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hi everybody and welcome back to top
words my name is Alisha and today we’re
gonna talk about 10 ways to help improve
your pronunciation this is gonna be a
good one I think so let’s go sing along
to a favorite song alright so the first
tip for improving your pronunciation is
to sing along to a favorite song so if
you should add though this favourite
song should be in your target language
so if you’re studying English pick a
favorite English song and sing along to
that song or try to sing to the song
just from memory too so singing along to
your favorite song can help you with
pronunciation can help you with the
rhythm sometimes of the language you’re
trying to learn so it can be really fun
and it can be a good way to practice
your pronunciation in a sentence I like
singing along to my favorite songs read
out loud the next tip for your
pronunciation is to read out loud so
reading out loud you can choose
something that’s interesting for you and
you’re in English if english is the
language you’re studying so pick
something maybe it’s a news article or
maybe it’s a book you’re interested in
maybe there’s an author you’re
interested in find something in your
target language in English and try
reading it out loud so don’t just read
in your mind but read the words out loud
speak them so that you can get
comfortable pronouncing those words and
you can try reading the same passage or
the same sentence multiple times to make
it smoother so this can be a really good
tip for and I think it also improves
your natural ability to pick up grammar
too because if you’re reading something
like in a book for example you can kind
of pick up the natural rhythm of grammar
and you also slowly get a feeling for
the correct ways that words should
connect together so this I think is a
really good tip in a sentence I
sometimes read out loud to practice
that’s true repeat lines you hear in
TV shows the next tip is to repeat lines
you hear or the words you hear in TV
shows or movies things like that so this
means not only words don’t only repeat
single vocabulary words yes maybe you
find a vocabulary word that is really
interesting or it sounds funny or
something like that but by repeating a
full sentence or a full line in a TV
show or in a movie you’re putting the
words together so not just one word but
making a whole sentence so feeling kind
of the flow of your language that you’re
studying so this can be a better way to
actually practice making sentences and
repeating sentences instead of just
words so you can repeat after characters
and TV shows I sometimes do this when
I’m like watching Japanese TV ah and
then I try and spit it back out it’s
hard to do sometimes when it’s like the
first time you’ve heard a word or the
first time you’ve heard a grammar point
but you can still understand that
sentence it’s interesting so try to say
it and it’s kind of fun actually I think
in a sentence try repeating lines from
TV shows to practice practice speaking
in phrases not single vocabulary words
the next tip this is very similar to my
TV show tip is to practice speaking in
phrases not in vocabulary words not just
single vocabulary words even if you’re
not repeating lines from TV shows when
you practice speaking don’t just speak
in noun so sometimes for example I’ll
hear people just use noun like they’ll
use a noun and maybe a verb like I
tomorrow beach something like that and
yes we can probably guess based on that
how like the the meaning the speaker’s
meaning but you need to practice making
a whole sentence so yes you know those
words I tomorrow and beach and the
listener can probably guess what you
but you need to practice all those
little words in the middle like like I’m
going to the beach tomorrow so make a
full sentence practice making full
sentences don’t only prac
single vocabulary words make the whole
line it’s really good sometimes I think
my students get irritated like they’ll
like I forced them to practice full
sentences like so I’ll say like mmm have
you ever been to Germany and they’ll say
yes I’m like okay for the purposes of
practice can you make a full sentence
and they’ll say I have been to Germany
like that’s an extreme example but like
I try to push that you know making the
full sentence it’s it’s silly sometimes
but just trying to do that okay so in a
speaking in entire phrases is helpful
for practicing the rhythm of a new
language speak a lot with your teacher
and ask them to be strict with you on
words okay so the next tip is to speak a
lot with your teacher and ask them to be
strict with you so this is kind of two
tips in 1 1 speak with your teacher so
if you have a teacher make sure you’re
speaking in their class if you if
wherever possible sometimes I’ll have
students join my class and maybe they
feel shy or whatever and they don’t
speak very much but please speak with
your teacher so that your teacher can
correct you your teacher can give you at
least if they’re a native speaker or
maybe even if they aren’t a native
speaker your teacher can give you
corrections and if you don’t speak your
teacher cannot help you in most cases so
please speak with your teacher and if
you like you can tell them please be
strict about my pronunciation so
sometimes people will say please help me
with my pronunciation specifically and
then I can stop them every time they
make a mistake and we practice that
sound especially 80h sounds like that
like using using your mouth a little bit
differently can be really uncomfortable
for some people but if you’re a teacher
can point out those things like th
sounds the this that B’s those those th
sounds ending ER sound practicing those
with your teacher can be a really good
way to work on your pronunciation hmm so
in a sentence speak a lot with your
teacher they can correct you and help
you improve try recording yourself
speaking and
lay it back the next tip for practicing
your pronunciation is to try recording
yourself speaking and listen to it play
it back and listen to it so this it
might sound a little bit strange but
when we’re speaking maybe we don’t hear
certain things that certain maybe our
little idiosyncrasies or our the little
special things that we do when we speak
maybe we don’t hear them as we speak but
when we listen to ourselves later we
notice them so for example when I watch
this video when I watch any of these
videos I notice little things that I
didn’t notice at now when I’m filming
the video so the same can apply to your
pronunciation when you listen to
yourself speak you might hear something
that you don’t notice when you’re
speaking so this can be a good way to to
kind of remove yourself to go outside
your body a little bit and listen to
yourself from the listeners perspective
so this might be a tip to try in a
sentence sometimes you hear yourself
more clearly on a recording do shadowing
exercises all right the next tip for
pronunciation is to do shadowing
exercises so a shadowing exercise there
are text books and and I think resources
on the web so on the website I’m
actually I think you could use the
website any English listening or
anything in your target language when
you listen to that as the speaker is
speaking you quickly repeat back what
the speaker is saying so as you’re
listening to it you repeat it almost
immediately so you’re trying to to match
their pronunciation as closely as
accurately as possible this is called a
shadowing exercise so I’ve seen some
cases where people are textbooks will
recommend doing you know 15 minutes of
shadowing each day or something like
that or maybe you can do a shadowing
exercise listening to a podcast or
listening to the news or something you
might find on the website here so that’s
a really good way to work on your
pronunciation and to get familiar with
those sounds kind of more naturally the
way a native speaker would so this can
be a good tip to improve your
pronunciation in a sentence
try shadowing a native speaker to
improve your pronunciation chat with
native speakers so yeah the next tip is
to chat with native speakers so chatting
with native speakers of course is a
great way to make friends
be to pick up new vocabulary see to get
familiar with grammar and slang but also
it can help your pronunciation not all
native speakers speak with exactly the
same pronunciation so you might hear
slight differences depending on the
country depending on the region in the
country and native speaker comes from so
there are many different kinds of
pronunciations or many different there
are many different pronunciations but
when you chat with native speakers you
can kind of understand the different
pronunciations that are out there and
maybe it can help you be more consistent
in your presentation in your
pronunciation too so this could be a
good way to improve your pronunciation
but of course it’s important in general
for learning a language I think in a
sentence chatting with native speakers
is an important part of learning a
language do pronunciation drills the
next tip is to do pronunciation drills
so if you know that there’s a sound if
you know that there’s something that you
always struggle with try drilling it so
a drill to drill something means to
repeat a lot so you might hear this word
used for like like sports and fitness
like you drill a skill you which means
to practice something a lot and
intensively so if you know that there’s
like the th sound it’s really difficult
for you maybe take ten minutes and do a
pronunciation drill on those sounds for
you know every day for a month or
something so if you know that there’s a
specific sound that’s difficult for you
consider trying just some very specific
pronunciation drills so that can mean
just making that sound repeatedly or
maybe reading at
out loud that has a lot of that kind of
pronunciation I think you can find a few
different ways to drill to practice
intensively those parts of pronunciation
that are difficult for you so in a
try doing pronunciation drills for the
sounds you have trouble making find
words that are particularly interesting
to you so I think maybe this is the last
tip is to find words that are
particularly interesting to you so maybe
there’s a word that sounds really funny
or maybe you found a really long word in
English or a really interesting word a
word that has an interesting history
whatever if you can find words that are
interesting to you then maybe you can
put some extra emphasis on pronouncing
them correctly so if you’re actually
enjoying the words that you’re learning
then I think it’ll become more important
for you to express that accurately in
your speech and so focusing on those
words maybe and and in pronouncing those
words correctly perhaps that can help
you apply that same pronunciation in
this interesting word
maybe the pronunciation of that word or
some of the parts of that word you can
find that in other words in other places
throughout your target language so if
you enjoy a particular word and focus on
expressing that word pronouncing that
word accurately it can help you maybe
apply that pronunciation in other parts
of the language so give it a try
in a sentence take extra care to
pronounce words of particular interest
correctly that’s the end so those are
ten tips to help you improve your
pronunciation if there’s anything else
that you do to work on your
pronunciation or if you have any
questions please leave us a comment and
let us know about it please make sure to
like this video - if you haven’t liked
it already and also subscribe to our
Channel as well thanks very much for
watching this episode of top words and
we will see you again soon bye hi
everybody and welcome back to english
class 101 coms youtube channel my name
is Alisha and today I’m going to give a
short explanation of the difference
between look watch and
see so let’s get started okay the first
verb that I want to talk about is look
we use look when we simply want to
explain that we are moving our eyes to
something just moving the eyes is to
look at something there’s no expectation
that the item or the object we are
looking at is going to change there’s no
expectation that some change is going to
we’re simply moving our eyes to
something finally when you use look and
an object follows the verb you need to
follow look with at so for example look
at that look at me look at that - look
at her look at him all of these use at
because an object follows the verb look
so look at that thing when you use an
expression like look over there there’s
no object there so only when there’s an
object after the word look you need to
use at to connect the two okay so
remember look is used when you’re simply
moving your eyes to something okay
let’s talk then about the verb watch so
we use watch when we want to focus our
attention on something so focusing your
attention can be on something happening
in front of you like a performance can
be movie TV but the nuance with watch is
you are watching something that is
changing or moving something is going to
happen there’s an expectation of change
or movement evolution in some way we use
watch in those cases focused attention
on something that is changing or
something that is moving is when we use
watch then finally see the verb see is
used when we just notice something we
happen to notice something maybe a
person has come into the room and we see
that person we notice something but
we’re not necessarily focusing so maybe
we see it our eyes catch it but we don’t
focus on that thing that is when we use
so to recap we use look just to move our
eyes to something we use watch for
focused attention on something that is
moving or something that is changing and
we you see when we just notice something
but we don’t necessarily focus on it
okay so this is the basic use of these
three verbs but there are a couple of
exceptions so here I have special cases
especially for performances so for
example movies TV shows concerts
sporting events and so on these have
slightly different rules we will only
use watch or see for these cases please
do not use look in these cases please
use watch or see if you’re having
trouble deciding when to use watch or
see a good rule or a good guideline is
if it’s something outside the house
something outside your home your
apartment use the verb see if you’re at
home doing something at home like
watching a movie for example use the
verb watch so for example over here you
would see a movie in a movie theater see
a baseball game watch a DVD at home or
watch the awards show at home so these
are at home actions and these are
outside the home action so we use C and
watch in these cases okay but let’s try
to choose the correct verb in these
example sentences that I’ve prepared so
first one tonight I’m going to
something-something game of Thrones Game
of Thrones is a popular TV show so we
should use watch because we learned that
watch is used for things outside or I’m
sorry because we learned that watch is
used for actions at home things we do at
home it’s more natural to use watch I’m
going to watch Game of Thrones ok the
next sentence I want to something
something that new movie new movie
probably means going to a movie theater
so we should use the verb see I want to
new movie is the correct verb here
something something up ahead traffic is
terrible so up ahead means in front of
you in front of the car in this case
it’s car it’s traffic related so up
ahead in this case the speaker is asking
the listener to move his or her eyes in
front of them to to go up ahead with
their eyes so you can use the verb look
look up ahead
traffic is terrible so move your eyes up
ahead is the command okay next one last
night I stayed in and something
something a football game so stayed in
means stayed home I stayed at home we
use the expression stayed in so I stayed
in and watch this is an at home action
past tense I watched a football game
last night okay next one I can’t wait to
something something my favorite band
next week so again this is a performance
outside the house my favorite band so
we’ll use see I can’t wait to see my
favorite band next week okay next
sentence when I something something into
the forest I something something a deer
okay there are two verbs in this
sentence we’re going to use looked so
when I moved my eyes into the forest
I moved my direction my my my eyes moved
in the direction of the forest and I
something something a deer so we noticed
something I saw a deer I saw a deer a
deer entered my eyes as a weird way to
say it but that’s the nuance here I
happened to notice I wasn’t focusing but
I saw this in my eye I saw a deer okay
let’s look at a really difficult one I
something something up from my book and
something something you you were
something something a video on your
okay so similar here I something
something up I looked up I moved my eyes
up from my book so I was reading I moved
my eyes up from my book and something
something you
so here I noticed I saw past tense I saw
you then here you were something
something a video on your phone a video
on your phone so maybe we need to use
the verb watch because the person has
focused their attention on their phone
on the video you were watching past
progressive tense you were watching a
video on your phone so here in this
situation we have all three verbs
finally let’s use it in a question when
did you last something something your
roommate so when did you last notice
your roommate we would use the verb see
when did you last see your roommate when
was the last time you saw your roommate
you noticed your roommate so these are
some great examples of sentences where
it might be difficult to guess should I
use look should I use see should I use
watch but keep these rules in mind so
remember when you move your eyes to
something use look don’t forget to use
at when an object follows the verb to
when you want to focus your attention or
talk about something that’s changing and
moving use watch like movies and TV
shows when you want to just talk about
noticing something but not focusing your
attention use see so this is a basic
introduction to the differences between
look see and watch I hope it was useful
for you if you like you can try to leave
a comment with one of these verbs in
your sentence or if you have any
questions please let us know as well
thanks very much for watching this video
if you liked this video please be sure
to hit the like button and subscribe to
our channel if you haven’t already also
check us out for more at English class
thanks very much for watching and I’ll
see you again soon bye hi everybody my
name is Alisha welcome to know your
verbs in this episode we’re going to
talk about the verb see so let’s get
so the basic definition of C is to
perceive with your eyes so this really
means to use your eyes to get
information you use your eyes to look at
things to maybe understand things to
gain knowledge by looking at things by
using your eyes focusing your eyes on
things you can learn things or gain
information gain knowledge so this is to
perceive but the basic the basic
definition though is just to perceive
with your eyes to use your eyes to
perceive to gain information to gain
knowledge okay let’s see the
conjugations for the verb C C C’s saw
seen seeing
let’s talk about a few additional
meanings of the verb see first one to
form a mental picture of to form a
mental picture of means to use your mind
to create an image so see has the
meaning of creating an image in your
mind for example I can see my childhood
home clearly it was one story and had a
big yard what do you see when you close
your eyes so in these examples sentences
we’re not actually using our eyes to see
something in this use of the word see we
are imagining it and in our minds we are
making a picture so we’re not actually
using our eyes to see these items
instead maybe there are things we saw in
the past and we are imagining them
mentally we are creating a mental image
of something so when I say I can see my
house clearly my childhood house it
means in my mind I can form a clear
image of the house in my mind in the
question what do you see it means when
you close your eyes
what’s the mental image that appears in
your mind so see is used to create
mental images to refer to creating
mental images here next is to examine or
to watch so in this use of the verb see
there’s sort of the nuance of an
expectation we want to use our eyes to
watch something as it changes or to
examine a change as it happens to
examine a behavior let’s see how the
team does in today’s match
I can’t wait to see what the neighbors
do when they realize we bought a pool in
the example of let’s see how the team
does in today’s match we are talking
about using our eyes our actual eyes
perhaps if we are actually watching the
match if we go to the game where we see
the match on TV perhaps we are using our
eyes however if we don’t go to the match
and we read the score from the game
or we hear on the radio something about
the game or we hear the results of the
game we can still use the verb si si has
this nuance of examining something so
we’re expecting some results so let’s
see in this case doesn’t only mean using
your eyes to examine it can mean to
examine maybe the results of an hour are
the results of something to examine the
outcome of something in the second
example sentence let’s see how the
neighbors react we see the same thing so
it’s the same it’s the same sort of
nuance we are expecting a reaction we
are going to watch for a reaction from
the neighbors when they realize we
bought a pool so we want to examine
their reaction we want to examine an
outcome we can use the verb see though
maybe we use our ears like if the
neighbor says oh my gosh they bought a
pool that’s sort of examining your
you’re waiting for a reaction there we
can still use the verb let’s see the
expression let’s see to talk about that
so let’s see what happens next for
example next one to make sure to make
sure please see that this task is
finished he saw that all the
arrangements had been made in these
sentences the verb si is used to mean
make sure or to confirm something to
ensure something in the first one please
see that this task is finished we could
replace the verb see with make sure
please make sure that this task is
finished so that’s a very clear sentence
please see is just a shortened way of
saying make sure please see that this
task is finished please ensure that this
task is finished we can replace the verb
here the second example sentence is the
same he saw that all the arrangements
had been made so he made sure that all
the arrangements had been made and in
these example sentences si is replacing
the expression make sure or ensure so we
can use C to mean the same thing it’s
just a shorter way of saying
make sure next to find acceptable or
attractive what do you see in him what
do you see in her I don’t understand
what you see in this restaurant
it’s terrible what are the qualities you
perceive in that person or the qualities
that you can detect in that situation
what are the good points you identify
there we can use the word see to sort of
communicate that quickly and easily so
what do you see in him what do you see
in her is a much shorter way of saying
what do you find attractive about him or
her what do you find appealing about him
or her or what characteristics of that
person attract you to that person saying
what do you see in him what do you see
in her is a much shorter way of saying
what qualities do you find attractive in
that person the same thing in the
restaurant example I don’t understand
what you see in this restaurant means I
don’t understand what it is that you
like about this restaurant I think it’s
bad so instead we shorten it to I don’t
understand what you see in this
restaurant so see means finding
something attractive or interesting or
appealing in some way
now let’s talk about some variations so
some slight changes or some additions to
the verb see that changed the meaning
first is see-through see-through
see-through means to understand the true
nature of something to understand the
real characteristics of something he saw
through my attempts to work with him and
asked me on a date my boss saw through
my lie and scolded me for faking
sickness so here we see the use in the
past tense in the first example sentence
he saw through my attempts to work with
him meaning he saw the true nature of
what I was doing so he saw through my
attempts to work with him and asked me
on a date so in the situation maybe the
person the speaker was trying to spend
time with the he in this situation and
was asking maybe to work together a lot
but he in the situation saw through saw
to the true nature of the speaker’s
request saw the true characteristics or
the actual desire there and asked the
speaker on a date so in this sentence we
understand that there was a different
motivation so something below the
surface of the of the initial action
that was happening so the the other
person in the situation understood the
other motivation the motivation below
the surface motivation and so we use saw
through or see through to communicate
that so I he saw through my attempts to
work with him and he understood there
was something else I wanted to do in the
second example sentence my boss saw
through my lie and scolded me for faking
sickness so again we see in past tense
my boss saw through my lie so saw that I
was lying in other words saw through my
lie so saw the true character of my lie
saw the true nature of my statement and
scolded me so my boss understood I lied
and scolded me for faking sickness so I
got in trouble be
as I was faking an illness faking
sickness my boss saw through my behavior
saw the true character understood the
true nature of my of my statement next
is see eye to eye see eye to eye this
means to have a common viewpoint or to
agree we don’t see eye to eye most of
the time I’m glad we see eye to eye
about this so maybe this one is an easy
one to visualize so to see eye to eye
with someone else means you agree with
them you share a viewpoint with them so
you can kind of imagine maybe two people
standing across from one another and if
they see eye to eye
maybe they match their line of sight
matches much in the way that their
viewpoints or their opinions match
exactly exactly so they have kind of the
same viewpoint they can see eye to eye
so they’re there their eyesight maybe
matches their opinions match so to see
eye to eye and we can say I’m glad we
see eye to eye about this meaning I’m
happy we agree about this or in a
negative we don’t see eye to eye most of
the time means we don’t agree most of
the time or we have different opinions
most of the time all right so I hope
that this video helped you level up your
knowledge of the verb see a little bit
if you have any questions or comments or
if you know another way of using the
verb see let us know in the comments
section below the video thanks very much
for watching please make sure to like
the video subscribe to the channel and
check us out at English class 101.com
for more good stuff thanks for watching
this episode of know your verbs and
we’ll see you again soon bye we’ll see
you again soon we end every video on
this channel almost with see you again
soon but of course I don’t actually see
you you see me we imagine you we have we
form mental images in our minds of all
of you watching in the camera there all
those hundreds of thousands of you guys
that’s kind of terrifying see that one
want to speak real English from your
first lesson sign up for your free life
account at English class 101.com I’m
going to use the Force to make you watch
this whole video hi everybody welcome
back to ask
Alisha the weekly series where you ask
me questions and I answer them maybe you
can send your questions to me at English
class 101.com
/ ask - Alisha first question from
Harley passes hard Harley pusle pusle
pasar II hardly asks what is the use of
get + adverb or preposition for example
I get down this is a question about
phrasal verbs with get we can use a lot
of different things after the word yet
in your example to get down we use it
when dancing for example like I want to
get down this weekend it’s sort of an
old-fashioned expression though to get
down we can use a lot of different words
after the verb yet though for example
get into to get into something means to
become interested in something you might
hear to get at like get at me or get at
your professor to get at means to reach
out to or to communicate with but it’s a
very casual expression you can say get
after like I need to get after my
homework for example it means to like
chase after or try to do something also
to get in like to get into a club to get
into a restaurant to get into a party
the nuance is that something is
challenging but you can gain access to
that thing like I got into the party
last night but I wasn’t on the list
there are a lot of different uses of the
word yet I can’t talk about all of them
in this video because there are so many
so if you’re curious about the various
phrasal verbs that we can use with the
word yet check out a dictionary that’s a
really good place to start next question
next question comes from long and long
and asks what is the difference between
simple past tense and past continuous
tense or past progressive tense simple
past tense we use for actions that
started and ended in the past so the
beginning of the action and the end of
the action happened in the past so for
example the sentence I ate breakfast is
a simple past tense
statement I ate breakfast ate is a
simple past tense the past continuous
tense however or the past progressive
tense is something we used to talk about
an action that was continuing at a
specific point in time in the past if I
want to use the past progressive tense I
can say I was eating breakfast using
that continuous tense using that
progressive tense implies I want to
explain something else that happened at
that time or maybe I want to add some
more information so for example I was
eating breakfast at 8 o’clock this
morning or I was eating breakfast when
the phone rang or I was eating breakfast
and watching TV at the same time I was
eating breakfast while studying today by
using the past progressive I am
explaining that an action was continuing
at a specific point in time as in the
example I was eating breakfast at 8
o’clock or I can use past progressive to
show one action was happening at the
same time as another action in the past
if I use just the simple past tense I’m
just saying a simple fact in other words
this action happened I ate breakfast at
8 o’clock if I want to emphasize the
continuous nature of the action for some
reason like I was eating breakfast at 8
o’clock I can use the past progressive
tense in that case it might be in
response to a question like what were
you doing at 8 o’clock this morning so
if someone wants to ask maybe what you
were doing at a specific point in time
like someone is suspicious if you like
what were you doing last night you can
say like oh I was having dinner with my
friends last night but past tense simple
past tense is something we use for
actions which start and finish in the
past but progressive the progressive
tense in past can be used to emphasize
the continuing nature of that situation
or that action next question next
question comes from yes in yeah yes II
yes in from very sorry what’s the
difference between on time and in time
is it you arrived just on time or you
arrived just in time we use on time to
refer to doing something at the correct
time doing something at a scheduled time
so for example I need to
to work on time meaning at the correct
time or did you make it to your
appointment on time in time however is
used when we want to kind of give a
nuance of rushing or hurrying for
something I need to leave my house now
to get to the airport in time for my
flight I need to study for my test now
if I want to be in time for the party
later you should probably leave now if
you want to be in time for the movie in
time for something else so I want to do
action a to make my schedule meet this
other condition this other thing I would
like to do with this other thing I need
to do in time for has the nuance of a
deadline we can use this expression in
like a panic like oh my gosh I’m not
going to make it in time like to submit
a paper I’m not going to make it in time
in time means like before the deadline
whereas on time has the meaning of
completing an action or completing
something at a scheduled time next
question the next question comes from
gearson Silva hi what is the difference
between shade and shadow oh great this
is a great question
both of these words can be used to refer
to a place that is darker than its
surroundings because there’s an object
that is blocking the light we can say
there’s shade over there or there’s a
shadow over there in that sentence they
are used the same however shadow refers
to the dark shape only so a person can
cast a shadow we use cast the verb cast
with a shadow I cast a shadow when I
stand in the Sun for example shade
however as a noun refers to or has the
nuance of a kind of shelter so shelter
provided by some other object shelter
from the light shelter from the Sun so
we would say stand in the shade because
shade has the nuance of shelter we would
not say stand in the shadow shadow does
not carry the nuance of shelter in the
way that shade does
interestingly enough though shade and
shadow are both used as verbs as well to
shadow of something needs to follow
something closely to shadow someone at
work means to follow someone at work and
try to understand their job for example
shade is used as a verb to mean to
create shelter from light for example
the canopy shaded us from the Sun shade
also has some interesting uses you might
hear the slang phrase to throw shade
throwing shade is a really interesting
slang expression that we use which means
to communicate disrespect or to
communicate like contempt bad feelings
for something when you’re speaking
generally in most cases when you want to
talk about a dark cool area we should
say shade stand in the shade when you
want to talk only about the dark area
that dark object use shadow next
question actually two questions from
Danny hi Danny Danny’s first question is
you talked about lit as slang yes I
talked about lit in episode 2 so 1
episode 2 I’ve asked Alisha
can you please talk about the verb light
and using it an active and passive sure
light means to start a fire so to light
a fire to light a candle some examples
of active and passive voice with this
verb then why don’t we light some
candles for dinner tonight all the
candles in the restaurant were live on
our camping trip my neighbors lit a fire
and we brought hamburgers to me a fire
was lit in the campsite while we were
gone I was going to light a fire but I
fell asleep so to light means to start a
fire he lit the house on fire we can say
to light la blah blah on fire so there
are a few different examples of using
the verb light in active and in passive
past tense
future tense as well so I hope that
that’s helpful Danny’s second question
can you talk about ride and its uses
like take someone for a ride can I take
a ride Ryan is another verb that has a
lot of different uses you use the
example to take someone for a ride means
to drive together with someone to go for
a ride has the nuance of doing something
just for fun
it’s just for fun I want to take a ride
to a location I want to take a ride to
the mountains this weekend or take a
ride to the beach but to take someone
for a ride means to invite someone to
drive somewhere with you in a car that’s
one way to use ride you can also say
give me a ride can you give me a ride so
this is a request
I don’t have a car my friend has a car I
want my friend to take me in their car
to a location I can say can you give me
a ride to the movie theater can you give
me a ride to the lake give me a ride is
a request so give me a ride in your car
so there are a lot of uses of ride if
you want to see all of them or if you
want to see more of them I recommend
checking a dictionary there are quite a
few and I can’t talk about them all in
this video so please check a dictionary
next question okay next question is from
sin femme of M
what does your too good to be true mean
is it good or not maybe you’ve heard
this in a famous song you’re too good to
be true can’t take my eyes off of you in
that case it’s a good meaning a
different way to say this expression is
you are so good you are so amazing that
I can’t believe you’re real so in other
words something must be wrong there must
be some problem with you it’s not
possible for you to be real because you
are so good you are so great so you’re
too good to be true it’s like wow I’m
amazed by you so it’s a good expression
if however maybe in a more uncommon
situation someone said like this guy is
too good to be true like maybe reviewing
a job application for example this girl
she’s too good to be true like if it’s
said in that way
maybe there’s something suspicious about
that person this doesn’t seem right
there’s just too much good information
here there must be some problem with
this person depending on the intonation
it can portray either a very positive
meaning or a very suspicious meaning in
most cases however it’s a positive
so if you heard this in a song for
example it’s probably a very positive
kind of romantically nuanced phrase
thanks very much for that question femme
next one next question Rabia Arshad rate
Rabia Arshad Rabia are ferrous iron
what’s the difference between can and
may I saw this on the dining like a
champ cheat sheet and noticed these
words were used for requests what’s the
difference can and may for requests in
modern English men modern American
English are used the same if I use them
in a state
can refers to ability may refers to
permission please just be careful can
and may are only used in the same way to
make requests in modern American English
next question is from Taylor oh hi again
Taylor are where are you from and where
were you born the same oh great question
where are you from where were you born
nope not necessarily not necessarily
where where you born is only the place
where you were physically brought into
the world maybe your hometown the place
you identify as your hometown is
different from the place where you were
born maybe you were born in Spain but
you grew up in the USA your family moved
after that so you could say I was born
in Spain but I grew up in New York City
if someone asks you where are you from
it might be a good idea to say I was
born in blah blah blah but I was raised
in blah blah blah in a different place
if the two places are different next
question next question is from Hassan
Hassan says how do we use Dada in the
negative form so we did a live stream
about half two and got two and need to
on the YouTube channel and on Facebook a
while ago Dada is a contraction a very
casual contraction of got and two it’s
not a real word gada is just the sound
that we make when we say got to very
quickly like I gotta go to school today
or I gotta finish my homework or I gotta
get to sleep I’m so tired
in American English we do not use gotta
in the negative instead we use have to
or need to
I don’t have to go to work tomorrow I
don’t need to go to work tomorrow
I don’t need to go to sleep right now
but American English does not use Dada
in the negative form next question next
question is from Saddam I need to
improve my spoken English and my
vocabulary how do I do that I think
there’s a tool on the website where you
can record your voice speaking English
and compare it to a native speaker
saying the same thing so I think that’s
a that’s a feature on the website so
check that out if you haven’t been it’s
in English class 101.com
there should be a recording function
there where you can record your voice
and compare
to a native speaker and keep practicing
that until your voice and your
pronunciation matches the native
speakers pronunciation so you’ll see
like little waveforms there even on the
recording page so you can try to match
your voice to a native speaker so of
course practicing with native speakers
where possible repeating so creating
your own speech is important to
practicing with like recording tools
voice recording tool when you record
yourself you suddenly hear so many
problems in your speech
so recording yourself can be another
good tool but in terms of building your
vocabulary first I need to define a goal
what do I want to talk about if I want
to talk about food I should look for
materials in my target language talking
about food and I should study those so
think about what it is that you want to
do and try to be specific try to narrow
your goal down to you know what are the
words that I need to do and try focusing
there and then maybe you can widen the
focus to other interests here and there
too but start maybe with the things that
are going to help you communicate the
things that you really want to say so
always think about your goals what do I
want to learn how to say next question
from Ricardo villa row oh hey Ricardo
welcome back is it correct to learn
several languages at the same time ooh
is it correct I can’t answer that
whether it’s correct or not so I’ve
heard that if you want to try for
whatever your reason is if you want to
try to study more than one language at
the same time it’s better to try to
choose languages that are quite
different so that there’s less chance of
you making mistakes or getting confused
in your studies the other thing that I
think I would say is if you’re studying
more than one language at the same time
your progress might be a bit slower than
if you studied just one language yeah is
it correct I don’t know I can’t answer
that that’s up to you to decide so those
are all the questions that I want to
talk about this week thank you so much
for submitting so many interesting
questions I really appreciate it if you
haven’t submitted a question yet you can
check it out the submission page is at
English class 101.com
slash ask - Alicia so check that out
send me your questions if you liked the
video please make sure to give it a
thumbs up and subscribe to the channel
too and
it’s out of English class 101.com for
some other stuff we talked about a few
things today that you can find on the
website so definitely check that out so
thanks very much for watching this
episode of ask Alicia I will see you
again next Saturday bye bye
bonus vocabulary word for today spoiler
spoiler a spoiler is secret information
key information about your media your
book your movie your TV show if you see
the phrase spoiler alert somewhere it
means the next piece of text the next
information the next thing in the video
is going to be secret information about
the story so if you have not seen the
movie if you have not seen the TV show
or you have not seen the book you might
find information you don’t want to read
yet so spoiler means something that will
spoil or something that will ruin the
story for you so no spoilers about Star
Wars until we’ve seen it yeah use the
Force to study English hey everyone
how’s it going guess what we just
reached 1 million subscribers all thanks
to you guys ok I am so nervous okay ah
play oh my god there’s even the next
phrase we’ll look at you proud magician
take a six years ago I swear words
praying mantis love Irish wish I can say
it better now hey Oh howdy
actually been a videos to Jesus from
doing oh my god Michael everybody asked
where Michael is he’s like teaching kids
in Russia now I think don’t don’t shower
and use a scrunchie thank you this is
special cardboard I’m gonna put some
glitter on it my life I don’t even know
what I’m talking about cuz I’m Luke
Skywalker more like Luke sky faller Luke
Skywalker’s more likely sky falling Wow
everybody this is a link
a linguish oh my god this Halloween
shoot from last year I’m very happy go
forth and bring the children bit me what
a jerk great spot in the Legion floor
let’s go check it out oh you shot me as
we doing impression of mosquitoes oh my
god I’m sorry you guys have to work with
me so I want to say a special thanks
from me and from our whole team here at
English class 101.com
thank you all so so much for watching
our videos for subscribing to the
channel for sending your comments for
participating in our live streams for
sending questions to the Q&A we actually
we wouldn’t be able to do all of this
stuff without you so thank you so much
it’s been a crazy several years but it’s
been really really exciting and we’ve
been able to make a lot of things thanks
to you guys watching so we really hope
that you continue to watch our channel
we have lots of really new and exciting
things coming up so we hope that you
stick with us you hope that you keep
watching and you keep participating and
learning with us it’s been so much fun
so far I know I’ve learned a lot and I
really appreciate all of you and all of
your support so thanks so much I can’t
believe that we hit a million
subscribers I never would have imagined
that but again I’m so grateful and I’m
so excited and I hope that we can
continue making lots of good helpful
stuff for everybody around the world hi
everybody and welcome back to top words
my name is Alisha and today we’re going
to be talking about ten ways to ask for
help help me help me ask for help let’s
go can you
can you blah blah blah so can you give
me that pen can you turn off the fan can
you give me a sandwich for lunch I
forgot mine in this sentence can you
send me your email address so very
simple requests you can use can you blah
blah blah with them could you give me a
hand with the next expression is could
you give me a hand with blah blah blah
meaning I need you like I need
physically I need your hands to help me
maybe or I need something I need you to
help me with something
could you give me a hand with this
computer could you give me a hand with
this furniture so it’s you can use it to
talk about like moving something heavy
or you can also use it for like a task
like could you give me a hand with this
report I don’t know this information so
you can use it for ya physical tasks or
for mental tasks too could you give me a
hand with something in this sentence
could you give me a hand moving this
sofa can you show me how to the next
expression is can you show me how to can
you show me how to bla bla bla this
means please teach me something so can
you please show me how to use this
computer can you show me how to use this
software can you show me how to book a
ticket so these are all ways to ask for
with how to do something this is a very
useful expression I think can you help
me out with the next expression is can
you help me out with can you help me out
with something
so before we talked about can you give
me a hand with this is very similar can
you help me out with some tasks you can
use it for physical activities or mental
activities here so can you help me out
with this project can you help me out
with cleaning this house I don’t know in
this sentence can you help me out with
my homework I need help
the next
is I need help la blah blah so you can
use the expression I need help that’s
fine but if you want to be specific
which I recommend I need help
blah blah blah I need help with my
I need help doing the dishes I need help
cleaning the yard I need help something
something something very clear very
direct it’s a little bit casual I
suppose but yeah you can use this in
most situation where you need help
the sentence I need help making dinner
could you the next expression is could
you so the first expression we saw in
this lesson was can you you can also use
could you Timmy could you sounds a
little bit more formal than can you so
can you love wha is it’s a good kind of
neutral everyday way to ask for help
could you sounds just a little bit more
polite a little bit more formal so could
you please send me that file
could you please stop smoking here in
this expression could you send me the
project files will you so the next
expression is will you so this is used
kind of for light maybe you just thought
of something you just thought of
something you need help with so it’s
probably a small task or a small favor
that you need so for example will you
get some milk at the store on your way
home it’s like something you just
thought of for the future so will you
help me with my homework
will you give me a moment of your time
it’s something very small very quick so
in this sentence will you let me know
when you’re free how do I the next
expression is how do i how do i this is
somewhat similar to the earlier
expression we talked about can you show
me how to love love law but this one is
how do I and how do I get to the beach
from here how do I get to the station
how do I turn on this computer how do I
make new friends how do I study English
all of these are
ways to ask for help or ask for advice
ask for directions this is a very nice
and easy to remember way to ask for help
how do I something help the next
expression is just help
so I’ve here sometimes students say
please help me or just help and I want
to point out that these expressions are
usually used in emergency situations for
example there’s an accident or there’s a
dangerous person near you or maybe
you’re injured or hurt some emergency so
please help me alone sounds to a native
speaker may be like a serious situation
or an emergency situation help is
similar to so of course if you’re an
emergency situation absolutely you
should use the words help and please
help me or just help me as well too but
be careful because they sound very
serious I don’t recommend using them for
like light casual everyday situations
where you need help instead please use
one of the other expressions we talked
about in this lesson
so help is great for emergencies but
maybe only for emergencies so yeah in a
sentence maybe for example in the
kitchen there’s that you have a small
accident in the kitchen you can shout to
your roommate or your family member help
me and they’ll come running if something
to check and see if you’re okay I need
your help with the next expression is I
need your help with blah blah blah the
expression I need your help with sounds
like you are required for this task I
need you maybe you have special
knowledge or special experience with
this thing or you are better equipped
like you can do a better job than I can
with this task so I need you for some
reason so I need your help preparing
this information I need your help
reaching that tall glass like that’s a
really what I like I’m short so if I
need something up high I might say to a
tall person I
your help reaching that glass up there
you can use this yes someone is better
at doing something than you are you can
say I need your help with Papa buff in
this sentence I need your help with this
project that’s the end so those are 10
words and 10 phrases really that you can
use to ask for help if you have any
other ways you’d like to ask for help or
if you have any questions about this
video or ways to ask for help please
leave it in a comment and let us know
about it if you liked this video please
make sure to hit the thumbs up button
and also subscribe to our channel if you
haven’t subscribed already thanks very
much for watching this episode of top
words and we will see you again soon bye
wanna speak real English from your first
lesson sign up for your free lifetime
account at English class 101.com hi
everybody and welcome back to english
topics my name is Alisha and I’m joined
again by hi I’m Davey welcome back and
today we’re going to be talking about
ways to remember ten times more
vocabulary so these are gonna be some
methods that we think are helpful in
remembering vocabulary and studying
vocabulary and applying your new
vocabulary so let’s get started alright
my first method here is to keep a diary
and use the new words that you are
studying so this tip and actually my
other tips as well all have a similar
kind of strategy which is you have to
build new vocabulary into your existing
framework of vocabulary so learning a
language is difficult and you need a
certain amount of words to be able to
start using the language but once you
start to build a really solid foundation
it’s easier to build more words on top
of it and so doing something like
keeping a diary will help you build
those new words into the structure the
existing vocabulary set of words that
you already have mm-hmm um so you have
to use it and you have to use it with
words that you know and keeping a diary
and using those new words is a good way
because it keeps you in a habit
it’s meaningful for you you know you’re
right about right about your day right
about your life so that way those words
have meaning for you
mm-hmm I totally agree I had the same
the same tip essentially which was to
use the words you’re studying to create
and I had speech or text either one
create something with the words that
you’re learning so a diary is a great
example of how to do that make sure
you’re not just studying the words but
you’re actually creating something new
using those words that you’ve put in
your head if it’s only input and never
output there’s gonna be a block there I
think I’ve experienced that where it’s
only input for words that I’m trying to
learn or expressions I’m trying to learn
and until I learn to create with those
new words with those new expressions it
doesn’t stick I can’t actually use it
until I’m I’m comfortable using it like
it takes it takes a long time in my case
yes yes so absolutely so creating making
a diary whatever it is for you a blog
could be another thing like a second
language blog I don’t know a Twitter
feed maybe an Instagram account social
medias great way to do that these days
yeah lots of people do that
lots of people actually follow or lots
of people who follow this channel also
have like like Twitter feeds or
Instagram feeds that there have devoted
to their English studies I’ve noticed
that so like I like people will follow
me and I’ll see like oh they’re studying
English and they specifically only tweet
in English which is really cool so they
just as you’re saying they use that as a
way to keep like an easy diary of their
day in their language you can tweet at
people or tweet using those new words
you can also search you could do a
Twitter search for words that you’re
using and see how other people use them
and that will help you look learn the
context of those words as well yeah so
there’s a lot that you can do especially
yeah with these new tools as well social
media is a great tool nice all right
yeah the same one for one issue all
right okay my next tip is to devote 30
minutes a day to vocabulary so again
this is just a rough number but I’ve
noticed that when I’m studying
vocabulary if I just devote in my case I
would devote 15 minutes in the morning
and 15 minutes in the evening just to
studying vocabulary and my vocabulary
would improve steadily slowly but
steadily and then when I don’t do this
in times when I get
busy or I stopped studying in the
morning and in the evening I noticed I
just plateau I flatten out so if you
take like 30 minutes a day morning and
evening I find is best in my case is
best for me to study vocabulary review
the vocabulary that you had studied the
previous day for example that can be
extremely helpful one to remember the
words that you studied you know in the
week prior or whatever and to just to
make sure that you continue to pick up
new words so even if you’re not doing
anything work-related like that allows
you to use English or to use your target
language you’re still able to through
your studies pick up new vocabulary
words that you might encounter in the
future so this is something that I have
found and I’m guilty of not always
following this rule but this is
something I have found that really does
work well and there are a lot of tools
to do this - so like flash cards and
like vocabulary word banks whatever is
useful for you right yep yeah do you
study your vocabulary I do I study a lot
of vocabulary and I completely agree
with you it’s something you have to have
built into your routine and as you said
you you do this in the morning or in the
evening it’s good to know that about
yourself what time of the day is good
for you to study that kind of things
that you’ll help retain it for me it’s
morning as well and afternoons actually
mm-hmm in the evenings I’m a little
fuzzy maybe but yes I try and study a
lot of vocabulary mm-hmm but it doesn’t
always stick I don’t always use it I
have to use it for it to stick yep I
agree angry okay nice what’s your next
tip my next one again is similar to the
tip that I said before all my tips have
to do with kind of building that that
net or that scaffolding and it’s to use
with thesaurus so this would be if
you’re doing something like writing a
diary or using Twitter or just what you
want to study the meanings of words and
get a sense for the nuance or the
different shades of meaning between
words that have a very similar meaning
use something like the Saurus because if
you learn if you can learn five or ten
different words that means sad or happy
those words will start to stick together
in your mind you’ll associate those
words with each other and that makes
them easier to
call because again you’re building a
framework you’re building a net of
different word meanings in your mind the
more vocabulary that you have built so I
think using it the source when you’re
writing can be really helpful for
understanding not only the differences
in meaning but helping those related
words to stick right and I think that
that’s a tip that if you can apply that
effectively and learn like in your
example of many different words that
have similar meanings like about like
words sad or like words that mean happy
for example if you can do that it’s
going to make your writing and your
speaking much deeper in meaning you’re
going to sound much more fluent if you
can use deeper vocabulary words if you
always rely on the same vocabulary words
it’s going to limit you a lot in your
reading and in your speaking yes so if
you can use it thesaurus effectively to
understand the series of words that have
similar or associated meanings it’s
going to open up a lot of opportunities
for you totally great one okay thank you
nice ones what do you have next my next
tip is this is something that I use
actually it is reading things in your
target language related to your work and
your hobbies so one of the things that I
struggled with it when I was studying
when I do study one of the things that’s
difficult for me is that I have trouble
I have trouble identifying or maybe
understanding how I’m going to use the
things in the textbook in my life like
how often do I need to call my pen pal
or my I don’t know my exchange partner
whatever I know I need to maybe study
English or for this job sure but if I
read about my hobbies in my target
language if I’m studying English and I
want to read about my hobbies in English
I’m much more interested in that topic
and I’m going to learn the vocabulary
words a lot more quickly so for example
in my case what I found really useful
going back to the SNS example is I I was
interested in music or I am interested
in music and so I would pay attention to
like my favorite musicians what are the
kinds of words that they’re writing what
are the sort of phrases that they use
how do I use those same words
phrases to talk about the things that
they’re talking about so because I was
using people that I was interested in as
my base for my understanding I was able
to pick up those words those specific
words that I needed for my hobbies in my
life much more quickly like it would
have been difficult for me to go to my
teacher and say hey how does a like how
does a musician explain this feeling or
what what’s the best word I could use to
describe this or that aspect of
performance it was something very
specific to my interests and so by going
directly to the people who were using
those words in expressions I could find
them immediately over time it took a
little bit of time to get used to the
way they spoke or the way that they
wrote on the Internet
but I could pick up things that I wanted
to know and words that the people around
them we’re also using so this was
something that I found very very useful
and I continue to find useful so things
that are specific to you specific to
your life and the things that you need
to do and that you want to accomplish in
terms of your language goals right and
at least with regard to hobbies maybe
not work as much but could be but
especially with hobbies you’ll be more
motivated to read about that in English
or in your target language because
that’s something that you’d read in your
your first language anyway and so to be
motivated to read that will help you
because if you’re interested in it
you’re motivated to do it you’ll read
more you’ll get more language and then
you’ll get language that you’ll use in
that situation you know for example if
you are a skier you know if you love to
go skiing and you read skiing magazines
in English and then when you go skiing
you’re in a situation where you can use
those words so I think I think that’s a
really good tip facing vocabulary around
your hobby or your work right right nice
okay what’s your next one and next one
is similar to the last one but maybe a
little bit different take on it and it’s
word association and of course using
something like a thesaurus helps you
make word associations but what I meant
with this tip is to do exercises to help
you with word association so you know
drawing like bubble Maps idea Maps
linking up vocabulary words with similar
words playing a word association game
with a study partner you know
just if I say a word and then you know
your partner gives a word back to you
that makes them it makes them think of
another word and that’s a nice way just
to to drill vocabulary but also as I was
saying before to build association
between words which which helps those
those words stick in your mind
mm-hmm so different word association
games I should say I see okay so maybe
we can try one so when you say you said
you would say a word and then the the
partner playing the game would just
respond with a word that they associate
with the first word you could set rules
on it you could say similar meaning
opposite meanings you know you could do
antonyms or synonym or right oh there’s
another game that I remember I used to
play when I was a kid which was going
through the alphabet my family and I
used to play us on road trips we had to
think of words that began with each
letter of the alphabet so for example it
would be like an animal so we had to
think of an animal that started with an
A like anteater and then you’d go to B
but you had to say ay first before you
can move to be so anteater buffalo an
anteater buffalo cat and go through each
letter of the alphabet with that
category of course Q and X always got a
little bit difficult that’s a nice idea
though too because that’s a memory game
and remembering vocabulary requires a
strong memory so that’s that’s a nice
way to kind of build those skills
together okay so there are a lot of
things I think you can do to improve
your word association for sure but of
course these aren’t the only ways to
remember vocabulary but perhaps some
things at least that have helped us and
that are maybe easy for people to do
anybody can do these everybody I think
watching this video will have access to
the tools they need to do these sorts of
things so please feel free to give them
a try if you have not already so thanks
very much for watching this episode of
English topics if you like the video
please make sure to give it a thumbs up
and subscribe to the channel if you
haven’t already also check us out at
English class 101.com you can find some
tools that are similar to some of the
tools we talked about in this episode so
please take a look at those you can sign
up in just a few minutes thanks very
much for watching this episode of
English topics and we will see
you again soon bye bye Wow
sit back down I have to do the SUBSCRIBE
message one thank you
I’m very sorry okay sorry for shouting
at you
Happy New Year let’s talk about present
perfect tense hi everybody welcome back
to ask Alicia the weekly series where
you ask me questions and I answer them
maybe as always remember you can submit
your questions to me at English class
101.com / ask - Alicia first question
this question comes from Zahra play
Alicia I have a question about present
perfect tense in my native language
there isn’t a tense called present
perfect tense I am confused because I
don’t know the differences between
present perfect tense and simple past
tense well let’s begin with an in-depth
explanation of these two grammar points
and the differences between them okay to
begin let’s begin with a simple timeline
here we have the past now which is the
star on the timeline and the future so
we’re going to focus on the past and the
now points let’s focus on those so first
let’s look at the simple past tense we
use the simple past tense for actions
which started and ended in the past so
at a point in time before the present a
point in time before now in other words
on our timeline then let’s imagine there
are two points a start point and an end
point for that action ok so here I’ve
made a start point and an end point on
the timeline so in the past you can see
there are two points the start and the
end of the action both are in the past
you’ll see both of them are in the past
that’s the first point about the simple
past tense also these are for actions
that we did at a specific point in time
we can assign a specific point in time
to these actions for example this
morning last year last week yesterday
there’s a specific point in time we can
attach to these actions okay so let’s
talk now about the present perfect tense
present perfect tense has a couple of
different uses the first use of present
perfect tense I want to explain is using
the grammar point to explain a life
experience let’s take a look at how
visually this is different from the
simple past tense
so now on the timeline in blue you can
see this sort of dotted line that I made
with a question mark so the dotted line
begins in the past and it ends now it
ends at the current point in time this
is because we use present perfect tense
to talk about things that happened at
some point in the past but the specific
point is unimportant or unknown we don’t
need to explain when the action happened
we only want to state we have had or
have not had that experience so we use
this when we want to talk about our life
experiences for example travel
experience or work experience like I
have never been to France or I’ve eaten
fuh my parents have never been outside
the country for example we use this to
talk about life experience but we don’t
include a specific point in time when we
talk about these experiences it’s just
some time before the present the
specific point in time is not important
in that sentence you might follow up
this sentence with a specific point in
in which case you use simple past so
let’s talk about one more use of the
present perfect tense this is the one we
use with the words for and since and we
can also use the continuous tense with
this use the black line on the timeline
here shows an action that started in the
past and continues to the present or
it’s an effect of an action that
continues to the present we use this to
talk about our studies for example or
the places where we live like I have
been studying English for three years or
I have lived in Brazil for ten years for
example so remember that we use the
words for and since along with this form
of the present perfect tense we use for
before a length of time like I’ve
studied for three years I’ve lived in
Brazil for five years and we used since
before a period of time so I have lived
I’ve been studying since 2009 or I have
lived here since 2013 for example so
please keep this in mind the present
perfect tense is used for actions that
started in the past
and continue to the present simple past
tense is used for actions which started
and ended in the past next question this
question comes from Maxine hi Maxine
what’s the difference between one year
and a year for example I’ve lived here
for a year or I’ve lived here for of one
year in this sentence no difference
honestly when you’re talking about time
periods a year and one year a minute one
minute they don’t mean anything
different they mean the same thing
thanks for the question though next
question next question comes from Wang
Zhang it Quang Jiang it which one is
I work out for one to two hours a day I
work out for one or two hours a day I
drink coffee two to three times a day I
drink coffee two or three times a day
ah both of these are correct actually in
this case there are very very small
differences between these 1 to 2 hours a
day means between one and two hours if
you say I’ve worked out for one or two
hours a day
it means it’s determined like one hour
only for a workout or two hours only for
a workout so the difference here is are
you determining are you deciding 1 hour
or 2 cups of coffee or 3 cups of coffee
or is it between those two amounts so
using 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 means between
those two amounts using four shows it’s
either A or B but not between those two
this is the difference between 2 and or
next question next question comes from
Huang Sena Wang Wang say not once ina
I’m very sorry I’m very sorry I’ve never
been to Japan I’ve never been to Japan
before I’ve never eaten horse I’ve never
eaten horse before my question is if you
put before at the end of those sentences
does it mean you are in Japan right now
or you are eating horse right now no not
think of before at the end of the
sentence as before now I’ve never eaten
horse before now in other words you
could use this beef just before you eat
horse or just before you go to Japan if
you like as an emphasis phrase but it
doesn’t necessarily
they really mean that you are in Japan
now or that you’re eating horse now you
could use it in that way sure but it
doesn’t necessarily mean it if you’d
like to emphasize it like if you’re
about to eat horse for example and I’ve
never eaten horse before you could show
your interest or perhaps to show maybe
some anxiety or nervous feelings about
what you’re about to do but know it does
not necessarily mean you are in that
place like for example you could just be
having a conversation
have you eaten horse before no I’ve
never eaten horse before it could just
be a conversation about it but really
before it just means before now next
question next question comes from Russia
Russia Russia Russia okay where do we
use wanna and gonna and how ahh this
question is about the casual contracted
forms of want to and going to so what to
becomes wanna going to becomes gonna in
casual speech we use them in exactly the
same way we would use I want to I’m
going to he wants to she wants to he’s
going to she’s going to we use them in
exactly the same way which means we use
them in casual situations like I want to
take a day off or I’m gonna go to the
beach this weekend or do you want to see
a movie tonight we use them in exactly
the same way we use want to and going to
but we use them in speech typically we
don’t write these unless we’re writing
very casual messages like text messages
to our friends or something next
question next question comes from
garrison Silva again Gerson when can I
use the expression take for granted take
for granted this is an expression which
we typically use in the negative like
don’t take something something for
granted don’t take walk a block for
granted it means don’t forget to
appreciate this thing or this person so
for example don’t take your parents for
granted or don’t take this opportunity
for granted these expressions mean don’t
forget to appreciate these things or
don’t just disregard your parents or
don’t read disregard this opportunity to
recognize the importance
of something so if you are given a good
opportunity for example or someone gives
you good advice or a very nice gift
perhaps we would typically use this with
the negative don’t take something
something for granted you don’t forget
to show your appreciation for that thing
or for that person next question next
question next question comes from Daniel
silver oh hi Daniel Daniel asks what is
the difference between wish and desire
greetings from Paraguay hey what is the
difference between wish and desire wish
is used to express a a wants when you
want something that is different from
the present situation so we often use it
with I wish I were or I wish I could
something we we want or an ability we
want but that we do not have now
something for the future so I wish I
could speak seven languages or I wish I
had a million dollars or I wish I were
taking more time off every week for
example something that is different from
the present condition the present
situation we use wish or I wish it would
call me for example I wish you would or
I wish you could to express something
that is not happening now desire on the
other hand desire tends to be used more
formally and it also can carry more
romantic nuances it’s not used as much
conversationally as the word wish is
wish is used to express once things that
we want that are not true now desire is
used more in romantic situations like to
desire another person or he desired more
of her time for example but it sounds
unnecessarily formal I feel you might
use it in a in a more formal like a
business context like our client desires
more information about the situation
that could be a different use of the
word desire but in general it sounds a
bit more formal and a bit more
romantically charged at times depending
on the situation when it’s used if
you’re talking about a person as well
like if you say for example I
desire you it sounds them actually quite
odd at least in American English if you
want to use the word desire I think in
romantic situation it might be applied
in a phrase like he was filled with
desire or she was filled with desire
used more as a noun than as a verb so I
would recommend not using desire so much
to talk about your wants as it can sound
a little bit too formal or can give
perhaps the wrong nuance to the
situation but wish is used to express a
a hope for something or wanting
something that is different from the
present situation so I hope that helps
next question next question from Han
Yong he hanpan eonni eonni we’re sorry
hey Alisha what’s the difference between
maybe probably perhaps and possibly
great question maybe probably perhaps
possibly okay maybe probably perhaps and
possibly these are all adverbs they have
the same grammatical function maybe
probably perhaps and possibly maybe and
perhaps are very closely related maybe
and perhaps are they have the same
meaning but just different levels of
formality maybe is like the lower level
the more casual version of the word
so maybe I’ll go to the beach this
weekend and perhaps I’ll go to the beach
this weekend
they have really the same meaning but
perhaps sounds more formal probably
however is different probably expresses
a higher level of possibility than the
other words on this list I’ll probably
go to the beach this weekend is like a
75 to 80% chance the speaker is going to
go to the beach this weekend possibly
however possibly has more of a nuance of
just that something can be done it is
possible to do something we use possibly
more in requests like could you possibly
blah blah blah for me could you possibly
send me this file possibly sounds a
little too formal for casual
conversations and invitations but if
you’re using it at work for example
could you possibly meet me later this
week instead of could you maybe meet me
so the difference between maybe and
possibly and perhaps their possible has
that route yeah possible able to so
maybe and perhaps don’t have that
nuanced possibly sounds like is it
possible is it are you able to do this
maybe and perhaps don’t contain that
so to recap maybe and perhaps are used
to express the same thing a chance of
something happening perhaps is more
formal possibly is used in a similar way
however it refers more to simple
possibility than is it is are you able
to do that thing probably expresses a
high chance of something thanks so much
for all your questions remember you can
submit to me at English class 101.com
slash ask - Alicia thanks very much for
watching this episode of ask Alicia I
will see you again next week bye bye
but now have you ever thought about how
much you think about thinking hi
everybody my name is Alicia
welcome to know your verbs in this
episode we’re going to talk about the
verb think so let’s get started
the basic definition of think is to have
in the mind so something you can keep in
your mind like an idea or an image some
thing you keep in your head something in
your mind something in your brain so to
keep in the mind is think to think this
is the basic definition of think so
let’s look at the conjugations of the
verb think present tense think thanks
past tense
thought past participle thought
progressive or continuous tense thinking
think thinks thought thought thinking
okay let’s look at some additional
meanings of the verb think first is to
consider or to reflect on or to ponder
it means consider something carefully or
spend time considering something so
ponder means to think for a long time or
to think hard about something so
consider carefully reflect on examples
can I have a day to think about this
he’s thinking about what to do next
so in these examples sentences can I
have a day to think about this taking
one day to reflect on something like
before you make a decision is a pretty
common thing to do before like a big
decision so can I have a day to think
about this means can I have a day to
consider this carefully or can I have a
day to ponder this in a second example
sentence he’s thinking about what to do
means he’s considering carefully his
next step he’s considering carefully
what he should do next
so thinking is used in the progressive
tense here to show that he is currently
at this time considering something
carefully but to consider carefully we
can make shorter and use the verb
thinking he’s thinking about what to do
next okay next is to create something by
thinking or to create something by
considering we usually use this with the
word up
Derr the verb think we thought up so
many crazy party ideas in college she
thought up a plan for product promotion
so both of these example sentences mean
to create something by considering it in
your mind so in the first example
sentence we thought up crazy ideas for
parties in college means we design
something using our brains we considered
something and created an idea we created
something by thinking so to think up bla
bla bla so we thought up crazy party
ideas so we designed crazy party ideas
by thinking about them by considering
things in our minds in the second
example sentence we see the same meaning
but for a business situation she thought
up a plan for product promotion so in
this case past tense she thought up she
designed a plan for product promotion
but when we say designed it sounds maybe
like she planned something on a computer
perhaps when we use she thought up it
means she used her mind she considered
the ideas she had and created a plan in
her mind for promotion of the product so
thought up uses the mind to create
something next is to have as an
expectation to have as an expectation to
expect something I didn’t think you’d
arrive so quickly we thought it would
take a lot longer to finish dinner so in
the first example sentence we didn’t
think you’d arrive so quickly it means
the speaker expects that the listener
would take longer to arrive for the
listener was going to arrive later than
they actually did so the speaker the
speaker in this case had the expectation
that the listener was going to arrive
later so they used the negative we
didn’t think you’d arrive so quickly so
we didn’t think we didn’t expect you’d
arrive so quickly we can replace the
verb think with expect here and it
creates the same meaning the same nuance
really but think sounds a little bit
less formal than expect so we didn’t
think you’d arrive so quickly
the second example sentence is
thought I would take a lot longer to
finish dinner again we expected we had
the expectation it would take a lot
longer to finish dinner we can replace
the verb thought past tense with the
past tense expected we expected it would
take a lot longer to finish dinner so in
this way think we’re in past tense
thought is used in exactly the same way
as expected here the next meaning is to
consider suitability to consider
suitability let’s look at some examples
I’ve never thought of him like a manager
we’re thinking of her for a higher
position so in the first sentence I’ve
never thought of him like a manager in
this way thought means I’ve never
understood him to be suitable for the
position of manager that’s a very long
way of explaining this sentence but to
condense everything we use the word
thought I’ve never thought of him as a
manager means I’ve never considered him
to potentially be suitable as a manager
in the second example sentence we’re
thinking of her for a higher position it
means we’re considering whether or not
she is suitable for a higher position at
her job or a higher position at her
company so in this way thinking in the
progressive tense means we are
considering her suitability for a
position a higher-level position so
you’ll notice that the two example
sentences included here are related to
work you’ll see though that this this
meaning tends to be used a lot with jobs
and mu political positions so kind of
something maybe promotion related so
promotion related or kind of hierarchy
related you’ll often hear this in work
situations employment situations
let’s look at some variations some other
words we can attach to think to create
different meanings first is think better
of think better of think better of means
to reconsider and make a better decision
or make an improved decision it means to
consider something again and change your
decision hopefully to make a an improved
decision examples I wanted to say
something but I thought better of it and
kept my mouth shut will think better of
you if you tell the truth so in both of
these sentences there’s a
reconsideration someone is considering
something again and making an improved
decision because of that reconsideration
so in the first example sentence I
wanted to say something we see in past
tense I wanted to say something but I
thought better of it so it in this case
is the thing I wanted to say in the
first part of the sentence I thought
better of it means I reconsidered it and
decided against my first inclination I
decided not to do the first thing I was
thinking about and I kept my mouth shut
so in this case my mouth remained closed
in other words I reconsidered my initial
action that action I initially wanted to
do in the second sentence will think
better of you if you tell the truth we
see it’s it’s used for future we will
think better of you if you tell the
truth meaning if you tell the truth our
opinion of you will improve we will
think better of you
so tell the truth and will consider you
again essentially and our opinion of you
will improve if you do this the next
variation is think much of think much of
this means to have a positive view of or
to approve of examples
he doesn’t think much of his professor
we didn’t think much of last night’s
dinner we see in the first example
sentence he didn’t think much of his
professor means he didn’t really approve
of his professor or he didn’t have a
very positive view of his professor so a
shorter wait
to explain that feeling is he didn’t
think much of his professor in the
second example sentence we didn’t think
much of last night’s dinner this means
again we didn’t really approve of last
night’s dinner or we don’t have a very
positive view or a very positive opinion
of last night’s dinner these are rather
long so we can condense it too we didn’t
think much of last night’s dinner so I
hope that this video helped you level up
your knowledge of how to use the verb
think if you have any questions or
comments or if you know another way to
use the word think please let us know in
the comment section below the video if
you liked the video please give it a
thumbs up subscribe to the channel and
check us out at English class 101.com
for other good things too thanks very
much for watching this episode of know
your verbs and I will see you again soon
oh I think that your thought about my
thought is the thinking thought what
this episode first is I’m thinking about