Learn How To TAKE TIME For English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what are you going to take

some time to do today let’s talk about

it in this video we are going to talk

about how to use the expression take

time take time does this mean that you

are taking time it’s pretty impossible

to physically take time so this means

what are you going to spend time doing


i’m going to take some time to learn

english at the moment you are taking

time to study english to watch this

video and to learn a new expression so

we can use this expression in two

different ways we could say i’m going to

take time to learn english to learn

english or we could say i’m going to

take time for learning english if you

want to say 4 we need ing for learning

english or we could say i’m going to

take time to learn english today there’s

another way that i want you to be able

to use take time for something this is

take time for myself

everyone needs to take time for

themselves sometimes maybe you do a lot

of things for other people if you have

kids you spend a lot of time with them

if you have a job you probably spend a

lot of time working at your job and

spending a lot of energy there so you

need to take time for yourself take time

for yourself this is a wonderful thing

that everyone needs to do maybe when you

take time for yourself you learn english

i’m going to do something for myself

today so i want you to be able to use

this expression not just learn it but to

use it so if you’re not on my website at

the moment click the link below this

video and you can answer this question

with the other English learners and I

will give you some feedback my question

is what are you going to take time to do

today what are you going to take some

time to do today let us know in the

comments and I’ll see you again the next

time bye if you enjoyed this video be

sure to download my free ebook where you

can learn five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker you can share

it on Facebook upgrade the listening

audio version and don’t forget to check

your email to get the free ebook let’s

see what it is all right here is the

free ebook you can download yours today

just click on the link and it will be in

your email within a few seconds thanks

so much for learning with me bye