Learn English With TV Series Learn English with Friends
hi i’m vanessa from speak english with
vanessa calm are you ready to learn
english with a TV series today right now
in this video let’s talk about it if
you’ve been following my youtube channel
for a while you know that i don’t watch
TV that much in fact I hardly know
anything about TV shows in English so I
decided to consult an expert because I
know that it’s really important to use
TV shows to improve your English and a
lot of you are doing that you’re
watching TV shows in English to learn
about vocabulary and expressions and
culture but I’m not an expert I can’t
give you advice about this but I know
someone who is from the YouTube channel
learn English with TV series today Ethan
is gonna be our guest he’s gonna share
with you how to learn English
specifically with a clip from the TV
show friends this is a funny clip about
some kind of secrets that everyone in
the TV show hats he’s gonna explain the
clip he’s gonna talk about some
important vocabulary and I hope that by
the end of this clip you’re gonna learn
a lot you’re gonna know a lot of new
expressions and you’re gonna be able to
use them confidently if you enjoyed this
lesson make sure that you go over to the
YouTube channel learn English with TV
series and look at the second part of
this video there’s a link in the
description I want you to be able to
learn as much as possible through TV
shows so you’re gonna see one part on my
channel and another part on his channel
okay take it away Ethan thanks so much
Vanessa as she said my name is Ethan I’m
one of the fluency coaches over at real
life English and learn English with TV
where we help you to not just learn
English but to live it and this is part
two of this hilarious lesson about
secrets from the TV series friends you
can find part one taught by Vanessa over
on our channel so be sure to check that
out after watching this lesson so
without any further ado let’s jump into
this lesson with friends
this is unbelievable thieves how can you
be married well I’m not married married
you know he was just a friend and he’s
gay and he was from Canada and he just
needed a green card I can’t believe you
marry Duncan I mean how could you not
tell me when we lived together we told
each other everything I’m sorry Monica
but I know if I told you you’d get
really like judgmental and you would not
approve of course I wouldn’t approve I
mean you were totally in love with this
guy who hello was gay I mean what the
hell were you thinking saying you
thought she’d be judgmental okay I
wasn’t in love with him and I was just
helping out a friend
please when he left town you stayed in
your pajamas for a month and I saw you
eat a cheeseburger well didn’t you I
might have come on like you tell me
everything know what have I not told you
oh I don’t know um how about the fact
that the underwear out there on the
telephone pole is yours from when you
were having sex with fun Bobby out on
the terrace
you are dead meat I didn’t know it’s a
big secret you know kind of the same
lines as say oh I don’t know having a
third nipple
you [ __ ] look it out whip it out
there’s not gonna see it just a tiny
bump it’s totally useless Oh as opposed
to your other multifunctional nipples
can’t believe you you told me it was a
nubbin so what do you thinking nothing
was I don’t know you see something you
hear a word I thought that’s what it was
let me see it again
Julie was in a porno movie
if I’m going down I’m taking everybody
with I was young and I just wanted a job
okay but at the last minute I couldn’t
go through with it so they let me be the
guy who comes in to fix the copier but
can’t because his people having sex out
so what’s it shaped like what happens if
you flick it married married you know he
was just a friend and he’s gay and he
was from Canada and he just needed a
green card married married when Phoebe
says I’m not married married she means
to say that she’s legally married but
not really married in the way that
marriage is intended Natives
occasionally repeat a word an element of
a word or a phrase this can often result
in a change of meaning or tone the
grammatical term for this is
reduplicating example sure he likes her
but he doesn’t like like her
meaning that he likes her as a friend
but not romantically example he’s my
friend friend not just my facebook
friend we’re contrasting friends in real
life versus friends on Facebook in each
example we contrast one thing with
another that is a more real or intense
version of that same thing green card a
document that gives an immigrant the
legal right to reside and work in the
United States I mean how could you not
tell me I’m sorry Monica but I know if I
told you you’d get really like
judgmental and you would not approve
judgmental someone who is judgmental
it’s strong and critical opinions based
on generalizations example his mother’s
judgmental about his choice of friends
of course I wouldn’t approve I mean you
were totally in love with this guy hello
was gay I mean what the hell were you
hello in this case hello is a colloquial
way to communicate to another person
something like wake up it’s so obvious
example I see you want to continue
wasting my on games but hello we have
some bills to pay here what the hell we
put the word hell and sometimes heck to
avoid saying a bad word to make a
question more emphatic or to show
surprise or that you’re upset exam
what the hell did she do to deserve
being fired okay I wasn’t in love with
him and I was just helping out a friend
hope out out in this case doesn’t change
the meaning of help but is used to add a
more conversational tone example I’m
helping them out with the preparations
for the party please when he left town
you stay in your pajamas for a month and
I saw you eat a cheeseburger leave town
come wait to say someone travels outside
of a city either temporarily or
permanently town in this case is almost
always used with the meaning of city I
saw you eat a cheeseburger this is funny
because Phoebe is a vegetarian um how
about the fact that the underwear out
there on the telephone pole is yours
from when you were having sex with fun
Bobby out on the terrace pull a
cylindrical wood or metal object used to
hold something Terrace an outdoor space
on top of or outside of a house or
building you are dead meat dead meat
literally a cadaver or dead body as we
say in English but saying you’re dead
meat is also commonly used to threaten
someone often in a playful way example
whoever scratch my bike is dead meat hey
again you’re just a quick interruption I
have a very special present for you it
is this PDF power lesson for both parts
of this lesson it teaches you all the
vocabulary American expressions grammar
cultural notes and so much more you can
find that with part 1 of this lesson
over on our channel so after watching
this be sure to go and download that now
let’s jump into the rest of the lesson
you know kind of the same lines is say
oh I don’t know having a third nipple
same lines s usually used as similar to
example I was thinking along those same
lines learning of real-life English is
exactly what I need say used to suggest
an example possibility or a numerical
approximation example we save say $20 a
week would that be enough to pay for our
trip at the end of the year a third
a nipple is the protruding mammary
glands on the chest of mammals humans
have two but Chandler has a very unusual
third nipple
yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ]
when a woman is called [ __ ] which is
literally a female dog it doesn’t mean
prostitute as a lot of learners believe
calling a woman a [ __ ]
usually communicates that she is
annoying malicious or mean similar to
jerk [ __ ] or bastard which are more
commonly used to describe me and then I
recommend you be careful using this as
it is informal vulgar and can be quite
insulting with something out to pull an
object or a body part from a confined
place really quickly this relates to the
whipping motion of a whip in this scene
Ross is asking Chandler to quickly
reveal to them his third nipple example
he whipped out his wallet and paid for
some drinks for the ladies it’s totally
useless Oh as opposed to your other
multifunctional nipples tiny bump tiny
means very little a bump is a small
raised area on the skin or another
surface as opposed to used to refer to
something that is different or opposite
from what has just been mentioned
example as opposed to the Italian
restaurant firehouse the chefs at this
one are actually from Italy your other
multifunctional nipples he’s being
ironic because nipples on men have no
purposeful biological function believe
you you told me it was a nubbin nubbin
an object that is not fully formed yours
jokingly for Chandler’s third nipple no
this is not a very common word let me
see going down I’m taking everybody with
you go down this is literally means to
die in battle and is used in a military
scenario but in the scene chandler uses
this to say that if he is going to go
down have his secrets told he will take
others down with him tell their secrets
but at the last minute I couldn’t go
through with it go through with
something to proceed or continue doing
something despite difficulty or
unwillingness example she couldn’t go
through with breaking up with him when
she saw he had bought her flowers
why literally meaning not domesticated
or of its natural environment the slang
expression describes something that is
unusual or extreme here it’s used to say
that Joey’s actions were crazy and not
something that most people would do what
happens if you flicking foot in this
case the flick means to touch with a
sudden sharp movement of your finger
example she flicked the insect off her
plate thanks so much
Ethan that was really helpful if you’d
like to watch the other part of this
lesson you can click the link up here or
in the description below let me know in
the comments was this type of video
helpful for you what kind of TV shows
are you watching nowadays you can learn
English with so many different types of
materials thanks so much and I’ll see
you again the next time bye the next
step is to download my free ebook 5
steps to becoming a confident English
speaker you’ll learn what you need to do
to speak confidently and fluently don’t
forget to subscribe to my youtube
channel for more free lessons thanks so