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welcome to our first ever evening

edition of this series because the sound

in the original video was destroyed hi

everybody welcome back to ask Alicia the

weekly series where you ask me questions

and I answer them maybe first question

this week first question this week comes

from Patrick hi Patrick

Patrick says I know the basic English

words and I understand if someone speaks

in English for example I understand your

videos perfectly but I have problems

building correct English sentences like

when I speak with another person do you

have any tips for how to build correct


um I think that this just comes with

practice honestly it’s difficult to do

but I know that there’s not always a

person that you can ask for help I will

tell you a secret when I don’t have

confidence with something but I don’t

know how to answer something this is

what I do seriously just google it I put

quotation marks around like the phrase

that I’m trying to make and then I

search google for it and if it’s there

great then that means I can use it maybe

like thousands of people have used that

phrase I know it’s probably a common

phrase if there are no results and that

probably means I’ve made a mistake

somehow so that’s maybe one good way to

help you as you try to build phrases by

yourself so try that out next question

next question comes from hwang sena want

to say now hi I love your name Alicia is

Alicia a common name in the US I happen

to have a friend named ELISA also what’s

your personal favorite name um a common

name in the US Alicia I don’t I don’t

think Alicia is so common in the US and

when I was growing up I didn’t have any

other friends named Alicia also the

spelling of my name is a little strange

usually it spelled a li CIA maybe you

know the artist Alicia Keys that’s how

she spells her name so my name was

commonly confused as Alicia a lot so

I’ve heard like Allison and ELISA and

Allie and so on those are fairly common

I think but Alicia especially my

spelling is not so common actually so

what’s my favorite name my favorite name

is obi-wan Kenobi

next question the next question comes

from long is the H sound not always

pronounced when followed by another


for example wallhanger or come back home

yes the H sound is often pronounced very

softly it’s quite difficult to pronounce

all of these syllables clearly like in

the example come back home it’s quite

difficult to say the H sound clearly so

in those cases it’s quite common to make

the H sound quite soft like come back

home next question

Romeo from Vietnam hi again Romeo Romeo

says hello Alicia do native speakers say

you aren’t gonna blah blah blah or

you’re not gonna blah blah blah which

contracted form is used more I think

they’re used equally like you can choose

which you prefer me I think I usually

say you’re not gonna I probably use you

are I can track the you are you’re not

gonna you’re not gonna or you’re not

gonna do something I probably use you’re

not more often than you aren’t gonna the

next question is from Wagner Wagner

Wagner Wagner

have you written any operas why do

American people pronounce English class

101 instead of one zero one or hundred

one oh this relates to like University

and college level courses actually so

there are four levels to universities or

to colleges in the u.s. first year

second year third year and fourth year

so the classes for each of those are

numbered so first year classes begin

with one second year classes with two or

third year classes with three fourth

year classes with four so first year

classes like it tends to be like the

basic classes begin with a 1 and like

the most basic of those classes is

usually 101 so like English class 101

that’s kind of making like a friendly

introduction to English in other words

so we say 101 we always use that sort of

pattern when speaking we don’t say 101

we always use 101 or less

one two four or like three six seven I

don’t know what those classes are but we

always say each individual number nice

question interesting next question is

Rob Danny would you tell us about here

you are here you go there you are there

you go and here there we you it baby go

oh gosh okay I’ll talk about the the

ones that you introduced what do they

mean and how do you use them naturally

so let’s talk first about here you are

and here you go so we use these when we

present someone with something so you

give someone something here you are here

you go like you are at a restaurant

maybe your order arrives here you are

here you go something like in a service

situation you might hear this kind of

from like a friendly staff eesh like

staff related person I suppose here you


there you go or maybe from a teacher to

a school child maybe here you go we use

it to like present something to present

an object that maybe they are expecting

too busy let’s talk then about there you

go and there you are so we use there you

go when someone is able to do a thing

they’ve been practicing for a while so

for example if the child is learning how

to ride a bicycle and they’ve been

struggling with it for some time but

then gradually they get better at it and

they can do it a parent might say oh

there you go you got it you got it it’s

like that it’s like a support word and

encouragement word there you go the last

one on your list though there you are in

American English we use there you are

in a situation where we’re looking for

someone we’ve been looking for someone

we’re expecting to meet and it’s been

difficult to find them maybe you visit a

few different spots but then at last you

find this person may be like in a break

room or someplace you might not expect

them but when you do find them and you

say oh there you are we say it with that

sort of intonation oh there you are

it sounds immediately to the listener

like oh this person has been looking for

me next question next question is from

loj loj long-lost loj and loj says my

question is about phrasal verb

so what is the meaning of knock out like

here example sentence one knocked me out

of my possession or two knocked the wind

out of me I had a problem with the word

possession knocked me out of my

possession I’m not quite sure this could

refer though to in a very rare situation

we have this word possession which

refers to like this thing called demonic

possession where there’s this idea that

a bad spirit gets into the body and

controls a person’s behavior we call

that possession so we could say like a

priest knocked me out of my possession -

go back to your original question though

the word knock out as a phrasal verb to

knock out means like it means forcefully

or forcibly remove something because if

some impact an object is removed from

its original location so for example a

jogger could be coming at me and they

run into me and they knock my phone out

of my hands so in that case my phone is

being removed because of the impact of

the jogger so to knock something out

means like to remove from its original

location from force in your second

example then knocked the wind out of me

this is an expression we use which means

like to lose our breath because of an

impact so if you get like punched or

kicked maybe in maybe this area you

might feel the air in your lungs come

out of your body so we call that the

wind in this situation so like he

knocked the wind out of me means he

caused me to lose the air in my lungs

the impact was so strong in my body that

the air came out of my out of my lungs

so I like he knocked the wind so the

wind in this case the air in my lungs in

its original location was removed from

me because of this impact you might also

hear this expression in boxing to knock

out or to to

to ko someone means to cause them to

lose consciousness in this case so

consciousness is the thing that’s that’s

going away in this case so to knock

someone out in like a boxing match means

they they lose consciousness in other

where it’s a KO was sometimes safe

the first example sentence is not

actually so clear to me so it could it’s

also possible there’s an error in the

original place I don’t know all right so

those are all the questions that I want

to answer this week thank you very much

for sending your questions to me

remember you can send them to me at

English class 101.com slash ask - Alicia

thank you very much for watching this

episode of ask Alicia and I will see you

again next week and I

sound sound it’s still working welcome

back to the Internet hi everybody

welcome back to ask Alisha

the weekly series where you ask me

questions and I answer them maybe first

question first question comes from Faris

Ghazali Faris Kazanlak

how do I stop translating the meaning of

English words in my head I can tell you

about the things that have helped me and

maybe they’ll help you I put myself in

situations where I could not escape into

my native language in my case I could

not escape into English I would go out

like for food and drinks with friends

who could not speak English I had no

choice but to use a different language

with them too

something that I’ve noticed some of my

students do that actually kind of

bothers me

they bring a dictionary to their lesson

and they’ll stop conversations in

lessons to check words in their

dictionary and say a single word at a

time instead of just trying to find a

different way to explain that one it

totally stops the flow of conversation

too you don’t have really the option to

do that in a conversation most of the

time you’re not going to be carrying

around your dictionary with you I hope

unless it’s in your phone I suppose

third I think that this is a chance to

develop a better skill instead of trying

to translate into English or to

translate into a different language you

should think about finding a different

way to explain the word you want to use

let’s say for example that you want to

use the word beautiful but you can’t

remember the word how would you explain


so think about other ways to communicate

an idea even if you don’t have the

vocabulary words so going to your

dictionary shouldn’t necessarily be the

first course of action it shouldn’t

necessarily be your first step think

about a different way to communicate the

idea you’re trying to communicate think

of examples to explain the word you’re

looking for and then the other person

can teach you like if you’re working

with somebody or you’re talking with

somebody who understands you’re not a

native speaker chances are if you can

explain the word you’re looking for they

will tell you they will be your teacher

I just explained like with body language

times two if I don’t know work so

another thing that really helped me was

not just studying vocabulary words but

actually approaching things as phrases

so not saying okay this word equals this

word in my language but rather here’s a

phrase that communicates a meaning that

is interesting to me or that I hear my

friends use a lot I’m going to use that

phrase so don’t just input input input

start outputting to so hope that’s

helpful for you next question next

question is from long Jiang hai long

dongok says I’m curious what do you do

in your days off you gotta know how to

do my days off on my days I’m pretty

normal on my days off I cook I go

jogging I sleep I I build listen to my

favorite DJs I see my friends I eat and

drink and watch TV that’s about it I’m a

pretty normal person next question next

question is from Muhammad’s Ohio what is

the difference between famous and

popular great question famous is

something that is well known many people

know about that thing or that person

Beyonce is famous the Statue of Liberty

is famous the Eiffel Tower is famous

popular however means many people know

about it and it is liked it has a

positive image so like Beyonce is

popular or like a famous candy is

popular like chocolate cake is popular

it’s a famous food and many people like

it so popular is famous Plus like a

positive image sometimes we can use

those two words for the same thing

so Beyonce is famous Beyonce is popular

but famous doesn’t always mean they are

popular so someone can be famous for a

bad thing in that case though it’s

typically better to use the word

infamous infamous infamous means famous

for a bad reason so famous for something

negative next question next question

comes from oh you wrote the

pronunciation of your name very nice

ight on it’s on I think okay okay Leisha

well my level is intermediate they feel

that they’re stuck at the intermediate

level and want to reach the advanced

level they’re watching lots of videos on


reading academic articles on the web but

still feel that progress has somehow

stopped could you give me some advice

okay you say in your message that you

feel your progress somehow has stopped I

have been here to the intermediate

plateau like you begin learning a

language and it’s like yeah I’m learning

all these things and then you kind of

like plateau you get to a level where

things don’t continue and you feel like

progress goes much more slowly I would

say in this case first identify how you

feel your progress has stopped by that I

mean like do you feel like your

vocabulary is lacking or do you find

that it’s hard to listen to people and

to understand what they’re saying do you

find it’s hard to write

is it hard to to like to read things so

first identify what is that thing that

you feel like you’re not good and then

start to approach your further studies

with that as the focus I think that if

you can think about your different skill

sets your different levels in reading

writing speaking and listening you can

identify which of those four things is

weakest for you and start there so when

you feel your progress has stopped think

like okay what am I not good at doing

and then focus your time there so maybe

that’s a helpful first step for you

hope that helps next question next

question comes from Kiara GRA GRA GRA

GRA asks uh I’ll help you studying and

I’ll help you to study what is the

correct one Thanks I’ll help you

something I’ll help you do this so just

the regular plain form of the verb I

would suggest is probably the most

natural choice thanks for the question

though next question next question comes

from sheriff sheriff

Emmett sheriff almond okay should I use

the singular or plural verb after

colloquial names for example my team

have won the match or has won the match

okay in this case my team has won the

match my team has won the match so use

the singular form of the verb like same

as like he has or she has my team has is

the correct answer

next question next question comes from

Jeffrey hi Jeffrey Jeffrey asks

sometimes I watch movies and some

characters say you wish with a very

angry attitude or I wish in others

tuitions what do these two sentences

mean and how do I use it

aha interesting question okay when

someone responds with you wish to a

negative suggestion it’s like they’re

mutually together they’re recognizing

that they don’t like each other so

usually the first character will say

something like make a negative

suggestion like you should you should

leave town and get a different job like

leave us alone

something like that and then the other

character will say yeah you wish like

yes this this character recognizes you

want me to do that yes but I’m not going

to do that in other words so it’s sort

of like a challenge so this person says

like this negative suggestion the other

person who recognizes the suggestion

says no I’m not going to do that but I

know you want me to do that so you wish

in this way means it’s like a negative

challenge look they’re kind of fighting

recognizing they dislike each other so

that’s one the other one what was the

other one so I wish we talked about I

wish in the previous the previous

episode of ask Alisha so please check

that out but essentially I wish refers

to something that we cannot do now or

something that is different from the

present situation but we want we want to

happen we want to be able to do so

please check the last episode of ask

Alisha for more about I wish like the

positive meaning next question next

question is from Romeo Liu from Vietnam

hello Romeo could you please explain

what the expression try as I may means

this is usually used in an expression

that’s sort of negative like even though

I’m trying my best it’s difficult for me

to do this thing so try as I may I just

can’t get a new job or try as I may I

just can’t earn that much money or try

as I may I just can’t seem to cook this

dish for example so even though I’m

giving my best effort even though I’m

really working hard this other thing

just isn’t happening for me so it’s sort

of like it’s sort of like a sad or like

a disappointed or unhappy expression

actually thanks for the question room

you okay so those are all the questions

for this week’s episode of ask Alicia

I hope that they were useful for you if

you would like to submit a question

remember you can send them to me at

English class 101.com / ask - Alicia

thanks very much for watching this

episode of ask Alicia and I will see you

again next week bye

I talk too much I’m late for work want

to speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com

I have purchased a microphone what can

you do with a new mic hi everybody my

name is Alicia welcome back to ask

Alicia the weekly series on our youtube

channel where you ask me questions and I

answer them me so please remember you

can submit your questions to me at

English class 101.com / ask Alicia first

question a lot of you who asked about

what to do to get a voice that sounds

like mine when I’m making these videos

I’m specifically trying to speak clearly

so I’m clearly separating my words the

way that I talk with my friends and the

way that I talk regularly is a bit

different than the way that I talk on

this channel but if you want to try to

get this kind of pronunciation the best

advice I have is just to repeat this

kind of pronunciation it depends on your

goal if you want to learn to speak like

me or to speak like somebody else that

you really admire you should try to

mimic them that’s what I do and that’s

actually a strategy that I use when I

study other languages as well so if I

hear something interesting that a

vocabulary word that a friend has used

like in Japanese for example or they

have a really good intonation or just

the way they deliver the way they say

something is really interesting to me or

I want to I want to be able to use that

too I’ve put that in my head I think

about that and then I try to replicate

that I try to copy that essentially to

make this explanation shorter mimic

mimic if you want to learn to speak like

me mimic me if you want to learn to

speak like somebody else try to mimic

someone else but just keep in mind that

the way that I talk in these videos is

different from the way that I talk

next question what does the word litt

mean what does the word live me

litt is actually a slang word it’s

common slang among young people

especially in the u.s. right now maybe

many of you know that the verb to light

has the past tense lit lit is used to

talk about for example a party or some

kind of social gathering usually that’s

really exciting or that’s really really

fun or that’s kind of crazy so lit using

the past tense there you can kind of

imagine that like a fire when you light

a fire it maybe it gets bigger and it

gets kind of wild a little bit crazy

like there’s a spark and then it starts

so if you see the word lit like this

party was lit it means it was really

crazy it was really good it was really

fun you can use it if you want but just

keep in mind that really young people

use that word I don’t use that word for

reference but again I’m not next

question what is correct I thought you

were gone or I thought you are gone I

thought you are gone we need to use I

thought you were gone here I thought you

were gone so I thought past tense and

you were is also past tense

it’s a past tense thought the past tense

situation so please use past tense

yeah next question also maybe about were

and was why do we use if I were and not

if I was this is a great question and

actually a lot of native speakers make

mistakes with this it’s a small point to

be fair but if you want to be correct

you should always use if I were this is

a grammar point it refers to the

subjunctive mood the subjunctive mood an

explanation of subjunctive is a bit

beyond the scope it’s a bit much for

this video but we will always use if I

were when the subject there is I in the

conditional if I were we always use work

you will hear native speakers say if I

was if I was if you want to be extremely

strict and extremely nitpicky word is

actually the correct one but that if you

use was if you make a mistake and you

use was you will still be understood so


this is related to the subjunctive mood

in English next question okay next one

isn’t really a question but something I

have noticed that many of you do you

like to put the article up or and before

your adjective before an adjective but

you forget to use and now do you know

how like Mario introduces himself and he

says it’s a me when you forget to use

some kind of you know after after your

adjective or whatever but you sound a

bit like Mario’s it’s a nice it’s a nice

it’s a nice what it’s funny to me it’s a

nice it’s a me you need to include the

noun that you’re referring to it’s a

nice video or it’s a nice explanation

it’s nice for it’s bad or it’s good

where this was a nice explanation but

don’t forget to use your noun after you

use the adjective it’s a nice something

it’s a good subject it’s a bad something

so please know article without a noun

make sure to use your now and it should

be in the singular form if you’re using

up or in you need to use the singular

form of the noun don’t tell Mike Mario

next question what does it mean they

can’t take that away from me who are

they and what does takeaway mean we use

the word they to mean generally just

other people outside of us this is used

a lot to talk about like news or to talk

about general opinions they say that

this pizza is the best pizza in the city

right now they say that your English

will only improve if you study every day

they say that the most difficult thing

you can do in your life is move to

another country they is just anyone

second point what this take away mean

take away means to some object that

belongs in one location is removed from

that location like take away food in

American English we use takeout actually

but take away food is a similar idea

especially like in British English

takeaway so you take away your food from

the restaurant so you’re taking

something else you’re removing your food

from the restaurant so in the expression

they can’t take that away from me they


other people outside you can’t take

something away from you

next one what does the phrase don’t be a

creep don’t be a creep me but I think

Michael talked about this on an old

English topics video so I talked to a

live stream about the word creepy

adjective creepy so something that

causes like nervous suspense it’s

something that’s creepy the word creep

is used as a noun

don’t be a creep in person who is creepy

a guy can be a creep a girl can be a

creep so a creep is someone who causes

creepy feelings like something bad might

happen I feel nervous like that person’s

a little strange a little weird that

person is a creep

he’s a creep she’s a creep so don’t be a

creep means you should not behave like a

creep don’t create nervous feelings in

the other person don’t be a creepy

person don’t be a creep

everybody that’s good advice don’t be a

creep don’t feel great try to be a nice

and understanding and respectful person

always next question oh that was my last

one this week all right

so those are my favorite questions or

the questions that I wanted to talk to

you about this week I hope that those

are some useful points for you and if

you have any questions please feel free

to let me know at English class 101.com

slash ask Alicia that’s where you can

submit your questions to me it makes it

very easy for me to check and see all

the questions in one place so definitely

check that out I think you can sign in

with your regular English class 101.com

account and submit as many questions as

you want and then I’ll choose what I

like and what I want to talk about and

of course if a lot of you asked the same

question I’ll definitely try to answer

that to you

so please check that out English class

101 comm / ask Alicia thanks very much

for watching this episode of ask Alicia

and I’ll see you again next week

why one of the things I can do with my

microphone I wonder I feel like I had

some ideas for this when I was laying in

bed last night and I’ve forgotten them

all oh now I can take my videos on the

road make it like a golf reporter yes

the ball the ball is rolling why am i

Russian I’m a Russian golf reporter now

oh maybe I’ll be a beatboxer how do you

do that

oh I’m going to use the Force to make

you watch this whole video hi everybody

welcome back to ask Alicia the weekly

series where you ask me questions and I

answer them maybe you can send your

questions to me at English class 101.com

slash ask - Alicia first question from

Harley passes hard Harley pusle pusle

pasta very sorry Harley asks what is the

use of get plus adverb or preposition

for example I get down this is a

question about phrasal verbs with get we

can use a lot of different things after

the word yet in your example to get down

we use it when dancing for example like

I want to get down this weekend it’s

sort of an old-fashioned expression

though to get down we can use a lot of

different words after the verb yet

though for example get into to get into

something means to become interested in

something you might hear to get at like

get at me or get at your professor to

get at means to reach out to or to

communicate with but it’s a very casual

expression you can say get after like I

need to get after my homework for

example it means to like chase after or

try to do something also to get in like

to get into a club to get into a

restaurant to get into a party the

nuance is that something is challenging

but you can gain access to that thing

like I got into the party last night but

I wasn’t on the list there are a lot of

different uses of the word yet I can’t

talk about all of them in this video

because there are so many so if you’re

curious about the various phrasal verbs

that we can use with the word get check

out a dictionary that’s a really good

place to start next question next

question comes from long and long and

asks what is the difference between

simple past tense and past continuous

tense or past progressive tense simple

past tense we use for actions that

started and ended in the past so the

beginning of the action and the end of

the action happened in the past so for

example the sentence I ate breakfast is

a simple

past tense statement I ate breakfast ate

is a simple past tense the past

continuous tense however or the past

progressive tense is something we used

to talk about an action that was

continuing at a specific point in time

in the past if I want to use the past

progressive tense I can say I was eating

breakfast using that continuous tense

using that progressive tense implies I

want to explain something else that

happened at that time or maybe I want to

add some more information so for example

I was eating breakfast at 8 o’clock this

morning or I was eating breakfast when

the phone rang or I was eating breakfast

and watching TV at the same time I was

eating breakfast while studying today by

using the past progressive I am

explaining that an action was continuing

at a specific point in time as in the

example I was eating breakfast at 8

o’clock or I can use past progressive to

show one action was happening at the

same time as another action in the past

if I use just the simple past tense I’m

just saying a simple fact in other words

this action happened I ate breakfast at

8 o’clock if I want to emphasize the

continuous nature of the action for some

reason like I was eating breakfast at 8

o’clock I can use the past progressive

tense in that case it might be in

response to a question like what were

you doing at 8 o’clock this morning so

if someone wants to ask maybe what you

were doing at a specific point in time

like someone is suspicious if you like

what were you doing last night maybe you

can say like oh I was having dinner with

my friends last night but past tense

simple past tense is something we use

for actions which start and finish in

the past but progressive the progressive

tense in past can be used to emphasize

the continuing nature of that situation

or that action next question next

question comes from yes in yeah yes II

yes in from very sorry what’s the

difference between on time and in time

is it you arrived just on time or you

arrived just in time we use on time to

refer to doing something at the correct

time doing something at a scheduled time

so for example I need to get to work on

time meaning at the correct time or did

you make it to your appointment on time

in time however is used when we want to

kind of give a nuance of rushing or

hurrying for something I need to leave

my house now to get to the airport in

time for my flight I need to study for

my test now if I want to be in time for

the party later you should probably

leave now if you want to be in time for

the movie in time for something else so

I want to do action a to make my

schedule meet this other condition this

other thing I would like to do with this

other thing I need to do in time for has

the nuance of a deadline we can use this

expression in like a panic like oh my

gosh I’m not going to make it in time

like to submit a paper I’m not going to

make it in time in time means like

before the deadline whereas on time has

the meaning of completing an action or

completing something at a scheduled time

next question the next question comes

from gearson Silva hi what is the

difference between shade and shadow oh

great this is a great question

both of these words can be used to refer

to a place that is darker than its

surroundings because there’s an object

that is blocking the light we can say

there’s shade over there or there’s a

shadow over there in that sentence they

are used the same however shadow refers

to the dark shape only so a person can

cast a shadow we use cast the verb cast

with the shadow I cast a shadow when I

stand in the Sun for example shade

however as a noun refers to or has the

nuance of a kind of shelter so shelter

provided by some other object shelter

from the light shelter from the Sun so

we would say stand in the shade because

shade has the nuance of shelter we would

not say stand in the shadow shadow does

not carry the nuance of shelter in the

way that shade does interestingly enough

those shade and shadow are both used as

verbs as well to shadow of something

needs to follow something closely to

shadow someone at work means to follow

someone at work and try to

understand their job for example shade

is used as a verb to mean to create

shelter from light for example the

canopy shaded us from the Sun Shade also

has some interesting uses you might hear

the slang phrase to throw shade throwing

shade is a really interesting slang

expression that we use which means to

communicate disrespect or to communicate

like contempt bad feelings for some

things when you’re speaking generally in

most cases when you want to talk about a

dark cool area we should say shade stand

in the shade when you want to talk only

about the dark area that dark object use

shadow next question actually two

questions from Danny hi Danny Danny’s

first question is you talked about lit

as slang yes I talked about lit in

episode 2 so 1 episode 2 of ask Alicia

can you please talk about the verb light

and using it an active and passive sure

light means to start a fire so to light

a fire to light a candle some examples

of active and passive voice with this

verb then why don’t we light some

candles for dinner tonight all the

candles in the restaurant were live on

our camping trip my neighbors lit a fire

and we brought hamburgers to me a fire

was lit in the campsite while we were

gone I was going to light a fire but I

fell asleep so to light means to start a

fire he lit the house on fire we can say

to light la blah blah on fire so there

are a few different examples of using

the verb light in active and in passive

past tense future tense

as well so I hope that that’s helpful

Danny’s second question can you talk

about ride and its uses like take

someone for a ride can I take a ride

Ryan is another verb that has a lot of

different uses you use the example to

take someone for a ride means to drive

together with someone to go for a ride

has the nuance of doing something just

for fun it’s just for fun I want to take

a ride to a location I want to take a

ride to the mountains this weekend or

take a ride to the beach but to take

someone for a ride means to invite

someone to drive somewhere with you in a

car that’s one way to use ride you can

also say give me a ride can you give me

a ride

so this is a request expression I don’t

have a car my friend has a car I want my

friend to take me in their car to a

location I can say can you give me a

ride to the movie theater can you give

me a ride to the lake give me a ride is

a request so give me a ride in your car

so there are a lot of uses of ride if

you want to see all of them or if you

want to see more of them I recommend

checking a dictionary there are quite a

few and I can’t talk about them all in

this video so please check a dictionary

next question okay next question is from

sin M of M what does your too good to be

true mean is it good or not maybe you’ve

heard this in a famous song you’re too

good to be true can’t take my eyes off

of you in that case it’s a good meaning

a different way to say this expression

is you are so good you are so amazing

that I can’t believe you’re real so in

other words something must be wrong

there must be some problem with you it’s

not possible for you to be real because

you are so good you are so great so

you’re too good to be true it’s like wow

I’m amazed by you so it’s a good

expression if however maybe in a more

uncommon situation someone said like

this guy is too good to be true like

maybe reviewing a job application for

example this girl she’s too good to be

true like if it’s said in that way maybe

there’s something suspicious about that

person this doesn’t seem right there’s

just too much good information here

there must be some problem with this

person depending on the intonation it

can portray either a very positive

meaning or a very suspicious meaning in

most cases however it’s a positive

meeting so if you heard this in a song

for example it’s probably a very

positive kind of romantically nuanced

phrase thanks very much for that

question femme next one next question

and Rabia Arshad rate Rabia Arshad Rabia

or fair sorry what’s the difference

between Ken and May I saw this on the

dining like a champ

cheat sheet and noticed these words were

used for requests what’s the difference

can and may for requests in modern

English men modern American English are

used this

if I use them in a statement can refers

to ability may refers to permission

please just be careful can and may are

only used in the same way to make

requests in modern American English next

question is from Taylor ah hi again

Taylor are where are you from and where

were you born the same ah great question

where are you from where were you born

no not necessarily not necessarily where

where you born is only the place where

you were physically brought into the

world maybe your hometown the place you

identify as your hometown is different

from the place where you were born maybe

you were born in Spain but you grew up

in the USA your family moved after that

so you could say I was born in Spain but

I grew up in New York City if someone

asks you where are you from it might be

a good idea to say I was born in blah

blah blah but I was raised in blah blah

blah in a different place if the two

places are different next question next

question is from Hassan Hassan says how

do we use Dada in the negative form so

we did a live stream about half two and

got two and need to on the YouTube

channel and on Facebook a while ago Dada

is a contraction a very casual

contraction of got and two it’s not a

real word gotta is just the sound that

we make when we say got two very quickly

like I gotta go to school today or I’ve

got to finish my homework or I gotta get

to sleep I’m so tired in American

English we do not use gotta in the

negative instead we use have to or need


I don’t have to go to work tomorrow I

don’t need to go to work tomorrow and I

don’t need to go to sleep right now but

American English does not use Dada in

the negative form next question next

question is from Saddam I need to

improve my spoken English and my

vocabulary how do I do that I think

there’s a tool on the website where you

can record your voice speaking English

and compare it to a native speaker

saying the same thing so I think that’s

a that’s a feature on the website so

check that out if you haven’t been it’s

in English class 101.com

there should be a recording function

where you can record your voice and

compare it to a native speaker and keep

practicing that until your voice and

your pronunciation matches the native

speakers pronunciation so you’ll see

like little waveforms there even on the

recording page so you can try to match

your voice to a native speaker so of

course practicing with native speakers

where possible repeating so creating

your own speech is important to

practicing with like recording tools

voice recording Toolik when you record

yourself you suddenly hear so many

problems in your speech so recording

yourself can be another good tool but in

terms of building your vocabulary first

I need to define a goal what do I want

to talk about if I want to talk about

food I should look for materials in my

target language talking about food and I

should study those so think about what

it is that you want to do and try to be

specific try to narrow your goal down to

you know what are the words that I need

to do and try focusing there and then

maybe you can widen the focus to other

interests here and there do but start

maybe with the things that are going to

help you communicate the things that you

really want to say so always think about

your goals what do I want to learn how

to say next question from Ricardo Villa

roll oh hey Ricardo welcome back is it

correct to learn several languages at

the same time ooh is it correct

I can’t answer that whether it’s correct

or not so I’ve heard that if you want to

try for whatever your reason is if you

want to try to study more than one

language at the same time it’s better to

try to choose languages that are quite

different so that there’s less chance of

you making mistakes or getting confused

in your studies the other thing that I

think I would say is if you’re studying

more than one language at the same time

your progress might be a bit slower than

if you studied just one language yeah is

it correct

I don’t know I can’t answer that that’s

up to you to decide so those are all the

questions that I want to talk about this

week thank you so much for submitting so

many interesting questions I really

appreciate it

if you haven’t submitted a question yet

you can check it out the submission page

is at English class 101.com

slash ask - Alicia so check that out

send me your questions if you like the

video please make sure to give it a

thumbs up and subscribe to the channel

and see

and check us out an English class

101.com for some other stuff we talked

about a few things today that you can

find on the website so definitely check

that out

so thanks very much for watching this

episode of ask Alicia I will see you

again next Saturday

bye bye

bonus vocabulary word for today spoiler

spoiler a spoiler is secret information

key information about your media your

book your movie your TV show if you see

the phrase spoiler alert somewhere it

means the next piece of text the next

information the next thing in the video

is going to be secret information about

the story so if you have not seen the

movie if you have not seen the TV show

or you have not seen the book you might

find information you don’t want to read

it so spoiler means something that will

spoil or something that will ruin the

story for you so no spoilers about Star

Wars until we’ve seen it yeah

use the Force to want to speak real

English from your first lesson sign up

for your free lifetime account at

English class 101.com welcome to English

class 101 coms English in three minutes

the fastest easiest and most fun way to

learn English hey everyone I’m Alisha in

this series we’re going to learn some

easy ways to ask and answer common

questions in English it’s really useful

and it only takes three minutes in this

lesson you’re going to learn how to

compliment someone on what they’re

wearing this is a great way to break the

ice and to come across as friendly

interested and generous when meeting

someone new if the conversation slows

down a little and you can’t think of

anything to ask a good way to get it

restarted is to compliment the other

person if you don’t know them well yet a

safe way to do this is to say something

nice about something they’re wearing or

something they have like a bag or phone

case the way to do this is to say I love

your bag or I love your top just replace

the end of the sentence with whatever

you’d like to compliment this can sound

a little bit feminine so if you’re a guy

you could say I like your bag or I like

your shoes a normal response to this is

just thanks or if you want to be modest

oh really

thanks a great way to follow this up and

keep the conversation going is to

where did you get it or where did you

buy it

this gives the other person a chance to

talk about the store country or

situation in which they bought it and

from there the conversation can develop

naturally if you’re complimented and

then ask this question of course the

reverse is true and you have a chance to

tell the other person more about the

item and where you got it the usual

answer - where did you get it or where

did you buy it is something like I got

it at store name in city name I got it

at H&M in San Francisco this is

appropriate if you bought the item in

the country you’re currently in so the

other person may know of the store if

you bought it in a different country

though its usual to say I got it in

country name I got it in France you

don’t need to say the name of the store

unless it’s world famous as the other

person probably won’t have heard of it


now it’s time for Alicia’s advice in

some cultures it’s considered totally

fine and even polite to ask how much

something costs but in english-speaking

countries like the UK Australia and

America this is usually considered very

rude and is a question that can only be

asked by very close friends and even

then it’s risky

remember not to say something like it

looks expensive or how much was it when

you’re complimenting something that

someone else owns see you next time


welcome to English class 101 coms

English in three minutes the fastest

easiest and most fun way to learn

English hey everyone Alicia here in this

series we’re going to learn some easy

ways to ask and answer common questions

in English it’s really useful and it

only takes three minutes in this lesson

you’re going to learn how to ask what

someone’s hobbies are without using the

word hobbies you’ve probably seen the

question do you have any hobbies or what

are your hobbies

in an English textbook before however

native English speakers almost never use

the word hobbies when asking about them

a much more natural way to ask the same

question is what do you do for fun let’s

practice this question what do you do

for fun what do you do for fun you can

also ask what do you do in your free

time what do you do in your free time so

how would you answer this question let’s

look at how native speakers would do it

the easiest way is to say I like to or

just I like followed by what you like to

do for example if you like watching

movies you could say I like to watch

movies or I like watching movies I like

to watch movies or I like watching

movies and if you like golf you could

say I like to play golf or I like

playing golf I like to play golf or I

like playing golf you can emphasize how

much you like your hobby by adding a

word like really in front of like for

example I really like watching movies on

the other hand if you want to play down


she likes something you can say kind of

for example I kind of like playing

tennis now it’s time for Alicia’s advice

if you don’t have any special hobbies or

don’t want to be specific a good way to

reply is I like hanging out with my

friends and stuff like that I like

hanging out with my friends and stuff

like that just use I like and add

hanging out with my friends and then add

and stuff like that how do you answer

the question where are you from it

doesn’t even have a verb we’ll cover

this and more in the next English in

three minutes lesson see you next time

hi everybody and welcome back to top

words my name is Alisha and today we’re

gonna talk about 10 ways to motivate

yourself when learning English let’s go

the first way to motivate yourself is to

imagine that one day you will live in

the United States so to do this imagine

what is your day going to be like when

you live in the u.s. where will you go

who will you meet where will you shop

and so on

imagine your day in the United States ok

the second way to motivate yourself when

you’re studying English is to study

other aspects of the culture - which

makes it more rewarding to study English

ok so this means of course studying

English as a language but if there’s a

specific country that you would like to

visit or a specific part of that

country’s culture try to learn about

that - if you like music if you like the

food if you like the history try to find

something about a specific country or a

specific part of that country’s culture

that you enjoy in addition to studying

the language ok way number 3 to motivate

yourself is finding funny words in

English ok so finding a word that sounds

funny or a word that you enjoy using or

a phrase that you enjoy using can really

increase your motivation for using that

word and for interacting with people so

if you can find those phrases that you

think are funny or are fun they can be

really really helpful for you as you

learn your language

the next way to motivate yourself is to

make friends with people who speak

English so of course if you don’t have

any friends who are English speakers

especially native English speakers it’s

a really good idea to make some friends

this way you can practice with them you

can learn from them and you can just see

maybe what their life is like and how

their life is different from yours so

this is a great way to practice a great

way to learn and a great way to think

more internationally as well the next

way to motivate yourself is watching

youtube videos of other people who have

successfully learned English so you can

listen to people what worked for them

how did they study where did they go

what materials did they use what did

they find

not helpful so you can try to find a

strategy that works well for you through

using resources like YouTube for example

it’s a great way to find people that

maybe match with what you need

ok the next way to motivate yourself is

by watching English movies and TV shows

and enjoying the feeling when you can

understand a word or a sentence yeah I

do this too when you enjoy something

when you find entertainment value in

something like music movies TV and you

there’s that moment when you pick up or

when you understand what your favorite

character said or you understand like a

key point in the story it’s a really

really good feeling it makes you want to

continue watching I think so that’s a

really really nice feeling I think and

you can do that by enjoying media so

it’s a fun way to learn and it’s a fun

feeling to experience ok the next way to

motivate yourself is by reading English

news articles blogs and magazines to get

a feel for formal and casual language so

the style that we use here like an

English class 101 and this on the videos

on this channel is quite casual most of

the time or at least in these videos

it’s very casual but the way that I

speak in the way a newspaper is written

the way a magazine is written the way

a newscaster presents the information

these are all different ways of

communicating we’re using the same

language yes but there are different

styles so it’s important to try to

understand those differences and to

become familiar with them so try to find

a few different things that you can

enjoy the next way to motivate yourself

is after dinner you write about your day

in a journal in English okay this is an

interesting idea so just take a few

minutes after dinner or before you go to

bed to write something in English about

what you did that day or maybe so you

have a chance to talk about future tense

or to use the future tense you can use

you can talk about your upcoming plans

or the things you’re going to do the

next day so you can talk about past

tense what you did that day maybe

present tense how you’re feeling as

you’re writing your journal for the day

and future tense to talk about your

upcoming plan so journaling can be a

really effective exercise for motivating

you okay the next way to motivate

yourself inspire practicing with

flashcards of useful words and phrases

for 15 minutes every day on the train I

actually do do this I use but I use an

application to study in Japanese to

study kanji and 15 minutes every day

adds up over the course of a week you

can learn a lot of information in a

short period of time and if you live in

the country where your target language

is spoken then you might even find the

word you studied on the train you see it

like after you leave the train you might

see that word later on in your day so

you can immediately feel like an extra

sense of motivation by knowing that this

thing you’re studying is applicable it’s

something you can use right away it’s a

really cool feeling so this is a tip I

honestly I use this last I make sure to

thank anyone and everyone who corrects

my English yeah I think this is really

important because people are really nice

they don’t want to correct you when you

make a mistake but sometimes people do

they’re really polite about it and they

tell you the more tell you a more

natural way or they give you a

suggestion for how to improve your


make sure you say thank you like repeat

after them and then say thank you so

that you know it’s motivation for them

to tell you again in the future to help

you again in the future so make sure to

say thank you to anyone who helps you

with your English so that’s the end so

those are 10 ways that you can motivate

yourself when you learn English if you

have a different strategy for how you

like to motivate yourself to learn

English please let us know in the

comments please be sure also to like

this video and subscribe to our channel

if you haven’t already thanks very much

for watching I hope this video motivated

you to keep studying we’ll see you again

soon with more fun stuff my vamos a la

piscina that means we’re going to the

movie theater right

alright hi everybody my name is Alisha

welcome back to top words today we’re

going to be talking about must know

expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

very useful so let’s go exactly exactly

when you agree 100% with something

someone else has said you can say

exactly for example Raman is one of the

best foods in the world exactly I don’t

agree I don’t agree

you have a different opinion from the

other person they tell you I think that

soccer is the best sport you can say I

don’t agree but be prepared to provide

your own opinion after this I think

soccer is the best sport I don’t agree I

think that football is oh that could

cause some problems soccer football

Americans say football when we mean

American football but the rest of the

world says football when they mean

soccer maybe maybe is when you don’t

know when you can’t make a decision or

when you’re not sure about something ok

so someone tosses you an opinion someone

says their their idea to you I think

it’s gonna rain tomorrow you can say

yeah maybe you don’t know for sure yes

or no but it’s possible it’s a good sort

of in-between expression but if you use

maybe all the times gonna sound really

strange and it’s gonna sound like you

can’t make a decision so use maybe very

sparingly don’t use it so often maybe is

very commonly used it’s a soft no it’s

up to you to figure that out among the

people that you’re talking to though do

you want to stay over at my house is

we can maybe I couldn’t agree with you

more you are in complete agreement with

the other person and really want to

communicate that to them you think that

what they have just said is really

really correct super correct yes you are

completely on board with that idea you

can say I couldn’t agree with you more

I couldn’t the negative form I could not

agree with you more meaning it’s not

possible that I could agree more with

what you’re saying

next week it’s really important that we

have a barbecue because summer is ending

and then your friend can say I couldn’t

agree more that’s a fantastic idea I’ll

buy steak I think we’re going to have to

agree to disagree agree to disagree this

is a kind of it seems like a simple

phrase agree to disagree so you’re

agreeing with the other person you agree

that we have a different opinion agree

to disagree I would use this expression

at the end of a discussion so person a

and person B have different opinions and

they’ve been discussing those opinions

for a long time and person a is not

changing his or her opinion person B is

not changing his or her opinion so you

can say at the end of the conversation

okay we have to agree to disagree let’s

just accept our different opinions and

move on in the conversation you have a

point there this is not necessarily an

agreement or disagreement phrase it’s a

small agreement within a larger

discussion so maybe you’ve been

discussing a topic for a long time and

you’ve disagreed with the other person

until this this time this person says

something and you agree with that ah you

have a point there so there’s one thing

that this person has said that you can

agree with you can say you have a point

there I think that’s correct or I agree

with that point that’s exactly how I

feel that’s exactly how I feel

meaning my feeling is the same as your

feeling or my opinion is the same as

your opinion that’s exactly how I feel

maybe you can use this if someone

describes your feeling very accurate

for example you can say I feel like the

company is really heading in a nice new

direction you can say yeah that’s

exactly how I feel I really like the new

boss I don’t think so I don’t think so

it’s soft it’s not so direct it’s not a

hard I disagree but just I don’t think

so of course you can use it to discuss

opinions but you can also use it when

you’re making plans are you going to

that party this weekend I don’t think so

it’s not a disagreement but it can be

used as a negation phrase and a negative

response to something when used as an

opinion I think Chinese is the hardest

language to learn you can say I don’t

think so I think that Arabic is the

hardest language to learn yes you’re

right yes your rights means you’re

correct yes I agree with you I think

that’s the right information I think

that’s the correct opinion just a very

clear agreement phrase you’re right it

also has the nuance of being correct so

maybe there was there were there was a

possibility the other person could be

incorrect did you know that pepperoni

pizza is the most delicious pizza in the

world yes you’re right you could change

it too that’s right for that opinion you

can use your to talk specifically about

the person itself but that’s right yes

that’s right that information is correct

I guess so I guess so it’s sort it’s an

agreement but it’s sort of a flaky

agreement I guess so

it’s like you don’t really want to make

a decision but you don’t feel strongly

in one like in agreement or disagreement

you can say I guess so it’s usually said

with this tone of voice I guess so you

know we don’t really say I guess so

generally it’s like you can’t quite make

a decision or you don’t want to make a

decision you can say I guess so hey

we’re gonna go for Chinese food for

dinner tonight do you want to come yeah

I guess so you don’t feel strongly

either way I guess so I’m afraid I

disagree it’s a rather polite expression

that you can use in a business situation

for example I’m afraid here doesn’t mean

I’m actually scared or I’m really

frightened but just it’s a softener

that’s used at the beginning of

sentences to introduce a negative

opinion so I’m afraid I disagree or I’m

afraid I can’t agree with you for

example I think that you need to adopt a

new policy for your company

I’m afraid I disagree it’s a soft

disagreement that sounds a bit more

formal than some of the other phrases

we’ve talked about so far absolutely

absolutely means 100% yes exactly

precisely definitely it’s a quick and

clear and can be polite as well as

casual word that means you agree with

the other person hey do you want to go

to the beach this weekend yeah

absolutely absolutely oh that’s in so

those are some phrases that you can use

to agree and disagree with other people

there are a lot of them so and you can

kind of mix and match them as you see

fit so give them a try thanks very much

for watching this episode of top words

and we’ll see you again soon bye

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com oh hi

everybody my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about 10 phrases

that you always want to hear so let’s


you win the first phrase is you win you

win if you hear the phrase you win it

means you have won something you are

probably going to receive something for

free whoo that’s a very happy thing

right you want to give free things

congratulations you win a car yay here

are the keys to your new car great thank

you and I brought you something special

this is exciting to hear because it

means this little something special as I

call I thought only of you so I brought

you this I brought you something special

really thank you I miss you I miss you I

miss you is nice you can use this with

your friends your family members your

partner whoever I miss you shows that

you want to meet the other person

probably you haven’t you haven’t seen

them as much as you would like to so you

can say I miss you I miss you call your

husband or wife or boyfriend girlfriend

whoever on the phone maybe you haven’t

seen them for a long time you can say I

miss you I miss you too take a break

I’ll do the cleaning today take a break

I’ll do the cleaning today this means

someone else is going to clean up your

house for you or clean up something for

you I would be very

happy to hear this phrase right now

because my apartment is a disaster

because I am only there to sleep so

maybe you’ve had a long day at work or a

long day doing something you come home

and somebody else has offered to do this

for you so take a break I’ll do the

cleaning today and you can reply really

thank you so much I’m gonna relax

the budget is unlimited the next phrase

that you always want to hear is the

budget is unlimited the budget is

unlimited this could be at work this

could be a budget a personal budget

maybe but it just means there’s no limit

to the budget you can spend as much

money as you want very exciting so let’s

see in a business context perhaps you

have this new client who’s gonna give

you a lot of money to build a new house

or something maybe you’re building

houses that’s your project your boss

comes to you the budget for this project

is unlimited really let’s go crazy

there’ll be a bonus at the end of the

month yeah this is a phrase that you

probably are very excited to hear it

means you are going to receive extra

money from your job at the end of the

month whoo-hoo very exciting extra money

maybe you’ll hear this from your boss or

your manager or maybe your coworker at

work maybe you see it in an email

there’ll be a bonus at the end of the

month really I’m gonna use mine to buy a

new car really I’m gonna use mine to go

out on a date really I’m gonna use mine

to get a new fish you did a great job

you did a great job you did a great job

it’s something you’ll probably hear from

well I don’t know you could hear this

from pretty much anybody any time you’ve

done a good job someone will

congratulate you or tell you their

opinion with this phrase you did a great

job you finished a project at work and

your boss says you did a great job nice

thank you so much it was really fun or

thank you

just just say thank you you look great

today you look great today the other

person thinks that your physical

appearance is nice today don’t think

about that today part you know just just

just take the compliment oh really thank

you so much you look great today oh

thank you so much I got a new haircut

thank you so much I

I got enough sleep yeah you were right

you were right this means that something

that you said in the past was correct

and everybody likes to be correct I

think I saw that movie that you

recommended you were right it was really


oh good I’m glad you enjoyed it don’t be

like I know or yeah I knew I was right

don’t do that just say oh good I’m glad

you’re an excellent cook you’re an

excellent cook this is a nice compliment

especially for someone who enjoys

cooking if you say you’re an excellent

cook it means you enjoyed their food so

let’s see at a dinner party for example

you’re an excellent cook this food is

delicious oh thank you so much I’m

really glad you enjoyed it and that’s

the end so those are things that you

want to hear so keep in mind it’s nice

for you to hear these things but other

people also want to hear them too so

compliment other people tell them that

they are awesome if they are awesome

tell them that they have good skills in

whatever it is that they like to do

people like to be complimented people

want to be liked so write the message or

say something nice to them yes leave a

comment we have a great team of people

doing all these amazing things so tell

them how much you love them so thanks so

much for joining us for this week’s

lesson we will see you again next time

please make sure to subscribe if you

have not already so that you don’t miss

out on any fun stuff thank you very much

again for watching and we’ll see you

again soon bye hi everybody my name is

Alisha and today we’re gonna be talking

about 15 questions that you should know

so these are 15 questions that not

necessarily you need to know how to ask

them perhaps you know some of the

questions already but you will probably

also hear these questions as well so

we’ll practice a few different answers

for these questions too so let’s get


do you like American food the first

question is do you like American food

you will probably be asked this question

do you like American food you can either

say yes or no or you can give a specific

example someone says do you like

American food yes I love Philly

cheesesteaks I would recommend saying

yes or a little or or or you can just

say I don’t know what do you recommend

have you been to the United States

the next question is have you been to

the United States have you been to the

United States so someone asks you have

you been to the United States you should

reply with either yes I have or no I

haven’t or maybe no I haven’t yet but I

want to when you want to ask someone

this question you can say have you been

to Japan have you been to Egypt have you

been to China whatever you can use your

own country when you ask this question

how are you how are you when someone

asks how are you don’t say I’m fine

thank you and you please don’t say that

please say something more natural like

good great I’m good how are you

something like that is much better than

I’m fine thank you and you be a little

more genuine in your reply also when you

ask this question maybe one point to

help you sound a little more natural

when you ask someone else don’t like

trying to say how are you how are you

instead of how are you or and make sure

your intonation is correct I’ve had a

few people ask me how are you like a

little too moon yeah with this question

or like how are you but how are you

should be the intonation with this how

are you how are you it’s a little bit

more natural how long have you been

studying English how long have you been

studying English how long have you been

studying English great question to know

the answer to your answer should be I

have been studying English for

bla-bla-bla years or bla-bla-bla months

or twelve more weeks but if that’s too

much for you you can just use the time

how long have you been studying English

six years how long have you been

studying English two months so just pick

the time if the whole sentence is quite

long for you how old are you

we don’t really go around asking people

how old they are like just the first

time you meet them necessarily

especially if they’re older much older

than you like in particular it’s

sometimes considered rude to ask

especially women how old they are so

just be careful with this question but

if you’re about the same age group you

know maybe you’re at an event or a party

or something and you just want to check

how old the other person is you can use

this phrase when you reply to this just

say I’m plus the number to make a really

simple response so how old are you I’m

15 how old are you I’m 42 whatever the

answer is just stick by

in front of it not i but i’m i am but

use the contracted form to sound more

natural i’m number if you want to make a

full sentence you can say i’m number

years old don’t forget that s in years

i’m a million years old what did you say

what did you say if you couldn’t quite

hear something that someone else said

you can use this question to confirm

sorry what did you say it’s a little

nicer than just saying what what did you


or what did you just say sorry what did

you say I couldn’t hear you what’s this

what’s this when you don’t know what

something is what’s this when you’re out

for dinner you’re out for lunch or

something and you find a new food or you

just you’re curious just say what’s this

to reply to this question just say it’s

bla bla bla what’s your name what’s your

name of course you should know how to

ask this question and how to answer this

question what’s your name is a little

more natural than what is your name

again contracted form will help you

sound much more natural so what’s your

name someone asks you you can just give

your name Alicia that’s fine you can say

Alicia you can say I’m Alicia that’s

fine too you could say my name is or my

name’s Alicia either any of those are

fine in a more formal situation a

business situation I would I would use

my name is Pablo and while I shake hands

or something what’s your phone number

the next one is what’s your phone number

I would not ask this question right away

like maybe you’ve met the person a few

times but you would like to contact them

whether it’s because you’re romantically

interested in them or because you want

to be better friends with them but just

that if you meet someone for the first

time and you’re like what’s your phone

number like a little it’s a little too

much so use this question after you’ve

met the person a few times and you know

you want to become better friends when

you want to give your phone number just

say it’s and the number that’s fine just

it’s blah blah blah or my phone number

is blah blah blah with the number 5 5 5

1 million and 5 to 6 when is your

birthday so maybe you want to plan a

birthday party for example or it’s just

another fun question the first time you

meet someone when did your birthday so

when you want to tell someone your

birthday just give the month and the


January 15th August

42nd that’s a real day if you want to

make a full sentence you can say my

birthday is month date where are you


the next word the next question is where

are you from this can refer to your

country or your city mmm but I feel like

prop more stuff and it refers to your

country so where are you from your

answer should be I’m from places I’m

from China I am from Japan I’m from

Vietnam I’m from America

whatever I’m from there where did you

learn English the next question is where

did you learn English where did you

learn English if you’re speaking great

English you can say I learned English at

the English class 101.com yes you did

because you’re watching no anyway where

did you learn English in this case in

the case of like these videos I learned

English online or I learned English from

and then the school name or the program

name so I learned English from English

class 101.com for example if you studied

English at university you can say I

learned English at university or I

learned English from my friends perhaps

where do you live where do you live

depending on the situation where you’re

asked this this can mean your country

like I live in America I live in China

sometimes it’s about the place in the

city where you live sometimes it’s about

the country where you live so you can

kind of feel I think which question

which type of question is being asked

where do you work where do you work is

talking about your job you can use the

pattern I work at company name or I work

for company name either is fine I work

at ABC company I work for ABC company

either is okay but you know if if you

have answered with the wrong information

the other person will just ask you like

oh I mean where is your office or oh I

mean which company do you work for use

the force this one where is the bathroom

where is the bathroom

very important question where is the

bathroom in American English where is

the bathroom or where is the restroom is

more common than where is the toilet

using the word toilet is a little bit

too direct in American English so I

recommend bathroom or restroom so those

are 15 questions that you should

definitely know

know how to ask these questions and know

how to answer these questions they are

very useful and very important for

everyday conversation thanks very much

for joining us thank you very much for

subscribing if you haven’t subscribed

yet please be sure to do so so that you

can check our fun stuff every week with

that we will see you again next time bye

if you are a baby watching this video

please contact us because you are


really yeah

Thunderdome in my stomach that’s going

at the end of my videos I’m sure steak

mmm oh no all right welcome back to

weekly words my name is Alisha and this

week we are going to talk about commonly

used onomatopoeia this is going to be a

fun one we talked briefly about an

onomatopoeia zoom in a previous episode

of weekly words we’re gonna talk some

more about some more talk some more

about some more we’re gonna talk about

more today the first word is beep oh

beep beep is any kind of electronic

sound or a car sound and was also in a

popular American cartoon Wiley coyote

and the roadrunner the roadrunner would

commonly say meat meat car sound will

usually make a beep or a honk sound for

electronics however the beep becomes a

little bit more robotic will often say

like beep beep so in a sentence let’s

say you have a computer problem you tell

your friend the computer won’t stop

beeping at me what do I do next is the


jingle jingle is any kind of light

ringing sound this word gets used a lot

in holiday seasons particularly

Christmas Thanksgiving New Year’s any

jingling sound is very commonly assigned

to bells like the song jingle bells for

example is a perfect example of this

jingle it’s just the sound that a Bell

makes in a sentence

let’s see you might say she has a small

Bell attached to her phone so she

jingles everywhere she walks it’s really

irritating okay the next word is thump a

thump is for something to hit heavily to

give an example the people who live in

the apartment above me often thump on

the floor it sounds like maybe they’re

dropping something heavy or they’re

stepping very heavily

all right next is splash anything that

falls into liquid lands in liquid makes

a splash it’s that sort of sound that

comes from water or any other liquid

really we refer to that as a splash

sound there is also a popular Tom Hanks

mermaid movie called splash this has

nothing to do with that about him

falling in love with a mermaid

I made a big splash when I jumped into

the swimming pool this summer

next is blurt it means to say something

quickly i blurt it out the news as soon

as I heard it like I blurt it out the

secret I couldn’t hold it in any longer

it means you just say something without

thinking to blurt the first part of the

word what that blurr sound it sounds

like something it’s just kind of sort of

slips out on accident and then the

harshed blurt that T at the end is like

a kind of a final like oh my gosh I’ve

just said something as I slipped and

then I’ve said something oh no I didn’t

think about that all right that’s the

end of that one so I hope you learned a

few new onomatopoeias that you can try

out next time thanks for joining us for

weekly words and I will see you again

next time if I want to finally start

speaking in your target language in this

guide you’ll discover the top 7 ways to

practice speaking on your own with our

lessons let’s begin number 1 shadowing

shadowing is a proven learning technique

where all you do is repeat what you hear

in order to practice speaking

so access any audio or video lesson on

the site and press the play button to

start then as you listen or watch just

repeat the conversations or even easier

read along out loud with the dialogue

section the script is right there in

front of you with our lessons you can

master entire conversations just like

that number 2 read out loud I just

mentioned it but reading out loud is

another powerful tactic and deserves its

own mention with every lesson you get

written transcripts and translations so

as you play the lesson read the dialogue

out loud as you hear it why by reading

out loud you’re also practicing your

speaking skills

you can do this with the lesson notes

the lesson transcript or the dialogue

tool with the dialogue tool you can

listen to each line again and again and

repeat out loud until you master them

all number three speed up your reading

to speed up your speaking being able to

speak without thinking is a sign of

language mastery if you’re talking to a

native and can respond quickly they’ll

assume that you’re fairly fluent how can

you do this when you read out loud try

increasing your speed a little bit every

time so start by reading with a dialogue

tool if you’re like most learners you’ll

read the first line slowly that’s

because you’re still getting used to the

words which is okay reread it on your

second try you know most of the words

and you’ll read a little faster reread

it again on your third try you’ll be

even faster at a native speaker speed

and being able to read these phrases out

loud and fast will help you speak fast

number four record and compare yourself

with native speakers in order to sound

like a native speaker you must imitate

native speakers so here’s how access the

voice recorder which is in the dialog

study tool in every lesson click on the

microphone icon listen to the native

speakers audio and then record yourself

you can then compare the two recordings

side-by-side and practice and try again

and again until you perfect your

pronunciation number five get feedback

from our Premium Plus teacher if you’re

learning by yourself and don’t have

access to real teachers then you can

always get feedback from our Premium

Plus teachers with the my teacher tool

you can record yourself speaking and

send the audio file to the teacher

they’ll review it and tell you what to

improve and how that’s it

number six level up your speaking with

Premium Plus assignments with Premium

Plus you can also get assignments that

cover reading writing listening and even

speaking from your teacher these

assignments can be tailored to your

goals and means

you get a new one every week or any time

you’re ready for a new one

number seven get even more lessons in

the lesson library if you want even more

lessons on speaking and conversations

visit our lesson library and under

category choose conversation you’ll get

all of the pathways and lessons that are

focused on speaking if you enjoyed these

tips hit the like button share it with

anyone who’s trying to learn a language

and subscribe to our Channel we release

new videos every week and if you’re

ready to finally learn language the fast

fun and easy way and start speaking from

your very first lesson get our complete

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account right now click the

link in the description I’ll see you

next time

