REAL LIFE ENGLISH Speak English Like A Native Speaker Episode 3

hey welcome to episode 3 of this

real life english series that’s right in

today’s episode

i am going to teach you real english

words that native english speakers use

in real life

this series will help you sound more

like a native english

speaker are you ready well then i’m

teacher tiffany

let’s jump right in now before we start

i do want to remind you to download the

english with tiffany app that’s right

you can download it for free

right now to test it out the link is

right in the description

and don’t go anywhere because there’s a

special challenge

with a prize i’ll tell you more about it

at the end of the lesson

all right so here we go now in today’s

lesson we are going to learn

some very very useful and real

english words so take a look at this

image right here

it looks nice a family with some animals

but in this image if i were to look

closely at the little boy

i would say inquisitive

inquisitive so after me watch my mouth


excellent one more time after me


excellent now the word inquisitive just


curious eager for knowledge

wanting to discover as much as you can

about things now this word is really

close to home a word that i use often


my niece my youngest niece is four years


and she’s extremely curious

she wants to know about everything she’s


inquisitive she was actually just over

my house

the other week and she was asking me

tons of questions

because her little brain she wants to

take in more information and

maybe you have a niece or a nephew or a

son or a daughter

and they’re extremely inquisitive

you got it right all right now let me

read you an example

sentence here we go children

are naturally inquisitive

so it is important to teach them

something new every single

day makes sense right inquisitive

now let me give you a pattern that will

help you use this word

in a sentence properly so here’s the


blank is or are very

inquisitive a very simple sentence

pattern for this word

so you’re going to put a person or a

group of individuals

in the first part and then continue by


is or are very inquisitive for example

my dog is very inquisitive

maybe your dog is always curious wants

to know what’s going on

you can say my dog is very inquisitive

makes sense right now you’ll probably

notice my voice is a little bit


i was a little bit under the weather but

don’t worry i’m good

all right here we go let’s keep going so

we have the word

inquisitive now if we go back to the


we’ll notice the father’s face

he looks determined

determined i want you to say it after me

here we go

determined yeah

excellent very good one more time after


determined excellent now the word

determined means

wanting to do something very much

and not allowing anyone or any


to stop you so again look at the father

in this picture

he looks like he’s focused he’s not

going to let anything

deter him he is determined

now this word determined it means again

wanting to do something very much here’s

an example

sentence i’m determined to

get this piece of work done

today now you all know you know that i’m

a very hard worker because

i love you i do i love you

so i work hard on these videos and i’m


to make the best video for you because i

want you to learn a lot

maybe you are a very determined person

as well maybe you work hard for your


maybe you do something because you

really want to accomplish

or reach your goal you can say ah

i’m a determined person right now let me

show you a sentence pattern

that is also good here we go so you have

the blank

in the beginning is determined to

dot dot so an individual or a group of


if it’s a group you’ll say are right and


is determined to and then

say the action what that individual is

determined to do

so here’s an example sentence the


right that group are see i change it to


right are determined to

finish the project on time

you see what happened right the group

the employees

they’re determined to do what finish the


on time so you can use this pattern

and make a great sentence so again

determined excellent

all right now it’s quiz time are you


here’s the first quiz we have for our


today all right now remember for each

question you only have

five seconds so you have to make sure

you answer fast here we go

quiz number one here’s the question

and blank person

likes finding out about things


secret things all right so tell me

what is the word tell me what’s the word

again i’ll give you five seconds so here

we go

five seconds go i gave you a little bit


time all right so what’s the answer come

on you know the answer

exactly inquisitive

excellent an inquisitive person likes

finding out about things especially

secret things excellent all right now

let’s go to question

number two here we go question number


let me reset the timer for you here we


michael was blank

to be heard by his boss

here we go five seconds come on you can

do it

what’s the answer

time okay come on what’s the answer you

got it yes

determined michael was determined

to be heard by his boss

excellent so again we’ve learned so far

inquisitive and determined

excellent job now we’re going to keep on


we have a few more words but again we’re

going to go back and look at the image


the first part we talked about the

little boy being

inquisitive and the daddy being


now if we look at another part of the

picture we’re going to slide down

just a bit and look at the other portion

of the picture so here we go what about

this animal right here this animal

looks pretty big i would say

enormous enormous

so after me enormous

excellent one more time after me


excellent all right now this word


means extremely

large that’s right the animal looked

large right

extremely large so here’s an example

sentence an easy one here we go

my friend lives in an enormous

house huge large

e enormous actually that’s true when i


in grade school one of my friends excuse


came out of nowhere i’m gonna get some

juice real quick hold on

all right one of my friends when i was

in grade school she actually lived

in an enormous house there was a

swimming pool

inside the house so yeah it was enormous

all right so here we go let’s check out

a pattern using this word here’s a


blank is enormous very simple

think about something that’s big a whale

is enormous but here’s the example i


the yellow hat on her head

is enormous makes sense right

imagine a woman walking down the street

and she has

an enormous hat on her head

very large yellow hat all right so we


enormous in english all right so let’s

go to the next one now

we’ve seen this enormous animal now we

see this woman

the mother and her face and her body


makes me think oh she’s a bit

apprehensive apprehensive

follow me one more time after me


good last time apprehensive

excellent now apprehensive just means


worried about something that you are

going to do

or that is going to happen now you saw

excuse me she was leaning back she

wasn’t sure what the enormous animal was

going to do right

she was a bit worried

apprehensive makes sense right all right

here’s the example sentence

i’m very apprehensive about

tomorrow’s conference again

very useful word apprehensive

all right now let me show you a pattern

you can use for this word here we go

apprehensive to be honest i’m very

apprehensive about dot dot dot

now again this is the pattern you can


to make a perfect sentence using

this word ah

whoo to be honest

i’m very apprehensive about

the song he chose to sing

this is what i’m apprehensive about this

is what

i’m not too sure about we say

apprehensive all right so again this is

the pattern

you can use makes sense right all right

good so let’s keep going

now we’re gonna go back to the picture

and now

we go to the bottom part of this woman’s

image and we see her hand stuck out

and immediately i think ah on

guard on guard so let me explain first

after me pronunciation

on guard

good again on guard

excellent now on guard just means

alert ready to respond to

possible danger threats problems

etc so real quick look at the image one

more time

she doesn’t know what the enormous

animal is going to do

so she is apprehensive and she’s also

on guard oh i’m not sure what’s going to

happen right

all right let’s see the example sentence

my dad told

us to always be on guard

when we were out at night

makes sense right always be on

guard all right here we go here’s the


you can use with this expression

you should always be on guard

when dot dot dot explain the situation

so here’s an example you should always

be on guard when

you cross the street think about it

we always tell children hey hold my hand

look both ways before you cross the


always be on guard when you cross

the street makes sense right you got it


all right now that’s exactly what we use

this expression for now

you know what time it is it’s time for

your second quiz all right so here we go

quiz question number one here we go

now remember you have five seconds so i

know you could do it here we go

i gained so much weight when i was


up the answers already on the screen


it looks like you know the answer i felt

enormous it’s okay

question number one excuse me question

number one

was a giveaway don’t worry again i’m

coughing a little bit but i’m okay i’m


don’t worry don’t worry all right now

let’s go to question

number two and don’t you worry i’m

hiding the answers

here we go let’s go to question

number two no answer

all right here’s the question we have to


at all times because there are

criminals everywhere here we go

five seconds

time what’s the answer come on you know

it what’s the answer

exactly on guard we have to be

on guard excellent very good very good

here we go next one number three

i’m going to reset the timer for you my


told me that i asked a lot of

questions when i was a child

i was very you know it already here we


i’ma start the timer

time come on what’s the answer exactly

i was very inquisitive

and this is actually very true my mom

told me i was very inquisitive

all right excellent here we go next one

let’s go to the next one here we go

all right question number four she

invited a lot of people

but she was a little

that no one would come

what’s the answer five seconds

time what’s the answer yes

apprehensive excellent very

good job excellent all right and the

last one here we go

he was to find

out the truth he was

to find out the truth time began

time what’s the answer come on

excellent he was determined to find

out the truth excellent

job you are amazing

now i hope you enjoyed the lesson today

i hope you learned a lot

i hope you will use these words in real

life now i promised you at the end to

tell you about the challenge

and i know you’re waiting so again

remember download the app

english with tiffany all right when you

log into the app

you can select which course you want

after you’ve selected your course

at the bottom right you’ll see kind of a

blue bubble

click that bubble and then it will open

up to two

different bubbles hit the one on the

left the red one

when you hit that you’ll see all the

details for this

week’s challenge that’s right now this

week’s challenge

you’ll have 20 questions about the

letter b

now you’re going to answer the questions

and each question

represents 10 points here’s the thing

the first 10 individuals to

win will actually get premium access

that’s right premium access to the app

for one month

so you definitely want to start the


now so again download the english with

tiffany app

start participating in this challenge

very simple

20 questions i believe in you i know

that you can do it

i know that you’ll love it and i look

forward to seeing all of you

and your results all right thanks again


watching this lesson i hope it helped

you and come back

for episode number four remember

speak english