Reported Speech How to Explain What Someone Else Said in English

rolling cool hi everybody welcome back

to our weekly live stream my name is

Alisha and today we’re going to talk

about how to report speech in this

lesson I’m going to focus on verbs that

we use to report speech in English I’m

going to focus on say tell speak and

talk and how and when to use them and

I’m going to cover some kind of

guidelines for how to choose which tense

to use at the end of the lesson I’m also

going to talk about some other

expressions that we use when we’re

reporting speech or when we’re talking

about speech so I hope that you can use

this right away and you can also find

these kinds of things in your reading

too so I hope it’s a good lesson for

everybody all right as you join I see

you joining now on face book hi

everybody please make sure to send a

message in the chat also please like the

video and share so that other people can

find today’s lesson we’re going to start

in just a moment announcement 1 we have

free stuff our team put together a free

52 page workbook for you for beginners

this is a free thing for beginners and

the free beginner course on our website

so please take a look I know many people

are as maybe stuck at home have to stay

at home a lot right now so we wanted to

put together something for free some

more things for free for you to do

during this time so please check the

link below this video on youtube or

above this video on Facebook and if you

have an account you can get the free

course the free beginner course and the

free workbook to practice your English

so please do check that out I hope that

that is helpful for you if you do not

have an account you can make one for

free so that’s cool announcement number

two is as always lately please send me

your questions for our weekly Q&A series

every week on Saturday

there is a question and answer video so

if you have a question about grammar

about vocabulary stuff like sometimes I

know that questions are difficult to

Google so if you have a question about

something small even a small point you

can send it to me also it may be helpful

for you you can do a search on our

channel first as well to see if I

answered your question okay

so please send me those the link for

this you can find this in the ask Alicia

videos or the URL is English class 101

comm slash asked - Alicia alright I see

many people there hello everybody on


I see Rodrigo oh no that was deleted

okay teach you hi Elton hello in the

carlos victor hi Jesse hello and Fareed

hi everybody on Facebook Kumar and wound

in singing hello Wisam do sabe Mustapha

lots of people fantastic as I said

please do please make sure to LIKE the

video and share the video so other

people can find it I’m going to share

the video and then I’m going to begin

today’s lesson today I am going to start

by talking about how to choose the

correct tense for your reporting the

verbs so let us begin okay let’s go over

here in blue I want to start today’s

lesson with this question what tense

should I use so when you want to report

speech report something someone said how

do you do that how do you choose which

tends to use first is this a past

conversation so the conversation

happened yesterday or one hour ago

or last week if it’s a past conversation

use past tense to do it she said he told

me and so on if it’s something somewhat

regularly says so something somewhat

regularly says like your parents always

tell you the same thing or it’s a leader

in your community

they always say the same thing use

present tense this is a very common

question that I get like why does this

article say the president says or why

not said if it’s a regular statement use

present tense because think of it like a


we use present tense for facts yeah

general information so please use a

present tense for regular statements

finally if you are making a guess about

the future like you are trying to think

of something someone is going to say

like you’re making a prediction

please use future tense he’s gonna say

or she’s gonna tell him and so on so

this is a quick guide line for tenses to

review for today’s lesson hey Leah my

parents always say I should study more

nice okay so with this in mind for

today’s lesson let’s look at our first

verb first verb is save save

so what to say the verb say is used for

a neutral report of speech so we’re just

sharing information it’s like one person

just gives information to another

there’s no like a positive or negative

feeling here we use it to report speech

it’s simple speech reporting verb

examples my manager said in past tense

this verb becomes said the pronunciation

is sent not Sayed said so the spelling

is irregular as well maybe you can see a

safe ID my manager sorry the manager

said we did a great job so here is the

person speaking the manager said this

cup this was the comment the manager

said we did a great job notice this verb

is also in past tense we did a great job

so this is a past comet past comment

past situation the manager said we did a

great job

okay another example my friend says

crazy things on Twitter

my friend says crazy things on Twitter

so again here’s the person speaking my

friend here’s my verb says present tense

because this is a regular situation so

my friend writes in this case if I

change the verb crazy things on Twitter

so this is another is an example of a

time when it’s okay to use this verb

says like you’re reporting a speech even

though it’s written so you can use it in

this way too okay uh I also want to

spend some time today thinking about

this next point it’s may be hard to see

ah it says mark statements in written

dialogue sorry out of focus mark

statements in written dialogue what does

this mean so mark statement a statement

a statement is a thing someone said and

written so that means like in-text

dialogue so dialogue refers to a

conversation yeah so we use said to do

this so when you read books you see said

someone said so-and-so we do this with

the verb say a couple of points I want

to talk about with punctuation because I

see your questions about this from time

to time this mark here this is called a

quotation mark a quotation mark put this

mark before the beginning of this

statement so I’ll read the example

sentence first this I know it’s small on

your screen and many of you are watching

on your phones so I’ll read it I have to

go said Sarah

I have to go said Sarah so what’s

happening here this

is my verb my reporting verb said here’s

the person doing the talking here’s the

person speaking this set of marks this

tells us what was said this tells us

Sara’s words at the end you’ll notice

this comma this little comma so we do

this this is an American English

pronunciation point and for those of you

who are interested this comes from the

Chicago Manual of style guidelines so I

have to go

comma said Sarah is how you would see

this written in a book so you’re showing

dialogue in this way your comma here

goes before the quotation mark so the

comma comes inside the quotation mark so

this is if the verb comes after the

written dialogue portion sometimes it’s

clear and we don’t have this sometimes

it’s just I have to go and we understand

the speaker in that case put the period

inside the quotation marks as well so

same idea with this next example

sentence we’re late said Eric so again

quotation mark this marks my dialogue I

have this comma because I’m following it

with said Eric so when you see this verb

used in in books in like news articles

and stuff you’ll probably see it it with

past tense said Eric’s you probably

won’t see it in present tense because

when you’re reading books and news

articles it’s like a report situation

yeah and as I said if it is at the end

of a sentence please put your

punctuation mark inside the quotation

mark so that means if it’s a question oh


getting a little more complicated but if

you are using this at the end of a

sentence like Eric said we’re late put

the period or the exclamation point

before your quote

Martin examples secure razor Sarah or

Sarah both both are correct there are

many there are different spellings of

that name Alicia’s lessons are the best

set Andrew yeah good so but don’t forget

your quotation marks here also people

asked like what’s the deal like why is

why does this not have quotation marks

this is not a direct quote the manager

said we did a great job this is not a

direct quote this sentence the manager

said quote you did a great job then

that’s a direct quote so this sentence

here my original example sentence is

like I heard information from the

manager I’m reporting this to my team

that’s the reason that this is different

the manager said you did a great job

this shows exactly what the manager said

so this is the difference between using

these so this is a little bit extra

detail I talked a bit about this in

these say tell and speak video that’s on

the English class 101 you do Jeff okay I

have to take a break so let’s do that uh

all right oh no I forgot one thing one

one one one more small point one more

small point casually when you’re a

reporting dialogue in speech in

particular you may hear this you’ll

probably hear this a lot in um like TV

shows and movies these three things at

least are very very common in American

English instead of saying he said or she

said we use was like and was all and go

or went we use these like rapid-fire

very quickly when we’re sharing

conversations like we’re sharing more

than one person so for example if it’s

like me and control desk talking I might

say like and then he said and then I was

all and then she was also we connected

and then and then I was all he was all

she was all and then he went and then I

go we use these a mix of these instead

of said because using said said said

said sounds kind of boring and this

sounds a little bit more like casual and

fun so if you hear these that’s what it

means these all mean sit

they all means that so last point for

this bit alrighty break quick break

the same for told no we’re going to talk

about told in a minute if you missed it

at the beginning of this lesson

there is a free beginner level course

available on our website I know many of

you have to stay at home right now so we

our team put together if the free 52

page workbook that you can download from

the link below the video if you are

watching on YouTube or above the video

if you are watching on Facebook so

please check that out I hope that it is

helpful for you you just need an account

and then you can access the free

beginner course and be free downloadable

eBook boo-ki dokey great there are many

people watching wow that’s very cool um

what else did I want to say to you oh

yes please like share the video so other

people can find today’s lesson alright

um let’s continue then so I’ve talked

about say and how to choose our tents

let’s continue to this bit till let’s

move on to tell and I’m going to discuss

talk and speak now - so tell ok I’ll

stay here let’s stay here sigh so tell

what’s the difference here tell the verb

tell past tense told is used for a

one-way conversation so if you imagine

like one person is doing a lot of the

talking so if you are giving a

presentation or if you

are giving a report to someone it’s like

one person does most of the talking one

person speaks the most this is a

situation in which we use tell the verb

tell for example my teacher told me I

failed no it’s not a very positive

example sentence but just like with said

here before the verb we have the person

speaking and then after the verb hmm

so who is the person receiving the

information so in this example sentence

my teacher told me I failed my teacher

told me I failed Oh No so here it’s like

I don’t have to say anything I just

received the information that’s the

feeling with the verb tell so it’s like

this is very useful for reports so

you’ll see this in the news it’s like

such-and-such politician told reporters

bla bla something so tell is useful for

these kind of one-way situations where

the other person isn’t expected to talk

a lot maybe a little that’s fine it’s

not like a rule but this is a situation

where one person talks a lot or one side

talks a lot another example

tell me about your vacation tell me

about your vacation so this one sounds

like a command it is but it’s like a

friendly way to get someone to give you

information tell again me the person

receiving the information about topic so

you can use this pattern yourself tell

me about this thing tell me about your

vacation tell me about your ideas tell

me about your favorite donut recipe tell

me about your favorite Star Wars movie

oh god okay tell me something so you can

use this as a friendly like request for

information okay every cool every cool

to tell okay

let’s go let’s continue on I’m looking

for your questions I’m looking for you

irrelevant questions and comments uh my

teacher told me I forgot to put a comma

okay good

my teacher told me that I failed yes

good good good good

no I will not send you my contact

information okay let’s get you up on to

talk and speak talk and speak so talk

and speak we use these in the same way

when we are describing a conversation so

that means like a discussion so two or

more people we use talk and speak to do

that what’s the difference

talk is casual speak is formal so when

you’re trying to decide which one to use

consider this it’s not incorrect to use

speak for a casual situation like it’s

not a community it’s not going to cause

a communication problem it might sound a

little bit unnatural so please keep this

in mind also just a reminder we use

speak to talk about like our language

abilities I speak English I don’t speak

Chinese we do not use talk to do that

oops I just messed up the word speak

okay it’s not just a race speak okay

sorry everybody okay speak okay so the

other point I want to mention here is we

can use both of these verbs with to or

with so I talked to my parents about the

news is my first example sentence here

again I’m using past tense

I talked who is doing the talking I

talked to my parents here is the other

person or the other party the other side

and the conversation about the news so

in this example sentence I used to you

can also use

there’s not a difference in meaning for

some people I guess you can kind of

think of it as a little more like

something you do together if you use

with if I said for example I talked with

my parents about the news it sounds a

little more like here doing something

together but the meaning remains the

same it’s kind of the same deal another

example I spoke to my boss about some

ideas so in this example sentence I’ve

used speak because it’s a professional

situation I spoke to my boss speak past

tenses spoke please keep in mind this is

an irregular verb you can use whip here

as well I spoke with my boss about some

ideas examples I spoke to my students

about mandatory online classes nice

autumn house

that sounds good uh-uh ice yes ok I

speak Portuguese French and English says

Elton very nice good example there are

many of today’s lesson sorry I see there

are many questions about other points if

you have questions about things not

related to today’s lesson please send

them to the ask Alicia link I mentioned

at the beginning of the lesson ok I

don’t see any questions about this so

I’ll take one more very quick break and

then we’ll go to the last part some

other expressions related to speech


if you missed it I mentioned this

earlier a couple times but there is a

free beginner level course for everybody

watching at home if you check the link

check the link below the video on

youtube if you are watching on youtube

if you are watching on facebook please

check the link above the video on the

Facebook page or maybe above the chat if

you’re watching on PC version there is a

link there if you go to the link you can

get the free beginner level course

that’s I’m pointing at this banner here

I click the link in the description

so you can get this free beginner level

course and there’s a big 52 page ebook a

52 page PDF to download so that you can

practice so that you can continue your

studies with us so I hope that that is

helpful our team put that together so it

was hopefully helpful for many people

right now okay

that’s the only point many people are

joining woo hoo that’s very cool so

please do if you have just joined

today’s topic is how to report speech

this is being recorded so you can watch

the beginning if you missed it but if

you have just joined please make sure to

like and share the video so other people

can find today’s lesson okay let’s go to

the last point the last point I want to

talk about today is just some other

expressions that are very common that

are related to speech oh hi Monday one

of our members joined on YouTube cool

okay um let’s go to this first

expression this expression is spit it


  • spit it out so this this expression

means hurry up hurry up and say

something and say it say something so

it’s like I’m not talking quickly enough

or there’s really important information

I need to give someone is very tired I’m

sorry someone is like tired of waiting

for me they might say spit it out which

means hurry up and say it so this is a

very direct can be kind of rude

expression when you are tired of waiting

for someone to say something so I don’t

I don’t really use this I guess I

probably would just say like hurry up

like I want to hear this sounds a little

bit actually kind of rather aggressive

so please be careful but this is a very

common expression other expression here

very common a quite rude is the

expression shut up shut up this is a


this is a rude I should I will mark this

on the board rude that means bad manners

rude means bad manners shut up

means stop talking stop talking or stop

making noise I’ll put that there

so when you want someone to stop talking

and you are ok to be rude with that

person you can say shut up sometimes

friends like to use this to tease each

other like if a friend is saying is

telling an embarrassing story about you

or they’re criticizing you in a friendly

way you can respond with shut up we’re

doing stop talking in a friendly manner

so we generally don’t use this in polite

conversations but you can use this to

mean stop talking stop talking alright


examples good examples are coming in on

YouTube spit it out man we don’t have

much time good ok

con well Jesus shut up and let me tell

them everything alright interesting

situation that’s funny

Brenda says spit it out can change

depending on the form in which you use

it uh yes that is correct so this form

of spit it out means hurry up and say

that thing if however like you eat

something that’s bad for you or I don’t

I don’t know if this this expression

also means to physically like spit to

spit means like to expel something to

take like move something out of your

mouth like if I eat something bad and I

don’t know I don’t know what the

situation is I need to get it out this

this also has the literal meaning of

removing something from your mouth yes

that is correct depending on the form

that you use ok onward ah

Elton on YouTube yes good point shut up

also means no way we can use this as an

expression for shock so someone tells

you like a really great news you might

go shut up which means like no way I

can’t believe it I’m shocked I’m so

surprised so yes there are different

ways to use

these expressions continue okay next one

is out with it out with it

this means spit it out as well out with

it this out imagine this is like out of

your mouth in terms of words in terms of

words so out with it means like bring

the words out of your mouth it means

your point so again this is useful in a

situation or someone is talking a lot

but you they’re not telling you the key

information or they’re like keeping it a

secret or creating too much suspense or

something like that

you can use out with it just like say it

like say the surprise say the secret

whatever it is oh okay mmm okay I don’t

see other questions last one then the

last expression here is two expressions

actually a two-for-one it is a to be

tongue-tied or to be speechless to be

tongue-tied or to be speechless

so tongue is I won’t touch it because

safety is this part that you know muscle

inside your mouth tied means like to be

in a not like a like a piece of rope so

to be tongue-tied means you can’t speak

for you are speechless

so that is used we use this expression

when we can’t talk like we’re so shocked

or we’re so surprised

or maybe scared or or we’re nervous or

there’s something that keeps us we can’t

talk about something or were too

confused to talk about something there

are many reasons to be tongue-tied or to

be speechless so in a sentence we might

say something like I was so nervous like

I got tongue-tied I couldn’t give my

presentation or I was tongue-tied I

couldn’t tell him what I wanted to

so this means to be unable to speak so

to be unable to speak a point this one

tongue tied this sounds a little bit

this is used usually when we feel like

confused or nervous

speechless can be used for a good reason

though speechless can be like we’re so

happy we can’t talk like something

really good happened like I got a really

nice surprise like my friends threw me a

surprise birthday party I was speechless

like I couldn’t say anything cuz I was

so happy so this is maybe something to

keep in mind generally we use

tongue-tied when we feel kind of nervous

or there’s like a problem speechless can

be used in positive situations though do

someone said shut up the lesson is easy

to follow thank you that one sounds

that’s a little bit like that’s not

quite a natural use of shut up we use it

generally for close friends when they

give us really good exciting news so we

would not use shut up just to talk about

something we feel is positive that

sounds very very unnatural so please be

careful alright questions and comments

relating to the lesson ah I don’t see

any okay um all right cool the 52 pages

includes worksheets uh yeah about the

free thing Marian your question on

Facebook yeah there is a I believe I


there’s the workbook is like stuff to

complete I believe so

check that out from the link it’s free

anyway so take a look and see what you

think they’re okay but I have to finish

Wow I’m late oh my gosh I talked a lot I

talk past tense I talked a lot I said

many things did you hear everything I

told okay so funny to me alright let’s

end there for today

I have to finish there for today but yes

please do go get your free stuff we’ll

be back next week whether it is here or

from my living room we’ll see next

week’s topic is how real is that what I

can make and really and use embedded

questions ah yeah yeah yeah how to make

and use embedded embedded questions

embedded questions are like that means a

question inside a question or a question

inside a statement I talked about this

grammar point I think two weeks ago it

was kind of inside another lesson it was

about asking for help so I’m going to

review this grammar because it’s weird

grammar but it’s very very helpful very

useful so please join me again join us

again next week that will be April 16th

Wednesday 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

that is New York City time or whenever

your local time is or just watch it

recorded live is cool but recorded is

cool too if you just want to get a

notification you can set a notification

on YouTube just hit the notification

button on our channel you can also do it

on Facebook on the event page for our

live stream this is me hitting the

notification button I always do this

that’s in there thanks very much to

everybody who joined today’s live lesson

that is very cool to see all of our

viewers from all around the world


so please make sure to download your

free stuff and check out the free course

the beginner level course on our website

that is very cool thank you very much

for liking and sharing the video send me

your questions at English class

/ ask - alicia and that is all for this

week so stay safe stay healthy and we

will see you a