Learn English Slang Letter A

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany and today we are

going to learn the sixteenth secret to

speaking English English slang that

starts with the letter A this secret

will improve your ability to speak

logically and fluently in English are

you ready well then let’s jump right in

English is made up of thousands of

expressions idioms and vocabulary words

but something that is used very often by

native English speakers

it’s slang slang is a type of language

that consists of words and phrases that

are regarded as a very informal it is

used in speech more than in writing

there are many slang terms in English

and today we will take a look at three

of them that start with the letter a

number one airhead number two all

options stink and number three all that

and then some let’s take a look at the

first one airhead the meaning of this

slang is a stupid person or someone with

air where there should be brains once

again a stupid person or someone with

air where there should be brains

remember you have to be careful using

this term because it is very informal

and sometimes rude now let’s look at

five examples of how to use this slang

number one she seems like such an

airhead but she is actually a sweetheart

she seems like such an airhead but she

is actually a sweetheart

number two some airhead forgot to put

the top on the container some airhead

forgot to put the top on the container

number three

stop being an airhead stop being an

airhead number four the girls think she

is an airhead so they don’t want to hang

out with her the girls think she is an


so they don’t want to hang out with her

and number five they called her an

airhead because she had no common sense

they called her an airhead because she

had no common sense moving on our second

slang is all options stink the meaning

of this slang is there is no good

solution or there are no good options

once again there is no good solution or

there are no good options you can use

the slang when you feel a bit frustrated

about the situation now let’s look at

five examples of how to use this slang

number one since all options stink let’s

just stick with the first thing you said

since all options stink let’s just stick

with the first thing you said number two

I don’t know what to do all options

stink I don’t know what to do all

options stink number three all options

stink so I’ll do nothing at all all

options stink so I’ll do nothing at all

number four even though they gave a lot

of suggestions the truth is that all

options stink even though they gave a

lot of suggestions the truth is that all

options stink and number five I will

tell him that all options stink so that

he can stop looking around I will tell

him that all options stink so that he

can stop looking around and finally our

third slang is all that and then some

the meaning of this slang is everything

mentioned and even more once again

everything mentioned and even more now

let’s look at five examples of how to

use this slang

number one a

hey did she really say that about him

B yep all that and then some hey hey did

she really say that about him

B yep all that and then some

number two he was all that and then some

he was all that and then some

number three hey did he really say all

those terrible things B all that and

then some

a did he really say all those terrible

things B all that and then some

number four she told him all that and

then some she told him all that and then


number five I heard him say all that and

then some I heard him say all that and

then some

alright amazing today you learned the

sixteenth secret to speaking English

English slang that starts with the

letter A you learned number one airhead

which means that’s right a stupid person

or someone with air where there should

be brains number two all options stink

which means you got it there is no good

solution or there are no good options

and number three all that and then some

which means that’s right everything

mentioned and even more now try to use

one of these slang terms at least one

time today you can do it you can speak

English I hope this video helped to keep

you more confident in your English

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English with teacher Tiffany have an

amazing day have a wonderful day and

until next time remember to speak

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