Not Only... But Also Advanced English Sentence Structure

hello hello welcome to today’s live

English lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa YouTube channel I’m so glad

that you’re here to improve your English

to participate and to have an open mind

about new and fun ways to improve your

English skills if you have been here

with me for a while you might notice

that I’m in a different location it’s

because I’m visiting my family and a

great thing about teaching English

online is that you can be anywhere while

you’re participating in these lessons

and I can be almost anywhere - so I’m

really glad to be able to continue this

and keep it up even if I’m visiting my

family so if you’re new here welcome we

have live English lessons every Tuesday

and Thursday at 9 a.m. est that’s the

New York Times own 9:00 a.m. you’re

always welcome to watch the replay if

you’re working or if you’re busy during

that live lesson time don’t worry about

it it’s great to participate live but if

you don’t have a choice the replay is

for you if you would like to get

notifications about live lessons I’ll

quickly explain how you can do it all

you need to do is subscribe to the speak

English with Vanessa YouTube channel and

beside the subscribe button there’s a

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and whenever there’s a live lesson

you’ll get a notification link and

you’ll see oh yes

Vanessa’s live lesson is starting now


I’m gonna join so I hope that that will

help you to not miss any live lessons

with me thank you everyone who’s joining

me here live today I see we’ve got a lot

of friends from Brazil we’ve got Rose

we’ve got Jorge from Russia wonderful

thanks so much Douglas hiroyuki glad

you’re here Franz welcome welcome today

we’re going to be talking about a common

Senate structure that might be difficult

for you it might already be easy for you

but no matter how you feel about it

today we’re going to repeat it so much

that I hope at the end of this lesson

you’ll feel really comfortable with it

and you’ll know that you’re using it in

the right way and that you can master it

and use it in conversation use it in

business use it in any situation that

you’d like so let’s start with a

question I have a really important

question for you today it’s something

that everyone who’s participating can

understand and relate to I want to know

what is a benefit of learning English

ooh what is a benefit of learning

English there are a lot of benefits of

learning English for me learning another

language English is my native language

but for me learning French for example

learning French has a lot of benefits

and a lot of them are kind of personal

like it makes me happy it makes me

satisfied I can talk with other people

from France and that’s not necessarily

for my job it’s not necessarily to have

some kind of advancement in my life but

it’s personal satisfaction so your

benefit for learning English that you’re

going to share and right here doesn’t

have to be some giant thing it can be

personal - oh we’ve got some great

benefits get a better job how telexes I

can get a better job

speak with other people make lots of

friends connect with the world yes so

let’s take two of these examples let’s

take connect with the world and get a

better job

connect with the world and get a better

job we’ve got two things here two

benefits both of these are great things

and we can combine them to get

they’re to use our Senate structure

today so I’m gonna write on my trusty

clipboard I brought it here to my

family’s house I’m gonna write these two

things combined together in a sentence

if you know how to use not only but also

or you want to try to combine them go

ahead write a comment or just write it

in your notebook think about it yourself

I’m gonna write it here so let’s say how

about English helps me not only get a

good job but it also it is English here

it also helps me to connect with people

this is kind of a long sentence but

that’s okay we have advanced in its

structure here to help you make long

sentences people around the world so

here we have two of your of your samples

to benefits of English I’m gonna

underline here English helps me not only

get a good job but also helps me to

connect with people around the world so

both of these things are they’re not

opposites they’re similar they’re both

benefits so with today’s sentence

structure we need two things that are

similar we don’t want a good thing and a

bad thing we want two good things or two

bad things so you might say something

negative about a rainy day ah on a rainy

day not only can

I exercise but I also can’t walk to the

car without my shoes getting wet we have

two negative things so let’s make sure

that we can write this sentence using

today’s special sentence structure I

challenge you to use two benefits of

English and make your own sentence using

not only this comma because we’ve got

two parts of our sentence but also the

second benefit we need two things that

are both good or both bad all we’ve got

beautiful sentences already excellent

I’m gonna read some of the comments here

my computer screen at my parents house

is a little lower so I’m going to read

over here we have English helps me not

only to look smart

but also it lets me read data sheets

from a wide range of hardware Oh

beautiful sentence George we’ve got this


it helps may not only look smart but

also it helps me to read a wide range of

materials excellent and I think that’s

really true that a lot of materials

especially if you work with any kind of

international field engineering or

anything else a lot of data is going to

be in English so English helps you to

read that data and as you might have

noticed in this sentence let me choose a

different color here it the second part

of the sentence you can put it here

between our two words or or you can put

it here after them but also it helps me

to connect with people

so you could say English helps me not

only get a good job but also it helps me

connect with people I would say that the


is that in conversation English speakers

are more likely to separate it so my

first example but it also we’re more

likely to separate it but it’s perfectly

fine if you want to keep it together and

you’re going to hear people use that so

it’s not unusual but if you want to try

to make sentences separating it I

recommend it

let me read some of your other sample

sentences Hiroyuki says English helps me

not only make friends around the world

but it also helps me get a job

I hope the English will definitely help

you get a job and if you can use English

in your job perfect that would be great

you’ll be able to improve English even

while you’re working how English helps

helps me have not only good experiences

but it also keeps my brain young oh so

if you want to keep your mind young


excellent excellent let’s see how we can

make this Oh with native English

speakers Estela says English helps me

not only to speak to native English

speakers but it also helps me to read

fantastic books oh yes I think that’s

another great thing about English is

that when you aren’t really any language

that you learn when you learn English

you can read articles or books or other

things in that original language so if

there’s a movie that you love if you

love Star Wars for example if you can

understand and hear the main characters

speaking in English instead of dubbed in

your native language or instead of with

subtitles if you’re listening to them

speak in English in the original

language that Star Wars was written in

it’s a rich experience and that’s

something that’s definitely a benefit


to make a negative sentence I want to

practice this using a negative situation

because so far we have two benefits of

English so let’s talk about something

negative I’m going to use another piece

of paper how about let’s let’s talk

about mmm something that maybe maybe you

like maybe you don’t like but we are all

here learning English online you’re

using the Internet to learn English so

let’s talk about some negative things

some reasons why you’re not learning

English in a classroom right now so for

me I’m always learning French online

there’s so many wonderful things

podcasts YouTube videos movies trying to

find people to talk with on the internet

so I’m not learning French in a

classroom let me write a sentence here

and then if you want to imitate

something similar with English feel free

we’re making this negative so two

negative things if you have had positive

experiences in the classroom

it’s okay great wonderful I’m so happy

but we’re going to talk about two

negative things if we say um I’m not

learning English in a classroom I’m not

learning English in a classroom it’s

it’s not only

difficult to find a good time maybe

you’re busy I imagine probably so it’s

not only difficult to find a good time

but it’s also hard to find a good

teacher when you go to a school maybe

you’re lucky and you get a great teacher

Wow excellent

excellent but a lot of us have had

negative experiences and the school just

gives you any teacher any teacher that

they want you don’t really have much of

a choice so we’re talking about two

negative things here not only but also

not only is it difficult to find a good

job or to find a good time but it’s also

difficult to find a good teacher you

need convenient time on the internet and

you need to find a good teacher and on

the internet you’ve got plenty of

choices and the cool thing about the

Internet is that you can have 30

teachers online if you want you can

enjoy my lessons you can enjoy other

English teachers lessons and that’s why

we’re all here on the internet because

it’s not a competition

it’s really a wonderful English learning

community online so you have a lot of

choices and you can really use them all

instead of just one teacher in the

classroom so let’s see some of your

negative sentences using two negative

things oh we have a great sentence

learning English in a crowded classroom

is not only boring but also expensive

and useless oh this is a beautiful

sentence so I hope that for you I hope

you didn’t have this experience but I

imagine you’re writing this sentence

because you have some personal

experience learning English in a crowded

classroom is not only boring but also X

pensive and useless so learning English

in a classroom is certainly from my

experience more much more expensive than

learning English online or in another

area we could say oh great great

so Gabriela says I’m not learning

Italian in a classroom but it’s not only

difficult to find a good school it’s

also hard to find a good time so for you

it’s difficult to find a good school and

it’s also difficult to find a good time

we’ve got two negative things here oh

thank you me Jenner says your lessons

this is a positive thing not a negative

part your lessons are not only your

lessons not only helped me to be a good

speaker but your lessons also helped me

to be a good listener we’ve got two

positive things your lessons not only

helped me to be a good speaker but also

to be a good listener I hope that that’s

true for you it’s my goal to help you

really feel comfortable with different

expressions and sentence structures and

when you have the chance to use English

in the real world you’ll have kind of

like a bank account full of English

materials that you’re ready to use oh

we’ve got some other great sentences so

John says I don’t want to learn English

in the classroom because it’s not only

boring but also stressful not only

boring but also stressful so in my

sentence maybe my sentence is a little

more complex than that so let’s try to

write let’s write a simpler sentence

like that because I like that idea just

using two words how about learning in a

classroom is not only boring

but also expensive alright so here we

have our lovely expression we’re talking

about today not only but also so if you

would like to make two full sentences

and combine them together that’s when

we’re going to use it’s because we’re

repeating the subject the subject is

learning it in a classroom

but if you would like to make this

shorter nicely complex but a little more

simple great way to use it still type of

sentence then we can use not only plus

an adjective but also something else so

let’s say a quick let’s make a couple

quick sentences about other things that

are great in your life maybe we can talk

about food food in your country so

yesterday my dad bought four bought for

me a sub sandwich a sub sandwich is a

special kind of sandwich that’s long and

there’s a couple different kinds of meat

and lettuce and maybe there’s some

pickles or tomatoes and then it’s folded

and you can eat it this is a really I

really like it it’s a really easy way to

have lunch and it’s not so unhealthy so

if you know the store subway subway this

is the same kind of sandwich Subway

sandwiches but in the u.s. we have a lot

of options in my opinion they are much

better as in they have bigger sandwiches

better quality meat and just an

interesting variety and combination so

yesterday my dad bought me a sub

sandwich I was really excited so for

this idea using today’s concept with a

sub sandwich it’s from actually from the

local grocery store they have amazing

subs so I could say

sub sandwiches are not only inexpensive

but they’re also pretty cheap sub

sandwiches are not only already here in

my on my clipboard sub sandwiches are

not only pretty easy to get but they’re

also pretty cheap let me write this here

sub so I want to know for you what is

some kind of food that you enjoy and

tell me two good things about it some

sandwiches I wonder if you’ve ever had a

sub sandwich before and if you’ve had

one from Subway it’s a good start but if

you come to the u.s. there’s a lot of

other places you can go and get high

quality really mmm as you can tell I

like it really great sandwiches alright

sub sandwiches are not only maybe I’m

hungry too maybe there’s some extra in

the fridge from last night should I eat

a sub sandwich for breakfast

mmm if it’s in the fridge I’ll let you

know how it goes sub sandwiches are not

only cheap but they’re also tasty so

here we have two adjectives not only but

also and then we’ve got our two words

cheap and tasty cheap and tasty so let

me know about food from your country oh

we’ve got lots of great things here ice

cream is not only inexpensive but it’s

also suitable for the weather in Vietnam

right now ice cream is not only

inexpensive but it’s also suitable for

the weather we’ve got two things that

are positive excellent

oh we could also say

about about lots of different kinds of

food so if you’re thinking about a food

sentence make sure you write it in the

comments that chocolate some kinds of

chocolates are not only hard to find but

also too expensive to buy so they’re

hard to find and too expensive to

negative things together chocolates are

hard to find and difficult to buy or we

could say some chocolates are easy to

find and easy to buy not only are they

easy to find but they’re also easy to

buy so I eat too many eating donuts

anam says eating donuts is not only

yummy but it’s available easily in my

country it’s easily available so we

could say donuts are not only yummy but

they’re also easily available so maybe

for you it’s hard to resist because

they’re yummy yummy means tasty

delicious yummy it’s just an informal

word they’re yummy and they’re easy to

find of course you can say and they’re

yummy and easy to find but if you want

to expand your sentence structure and

use something a little more complex

that’s what we’re here for today talking

about not only but also donuts are not

only yummy but also easy to find maybe

too easy too easy to find so as we

finish our wonderful lesson about not

only but also I want to say a full

sentence together with you something

that is helpful for you to repeat out

loud I want you to say it out loud even

if you whisper if you’re talking quietly

it’s okay but I want you to hear your

own voice even if it’s quietly if it’s

loudly great speak loudly

but I’m going to say one sentence using

today’s concept and it’s your chance to

write this Cantus sentence in the chat

in the comments write the sentence and

repeat it after me

we’re going to say it a couple times

slowly then quickly and I hope it will

help you to remember today’s concept and

to feel comfortable with it and have fun

imagining that our friends in Indonesia

in Egypt in Brazil in Russia all around

the world are saying the same

together we’re going to say the sentence

about English together it’s going to be

short and simple but I hope that it’s

true for you are you ready

learning English is not only fun but

also useful learning English is not only

fun but also useful learning English is

not only fun but also useful and I hope

that that’s true for you I hope that it

is useful as in you’re able to use it in

real situations maybe that means that

you can read BBC articles you don’t need

to only read articles from your native

country or maybe that means that you can

watch TV shows in English even if you’re

using English subtitles you’re still

using it’s useful it has a purpose so

let’s say the sentence all together

learning English is not only fun but

also useful I hope that with lessons

like today it’s fun enjoyable

interactive and you can really find a

new way to find happiness in English so

I’m going to say the sentence slowly if

you want any pronunciation practice now

is your time you can watch my lips watch

my tongue and try to imitate exactly the

way that I’m saying it learning English

is not only fun but also useful learning

English is not only fun but also useful

let’s say it quickly learning English is

not only fun but also useful learning

English is not only fun but also useful

learning English is not only fun but

also useful thank you for saying this

with me from around the world you’re

awesome and I hope that learning English

is not only fun but also useful for you

you that is my dream for you enjoy

English find it useful and continue to

learn when something is fun you’re going

to continue to do it so I hope that

you’ll join me again for fun and useful

lessons here on the speak English with

Vanessa YouTube channel we have live

lessons every Tuesday and Thursday at 9

a.m. est that’s New York Standard Time

feel free to watch the replay if you’d

like and if you’re thinking now Vanessa

don’t go well I have some good news

there are plenty of other ways fun and

useful ways that you can continue to

learn English right now

one of those ways is to watch other

lessons on this channel there are over

200 videos live lessons other expression

lessons idiom X idiom lessons lots of

things that you can learn here after we

finish so continue to watch other

lessons and if you would like to get

beyond YouTube and really learn more

personal things you’re welcome to

receive my free email lessons twice a

week two times a week on Tuesday and

Friday I send free email lessons to

anyone who is interested so if you would

like to get these free email lessons you

can read my free ebook and when you get

the free ebook I will send you my best

English material to help you improve to

help you feel constantly motivated and

just immerse yourself in English so the

way that you can get my free ebook it’s

called five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker you can click

on the link in the description or on the

screen at the end of our lesson it’s my

goal to share these five steps with you

to help you feel more guided and

organized because if you’re not learning

English in the classroom there’s a lot

of choices online there’s endless

choices so with these five steps I hope

it will help you to really see where

you’re going and find a good direction

for yourself because you don’t want to

be overwhelmed or lost you want to know

where you’re going so I hope that this

free ebook will be useful for you and

the free email lessons I want to share

it with you I hope you’ll enjoy it have

a wonderful day a wonderful week and

I’ll see you again the next time bye

everyone have a lovely day see you later
