ONLINE vs CLASSROOM Which is better for English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm I have a question for you

today is it better to learn English in

the classroom or online let’s talk about

it a lot of you probably already learned

English in the classroom

maybe you had classes in middle school

or high school for English maybe even in

college maybe after college you went to

a classroom to learn English let’s talk

about what that experience was like you

probably signed up for a class the

school chose your teacher and the school

chose the materials that you would learn

so you had to really trust that the

school the administration and the

teacher would be exactly what you need

it this style is pretty easy because you

don’t have to do much work you just go

to the class and you listen to the

teacher maybe you have a conversation

with the teacher you don’t really need

to research too much but if you learn

online you need to do a little bit more

work because online there are a lot of

different materials you could use you

might have a choice of 50 different

English teachers

what kind of YouTube videos are you

going to watch what kind of materials

what kind of audio what kind of study

methods are you gonna choose online

there is a much bigger variety of things

that you can choose to learn English so

if you learn online you can choose the

best teacher and the best materials for

you but it’s a little bit more work so

this means you have to find something

that works for you but when you go to

the classroom you just sit there and

trust the teacher maybe the teacher has

great materials maybe they’re an awesome

teacher wonderful you’re probably gonna

learn a lot if you put in a lot of


but online you’re the one that needs to

find the materials so right now you

found this video maybe you found it on

YouTube on Facebook from a friend you

put in extra effort to try to find

materials that would be useful for you

so you know very well that when you

learn online it takes a little bit more

effort but maybe you can choose the best

materials for you instead of trusting

that the school or the administration or

the classroom teacher is going to choose

the best thing for you I know for myself

I like to choose what I want I like to

be in control of what I’m learning and

maybe you too you like to choose what’s

working for you and if it doesn’t work

for you you don’t want to have already

paid for a class that’s not going to

work for you you want to choose what’s

best for you so this is some of my ideas

about the differences between a

classroom and online learning but I want

to know from you what do you think are

some other differences between the

classroom and online learning in the

classroom versus learning online which

one is better for you which one do you


maybe Lenny in the in the classroom is a

little bit easier you don’t need to find

the materials or the teacher it’s

already there but you don’t have a


about the materials or the teacher and

learning online you need to put in extra

effort to find the materials to find the

teacher but you can choose your style

you can choose the person that’s the

best fit for you so tell me your opinion

in the comments below let me know which

method do you prefer what are some

differences that you have found and I’ll

see you again the next time bye if you

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learning with me bye