Phrasal Verb Training Put Yourself Out There
hi i’m vanessa from speak english with
vanessa calm do you like to put yourself
out there let’s talk about it today i
want to help you learn and use the
phrasal verb put yourself out there this
is a full expression that often goes all
together so we’re gonna learn it in one
piece put yourself out there what does
this mean
well in simple terms this means to go
outside your comfort zone and do
something unusual do something difficult
for you but let’s break down each piece
of this phrasal verb so that you can
completely learn it let’s imagine that
you go into a bookstore and the employee
is putting some books on the shelf he’s
putting them out there he’s not putting
them away in a box to be hidden in the
back he’s putting them out there to be
on display so that everyone else can see
them and maybe they’ll buy them and take
them home he’s putting them out there
there is in public somewhere where other
people can see it and this is the same
for you put yourself out there this
means that you are doing something in
front of other people maybe publicly or
in front of your friends maybe on the
internet and other people might judge
you they might say something negative to
you this is putting yourself out there
it’s a risk I have trouble putting
myself out there I like to put myself
out there this means that you are
comfortable or uncomfortable doing
something where other people might judge
you this is a risk this is a human thing
that we feel nervous about but when
you’re learning English it’s so
important to put yourself out there you
need to put yourself out there and
find a speaking partner write a comment
in the comments of a YouTube video put
your English out there put yourself out
there this is taking a risk maybe
someone will judge your English maybe
someone will look at it and think what’s
that but you need to put yourself out
there and take the risk
because if you’re going to improve you
need to do something that’s
uncomfortable something that has a risk
so my recommendation for you is to put
yourself out there to do something
outside your comfort zone and try I want
to give you two quick examples before we
go today let’s say that you’re going to
a job interview and the boss is gonna
ask you some serious questions probably
in advance you’re gonna feel nervous
about it and worried what’s gonna happen
so you might say I don’t care I want to
put myself out there and try something
new I want to put myself out there the
boss might think negative things about
you there’s some risk but you’re going
to do it anyway because you want the
chance to succeed so a job interview is
really a time when you put yourself out
there my second example is a more
personal example about myself making
YouTube videos is putting myself out
there when I make a video and teach
about something like this expression
there’s a chance that other people
pretty high chance because it’s the
internet there’s a chance that other
people will judge my words criticize me
say something about me but if I’m going
to succeed and share English with you I
need to put myself out there I need to
do something outside my comfort zone and
take the risk because there’s no way for
me to succeed without putting myself out
there so I hope that this expression is
useful to you and that you can use this
phrasal verb my challenge for you is
the comments can you make a sentence
about a time that you needed to put
yourself out there maybe an interview
maybe going on a date with someone you
didn’t know maybe speaking English with
someone you didn’t know maybe
volunteering for something and you
weren’t sure if it was actually going to
go well this is a great thing to do in
life take a risk
put yourself out there and take the
chance that you will succeed I hope that
you enjoyed this lesson today and I’ll
see you the next time bye if you enjoyed
this video be sure to download my free
ebook where you can learn 5 steps to
becoming a confident English speaker you
can share it on Facebook upgrade the
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ebook let’s see what it is all right
here is the free ebook you can download
yours today just click on the link and
it will be in your email within a few
seconds thanks so much for learning with
me bye