office
what time does he need to be at the
doctor’s office bye hello how can I help
you what time do you close today
we close at 6 o’clock but please come in
before 5:30 okay thank you
what time does he need to be at the
doctor’s office by
a man is calling the doctor’s office
what time does he need to be at the
doctor’s office bye hello how can I help
you what time do you close today
we close at 6 o’clock but please come in
before 5:30 okay thank you
good evening ma’am may I have your first
and last names
Melissa West thank you ma’am
I have found a reservation here’s the
registration information does everything
look correct to you
yes it seems to be correct excellent now
I will just need a photo ID for legal
purposes will my passport do that would
be just fine ma’am checkout is between
noon and 2:00 o’clock you may request an
extension of up to five hours for your
charge what if I need more time then a
late charge of five percent will be
added to your bill how are your English
listening skills first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end
a boy is reading from his journal what
was the first thing the boy did today
the weather was great today I went
swimming this afternoon at the pool and
I went to a movie in the evening I also
studied all morning today wasn’t bad
what was the first thing the boy did
a boy is reading from his journal what
was the first thing the boy did today
the weather was great today I went
swimming this afternoon at the pool and
I went to a movie in the evening I also
studied all morning today wasn’t bad
a woman and a man are looking at a
photograph which photo are they looking
at this is a photo of the soccer team
your son is on isn’t it which one is
your son this one oh he’s the tallest
one yep he’s even taller than the coach
which photo are they looking at
a woman and a man are looking at a
photograph which photo are they looking
at this is a photo of the soccer team
your son is on isn’t it which one is
your son this one oh he’s the tallest
one yep he’s even taller than the coach
a man and a woman are talking when are
they going to see the movie why don’t we
go see a movie on Saturday yes I’d love
but I have to work a shift in the
morning what time will you finish I’ll
finish it two o’clock then let’s meet up
at the cafe at 3 o’clock and see a movie
at 4 o’clock okay
when are they going to see the movie
a man and a woman are talking when are
they going to see the movie why don’t we
go see a movie on Saturday yes I’d love
to but I have to work a shift in the
morning what time will you finish I’ll
finish it two o’clock then let’s meet up
at the cafe at three o’clock and see a
movie at four o’clock okay my major is
education how about you I’m an English
major cool I like English oh and what’s
Oksana’s major she’s also an English
major that’s nice you can help each
other study yep in fact I need to meet
her now so we can study together okay it
was nice talking with you
you too see you later see ya how are
your English listening skills first
you’ll see an image and here a question
next comes a short dialogue listen
carefully and see if you can answer
correctly we’ll show you the answer at
the end
a man is talking with a salesperson at
the mall which shirt is he going to buy
hmm which shirt do you think is better
the white one or the blue one well I
think the blue one is better it goes
well with this gray jacket you think so
but it doesn’t go so well with this red
tie does it well that’s true okay
then I’ll take the white one not the
blue one
which shirt is he going to buy
a man is talking with a salesperson at
the mall which shirt is he going to buy
hmm which shirt do you think is better
the white one or the blue one well I
think the blue one is better it goes
well with this gray jacket you think so
but it doesn’t go so well with this red
tie does it well that’s true okay
then I’ll take the white one not the
blue one a man is at a hamburger place
which meal is he going to order excuse
me could I have the value meal please
sure thing
which do you want french fries or salad
french fries okay what will you have to
drink coke please
which meal is he going to order
a man is at a hamburger place which meal
is he going to order
excuse me could I have the value meal
please sure thing which do you want
french fries or salad french fries okay
what will you have to drink coke please
a teacher is baking a cake what did the
teacher put in it today we’re baking a
cake first mix butter and sugar then add
two eggs and mix them well add flour and
mix it a little bit put it in the oven
and bake it for 50 minutes that’s it
what did the teacher put in it
a teacher is baking a cake what did the
teacher put in it today we’re baking a
cake first mix butter and sugar then add
two eggs and mix them well add flour and
mix it a little bit put it in the oven
and bake it for 50 minutes that’s it
okay everybody shift information has
been posted for the month
it looks like we’ll visit 25 cities in
30 days do we normally visit 25
different cities in one month yes
sometimes we visit even more where’s our
first stop Charlotte hey I have friends
in Charlotte it would be nice to see
them want to speak real English from
your first lesson sign up for your free
lifetime account at English class 101
how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a
question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can
answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end
a man and a woman are talking
what are they going to do first what do
you want to do today I want to go see a
movie okay I want to watch the baseball
game on TV also I want to go shopping
the baseball game starts at 1:00 o’clock
okay so let’s see the movie first and
then you can watch the baseball game all
then we’ll go shopping in the evening
what are they going to do first
a man and a woman are talking what are
they going to do first what do you want
to do today I want to go see a movie
okay I want to watch the baseball game
on TV also I want to go shopping the
baseball game starts at 1:00 o’clock
okay so let’s see the movie first and
then you can watch the baseball game all
then we’ll go shopping in the evening a
teacher and a student are talking when
will the student go to the teachers
office I didn’t really understand
today’s class I see what was confusing
several things do you have time now
actually I am a little busy could you
come to my office in the afternoon I’ll
be there from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
okay I’ll be there at 2:00 p.m.
when will the student go to the teachers
a teacher and a student are talking when
will the student go to the teacher’s
office I didn’t really understand
today’s class I see what was confusing
several things do you have time now
actually I am a little busy could you
come to my office in the afternoon I’ll
be there from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ok I’ll
be there at 2 p.m. a woman is having
lunch in a restaurant what is she going
to order would you like to have coffee
or dessert after the meal
what desserts do you have we have
pudding and apple pie hmm actually I’ll
just have coffee do you want cream or
sugar cream please
what is she going to order
a woman is having lunch in a restaurant
what is she going to order would you
like to have coffee or dessert after the
what desserts do you have we have
pudding and apple pie hmm actually I’ll
just have coffee do you want cream or
sugar cream please good evening in-room
dining this is Alex how may I be of
service hello I would like to order some
food of course ma’am just to confirm
this is mrs. rawson in room 417 yes it
is excellent may I take your order yes I
would like a turkey sandwich on a
parmesan bagel and what’s a drink a diet
coke will there be anything else yes I
would also like a wake-up call for 7:00
a woman is waiting for a man where is
the woman now hey really sorry but it
looks like I’ll be 30 minutes late okay
I’ll wait for you at the cafe cafe where
is it it’s next to the bookstore there’s
a bakery across from the cafe okay
where is the woman now
a woman is waiting for a man where is
the woman now
Hey really sorry but it looks like I’ll
be 30 minutes late okay I’ll wait for
you at the Cafe cafe where is it
it’s next to the bookstore there’s a
bakery across from the cafe okay
a man and a woman are talking about
summer vacation what is the woman going
to do on her summer vacation
have you already planned for the summer
vacation not yet I’m thinking about
going to the sea or the mountains I’m
going to the beach with some friends
we’re going surfing sounds nice
why don’t you come with us Wow sure
what is the woman going to do on her
summer vacation
a man and a woman are talking about
summer vacation what is the woman going
to do on her summer vacation
have you already planned for the summer
vacation not yet I’m thinking about
going to the sea or the mountains I’m
going to the beach with some friends
we’re going surfing sounds nice
why don’t you come with us Wow sure
a man and a woman are talking what did
the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry
did you eat anything for breakfast yes I
did but only a little what did you eat
I had yogurt and coffee that’s not
enough you’ll need some bread and fruit
what did the woman eat this morning
a man and a woman are talking what did
the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry
did you eat anything for breakfast yes I
did but only a little what did you eat
I had yogurt and coffee that’s not
enough you’ll need some bread and fruit
hey Vicky did you forget our study date
at 10:00 this morning
I’m sorry now me at 10:00 I was talking
with my professor and couldn’t get away
I’m sorry I should have called that’s
so how did the meeting go with the
professor it went fine
he gave me an extension on my paper and
I can still take the midterm how was
your study group yesterday well we were
studying together during lunch when I
noticed an old friend of mine from high
school in the same cafe my concentration
quickly switched from class to catching
up with my friends so I didn’t get much
done you’ve taken that class before
right yeah last semester I was always
asking questions in that class because
it was so difficult well I was hoping
that you could lend me a hand with my
paper I can’t think of anything else to
sure no problem that is if you can help
me study for our history test sounds
like a deal
hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly we’ll show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a woman is in a department store which
floor is she going to excuse me where
are the children’s clothes they’re on
the fifth and sixth floors do you also
have baby clothes yes they’re on the
sixth floor we have a lot there thank
you very much I’ll go and have a look
which floor is she going to
a woman is in a department store which
floor is she going to
excuse me where are the children’s
clothes they’re on the fifth and sixth
floors do you also have baby clothes yes
they’re on the sixth floor we have a lot
there thank you very much I’ll go and
have a look there
a woman is in a department store which
floor is she going to excuse me where
are the children’s clothes they’re on
the fifth and sixth floors do you also
have baby clothes yes they’re on the
sixth floor we have a lot there thank
you very much I’ll go and have a look
which floor is she going to
a woman is in a department store
which floor is she going to
excuse me where are the children’s
clothes they’re on the fifth and sixth
floors do you also have baby clothes yes
they’re on the sixth floor we have a lot
there thank you very much I’ll go and
have a look there here’s how you say to
die of cuteness all this sounds good I
don’t know how to say this really cut
any kimchi nice to do
QG needs to do cut any kimchi needs to
do manually now you must I learned
hey everyone have you heard about daily
dose it’s a new application that you can
use to help you study languages on a
daily basis so I’ve been looking at the
the Japanese one for example now and
there’s a lot of stuff that’s related to
maybe my everyday life or there’s stuff
that’s related to things that I’ve been
reading about how to say whose is this
in Japanese quota without I know this
guy right now we have Japanese American
English Korean Mexican Spanish Chinese
French German Italian Russian and Thai
so there are a lot of languages that you
can choose from and it’s totally free to
use the application again if you are a
subscriber you can have access to the
past information too using a language
every day is a really really important
part of becoming fluent in your language
if you’re interested in checking out the
daily dose application please click the
link right here and get started right
away happy studying
Javanese where’s the week’s falling in
love oh cool cool application a man and
a woman are talking how old is the man
your birthday is really soon isn’t it
yep it’s the day after tomorrow how old
are you going to be I’m turning 60
we should celebrate thank you very much
it’s kind of you to say
how old is the man now
a man and a woman are talking
how old is the man now your birthday is
really soon isn’t it yep it’s the day
after tomorrow how old are you going to
be I’m turning 60 congratulations we
should celebrate
thank you very much it’s kind of you to
say want to speak real English from your
first lesson sign up for your free
lifetime account at English class
101.com hi everybody welcome back to top
words my name is Alisha and today we’re
going to be talking about 10 breakup
lines these are lines that you can use
when you want to end a romantic
relationship Wow let’s go I need my
I need my space I need my space so if
you feel the other person is maybe just
always with you always looking for time
or just bothering you whatever doesn’t
matter you don’t want to spend time with
that person anymore you can say I need
my space how do you want to go to the
movies with me this weekend it was so
much fun to see you yesterday and we can
do something tomorrow and then we can go
to the movies together too don’t you
think it’ll be great
actually I need my space I need to focus
on my career I need to focus on my
career ooh
so maybe you’re really really busy with
work or you’re just looking for an
excuse to break up with the person to
break up with someone you can say I’m
really sorry but right now I need to
focus on my career I think we need a
break I think we need a break this is
after you’ve been seeing someone for
some time and you decide that maybe
they’re not the right person for you you
can say I think we need a break be
careful though this phrase sounds like
there’s a chance you may get back
together in the future
if you don’t feel that there’s a chance
you’ll be continuing to see this person
maybe choose a different line to break
up with them I think we’re moving too
fast this is an expression you might use
towards the beginning of a relationship
maybe for example you meet someone and
then you start dating them and and then
a month later they’re like let’s move in
together and then three months later
it’s like oh let’s get married or
whatever the pace of the relationship
seems too fast you can say I think we’re
moving too
fast so if you say this phrase maybe it
doesn’t mean that you want to break up
but just this pace is too fast for me
let’s slow down I’m just not ready for
this kind of relationship I’m just not
ready for this kind of relationship this
could have many different meanings maybe
the relationship is very serious and
you’re not looking for a serious
relationship you can say I’m not ready
for this kind of relationship saying I’m
not ready sounds like it’s me it’s my
I’m not ready for this kind of
relationship it’s not you it’s me it’s
not you it’s me there’s no problem with
you rather I have a problem maybe
they’re just struggling with some things
that they’re not mm-hmm
they don’t want to bring into a
relationship or maybe they’re just
trying to be polite maybe it is you
maybe it is you but the other person is
trying to be kind so you can say it’s
not you it’s me
let’s just be friends let’s just be
friends you’ve been in a relationship
with someone for a while and you decide
maybe it’s better if we don’t date each
but I still like this person so let’s
just be friends
We Need to Talk oh no we need to talk
the dreaded we need to talk if someone
says we need to talk in that tone we
need to talk or if you get like a text
message that says we need to talk it’s
never we need to talk I want to get a
puppy it’s never a happy thing if you
see if you hear We Need to Talk
it’s oh no something is bad in my
relationship and I’m about to hear about
it dun dun dun
so you can follow We Need to Talk with
an actual issue that you need to discuss
about your relationship or it can mean
the end of the relationship you want to
talk about ending the relationship we
should start seeing other people
the next breakup line is we should start
seeing other people
ouch means I don’t want to see you
anymore at one point about this when we
are in a relationship with someone there
are a couple of different verbs that we
use we use the verb seeing to see
someone and to date to go out with those
are a few so in this expression we see
we should start seeing other people so
it doesn’t mean
like like stand across the room no I see
another person I see you hey no it means
date it means be in a relationship with
we use the verb to see for that one of
the things that is said about this
phrase is that if someone uses the
phrase we should start seeing other
people there’s a good chance that person
is already seeing someone else
ouch Oh check you deserve better
the next phrase is you deserve better Oh
so if someone says to you you deserve
better I think we should end the
relationship you deserve better it means
that the person feels they are not good
enough they’re not enough for you
and so they think you should find
someone better than the person saying
the phrase again this could be a sincere
expression or it could just be a very
polite and kind way to end a
relationship with someone how are your
English listening skills first you’ll
see an image and here a question next
comes a short dialogue listen carefully
and see if you can answer correctly
we’ll show you the answer at the end
a woman is looking at clothes in a
boutique what is she going to buy Wow
this blue skirt and that white skirt I
like them both the white skirt is really
popular right now the blue ones a bit
expensive too
well that’s true but it suits you um I
can’t afford both I’ll take the white
one an excellent choice thank you very
what is she going to buy
a woman is looking at clothes in a
boutique what is she going to buy Wow
this blue skirt and that white skirt I
like them both the white skirt is really
popular right now
the blue ones a bit expensive too well
that’s true but it suits you
um I can’t afford both I’ll take the
white one an excellent choice thank you
very much a man and a woman are talking
how many people in total are coming to
the party the party’s tomorrow who’s
coming well the two of us two friends of
mine and my pottery teacher that will
make five then oh well my teachers also
bringing his wife Wow a big party then
how many people in total are coming to
the party
a man and a woman are talking
how many people in total are coming to
the party the party’s tomorrow who’s
coming well the two of us two friends of
mine and my pottery teacher that will
make five then oh well my teachers also
bringing his wife Wow a big party then
hi everybody welcome back to top words
my name is Alisha and today we’re going
to be talking about American food so
let’s get started
apple pie the first food is apple pie
apple pie is a delicious and sweet
American dessert it is as it sounds it
is a pie so a bit of crust and on the
inside is apple fresh apple I hope large
feasts often have an apple pie for
dessert in a sentence my mom cooks an
apple pie every Thanksgiving
chocolate chip cookie next food is the
chocolate chip cookie this is a very
popular cookie it’s a simple cookie you
just put chocolate chips into any cookie
into anything and you can make a
chocolate chip cookie if you eat it
there’s a very kind of nostalgic
childhood feel about a chocolate chip
cookie in a sentence when I was a child
I made chocolate chip cookies with my
mom and my brother that’s true hamburger
the next food is probably the first food
you thought of when I said we were
talking about American foods today it is
the hamburger
beef patty between two buns two buns two
pieces of bread and depending on your
preference you can put anything you like
on your hamburger many people like to
use cheese thereby making it a
cheeseburger you can use lettuce ketchup
tomato onion mustard relish whatever go
crazy bacon avocado anything really I
love trying new and interesting
hamburger combinations jellybeans
jellybeans this is an interesting
American food they’re colorful they
usually come in a package about this
size may be this big they are kind of a
squishy jelly like candy very very
sugary and they usually have some kind
of fruit flavor you can find the regular
jelly beans which are sweet and
or you can find jelly beans which are
maybe a mysterious mixture in a sentence
when I was a kid I loved eating jelly
is an actual picture from one of the
from a supermarket almost all of those
are jellybeans or they’re candies to
some degree so you can see they’re like
bins to scoop the candy out of there’s a
bin to like pour candy from this is
amazing American candy is just unreal
there’s so much Turkey
okay the next food is turkey Turkey it’s
a weird big bird that we almost always
eat at Thanksgiving
that’s right Turkey’s you’re weird in a
sentence every year my family cooks a
turkey for Thanksgiving dinner Boston
baked beans the next food is Boston
baked beans this is something I haven’t
had in a long time as you might have
guessed it’s an East Coast style food
from Boston so Boston style baked beans
are typically sweetened with molasses or
with maple syrup in a sentence I’m going
to make a chili later today with Boston
baked beans grits this is a food that
comes from the southern part of America
I didn’t eat grits growing up so I don’t
really know very well from a video that
we did a while back we learned that
grits are commonly at breakfast you can
eat them with butter
I eat grits every day for breakfast hush
puppies uh here we are again the next
American food is hush puppies hush
puppies from the same video that we
talked about grits our friend Keith came
in and told us about hush puppies it’s
just a ball of dough that is fried
that’s it a very very simple food very
very healthy surely know uh in a
sentence I haven’t had hush puppies yet
and I really want to try them but they
don’t seem very healthy so it’s not high
on my to-do list biscuits and gravy
okay great the next food is biscuits and
gravy it’s a very simple dish as you can
guess it’s just a biscuit and gravy the
gravy is usually very very rich very
very fatty very fattening this is a dish
that is typically eaten for breakfast
a simple coffee shop or just yeah a
local a local simple restaurant might
have biscuits and gravy on the menu in a
sentence I used to eat biscuits and
gravy at my grandparents house in the
Philly cheesesteaks oh my god I’m
getting so hungry for a very not healthy
food okay the next food is Philly
cheesesteaks Philly cheesesteaks are so
Philly is short for Philadelphia the
city of Philadelphia Philly cheesesteak
is a sandwich from Philadelphia the
sandwich has cheese and steak oh my god
can you hear my stomach delicious
delicious it’s a very East Coast East
Coast American sandwich in a sentence if
you go to Philadelphia make sure you try
a Philly cheesesteak sandwich
how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a
question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can
answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end
a woman bought a bed
where is she going to put it your new
bed it’s huge
yep I can’t put it by the door let’s put
it at the other end of the room shall we
put it in the middle No let’s put it in
the corner okay sounds good can you help
me lift it
where is she going to put it
a woman bought a bed where is she going
to put it your new bed it’s huge
yep I can’t put it by the door let’s put
it at the other end of the room shall we
put it in the middle no let’s put it in
the corner okay sounds good can you help
me lift it
a teacher is talking to some students
what will the students bring with them
the next day tomorrow we’re going to a
museum bring a pen and notebook and
something to drink we’ll have lunch in
the restaurant at the Museum so you
don’t need to bring a sandwich what
about an umbrella it might be raining so
please bring one okay
what will the students bring with them
the next day
a teacher is talking to some students
what will the students bring with them
the next day
tomorrow we’re going to a museum bring a
pen and notebook and something to drink
we’ll have lunch in the restaurant at
the Museum so you don’t need to bring a
sandwich what about an umbrella it might
be raining so please bring one okay
a woman is talking with a store employee
which floor is the woman going to excuse
me where are the women’s clothes on the
third fourth and fifth floors which
floor has coats the fourth floor the
elevator is right over there the fourth
floor okay thank you
Flor is the woman going to
a woman is talking with a store employee
which floor is the woman going to excuse
me where are the women’s clothes on the
third fourth and fifth floors which
floor has coats the fourth floor
the elevator is right over there the
fourth floor okay thank you want to
speak real English from your first
lesson sign up for your free lifetime
account at English class 101.com
hi everybody and welcome back to top
words my name is Alisha and today we’re
going to be talking about ten words you
can use to talk about music so let’s go
concert the first word for talking about
music is concert concert is a live show
concert is yeah the performance is
happening in front of your eyes so
concerts are really popular worldwide I
think depending on where you live you
might hear them called live shows but
usually in American English we just say
concert a concert so in a sentence I’m
going to a concert this weekend to see
in concert the next expression is the
verb we use for a live show so the next
expression is to see in a concert or to
see in concert so we use the artists
name along with this phrase so for
example I’m going to see Coldplay in
concert I’m going to see Adele in
concert so you use I’m going to see
artist name in concert or in a concert
what are say in concert or in a concert
both are okay so in a different sentence
I’m going to see my favorite band in
concert meaning live who do I want to
see in concert I want to see Michael
Jackson in concert yeah I would have
loved to see him in concert he’s my
favorite to listen to music to listen to
artist the next word or the next phrase
is to listen to Plus music or to listen
to an artist so you can use this
verb with the type of music or with the
specific artist or band or group that
you like so I like to listen to rock
music I like to listen to pop music
whatever another sentence is I like
listening to Beyonce I like yes so you
can use to listen to or listening to
both are fine here I like listening to
funk it’s fine I like listening to funky
artists is fine I like listening to
Queens of the Stone Age it’s fine all of
these are great who do you listen to I
listen to to write a song to write music
the next expression is to write a song
or to write music so if you want to make
music yourself you can say write a song
which just means one song maybe three or
four minutes usually in popular music or
to write music in general so you can use
both of these expressions song is more
specific music is more general so in a
sentence my friend started writing songs
recently or in a different sentence
writing music is really fun track the
next expression is track track so we can
use song yes but for example when you
look at an album like on iTunes or maybe
like a CD for example each each song is
assigned a number that’s the track
number so we can say I like track number
3 or track 3 we use track to talk about
a song so you can say this is a good
song or this is a good track both are ok
to use song and track are both fine so
in a sentence I really like that track
from his album beat the next word is
beat so the beat is sort of the feeling
of a song that usually it’s easy to hear
because there’s like a bass drum or
there’s some kind of heavy feeling it
gives you the sense of rhythm of a song
so in a sentence we would say like song
should have a catchy beat or that that
that song has a really catchy beat or I
like the beat
of that song tempo so tempo the next
word is tempo tempo means the pace of a
song how fast or how slow a song goes so
you can have songs with a fast tempo or
with a slow tempo or somewhere in
between so you can change the tempo of a
song and maybe change the feeling in a
sentence tracks with a slow tempo are
nice on quiet evenings
upbeat the next word is upbeat so this
word uses beat which we talked about
before but upbeat this is an adjective
that we use for something maybe it’s a
faster tempo song maybe it sounds kind
of positive or a cheerful a little bit
happy so an upbeat track or an upbeat
song sounds maybe it has it has a good
positive feeling about it or a good
positive vibe something like that so in
a sentence this song is really upbeat
upbeat we can use upbeat for people to
like my best friend is really a beat
something positive or happy down tempo
next we’ll go to maybe the opposite of
upbeat the next word is down tempo tempo
means pace and down meaning like
decreased or slower so a down tempo song
has a slow tempo it’s more relaxed yeah
maybe it’s good for just kind of hanging
out or it’s a little bit slow or maybe
you hear this at a restaurant or a cafe
perhaps a down tempo song so in a
sentence I like down tempo music genre
the next word is a great pronunciation
point for many students its genre genre
so not John do or Gen ray I don’t know
but genre is the correct pronunciation
of this word genre means the type of
music you can use genre to talk about
movies as well books too
but it means the type of something so
type of maybe art you could consider or
type of creativity so genre into in
music is for example rock pop funk house
old is
go heavy-metal classical country rap
hip-hop lose all these are genres of
music so there types of music you can
say what type of music do you like or
what genre of music do you listen to so
in a sentence I listen to lots of
different genres of music hi everybody
and welcome back to top words my name is
Alisha and today we’re going to talk
about 10 words for talking about sleep
let’s go to wake up the first word is to
wake up to wake up is to open your eyes
probably in your bed or the place where
you are sleeping to wake up is to to
become conscious to become awake every
day you wake up presumably hopefully in
a sentence I woke up three times last
night to get up to get out of bed
alright the next word is to get up or to
get out of bed so that means to
physically move your body from your bed
out of bed to stand up from your bed to
get out of your bed we say to get up or
to get out of bed in a sentence I got up
at 8 o’clock this morning to snooze the
next word is to snooze so we have to
snooze and alarm and also to snooze so
to snooze means to take a short sleep to
have a short sleeping time or to snooze
and alarm is when your alarm goes off in
the morning you have a button most alarm
clocks have some button you can press so
the alarm will turn on again in like you
know five or ten minutes or something so
to snooze an alarm is to like to ask
your alarm to wake you up again a few
minutes later that’s to snooze so we
have to snooze an alarm and to snooze
meaning like a short light sleep in a
I always snooze my alarm at least once
that is usually true to oversleep the
next word is to oversleep to
oversleep means to sleep too much or to
sleep late actually no it doesn’t mean
to sleep late to sleep late means just
to sleep until a late time in the day
oversleep means sleeping beyond the time
you wanted to get up so for example if
my alarm is set for 8 o’clock but I wake
up at 9 o’clock I overslept
I slept beyond my wake-up time so we can
use oversleep to talk about times when
you sleep too much you sleep more than
your body needs you to so maybe your
body needs depending on the person like
six to nine hours or so but if you sleep
like 14 hours we can say that’s over
sleeping you’re sleeping too much hmm
that’s the nuance here in a sentence I
overslept on my first day of work
nap the next word is nap nap is a short
sleep so a nap is maybe thirty minutes
one hour just a short sleep a short rest
so a lot of people will take a nap in
the afternoon for example or maybe
children actually take naps for example
in preschool or when they’re very very
young they have a an afternoon nap a
short sleep like hmm yeah just a like an
hour or so I imagine in a sentence I
love naps actually I do like naps I
don’t like naps because when I take a
it becomes asleep it’s always like I
wake up four hours later and I’m like
okay well I’ve destroyed my sleep
schedule dream the next word is dream
dreams so dreams are those those visions
those images you see those experiences
it seems like you have when you are
asleep in a sentence I always have weird
dreams nightmare so the next word is
nightmare nightmare is a word which
means bad dream or scary dream negative
dream so children maybe have nightmares
a lot they wake up crying or they’re
really upset by nightmares monsters
terrifying things
opening and so on in a sentence do you
ever have nightmares to go to bed the
next word is to go to bed so before we
talked about to get up or to get out of
bed this is the opposite to go to bed
means to get in your bed to to try to go
to sleep to go to bed in a sentence I
usually go to bed fairly late to hit the
hay to hit the sack the next expression
is kind of ass I don’t know a slang
expression we have to hit the hay and to
hit the sack these both mean to go to
bed they both mean to try to fall asleep
but we just use them in more casual
situations the image here of hit the hay
is with your body hitting hay like
laying down in hay I believe
historically because hay was used to
stuff things that people slept on so
that’s why we have this expression to
hit the hay with your body
same thing for to hit the sack so a sack
full of something soft to sleep on is
where this expression comes from in a
sentence I think I’m gonna hit the hay
to fall asleep the next expression it is
to fall asleep to fall asleep you’re in
bed and you finally you lose
consciousness you you stop being aware
you are asleep in that moment we say you
fall asleep in a sentence it takes me a
long time to fall asleep all right hi
everyone i’m christine from english
class 101 calm in this video we’ll be
talking about 10 phrases to help you in
an emergency let’s begin help use this
phrase when you need help or when you
want someone to rescue you in case of an
emergency dial 911 in the united states
the phone number you can dial in case of
an emergency is 9-1-1
also dialed 9-1-1 the number is the same
for calling the police it’s easy to
remember call the police please use this
phrase when you need someone to call the
please state the nature of your
emergency this is what the 9-1-1 call
center or an officer will say to ask for
more details about your emergency I need
a doctor use this phrase when you are
not feeling very well and want to get
medical help I need an ambulance use
this phrase when you need an ambulance
to come and take you to the hospital
there’s a fire this is a very simple way
to catch people’s attention in case of a
fire after saying this you need to
explain what happened and where the fire
is I want to report a crime use this
phrase when you want to report a crime
that has happened to you or someone else
my location is when you call for help
through the phone you’ll need to say
where you are start your explanation
with this phrase hi everyone it’s
Christine welcome back to another
episode of top words today we’ll be
talking about 10 reasons to start
learning a language let’s go it’s a
beautiful language every language has
specific characteristics and some people
like the way certain languages sound
some languages might sound better to you
than others my family comes from a place
where the language is spoken for many
people their cultural heritage is very
important to them if your family speaks
another language you might not be able
to talk to some of your relatives or
fully understand your background so many
people try to learn the language of the
place they’ve descended from I love the
culture and the people who speak the
if you’re really interested in a
specific country and its culture this
can be a great reason to learn a
language that’s also shown that being
interested in a culture motivates
language learners to work harder and get
better results I just love learning
languages some people learn because they
have to and some people just learned
because they find it interesting
learning a language takes time and
effort and some people love the
challenge the language is useful for my
job gaining new skills is important for
many professionals being able to speak
another language can potentially help
your business make more money and maybe
even get you a promotion I live in a
country that speaks the language living
in a country and not being able to speak
the language can be hard learning the
language of the place you live can help
you make friends get a job and have an
easier life I want to open my mind and
become more international for many
people feeling connected to other
cultures and broadening their horizons
is especially important learning a new
language can change how you interact
with the world I want to understand my
favorite songs movies and TV shows if
you’re really into a culture learning
that cultures language can help you
enjoy even more learning a new language
can add depth to your appreciation of a
culture I love traveling people who have
been bitten by the travel bug but
traveling to a place where you don’t
know the language can be hard for
example if you can speak Spanish there
are so many different countries you can
visit it’s part of my university studies
most universities require you to take
language class for a few semesters to
graduate but it doesn’t have to feel
like work learning a language for
university can open great opportunities
in the future vamos hi everybody welcome
back to top words my name is Alisha and
today we’re gonna be talking about ten
gamers speak words I am excited about
this one
let’s go first word is achievement
achievement is used when you have
completed a mission in some games
there’s a very famous phrase that says
like achievement unlocked good feeling
beta beta it
for something that’s not quite finished
but that’s maybe in like a testing phase
you could hear like the beta release of
something or like the beta test version
of blah blah blah for example I am beta
testing a running game right now that is
next is boss if you ever played a video
game probably you know about a boss
battle you’ve been playing through a
level and at the end of that level
there’s a boss that you have to fight
it’s kind of interesting now thinking
about it how we use boss for the main
challenger that you have to defeat in a
video game level but we also use it for
like our managers at work so the next
word is role-playing game role-playing
game is commonly abbreviated commonly
shortened to RPG this is a very popular
style of game a role-playing game
meaning you play a role role-playing
games have evolved over years now you
can play for example MMORPGs massively
multiplayer online role-playing games I
have been playing role-playing games
since I was like 11 and my brother
convinced me to play Final Fantasy 7 the
next word is checkpoint you might also
hear save point you save your game and
then you continue on in the game and
then if you die you go back and you
respawn you come back to life from that
I feel like checkpoint is used more in
like a racing game but save point is
used more in an RPG the next one is noob
and oob I love the word noob I mostly to
talk about myself actually when I’ve
made like a really stupid decision noob
means rookie it means someone who is
inexperienced at something you can use
noob in a game if you find someone who
has just joined the game they’re a brand
new player there are a noob they don’t
know anything
farming let’s talk about farming in
gaming terms it means you are trying to
collect a certain item it has like kind
of a reputation for being a bit boring
because you’re just killing like the
same creature over and over again NPC
NPC means non playable character there
are other characters within the game
that move the story forward but that you
cannot play as you cannot become that
character but you interact with them I
have to talk to an end piece
in order to move this quest forward next
is camper a camper is someone who is
waiting for a creature to spawn so a
person who’s waiting for the monster to
appear is called a camper you can use
camping as a verb too to talk about that
like I’m camping this monster really
people camp other players
I suppose so depending on the kind of
game you’re playing MMO is a massively
multiplayer online game means you can
play online with a lot of different
people essentially want to speak real
English from your first lesson sign up
for your free lifetime account at
English class 101.com learning to carry
a conversation is vital to mastery of
any language even beginners can quickly
learn conversational language well
enough to carry on real conversations
with native speakers of course beginners
won’t be able to carry a conversation
the same way they could in their native
language but just knowing a few tips
like which questions to ask to keep a
conversation going are all you need to
speak and interact with real native
speakers before we get to specific
suggestions let’s first take a closer
look at how having real conversations in
your target language is so vital to your
mastery of the language communicating
with other people is the very point of
language and conversation comes easily
in our native tongue for beginners or
anyone learning a new language
conversations aren’t easy at all and
even simple greetings can be
intimidating and awkward nothing kills a
conversation faster than long periods of
awkward silence so you need practice and
specific strategies to avoid them when
you know what to say to keep a
conversation going
communication becomes much easier and
you make a better impression on your
listener nothing will help you learn to
speak a language faster and truly master
the language than having real
conversations with native speakers
conversations quickly expose you to
slang cultural expressions and
vocabulary that force you to absorb and
assimilate information faster than any
educational setting and that’s a great
but how can you possibly have real
conversations with real people if you’re
just starting out here are three proven
methods that even beginners can quickly
use to learn conversational language to
make a great impression and avoid
awkward silences first ask questions to
keep a conversation going for beginners
and even more advanced speakers the key
is to ask questions to keep a
conversation going of course they can’t
be just random questions or else you may
confuse the listener but by memorizing a
few key questions and the appropriate
time to use them you can easily carry a
conversation with minimal vocabulary or
experience and remember the more
conversations you have the quicker you
will learn and master the language
second learn core vocabulary terms as
quickly as possible you don’t need to
memorize thousands of words to learn
conversational language in fact with
just a couple hundred words you could
have a very basic conversation and by
learning maybe 1,000 to 2,000 words you
could carry a conversation with a native
speaker about current events order in
restaurants and even get directions to
help you get started with this check out
our 2,000 common words also known as our
core list these 2,000 words are all you
need to learn to speak fluently and
carry a conversation with a native
speaker third study video or audio
lessons that you can play and replay
again and again if you want to know how
to carry on a conversation then you need
exposure to native speakers and the more
the better
studying video or audio lessons is ideal
because they provide contextualized
learning in your native language and you
can play them again and again until you
achieve mastery our instructors have
created more than 2,500 video and audio
lessons that you can play over and over
and the best part is they don’t just
teach you vocabulary and grammar they
are designed to help you learn to speak
and teach you practical everyday topics
like shopping ordering and more although
it may seem intimidating for a beginner
the truth is that it’s very easy to
learn conversational language just learn
a few core vocabulary terms in which
questions to ask to keep a conversation
our language learning program has the
world’s largest online collection of
video and audio lessons by real
instructors plus tons of advanced tools
to help you learn to speak and carry on
a conversation quickly just a little
practice and exposure to real
conversations or lessons is all it
really takes so if you’re ready to
finally learn a new language the fast
fun and easy way sign up for your free
lifetime account by clicking on the link
in the description signing up takes less
than 30 seconds and you’ll start
speaking from your very first lesson if
you enjoyed these tips hit the like
button share the video with anyone who’s
trying to learn a new language and
subscribe to our Channel we release new
videos every week I’ll see you next time
might a man is reporting about his
company’s sales performance at a meeting
which two charts is he using for his
presentation please look at the handout
the Left chart shows our company’s sales
over the past three years and the sales
forecast for the current year and the
right chart shows the monthly breakdown
in sales up to October of this year now
please have a look at the Left chart it
shows that sales have been steadily
increasing over the past three years and
if we can keep increasing our sales the
total sales for this year will show an
increase over last year
next please look at the right chart the
right chart shows that the campaigns we
ran in April and August were fairly
effective I see but the sales decreased
in May and September following the
campaign’s yes but this kind of decrease
is unavoidable I expect the annual sales
for this year will show an increase over
last year if we can keep increasing our
which two charts is he using for his
a man is reporting about his company’s
sales performance at a meeting which two
charts is he using for his presentation
please look at the handout the Left
chart shows our company sales over the
past three years and the sales forecast
for the current year and the right chart
shows the monthly breakdown in sales up
to October of this year
now please have a look at the Left chart
it shows that sales have been steadily
increasing over the past three years and
if we can keep increasing our sales the
total sales for this year will show an
increase over last year
next please look at the right chart the
right chart shows that the campaign’s we
ran in April in August were fairly
effective I see but the sales decreased
in May and September following the
campaign’s yes but this kind of decrease
is unavoidable
I expect the annual sales for this year
will show an increase over last year if
we can keep increasing our sales a man
is joining a sports club and getting
information on its policies what type of
membership will he choose let me start
by explaining our club’s different
membership options as described in this
brochure regular members can use the gym
in the pool at any time on any day of
the week but we also offer early-morning
memberships where people can use the
facilities only in the early morning and
night memberships for people who only
want to come in the evening what are the
hours for early morning members early
morning members can use the facilities
from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and night
members can use them from 6:00 p.m. to
11 p.m. I see so early morning members
can stop by and use the facilities on
their way to work exactly the early
morning type is popular among people
with nine-to-five jobs and we also offer
memberships just for the gym or just for
the pool if you only want to use one of
those I want to use both the gym and the
pool I think I’ll use the gym in the
early morning before going to work on
weekdays and then use the pool on the
weekend if you have a membership that
covers something like early mornings for
the weekdays but all day on the weekend
we’re sorry but we don’t offer a
membership like that sir okay I don’t
think I can get up that early on the
weekend so I’ll choose this membership
what type of membership will he choose
a man is joining a sports club and
getting information on its policies what
type of membership will he choose let me
start by explaining our clubs different
membership options as described in this
brochure regular members can use the gym
in the pool at any time on any day of
the week but we also offer early-morning
memberships where people can use the
facilities only in the early morning and
night memberships for people who only
want to come in the evening what are the
hours for early morning members early
morning members can use the facilities
from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and night
members can use them from 6 p.m. to 11
p.m. I see so early morning members can
stop by and use the facilities on their
way to work exactly the early morning
type is popular among people with 9 to 5
jobs and we also offer memberships just
for the gym or just for the pool if you
only want to use one of those I want to
use both the gym and the pool I think
I’ll use the gym in the early morning
before going to work on weekdays and
then use the pool on the weekend if you
have a membership that covers something
like early mornings for the weekdays but
all day on the weekend we’re sorry but
we don’t offer a membership like that
sir ok
I don’t think I can get up that early on
the weekend so I’ll choose this
membership option
a woman is talking with a man who works
for an outsourced printing company about
a brochure for a new product when is the
deadline for the first design draft for
the brochure we decided to launch the
new product on October 15th and we’d
like to offer you the contract to make
the brochure thank you so much we’re
definitely excited about helping you
with this project so could you tell us a
bit about the schedule when will you
need everything by well considering the
time needed for printing we’d like to
get the brochures to the printing stage
by the end of September
so would it be possible for you to get
us the first design draft by the middle
of August well we’d like to give you
three design options for the initial
draft and then have you choose the one
which best fits your concept then we’ll
make the final design based on your
choice so it’ll be very helpful if you
could give us two more weeks to prepare
for this stage hmm okay maybe one month
will be enough time to choose one of the
designs you’ve made and then decide on
the final design all right we’ll be
counting on you you’re in good hands
our design team is the best thank you so
when is the deadline for the first
design draft for the brochure
a woman is talking with a man who works
for an outsourced printing company about
a brochure for a new product when is the
deadline for the first design draft for
the brochure we decided to launch the
new product on October 15th and we’d
like to offer you the contract to make
the brochure thank you so much we’re
definitely excited about helping you
with this project so could you tell us a
bit about the schedule when will you
need everything by well considering the
time needed for printing we’d like to
get the brochures to the printing stage
by the end of September so would it be
possible for you to get us the first
design draft by the middle of August
well we’d like to give you three design
options for the initial draft and then
have you choose the one which best fits
your concept then we’ll make the final
design based on your choice so it’ll be
very helpful if you could give us two
more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm
okay maybe one month will be enough time
to choose one of the designs you’ve made
and then decide on the final design all
right we’ll be counting on you you’re in
good hands
our design team is the best thank you so
much a woman is calling on the phone to
reserve tickets for a play which two
seats did she get hello this is
Blackfriars Playhouse can I help you I’d
like to get two tickets for King Lear at
5:30 this evening do you still have any
tickets available we do have a few seats
left but I’m sorry to say we don’t have
any next to each other
if you don’t mind though we can get you
two seats separately
okay we don’t mind do you have any
particular requests well do you have any
aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at
the left side of the center section and
to the right of it three seats over we
have another free seat to the side okay
then please book that aisle seat
certainly how about the other one
do you have any seats near the center
the only Center seats we have left are
from the first row to the third row I’m
not too crazy about having actors spit
on me so this room is relatively small
and I think you could enjoy the play
even at the end of the row on the side
is that so then I’ll take the one you
mentioned before on the left side
which two seats did she get
a woman is calling on the phone to
reserve tickets for a play which two
seats did she get hello this is black
friars Playhouse can I help you I’d like
to get two tickets for King Lear at 5:30
this evening do you still have any
tickets available we do have a few seats
left but I’m sorry to say we don’t have
any next to each other if you don’t mind
though we can get you two seats
separately okay we don’t mind do you
have any particular requests well do you
have any aisle seats yes we have an
aisle seat at the left side of the
center section and to the right of it
three seats over we have another free
seat to the side okay then please book
that aisle seat certainly how about the
other one do you have any seats near the
center the only Center seats we have
left are from the first row to the third
row I’m not too crazy about having
actors spit on me so this room is
relatively small and I think you could
enjoy the play even at the end of the
row on the side is that so then I’ll
take the one you mentioned before on the
left side a man and a woman are talking
about preparations for a presentation
they’ll be making tomorrow at their
office what were the woman check after
the conversation ends okay
I think we’re almost ready for the
presentation tomorrow just a few more
things the meeting will start at 9:00
sharp so could you double check the
meeting room today yep I’ve already
checked the room okay great
did you make sure the projector is
working okay oh I was gonna check the
projector tomorrow morning when I have
my laptop no we’ve got to get that
checked today we won’t have time to deal
with it in the morning if there’s a
problem so make sure to check that
projector today that’s the most
important thing okay will do and did you
get the copies of those handouts miss
Tanaka is making them now let’s see what
else oh did you check the whiteboard yes
I did
sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink
left in them did you get a chance to
check them not yet but I’ll make sure to
do that later
please make sure to do that today
what will the woman check after the
conversation ends
a man and a woman are talking about
preparations for a presentation they’ll
be making tomorrow at their office what
were the woman check after the
conversation ends okay I think we’re
almost ready for the presentation
tomorrow just a few more things the
meeting will start at 9:00 sharp so
could you double check the meeting room
today yep I’ve already checked the room
okay great
did you make sure the projector is
working okay oh I was gonna check the
projector tomorrow morning when I have
my laptop no we’ve got to get that check
today we won’t have time to deal with it
in the morning if there’s a problem so
make sure to check that projector today
that’s the most important thing okay
will do and did you get the copies of
those handouts miss Tanaka is making
them now let’s see what else oh did you
check the whiteboard yes I did
sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink
left in them did you get a chance to
check them not yet but I’ll make sure to
do that later yes please make sure to do
that today want to speak real English
from your first lesson sign up for your
free lifetime account at English class
hi everybody my name is Alisha and today
we’re gonna be talking about ten of the
hardest words to pronounce according to
you guys so we collected some
information from you on Facebook thanks
very much for sending in your ideas and
these were the top ten most difficult
words for you to pronounce so let’s get
started absolutely absolutely absolutely
it might be tough to pronounce
absolutely means 100% absolutely is an
agreement phrase are you going to that
music event next week absolutely yes
100% definitely absolutely loot like a
loot Lu te big rhyme the crime
apparently means dirty I’ve never heard
nor used this word before but perhaps
it’s difficult to pronounce big rhyme
the door to my apartment was big rhymed
in the storm last week breakfast the
next word is breakfast breakfast is hard
to pronounce but that is the meaning of
breakfast you’re breaking the fast so
fast is a period of time without eating
and to break means to just well in this
case breaking something is doesn’t
four it’s like crushing a thing but
stopping something to break the fast of
the night in other words so you’re
fasting during the night you’re not
eating so you wake up in the morning you
break the fast but we don’t say break
fast we say breakfast in a sentence this
morning from breakfast I ate a bowl of
cereal with grapes and I had a coffee
colleague colleague yes colleague many
of my students struggle with this they
say colleague or they say colleague you
or something cuz the spelling of this
word is really really strange there’s
that gue at the end and we’re more
commonly I feel it’s just co-worker
colleague sounds slightly more formal to
me than co-worker somebody who you work
with or somebody who you have a business
relationship with in some sense could be
a person from another company could be
somebody from your own company anyone
who you do business dealings with is
your colleague can be your colleague in
a sentence I’m going to a networking
event with my colleagues next week
miscellaneous that mis see miscellaneous
so just as the spelling I think maybe
it’s confusing for this word
miscellaneous miscellaneous just means
other stuff or just other uncatted
Erised stuff I keep a lot of
miscellaneous items in a drawer in my
house maybe they don’t they don’t really
fit into one category like it’s not
kitchen things it’s not clothing it’s
just sort of a mixture of things
miscellaneous things negotiation the
next word is negotiation negotiation
yeah there are two T’s in this but
neither T is a hard T they’re both very
soft at shish sound because they’re
followed by the eye and another vowel
that she a negotiation negotiation
refers to a compromise between two
people you’re trying to make a decision
and you negotiate in this case that’s a
noun form negotiation business
negotiations continued for more than a
month with this important deal realm
realm I see why this one’s hard it’s
that role part that realm it’s a weird
word isn’t it it’s used to talk about
just like the kind of a fantasy world is
sort of the nuance of this phrase the
realm in a sentence lets us go to the
realm where the elves live and eat their
bread unfortunately
the next word is unfortunately
unfortunately unfortunately just means
too bad you can use this to to start bad
news for example like unfortunately I
can’t come to work today because I’m
sick or unfortunately I broke my arm at
the basketball game last week or
unfortunately my haircut is bad
vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry
vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry
just refers to the words in a language
my vocabulary in my second language is
really really low I need a bigger
vocabulary so that I can express myself
more clearly world world oh I see why
this one’s hard world world hard to
pronounce that rld I think together is
tough Plus that W at the beginning as
well it’s such a short word but you have
to say so many weird things at the same
time world your tongue is going like
this in a sentence I have traveled all
over the world and the best food is in
my stomach that’s in so those were 10
hard to pronounce words give them a try
slowly at first and just kind of try to
work up to him saying it a more natural
speaking if you like thank you so much
for sharing your opinions with us on
Facebook and please make sure to
subscribe to our channel so that you
don’t miss out on any of this fun
information so thanks again for watching
today and we’ll see you again next time
bye you don’t need new shoes you need
new feet a man and a woman are choosing
a hotel which hotel are they going to
choose we have to decide on the hotel
for a trip next month okay let’s check
the Internet the ocean hotel is near the
beach it says $120 a night per person
and you get a buffet breakfast how about
the Pine Hotel it’s $80 a night I don’t
want to waste too much on accommodations
hmm but the Pine Hotel is far from the
beach and from downtown and it says you
have to pay for Wi-Fi what about the
sunrise hotel it usually costs a hundred
forty dollars a night but now they’re
running a promotion and we can stay one
night for $90 it’s between the beach and
downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds
oh wait it says the deal is for next
week only oh I didn’t see that so how
about this place the Royal Hotel it’s
located in the middle of downtown and it
costs $100 a night the room doesn’t look
so nice but they have free Wi-Fi okay
let’s book this hotel oh it’s already
fully booked shoot then I think the
first one is best is it full no it’s not
which hotel are they going to choose
a man and a woman are choosing a hotel
which hotel are they going to choose we
have to decide on the hotel for our trip
next month okay let’s check the internet
the ocean hotel is near the beach
it says $120 a night per person and you
get a buffet breakfast how about the
pine hotel it’s $80 a night I don’t want
to waste too much on accommodations hmm
but the pine hotel is far from the beach
and from downtown and it says you have
to pay for Wi-Fi what about the sunrise
hotel it usually costs a hundred forty
dollars a night but now they’re running
a promotion and we can stay one night
for $90 it’s between the beach and
downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds
good oh wait it says the deal is for
next week only oh I didn’t see that so
how about this place the Royal Hotel
it’s located in the middle of downtown
and it costs $100 a night the room
doesn’t look so nice but they have free
Wi-Fi okay
let’s book this hotel oh it’s already
fully booked shoot then I think the
first one is best is it full no it’s not
a man and a woman are talking about the
layout of a meeting room
how are they going to arrange the tables
let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s
meeting alright shall we put all the
tables in the center of the room so that
everyone faces each other well there’s
going to be a group session first so
let’s separate the tables into four
sections four people will be seated in
each group okay and I’ll put some pens
and pads of paper on each table thank
you and we’ll have a short presentation
at the beginning of the session so we
need a projector here all right also
we’re going to use a whiteboard aren’t
we is it okay if I put the whiteboard
next to the screen well how about
putting the whiteboard at the other end
of the room that makes sense after the
meeting we need to put everything back
where it was in four rows of two tables
per row
how are they going to arrange the tables
a man and a woman are talking about the
layout of a meeting room how are they
going to arrange the tables
let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s
meeting all right shall we put all the
tables in the center of the room so that
everyone faces each other well there’s
going to be a group session first so
let’s separate the tables into four
sections four people will be seated in
each group okay and I’ll put some pens
and pads of paper on each table thank
you and we’ll have a short presentation
at the beginning of the session so we
need a projector here all right also
we’re going to use a whiteboard aren’t
we is it okay if I put the whiteboard
next to the screen well how about
putting the whiteboard at the other end
of the room that makes sense after the
meeting we need to put everything back
where it was in four rows of two tables
per row a man and a woman are talking
about office supplies
what will the man order every month you
need to check our office supplies and
order any items that are running low
this time
let’s take a look at them together
here’s the checklist okay that sounds
well starting with the paper it looks
like there’s only one box left we use
lots of paper every day so let’s order
two more boxes okay the printer is out
of color ink should we order that we
don’t really print documents in color so
we don’t need to worry about that hmm
looks like these whiteboard markers are
running out of ink right those need to
be replaced we get a discount if we
order them in sets of five so let’s do
that okay and while we’re at it can we
order a mouse sometimes it works but
sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably
because it’s running out of batteries
let’s check the stock of batteries and
order more if we don’t have many left
sure well we have three batteries here
you can take two of these for your mouse
but buy a six pack of batteries to
replace them
what will the man order
a man and a woman are talking about
office supplies
what will the man order every month you
need to check our office supplies and
order any items that are running low
this time let’s take a look at them
together here’s the checklist ok that
sounds good well starting with the paper
it looks like there’s only one box left
we use lots of paper every day so let’s
order two more boxes ok
the printer is out of color ink should
we order that we don’t really print
documents in color so we don’t need to
worry about that hmm ok
looks like these whiteboard markers are
running out of ink right those need to
be replaced we get a discount if we
order them in sets of five so let’s do
that okay and while we’re at it can we
order a mouse sometimes it works but
sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably
because it’s running out of batteries
let’s check the stock of batteries and
order more if we don’t have many left
sure well we have three batteries here
you can take two of these for your mouse
but buy a six pack of batteries to
replace them a woman is asked
for directions to the airport at an
information center
how is she going to get to the airport
excuse me I need to go to the airport
would you tell me how to get there
sure there are a few ways if you take
bus number one it takes about one and a
half hours to the airport it’s the least
expensive way bus number two is a
non-stop bus it’s more expensive and
leaves once every hour but it only takes
fifty minutes I see what about taxis
there’s a taxi stand in front of the
building and they take about an hour but
they use the expressway and charge extra
for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be
a lot more expensive than the bus I
guess that makes sense and I’d like to
avoid paying too much you didn’t by
chance buy anything at shopping world
while you were here they offer
complimentary shuttle service to the
airport for customers who make a
purchase there Wow I didn’t know that I
haven’t bought anything yet but I was
going to stop by and get some souvenirs
there anyway then you can use that
how is she going to get to the airport
a woman is asking for directions to the
airport at an information center how is
she going to get to the airport excuse
me I need to go to the airport would you
tell me how to get there
sure there are a few ways if you take
bus number one it takes about one and a
half hours to the airport it’s the least
expensive way bus number two is a
non-stop bus it’s more expensive and
leaves once every hour but it only takes
fifty minutes I see what about taxis
there’s a taxi stand in front of the
building and they take about an hour but
they use the expressway and charge extra
for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be
a lot more expensive than the bus I
guess that makes sense and I’d like to
avoid paying too much you didn’t by
chance buy anything at shopping world
while you were here they offer
complimentary shuttle service to the
airport for customers who make a
purchase there wow I didn’t know that I
haven’t bought anything yet but I was
going to stop by and get some souvenirs
there anyway then you can use that a
woman and a supplier are talking on the
phone what is the woman going to get for
the sale I need you to deliver some more
sweaters in time for the sale next month
okay what do you need we need a thousand
of the small red sweaters and four
hundred of the medium red sweaters and
we also need 600 of the small green
sweaters and 200 of the medium green
sweaters by the end of this month
red and green sweaters actually we’re
running low on green sweaters and we’re
waiting on some green yarn from our
supplier we’ll get you started with the
red sweaters though no no no we need the
red and green sweaters together so
please just get as many green sweaters
ready as you can okay I think we can get
200 of the green sweaters to you on time
which size has higher priority the small
ones take priority sorry for such short
notice but we really need your help all
right we’ll do our best we’ll get those
green sweaters to you along with all the
red sweaters you ordered
what is the woman going to get for the
a woman and a supplier are talking on
the phone what is the woman going to get
for the sale I need you to deliver some
more sweaters in time for the sale next
month okay
what do you need we need a thousand of
the small red sweaters and four hundred
of the medium red sweaters and we also
need 600 of the small green sweaters and
200 of the medium green sweaters by the
end of this month red and green sweaters
actually we’re running low on green
sweaters and we’re waiting on some green
yarn from our supplier we’ll get you
started with the red sweaters though no
no no we need the red and green sweaters
together so please just get as many
green sweaters ready as you can okay
I think we can get 200 of the green
sweaters to you on time which size has
higher priority the small ones take
priority sorry for such short notice but
we really need your help all right we’ll
do our best we’ll get those green
sweaters to you along with all the red
sweaters you ordered want to speak real
English from your first lesson sign up
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oh hi everybody my name is Alisha and
today we’re gonna be talking about ten
phrases that you always want to hear so
let’s begin you win the first phrase is
you win you win if you hear the phrase
you win it means you have won something
you are probably going to receive
something for free whoo that’s a very
happy thing right you want to give free
things congratulations you win a car yay
here are the keys to your new car great
thank you
and I brought you something special this
is exciting to hear because it means
this little something special as I call
I thought only of you so I brought you
this I brought you something special
really thank you I miss you I miss you I
miss you is nice you can use this with
your friends your family members your
partner whoever I miss you shows that
you want to meet the other person
probably you haven’t you haven’t seen
them as much as you would like to so you
can say I miss you I miss
you call your husband or wife or
boyfriend girlfriend whoever on the
phone maybe you haven’t seen them for a
long time you can say I miss you I miss
you to take a break
I’ll do the cleaning today take a break
I’ll do the cleaning today this means
someone else is going to clean up your
house for you or clean up something for
you I would be very happy to hear this
phrase right now because my apartment is
a disaster because I am only there to
sleep so maybe you’ve had a long day at
work or a long day doing something you
come home and somebody else has offered
to do this for you so take a break I’ll
do the cleaning today and you can reply
really thank you so much I’m gonna relax
the budget is unlimited the next phrase
that you always want to hear is the
budget is unlimited the budget is
unlimited this could be at work this
could be a budget a personal budget
maybe but it just means there’s no limit
to the budget you can spend as much
money as you want
whew very exciting so let’s see in a
business context perhaps you have this
new client who’s gonna give you a lot of
money to build a new house or something
maybe you’re building houses that’s your
project your boss comes to you the
budget for this project is unlimited
really let’s go crazy there’ll be a
bonus at the end of the month yeah this
is a phrase that you probably are very
excited to hear it means you are going
to receive extra money from your job at
the end of the month whoo-hoo very
exciting extra money maybe you’ll hear
this from your boss or your manager or
maybe your coworker at work maybe you
see it in an email there’ll be a bonus
at the end of the month really I’m gonna
use mine to buy a new car really I’m
gonna use mine to go out on a date
really I’m gonna use mine to get a new
fish you did a great job you did a great
job you did a great job it’s something
you’ll probably hear from well I don’t
know you could hear this from pretty
much anybody any time you’ve done a good
job someone will congratulate you or
tell you their opinion with this phrase
you did a great job you finished a
project at work and your boss says you
did a great job nice thank you so much
it was really fun or thank you just just
say thank you you look great today you
look great today the other person thinks
that your physical appearance is nice
don’t think about that today part you
know just just just take the compliment
oh really thank you so much you look
great today oh thank you so much I got a
new haircut thank you so much I
I got enough sleep yeah you were right
you were right
this means that something that you said
in the past was correct and everybody
likes to be correct I think I saw that
movie that you recommended you were
right it was really good oh good I’m
glad you enjoyed it don’t be like I know
or yeah I knew I was right don’t do that
just say oh good I’m glad you’re an
excellent cook you’re an excellent cook
this is a nice compliment especially for
someone who enjoys cooking if you say
you’re an excellent cook it means you
enjoyed their food so let’s see at a
dinner party for example you’re an
excellent cook this food is delicious oh
thank you so much I’m really glad you
enjoyed it and that’s the end so those
are things that you want to hear so keep
in mind it’s nice for you to hear these
things but other people also want to
hear them too so compliment other people
tell them that they are awesome if they
are awesome tell them that they have
good skills in whatever it is that they
like to do people like to be
complimented people want to be liked so
write the message or say something nice
to them yes leave at the comment we have
a great team of people doing all these
amazing things so tell them how much you
love them so thanks so much for joining
us for this week’s lesson we will see
you again next time please make sure to
subscribe if you have not already so
that you don’t miss out on any fun stuff
thank you very much again for watching
and we’ll see you again soon bye
I guess I don’t really need to do that
oh I’m sorry
a husband and a wife are looking at some
floor plans which room are they going to
how about this one it’s got a nice large
living room hmm I like a big living room
but I want the parking space let’s see
how about this one yeah that’s nice
should we go see this one wait a second
isn’t the closet a bit too small good
hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s
wait how about this one it’s got
everything we need doesn’t it and the
closet is pretty large too let’s go see
this one okay
which room are they going to see
a husband and a wife are looking at some
floor plans which room are they going to
see how about this one it’s got a nice
large living room hmm I like a big
living room but I want the parking space
let’s see how about this one yeah that’s
should we go see this one wait a second
isn’t the closet a bit too small good
hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s
wait how about this one it’s got
everything we need doesn’t it and the
closet is pretty large too let’s go see
this one okay a man is making a
reservation at a hotel which room is he
going to stay in Seaside hotel how may I
help you hi I like to stay for one night
on September 22nd certainly one night
from September 22nd how many people -
would you like a smoking or a
non-smoking room sir non-smoking the
only non-smoking room available on that
day is a Mountain View room is that okay
well I was hoping for an ocean view room
I’m sorry but the only ocean view room
available on that day is a smoking room
I see is there a non-smoking ocean view
room available on September 23rd yes
there is okay we’ll stay on September
which room is he going to stay in
a man is making a reservation at a hotel
which room is he going to stay in
Seaside Hotel how may I help you
hi I like to stay for one night on
September 22nd certainly one night from
September 22nd how many people - would
you like a smoking or a non-smoking room
non-smoking the only non-smoking room
available on that day is a mountain view
room is that ok well I was hoping for an
ocean view room I’m sorry but the only
ocean view room available on that day is
a smoking room I see is there a
non-smoking ocean view room available on
September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll
stay on September 23rd
a woman is talking to her hairstylist
how would she like to change her hair
hi may I help you hi I’ve got a three
o’clock reservation for Richie ah yes
welcome miss Richie please come this way
what can I do for you today I’d like to
change my hairstyle a little bit okay
what length would you like about
shoulder length all right and what about
your bangs keep the bangs straight down
or parted on the side to the side a bit
which side may be a little left from the
middle got it we’ll start with the
shampoo so please come this way
how would she like to change her hair
a woman is talking to her hairstylist
how would she like to change her hair hi
may I help you
hi I’ve got a three o’clock reservation
for Richie ah yes
welcome miss Richie please come this way
what can I do for you today I’d like to
change my hairstyle a little bit okay
what length would you like about
shoulder length all right and what about
your bangs keep the bangs straight down
or parted on the side to the side a bit
which side may be a little left from the
middle got it we’ll start with the
shampoo so please come this way
a male and female student are looking at
job advertisements which job is the
female student going to apply for hey
what do you think about this job the
hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay
looks great but could you really do a
newspaper delivery route of course I’m
good at riding bikes but I’m worried
about waking up early what about this
one the pay isn’t as high but you can
work two or three days a week and start
working from the evening oh this one a
supermarket cashier huh well it would be
good to work after school this one for a
coffee shop might be good too
oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my
way to school not bad huh hmm which one
should I apply to which two is it
between the coffee shop and the
newspaper delivery route
yeah the pay for the newspaper route is
really nice
okay my mind’s made up I guess I’ll just
have to get up early
which job is the female student going to
apply for
a male and female student are looking at
job advertisements which job is the
female student going to apply for hey
what do you think about this job the
hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay
looks great but could you really do a
newspaper delivery route of course I’m
good at riding bikes but I’m worried
about waking up early what about this
one the pay isn’t that’s high but you
can work two or three days a week and
start working from the evening oh this
one a supermarket cashier huh well it
would be good to work after school this
one for a coffee shop might be good too
oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my
way to school
not bad huh hmmm which one should I
apply to which two is it between the
coffee shop and the newspaper delivery
route yeah the pay for the newspaper
route is really nice okay my mind’s made
up I guess I’ll just have to get up
early a woman is trying on a dress and
talking to a shop clerk which dress is
she going to buy it looks very nice on
you and it fits perfectly yeah it fits
but I usually wear plain colors I’m not
used to this kind of a pattern well I
think you look great
yeah still it would take some courage
for me to actually wear this what about
this dress then the pattern is much more
reserved so it won’t feel as flashy
you’re right let me try that one on
go right ahead what do you think ma’am
this one suits me much more than the
last do you have a long-sleeved version
with this design yes we do
thanks I’ll buy that
which dress is she going to buy
a woman is trying on a dress and talking
to a shop clerk which dress is she going
to buy it looks very nice on you and it
fits perfectly yeah it fits but I
usually wear plain colors I’m not used
to this kind of a pattern well I think
you look great
yeah still it would take some courage
for me to actually wear this what about
this dress then the pattern is much more
reserved so it won’t feel as flashy
you’re right let me try that one on
go right ahead what do you think ma’am
this one suits me much more than the
last do you have a long-sleeved version
with this design yes we do thanks I’ll
buy that a woman is ordering a birthday
cake which cake is she going to order
excuse me I’d like to order a birthday
cake for my daughter great could you
tell me what kind of cake you’re looking
for my daughter likes chocolate so I
think a chocolate cream cake would be
good and can you put strawberries on it
absolutely we have round and square
cakes which one would you prefer
hmm a round one please okay how old is
your daughter going to be she’ll be 12
okay then we’ll get 12 candles ready do
you want to write a message yes please
write happy birthday all right do you
want that written in pink if so we’ll
put it on a white plate otherwise we can
write it in white and put it on a pink
plate please write it in pink and put it
on a white plate
which cake is she going to order
a woman is ordering a birthday cake
which cake is she going to order
excuse me I’d like to order a birthday
cake for my daughter great could you
tell me what kind of cake you’re looking
for my daughter likes chocolate so I
think a chocolate cream cake would be
good and can you put strawberries on it
absolutely we have round and square
cakes which one would you prefer
hmm a round one please okay how old is
your daughter going to be she’ll be 12
okay then we’ll get 12 candles ready do
you want to write a message yes please
write happy birthday all right do you
want that written in pink if so we’ll
put it on a white plate otherwise we can
write it in white and put it on a pink
plate please write it in pink and put it
on a white plate a man and a woman are
discussing plans for their upcoming move
when are they going to move I think we
should decide on the moving date and
call a moving company sounds good
I was just looking at some moving
companies I don’t want to pay a lot of
definitely this company here will give
us a discount of 10% if we book at least
one month before the moving day one
month before then we have to move after
December 15th in order to get the
discount yep and there’s an additional
discount if we book on a weekday a
weekday well I have a meeting that
Monday morning any exhibition is on
Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be
good because we could then organize the
new place over the weekend yeah but wait
a second they say 15% off Monday to
Thursday and 5% off on Friday well what
do you want to do let’s go for the
biggest discount I’ll be done with the
exhibition by then anyway
when are they going to move
a man and a woman are discussing plans
for their upcoming move when are they
going to move
I think we should decide on the moving
date and call a moving company sounds
good I was just looking at some moving
companies I don’t want to pay a lot of
definitely this company here will give
us a discount of 10% if we book at least
one month before the moving day one
month before then we have to move after
December 15th in order to get the
discount yep and there’s an additional
discount if we book on a weekday a
weekday well I have a meeting that
Monday morning and the exhibition is on
Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be
good because we could then organize the
new place over the weekend yeah but wait
a second
they say 15% off Monday to Thursday and
5% off on Friday well what do you want
to do let’s go for the biggest discount
I’ll be done with the exhibition by then
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