Learn English without a Teacher Learn Alone

hi hi Internet hello everybody welcome

back to our weekly live stream my name

is Alisha and today we’re going to talk

about how to study English alone so how

to study English with no teacher without

a teacher I know many of you are

studying maybe in a small town or in a

place where it’s difficult to connect

with a teacher so today I want to

introduce some ideas and give you some

strategies to study by yourself to study

by yourself so today there has been some

trouble on Facebook and Instagram on the

Facebook and Instagram sides so we are

focusing on YouTube and the YouTube chat

today so as you join please send us a

message in the chat please make sure to

like and share the video as well we

really appreciate it and we’re going to

begin in about a minute or two minutes

as always do we have free stuff I will

show you these free PDFs later in the

lesson these are great resources for

people who are studying alone for

quick-like topic based vocabulary and

phrase lists so please have a look at

this when you have a chance okay I see

many people in the chat Andres Lizzy

Henry Henry Javed banya ANCA Carlos chan

Mohit Andre again Lara Lara Croft Oh

Lara Croft from Indonesia exciting hi

everybody thank you for joining us great


I mentioned or I didn’t mention I want

to share one item quickly I tweeted

about this just less than an hour ago

there’s a new video on the YouTube

channel if you have not seen it I talked

about the use of just do we have that

photo I talked about the use of just for

very recently completed actions this

just came out on the YouTube channel so

a lot of you asked about how to use the

just recently a video about using just

about to was released this is just for

past actions so please take a look at

this video on the English class 101

YouTube channel for more information

about how to use just okay great

alright there are lots of people in the

chat now fantastic hi everybody thank

you very much for coming today we’re

going to talk about how to study English

alone how to study English alone okay so

let’s begin today’s lesson is in three

parts the red color is a little

difficult to see sorry I’ll try to fix

that yeah I mentioned it so we’re going

to start here and I’m going to show you

kind of the flow for this so let’s begin

with this part over here so I think the

first step the first place I want to

start for today with how to study alone

is this part right here so it’s hard to

see I know this is assess assess the

spelling here is a ssgss assess to

assess means to check to check something

in this case assess yourself so check

yourself means check your level so a lot

of you in the comments will writes like

how do I know my level or I don’t know

where to start so first step for this

lesson is to check yourself to check

your level so how do you do that we need

to answer a few questions so when you

check your level you need to know what

can I do what can I do what is easy for

me and what is difficult for me so these

three questions are things we want to

check we want to understand about


how do we do this so we can do this by

asking some can questions so the

questions begin with can-can for example

can I give my name so this is a question

about your English skills so in English

can I give my name or in English can I

give my phone number so these are maybe

basic questions can I give my name can I

give my phone number more challenging

questions then can I talk about my work

can I talk about my work

another more challenging one can I give

a presentation can I give a presentation

so these are just four simple questions

you can ask yourself

there are many can style questions like

can I order a pizza on the phone or can

I make a reservation for a hotel there

are many very small questions you can

ask yourself about your English level so

your answers to these questions are

important for example this question can

I give my name so by this I mean I can

say my name is Alicia that’s very

comfortable for me so in your case are

you comfortable saying my name is so and

so your answer is important so I think

it’s a good idea to have three different

possible answers so can I give my name

yes easily yes easily so it’s easy to

give my name in my case yes it’s very

easy to give my name my name is Alicia

maybe though for some people yes but

it’s difficult yes but it’s difficult so

maybe I can give my name or I can give

my phone number but it’s difficult for


the third possible answer is no I can’t

it’s not possible now I can’t I cannot

do that for example can I give a

presentation in English can I give a

presentation in English no I can’t

so with these three levels of questions

we can check our English level our

language our language level so if these

questions like can I give my name if you

can say yes it’s easy no problem then

these these types of things maybe you

don’t need to study or you don’t need to

focus on these right now however here

can I talk about my work or can I talk

about my hobbies maybe you said mmm yes

I can but it’s difficult so I want the

focus to be on these these questions the

questions that you say yes but it’s

difficult so I can do it a little bit

but it’s challenging for me if you say

can I give a presentation and the answer

is no I can’t

then maybe let’s not focus on this point

right now let’s focus your level your

studies on these difficult points right

here so focus on this for today’s lesson

let’s imagine you want to talk about

your work or maybe talk about your

hobbies so you ask yourself like can I

do this thing yes I can but it’s


the next thing to ask is why why so why

is this difficult for me for example can

I talk about my work yes but it’s

difficult okay next

why so why are some things difficult in

this case why is it difficult for me to

talk about my work so in my case my work

is teacher my job is teacher

so why is

difficult for me in your case depending

on your job why is it difficult for you

to talk about your job for example not

enough vocabulary not enough vocabulary

so I don’t know the words I don’t know

the correct words this is one possible

reason or I don’t know the grammar I

don’t know how to explain the grammar

like how do I say it my vocabulary is


my grammar is not so good or maybe my

pronunciation is not clear so I can’t

speak clearly and communicate many

people have a question about confidence

I check your comments and lots of people

say I don’t have the confidence to speak

I don’t have the confidence to do this

confidence comes with practice this is

an important point for practice so if

confidence is your problem from all of

these the solution is to practice so

this one practice lots for this so these

however if your problem is vocabulary or

I don’t know grammar or pronunciation is

not great or for example on my writing

skills my writing is not good these

possible reasons why it’s difficult will

help you make your study plan okay

someone asked one asked mate can I

answer maybe but I’m not sure well these

questions are designed they are

yes-or-no questions so if you say maybe

but I’m not sure you’re probably saying

yes but it’s difficult so try to say it

or try to write it can you do it or not

so you should be able to say yes no or

it’s a little difficult for these

okay Fernando what does assess means

assess means check check yourself to

assess yourself is to check yourself

okay good so this is the first part of

today’s point so the first part for

studying alone is to find your level the

goal of this is to find your level and

find what can I do what is easy for me

what is difficult for me so I recommend

like make a list of these can questions

what can you do what can’t you do make a

list of these and right yes I can yes

but difficult and no answers for these

okay so point 1 point 1 let’s take one

quick break and then we’ll continue to

the next step for studying alone so I

know many of you are studying alone and

some of you say vocabulary is a hard

thing for you but capillary is tough so

if your vocabulary is weak or you want

to improve your vocabulary you can find

from this link right here you can see

these free pdf lessons you can find

these from the link below the video if

you’re watching on YouTube and if you’re

watching later on Facebook you can find

them from the link above the video so

depending on your goal depending on your

can statement you can choose one of

these pdf lessons for example this is a

business English PDF it has phrases for

a meeting on it

I’ll show on this camera that’s it ok

alright to show a little more clearly if

you want to practice work-related

phrases this is the business English PDF

there are phrases for a meeting on the

back if you are interested in talking

about your family we have

family vocabulary sheet with some

phrases and vocabulary words for talking

about your family holidays and so on if

you are a student if you are a student

on this back-to-school PDF sheet you can

find some expressions for the classroom

the classroom so to speak to your

classmates or to speak to your teachers

so you can find all of these from the

link below the video on youtube or if

you’re watching later perhaps on

Facebook you can watch early check the

link above the video on Facebook so you

can get these from the link if you have

an account in English class 101.com you

can download all of these all of these

for free now they are free if you do not

have an account you can make an account

for free with your email address and

your name so please check these out

these are great for vocabulary practice

and some grammar practice too there are

lots of expressions on the back page ok

let’s continue on then for those of you

just joining today’s lesson is about how

to study English alone how to study

English alone no teacher so part 1 of

today’s lesson was about assessing

yourself how to assess yourself how to

check your level let’s go now to part 2

here part 2 is make a plan

make a plan how do you make a plan so in

part 1 we assess ourselves we found

something that was difficult for us so

not impossible like we can do it a

little bit but it’s difficult so we

learned that we need to find why that’s

difficult I don’t have vocabulary I

don’t know the grammar my pronunciation

is not good for example so with this we

need to take this information

and make a plan make a plan with this so

for example for today’s lesson let’s

imagine look cab you Larry is the

problem so I want to talk about my work

but I don’t have enough vocabulary so

what should I do

so when you make your study plan keep

this point vocabulary and your topic in

mind because this becomes your goal your

goal so for this part for making a plan

think about how to finish these

sentences how do you finish this

sentence with what’s difficult for you

for example for today’s lesson my goal

is to talk about my work or my goal is

to talk about my hobby in English so

here let’s imagine my goal is to talk

about my work I’m a programmer or I’m a

student maybe to talk about my studies

is also okay then your second sentence

to finish is my deadline is my deadline

is so this means when am I going to

finish my goal so next week the end of


when am I going to finish my goal my

deadline is April April 15th

whatever choose a deadline maybe your

deadline is a test so there’s a TOEIC

test or a TOEFL test or some other test

you’re preparing for like my goal is to

do this my deadline is the test date

that’s okay too so choose your goal my

goal is to talk about my work my

deadline is June 1st for example next

thing in your plan the next thing to

think about is your study schedule your

study schedule so this means how often

are you going to study

I’m going to study every day for 15

minutes I’m going to study three times a

week for 30 minutes so choose your study

schedule I would suggest at least twice

a week at least two times isn’t great

three times is better five times is

really really nice ideally the best the

best case is a little bit every day a

little bit every day so my study

schedule is three times a week for 30

minutes each time or my study schedule

is every day for 10 minutes whatever

that is for you finish this sentence or

make a study schedule for yourself okay

someone asked what do you do if you have

questions when you study alone we’ll get

to that down here the fourth question or

rather the fourth sentence to answer is

my study resources are my study

resources so resources for example a

study resource is like our videos on

English class 101 or like the dialogues

the texts the transcripts on our website

it could be your textbook it could be an

app you use your study resources so your

vocabulary lists your favorite flashcard

tool these are all study resources so

decide your study resources so to talk

about my work my study resources are

videos on English class 101 and my

flashcard application so these are my

study resources for this goal finally as

some of you said what about this one if

I have questions if I have questions Oh

what so what are you going to do if you

have a question this is an important

thing to do or an important thing to


if you have a question and you don’t

know who you should talk to you can get

stuck so if you are a member on our

website you can leave comments on our

videos on the website and a teacher from

our company will reply and give you

feedback if you have one of the premium

level subscriptions you can practice

one-on-one together with a teacher

they’ll you can send homework you can

send audio files and they will give you

feedback if you’re not a member of the

website that’s fine too

you can find for example English

speaking message boards there are

English speaking apps where you can

connect with native speakers for

language exchange so find a way to get

your questions answered if that’s still

difficult for you think about how to use

Google to help you with this so like if

you have a grammar question how do you

use Google search to get your question

answered so think about how to answer

this question okay good so this these

answers are rather the ways that you

finish these sentences will help you

make your plan they’ll help you make

your plan so for example if my goal our

goal for today is to talk about work I

want to talk about my work in English so

my goal is to talk about my work in

English I’m going to study vocabulary so

I want to study vocabulary my deadline

is yeah June first let’s say I have a

few months my study schedule is three

times a week 30 minutes each time my

study resources are English class videos

on YouTube and I’m going to use a flash

card application to study my vocabulary

and I’m going to practice sending

comments on an English language message

board asking for feedback so something

like that so this is how we can make a


plan for a specific goal so notice in

this so far I’m not saying like my goal

is to become fluent that’s not a good

goal we’re making a very specific study

plan for a very specific goal for a very

specific weakness so keep this in mind

okay so we’ll take one more break and

then we’ll finish with the last part and

hopefully give you a tool so that you

can continue this process

okay so we’ll finish there for now we’ll

take a break if you missed it

earlier I showed a few of these free

PDFs there’s this banner here that you

can see these are available from the

link below the video on YouTube or maybe

it fizzes up later on Facebook you can

check the link above the video there so

I showed you some family some business

related and some school related things

in the last break in this break however

I want to show maybe some more hobby

related things so if your goal is to

talk about your hobby

I’ll go over here for example if you

enjoy shopping this is close but you can

use this for other shopping too so

shopping for other items there are

phrases on the back here and some

shopping related vocabulary as well as

color review - if you enjoy travelling

here is a PDF cheat sheet for hotel so

Hotel vocabulary here and on the back

phrases to use at a hotel I think this

part is very useful it’s hard to see

sometimes or sorry sentences you’ll use

in a hotel so this is good for those of

you who like to travel if you are like

me and you like food this one it says

dining like a champ but this is how to

eat at restaurants so here at the

beginning here this is expressions for

talking to the staff at restaurant so if

you like food

and you want to practice food vocabulary

please check out this PDF okay so there

are a lot of different different topics

for these if you want to check

everything please check the link below

the video on YouTube above the video on

Facebook okay so we’re going to go to

the last part of today’s lesson the last

part is this part a fairly short part

which is simply to study to study so if

you missed it

today’s topic is how to study English

alone how to study English alone without

a teacher so some of you are sending

your comments in the chat also a quick

reminder don’t forget to like and share

the video as well someone said do I need

a subscription plan to get the PDF

lessons no you can make a free account

you can make a free account yes there

are subscription plans on the website

but you can get these the PDFs I showed

with a free account a free account okay

so let’s go to the last point here so we

assessed ourselves we checked our level

we found our goal we found the reason

the thing is difficult for us and we

made a plan so the next thing to do is

to study so put your plan into action

put your plan into action study until

you reach your goal

so again using those resources we talked

about vocabulary lists so vocab is the

short word for vocabulary your grammar

videos like I showed you a vocab showed

you a grammar video at the beginning of

this lesson the video about just so

that’s a grammar video that you can use

presentation skills you can look for

videos and resources about presentation

skills you can look for videos about

writing skills improving your writing

skills textbooks as well there are many

different resources to improve different


so study with your plan until you reach

your goals your goal or your goals

depending on your situation so by this I

mean don’t just study one time or study

for one week and then quit you have to

use your plan and continue studying

until you can do this thing so this is

an important part this is like the

completing point for the for the circle

here oh hi there Deebo Kim thank you

very much thank you thank you we

appreciate it in the super chat so the

last part and the very important point

here is after you’ve studied so you’ve

been studying studying studying to do

this thing then when you feel

comfortable when you think okay maybe

I’m ready maybe I can do this thing now

this says ask the can question again ask

the can question again so at the

beginning of the lesson today I talked

about this can I pattern so can I give

mine in yes can I give my phone number

can I talk about my work so maybe at the

beginning when you started it was

difficult for you but after studying ask

the question again can I talk about my

work and if you studied correctly

hopefully you can say yes easily I can

talk about my work keep in mind as I

said to confidence confidence comes with

practice so try to think about

vocabulary and grammar and so on to

improve that if you’re just like not

sure if you’re nervous about it just

keep practicing there then think about

okay do I know the vocabulary do I know

the grammar can I do this and when the

answer becomes yes easily then move on

to your next goal so like can I give a

presentation or can I talk about my

hobby mmm yes but it’s difficult okay

why what’s difficult and

so on so we repeat this flow this kind

of circle this cycle too slowly or maybe

quickly move forward but it’s really

important to choose a specific thing to

focus on specific things to study make

the plan put it into action and then

always check yourself again later so

this is how you can study English alone

studying English without a teacher

one-on-one or maybe if you have an

online teacher this is how you can kind

of take charge of your studies so I hope

that this tool is helpful for you in

making your plans and finding your own


so another recommendation I have I

mentioned at the beginning of the lesson

this is my last point for today maybe

when you start make a list of a lot of

cann questions like that are important

for you this is for maybe you can choose

like 20 or 25 cani questions and then

like keep track maybe on your computer

like in Excel maybe Microsoft Excel or

something similar you can record your

answers so like this month yes this is

easy easy easy no it’s difficult and I

can’t do it and then every time you

study and check yourself record new


then you can track your own progress and

see okay last month this was difficult

for me now I can do it or maybe next

year you can see easily oh I learned

this and this and this so it can help

you to track your progress to keep a

list and a record of your answers to

these questions so that’s another tip

that you can use to understand your

progress okay I have to finish now

though so I hope that this was a helpful

lesson for you for all of you who are

studying alone I will end the SDS in the

lesson there for today our next lesson

our next live lesson rather will be in


weeks actually so next week there is a

special holiday on a regular live day so

our team will enjoy a break but please

join us again for our next live stream

it will be Wednesday March 27th

that’s a 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard

Time now we have daylight savings time

to think about the topic will be how to

talk about household tasks how to talk

about household tasks so the everyday

things you do inside your house house

cleaning or doing the laundry those

kinds of small everyday actions how do

you talk about those this will be our

topic for the next live stream so please

join us March 27th Wednesday March 27th

you can set a notification on youtube or

on Facebook to join us live so please

don’t miss that if you have any

questions please send them in the chat I

will try to answer them where possible

finally don’t forget if you have not

already checked to check out the PDF

lessons I showed you throughout today’s

lesson so I showed a lunch but you can

get them all for free from the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on Facebook okay with that we’ll

finish today’s lesson thank you so much

for joining thank you very much for

liking and sharing the video and for

sending your comments we really

appreciate it so enjoy the rest of your

week enjoy the rest of your night or day

enjoy your weekend and we will see you

again in two weeks bye bye