Learn English Vocabulary In 5 Minutes

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in

vocabulary words related to your morning

routine all right from this one picture

we can get six different vocabulary

words the first vocabulary word is a

word combo fresh air

once again fresh air the second word is

reflection again reflection the third

word is refreshing refreshing the fourth

word is plush plush the fifth word is

nutrition nutrition and the sixth word

is sturdy sturdy all right now let’s

look at the definitions of these words

okay all right the first one fresh air

the meaning is the air outside as

opposed to that within a room or other

enclosed space so basically the air

outside not in a room instead the air

outside again we say fresh air okay

next plush a rich fabric of silk cotton

wool or a combination of these again

plush so this refers to things like

pillows or comforters or blankets they

can be plush okay last time plush all

right now let’s move on to the next word

sturdy sturdy okay strongly and solidly

built strong enough to withstand rough

work or treatment so again

sturdy sturdy this can refer to a table

or something very strong or well-built

again sturdy alright next refreshing

refreshing serving to refresh or

reinvigorate someone or serving to

stimulate someone again refreshing

so you can think about a cold glass of

water or a cold glass of juice after

doing a long period of exercise it is


once again refreshing alright let’s move

on to the next two words reflection

reflection serious thought or

consideration thinking deeply about

something okay

reflection so think about this when you

have something on your mind and you want

to figure out a solution you may think

about it for a long time that is

reflection very good all right the last

word nutrition the process of providing

or obtaining the food necessary for

health and growth so this word refers to

food and the things that we get from

food to sustain or keep living okay so

again nutrition now what we’re gonna do

right now is take a short quiz so once

again quick review fresh air plush

sturdy refreshing reflection and

nutrition all right now the words are

hidden so let’s see if you can remember

them alright the first one the air

outside as opposed to that within a room

or other enclosed space is you got it

fresh air very good alright next a rich

fabric of silk cotton wool or a

combination of these is plush very good

all right let’s move on

strongly and solidly built strong enough

to withstand rough work or treatment

what’s that

good great job sturdy excellent next one

serving to refresh or reinvigorate

someone serving to stimulate someone

remember this is the one that I talked

about when I referred to a glass of

water or a glass of juice what is it you

got it refreshing very good alright

let’s move on to the next one

serious thought or consideration

thinking deeply

about something all right what’s that

you got it reflection very good all

right the next one the process of

providing or obtaining the food

necessary for a health and growth

remember this one deals with food what

is it you got it

nutrition excellent job okay now let’s

go back to the picture and see how we

can apply these six words to this

picture again fresh air

sturdy plush reflection refreshing and

nutrition alright the first sentence is

she opened the door to get some good

fresh air excellent the next one is she

spent time in deep this morning what’s

the answer

great reflection very good next one

her cup of milk was very very good

refreshing very good good memory next

the pillows on her bed are great plush

very good next the bagel and fruit on

her plate give her great nutrition and

last the table next to her bed is very

great sturdy excellent job so you

learned these six words fresh air sturdy

plush reflection refreshing and

nutrition very good all right click on

the left or right of your screen to

watch another english video lesson and

as always remember to speak English