Learn English Vocabulary Words And How To Use Them
as an English Learner you want to
improve your vocabulary and this is the
equation you need L plus M plus F and
today I’m gonna teach you how to use it
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alright the first letter letter L stands
for learning the word in context by
reviewing sentences so look at this
graphic that I drew out for you all the
basic idea is you will either look at an
image that has a sentence describing it
or you can actually see a sentence from
a book so again either there is a
sentence describing a certain picture or
there is a sentence that you have seen
in a book it’s important to learn the
word via context now the M stands for
memorizing the dictionary definitions is
part two so what you want to do is go to
the dictionary after you learn the word
in context you go to the dictionary and
you actually memorize the definition of
the word and finally the F stands for
finding three synonyms or similar words
for the vocabulary word now why is this
important you see when you learn
it makes it
easier for your brain to continually use
that vocabulary when you connect it to
other things so like we said before
other images or contexts from a book and
now we have other synonyms other similar
words that’s put this on top right here
so this will help you remember not only
one word but one plus three okay so
let’s see this in an actual example here
we go
remember the first part is l4 learn so
we have an image right here and we’re
gonna learn in context this is the
sentence the platters of food are
sitting on a white marble table now if
we look at this image we can see that
there are different things in the
picture for example we see that there
are garbanzo beans these beans right
here that you see in the picture then we
have an avocado right here we have it
sliced on the picture I love avocado by
the way and then we have curry okay we
have curry right here and finally we
have rice ok the rice right here again
it looks very delicious so we have a
platter of food sitting on a white
marble table remember we’re learning in
context now another sentence is the
image displays a healthy and wholesome
well again from the first sentence the
word we’re focusing on is platters okay
platters now the next step is to find
the meaning but we’re gonna continue
with the second sentence so looking at
the image again we see ok well rice
provides fiber okay this is something
healthy for you protein can come from
the curry then we can get potassium from
an avocado and we can also get protein
from the garbanzo beans now what’s
happening right now is these are facts
that you already know because you
understand the image you are looking at
ok now in the sentence the word we’re
focusing on is what you guessed it right
so now what we need to do is we need to
go to our next step and find out the
meaning of platters and also of
wholesome so here we go
the next step is memorized now again our
sentence was the platters of food are
sitting on a white marble table so
platter just means a large flat dish or
plate typically oval or circular in
shape used for serving food now an oval
looks like this okay this is an oval and
of course as you know a circle looks
like this now in our example the
platters were like this in a rectangle
so they don’t always have to be an oval
or a circle they can also be a rectangle
okay now so we’re understanding what the
word means
again you have to memorize a large flat
dish or plate typically oval or circular
in shape used for serving food now some
example sentences that we get from the
dictionary are did you see the huge
platters of cold cuts now real quick
huge just means very big okay very big
I’ve explained that in the previous
video but it just means very big okay
next we have I’ll have the seafood
platter okay and finally we have there
is a fruit platter on the table okay so
what do you noticed you see right here
in front of the word platter we
described what type of food is on the
platter and for here we just described
the size of the platter so again we’ve
seen the definition and we have
memorized it okay now what we need to do
next is look at the second word the
second word was wholesome now the
sentence was the image displays a
healthy and wholesome lunch now remember
we are trying to memorize the definition
so the definition of holes
some is conducive to or suggestive of
good health and physical well-being so
something that is good for your body
that’s what the word wholesome means and
again you have to memorize the
definitions for part two okay now let’s
see some example sentences here we go
the first one is the food is plentiful
and very wholesome now real quick the
word plentiful just means abundant okay
means to be a lot or have a lot okay all
right the second sentence is that
supermarket sells wholesome food okay
again nutritious or good for your
physical well-being and finally children
should only eat wholesome food well we
know that’s important because children
need food that will help their physical
okay so we’ve memorized the definition
now our next step is to got it
now we need to find three synonyms for
our vocabulary words so our first
vocabulary word again was platter and
our second one was wholesome now we need
to look at the synonyms for the first
word so here we go we’re gonna go down
so our first synonym is dish alright our
second synonym is tray and our third
synonym is plate now again remember a
synonym is just a similar word okay so
we’ll look at some examples and insist
using the synonyms we see right here
let’s change this color real quick a
large dish of food all right so what
happens right here we have dish okay now
we go down a large tray of food and what
happened we replaced dish with the word
tray and finally a large plate of food
and we replaced tray with plate so now
we know a total
four different words because we know
platter and we know dish tray and plate
now on the other side when we bring it
down and we look at the synonyms we have
the first one health full the second one
nourishing and the final one nutritious
for pronunciation sake let me say that
one more time for you all new Tricia’s
okay and again let’s see the sentences
health full meal where do we have it
right here in the center next we have a
nourishing meal all right and we have
the word right here and finally we have
a nutritious meal and again we have the
word right here so we have four words so
we have learned a total of eight
different vocabulary words because we
followed the equation all right let’s
move on to our next example so again
we’re going to learn now we see a
wonderful picture here okay it looks
like somewhere near the ocean or an
island now this is the first sentence we
have again remember we have to learn in
context here we go the waves crash
against the rocks and land to create
what looks like white foam so we see the
land we see the foam right here we see
the waves and we also see the rocks and
the land right here okay now our key
word for this one is crash okay we’re
looking at that vocabulary word learning
it in context okay now our second
sentence is there are many rock
formations in and around the watermen
we’re learning in context so we see rock
formations right here okay now the word
we are focused on is right here
formations so our two words are crash
and formations now we’re learning in
context so you can look at the picture
or guess what those words mean now if we
move on to our next screen you see
memorize part two of our equation
alright so the sentence is the waves
crash against the rocks and land to
create what looks like white fun and
again our focus word is crash the word
means to move or cause to move with
force speed and a sudden loud noise so
again your goal is to memorize for this
step and look at the sentences that are
given as examples from the dictionary
here we go huge waves crashed down on us
now again in the previous example we
learned the word huge which just means
very big all right so our second example
is the thunder crashed outside my window
now I’m sure all of you know what
thunder is but just as a reminder when
there is a storm outside usually if it’s
really bad you will hear thunder and
lightning okay so this is a cloud and
from the cloud you may hear thunder and
lightning okay and finally we have the
waves crashed against the boulders now
boulders are just large rocks okay
large rocks so they’re a lot bigger than
the normal size of rock and sometimes
they’re even bigger than a human being
okay we call those boulders all right so
we’ve memorized the definition for the
first word now the second word was for
formation okay here was the sentence
there are many rock formations in and
around the water now looking at the
definition we have the action of forming
or process of being formed in the second
definition a structure or arrangement of
something okay so again
your goal is to memorize this definition
now the first sentence example from the
dictionary is I see a cloud formation in
the sky alright so you’ll notice that in
front of formation we have cloud why
because that’s describing what type of
structure it is in the sky all right and
next we have the soldiers were standing
in formation again this one is speaking
about soldiers being the structure or
form in this sentence okay and finally
we have the scientist studied the rock
formations again the rocks are the
formation that we’re speaking of okay so
we’ve memorized the second words
definition for mation okay all right now
the next thing we need to do is find so
we’re gonna find three synonyms so again
the first word was crash and the second
word was formation so we’re gonna come
down here and look at our synonyms
the first one is smash the second one is
hit and the final one is not okay so
looking at our sentence we have the
rocks smashed against the wall and again
we can even replace this word with
crashed because they have the same
meaning next we have the rocks hit the
wall once again instead of hit we can
say crashed and finally we have the
rocks knocked against the wall we can
change that again to crashed now I want
you all to remember the reason why it is
so important to not only learn one word
but to also learn three extra synonyms
is because this will create connections
inside of your brain which will make it
easier for you to remember the word the
vocabulary word later on when you are
trying to speak in English
okay so these connections are very
important for you as an English Learner
okay all right now for formation we have
these two words right here okay now I
just chose two words for this one for
the synonyms okay we have group and
configuration alright so here’s the
sentence a group of mountains now once
again we can say a formation of
mountains and finally a configuration of
mountains which again can be replaced
with formation of mountains okay all
right now let’s move on to our next
example here we go again we start with
what letter you got it we start off with
the first letter letter L for learn okay
now the sentence we have is the man is
holding his body erect as he sits on the
metal stool so looking at this picture
we can see again this is a man he has a
man bun now this is something that’s
very popular in Europe and also America
so I’m curious to know if it’s popular
in your country as well so yes we can
see that this is a man but he’s grown
his hair long and we call this a man bun
okay this is something interesting for
you guys to know all right so we have
the man sitting here and then we can
also see that he is sitting what seems
to be very straight up okay
he’s sitting in this chair right here
all right it’s called a stool and again
you can see it right here okay so our
sentence describes this part of the
picture and again the word we’re
focusing on is highlighted in white and
it is erect once again he wrecked all
right now the second part of the picture
the second sentence is the woman looks
overjoyed as she talks to her friend so
looking at the picture we can see that
the woman’s facial expression shows that
she is
what you guessed it she looks very very
happy so for this sentence the
vocabulary word is over joyed but again
we’ve learned it in context so when you
think about this picture and how the
woman looks it will bring to mind this
word overjoyed and when you think about
the way this man is sitting at the table
you can think of the word erect all
right so let’s keep going to learn a
little bit more remember memorize okay
so we’re going to memorize the
definition now the sentence was the man
is holding his body erect as he sits on
the metal stool so the word erect means
rigidly or stiff upright or straight
okay so remember you’re gonna memorize
for this step and here are the example
sentences from the dictionary the first
one is she stood erect with her arms by
her sides which means she was standing
very tall next he told his students to
stand erect okay and finally the man was
standing very erect okay so you see the
examples right there now again we want
to memorize the definition at this point
we’ve already learned it in context now
we are memorizing the definition okay
now let’s look at the second word now
the second word was over joyed over
joyed which in the sentence sounds like
this the woman looks overjoyed as she
talks to her friend
now the word overjoyed means to be
extremely pleased and happy
okay extremely pleased and happy now
remember from the picture we saw the
woman looked very what she looked like
she was very happy remember
she was smiling really big as she was
talking to the man okay the woman looked
very happy in the picture okay pleased
or happy all right okay so the first
sentence from the dictionary is they
were overjoyed at his success again so
this person success made them happy all
second we have Michael will be overjoyed
to see you
so again seeing you is gonna make him
happy or pleased and finally we have he
was overjoyed to learn that he passed so
learning that he passed made him feel
happy pleased or over joyed all right
now the last part of our equation is s
fine so we have each of the words right
here erect and over joyed remember again
L plus M plus F so let’s find some
synonyms okay so here we go we have two
synonyms for the word erect all right I
just chose two synonyms for this time
okay all right
upright and straight now again remember
I said you can find three but it is
totally up to you you can find two two
three or you can find more it’s up to
you okay all right so the first sentence
is he was standing up right so we have
the word right here and we can say he
was standing erect and we have he was
standing straight so we were placed
upright with the word straight okay all
right now for the word over joyed we
have these words right here we have
now I’m gonna say one more time ecstatic
then we have thrilled and finally we
have elated now again all of these words
mean extremely pleased or happy
okay so the sentence is the fans were
ecstatic again we can change this word
to be over joyed okay next we have the
fans were thrilled once again we can
replace the word with ecstatic or even
with over joyed okay and finally we have
the fans were elated
so because it’s a synonym it can be
replaced by any of these words above
okay all right so again L plus M plus F
and you can memorize vocabulary words in
English once again I want to thank I
talking for sponsoring this video
remember you guys can click the link in
the description and you can get a coupon
towards your first lesson your first
tutoring lesson keep studying English
and remember to watch the next video
have an amazing day