hey there’s something you need to know
about english conversations you see
every single english conversation
includes two main parts these two things
you must say in every conversation if
you want to speak english fluently
and that’s exactly why i created today’s
i want to help you understand these two
master them and start using them so that
you can be fluent in english
are you ready well then i’m teacher
tiffany let’s
jump right in all right so again every
includes two main things now the first
thing is right here
your opinion the first part of any
english conversation
involves you giving your personal
or ideas about a specific topic
now the second part is your personal
experience the second part of any
english conversation
involves you giving your personal
related to a specific topic now you’ll
notice for both of these parts
they’re all related they’re both related
to the
topic you are discussing in the
conversation but these
two things must be used in every english
your opinion and your personal
now you’re probably thinking to yourself
okay teacher tiffany
that seems simple enough however how can
i say these
two things in every single
english conversation now you know i’m
not gonna let you down
i’m gonna show you actually from a real
how you can include these two things in
a real conversation
so i had a conversation with another
teacher a native english speaker
it was a great conversation but a
portion of that conversation
involved us speaking about a certain
she and i teacher julie you guys know
we were talking about how you keep the
lines of communication
open how you stay in contact with people
when you live
abroad so what i want us to do really
quickly is
again this conversation a very short
in which julie and i talk about how to
still communicate with people
when you are far away so what i want to
do is show you the short clip very
and i want you to listen closely and see
if you can hear
when i give my opinion and then when i
give my personal experience
and also when teacher julie gives her
and gives her personal experience
because these two things
must be in every english conversation
so here we go it’s true
it’s very true you know what’s
interesting though and again i think you
probably have recognized this as well
being overseas and having a lot of your
close friends
back at home even with the time
difference and like not being able to
talk on the phone
for the individuals that do take the
time to either respond to your audio
messages or like
keep that like communication open it
really does make a difference i know
like one of my friends she and i we were
close prior to me going to korea
but we got even closer during my time in
korea because
she kept like communicating so it wasn’t
like oh you’re gone see when you get
back i was like no no even though you’re
gone i still want to communicate with
you so
yeah the people i stayed in contact with
like we got even closer so yeah i think
the messages do make a difference too
that’s that’s surprising because
i think it’s quite easy to like drift
apart from people
uh when you’re further apart and like to
keep the lines of communication open and
communicate even more like that’s rare
i’m in contact with
people but it’s like on facebook on
instagram and there’s
some friends i have on whatsapp and i
speak with them but
um i think that yeah our communication
has decreased
honestly um so that’s really nice that
you had that experience with your friend
yeah it’s uncommon it’s rare all right
so you see again
short clip from our conversation but
within that short clip
a little bit over one minute i gave my
and i gave my personal experience and
julie did the same
so let me break it down let me show you
exactly what happened in the
and there were also some new words and
expressions that i want to explain
and teach you so let’s jump back to my
screen and again
i want to show you what happened at the
beginning of the conversation here we go
so the first part giving my opinion
and details this is what i said
in the beginning at the beginning i said
you know what’s interesting though
and again i think you probably have
this as well being overseas and having a
lot of your close friends
back at home even with the time
difference and not being able to talk on
the phone
for the individuals that do take the
time to either
respond to your audio messages or keep
that communication
open it really does make a difference
now this is the exact dialogue exactly
what i
said during the conversation at the very
beginning so again you can practice by
reading through it
and maybe listening to this part again
to practice your pronunciation
but i started off by giving my
opinion but there are two expressions i
want to explain
to you really quickly all right time
difference now
time difference refers to the difference
standard time between places in
time zones so for example let’s pause
really quickly
i live in maryland i’m in america on the
east coast
but when i lived in south korea the time
was different korea was about 13 or 14
hours ahead of my hometown
so someone could have asked me hey tiff
what’s the time difference and again
they’re just
asking me what time is it there what
time is it here
and what’s the difference so we say time
in english now let’s see an example
sentence using this expression
here we go what’s the time difference
japan and new york all right
so what i want you to do actually in the
comment section i want you to
be active what’s the time difference
and just write that i want you to
practice using this pattern so right now
in the comment section
write your own question right what’s the
difference between pick a location and
pick another location all right good job
you can do it put it in the comment
alright so time difference now i also
said something else i said make
a difference now make a difference means
having a significant effect on a person
or situation so let’s say for example
my family we are very very
close i love my family so much
so what my family thinks my parents
opinions my sister’s opinions literally
affect me so your opinion if i’m
speaking to my mom or my father
hey your opinion makes a difference it
means it has an effect on me
it has an effect on what i’m doing so we
makes a difference in english now let’s
see an example sentence here we go
the scholarship fund made a difference
in a lot of people’s lives
so you see right there made a difference
is used right
so again we’re looking at the first part
where i was talking
and remember there are two things you
must say in every conversation
the first being your opinion so i gave
my opinion right here i said hey you
know it’s interesting
um usually you know you have a lot of
close friends back at home
but with the time difference for those
that actually
do stay in contact it does make a
so i’m giving my opinion hey we may be
far away
but if you still make an effort to
communicate with me
hey that’s going to make a difference
is my opinion so really quickly i want
us to
listen just to that short part one more
so you can hear when i gave my opinion
so pay a click
pay close attention here we go
you know what’s interesting though and
again i think you probably have
recognized this as well being overseas
and having a lot of your close friends
back at home even with the time
and like not being able to talk on the
phone for the individuals that do take
the time to either respond to your audio
messages or like
keep that like communication open it
really does make a difference
okay so you see what happened right we
went over the dialogue what i said
but i gave my opinion that’s the very
first part of any conversation
now what’s part two yeah you got it
part two is now telling my personal
now did i do that you know i did so
let’s check it out
let’s see how i talked about my
experience in relation to the topic we
were discussing
so let’s go back to my screen and check
this out here we go
so here we go i we watched clip number
now giving my personal experience
it really does make a difference i know
one of my friends
here we go i’m starting she and i we
close prior to me going to korea but we
even closer during my time in korea
because she kept communicating you see
how i immediately
went into my personal experience right
talking about my friend and what
happened let’s continue
so it wasn’t like oh you’re gone
see you when you get back it was like no
even though you’re gone i still want to
communicate with you
so the people i stayed in contact with
we got even closer
so yeah i think it the messages do make
a difference
too so again i already gave my opinion
part one
i said my opinion and now i’m giving my
personal experience about one
of my friends right and i’ll tell you a
story during
story time about my friend alright so
stay here don’t go anywhere it’s at the
end all right so
in this part i did use an expression or
a pattern
prior to this is a vocabulary word now
prior to
just means before a particular time
or event all right so for example
i’m recording this lesson for you right
prior to recording this lesson i
ate an amazing breakfast right i had
i had some fruit i had avocado it was
delicious so i can say
right before this event right before
this time of recording this video
i ate a really good breakfast so prior
to recording i ate a really good
breakfast so we say prior to in english
now let’s see another example sentence
here we go
make sure all revisions are approved by
the author
prior to publication all right so now
again i told
a personal experience so let’s go back
and check out just that portion of the
conversation all right
let’s go to that portion of the
conversation and see
how it sounds here we go
it really does make a difference i know
like one of my friends
she and i we were close prior to me
going to korea
but we got even closer during my time in
korea because
she kept like communicating so it wasn’t
like oh you’re gone see when you get
back it was like no no even though
you’re gone i still want to communicate
with you so
yeah the people i stayed in contact with
like we got even closer so yeah i think
the messages do make a difference too
all right so you see what happened right
you heard you understood you even
understood the
words i used prior to again i gave my
then i gave my personal experience now
we’re going to hear what julie did as
but you see there is one problem i want
to show you what this problem is
again you as a student you want to speak
english fluently you also want to be
able to just like me
say these two things in a conversation
but here’s the problem
it’s hard for you to think about
and practice talking about your personal
experiences many of my students when i
was in south korea
had this trouble they didn’t know how to
organize their thoughts
they didn’t know how to find experiences
that would connect to the conversation
here’s the thing in order to do this you
practice and this brings us to today’s
sponsor that’s right cambly is
sponsoring today’s
lesson and you all know how much i love
working with cambly
cambly has tutors from all around the
world but this is why i’m bringing up
cambly right now
because in order to practice in order to
figure out ways of connecting your
personal experiences
with conversation topics you need a
teacher you need
someone that’s a native english speaker
to practice
with and cambly has just the people you
now let me show you something very
special about cambly
here we go cambly all their lessons are
recorded so when you have a class
you can watch them over and over again
they have tutors from the usa
canada australia and the uk their tutors
are available literally 24 7.
their tutors provide one-on-one private
english lessons
you heard me right one-on-one private
lesson so you can practice
what you’re learning right now in this
but it doesn’t stop there you see they
also offer
tutors specifically trained to help you
speak english fluently
now cambria and i we’ve worked together
many different times and they said
we want to help your students so two
things they want to give you
first a free 10 minute lesson
the link is in the description you can
get your free 10 minute lesson to
and they want to give you 40
off any 12 month plan
you heard me right 40 off of any 12
month plan
so you can start putting into practice
what you’re learning right now
saying these two things and you can
practice with your tutor
so i want to say cambly thank you so
much for caring about
students for caring about english
learners and for you as a student
i hope you take advantage of this
amazing offer by clicking the link in
the description
alright again thank you so much cambly
all right so again guys we’re learning
two parts that you must say in any
english conversation
your opinion and also your personal
so what about julie how did julie
respond after i said my opinion and gave
my experience
well let’s go and check out what julie
here we go so now julie is going to give
her opinion and some details so here we
go this is what julie said
that’s surprising because i think it’s
quite easy
to like drift apart from people
when you are farther apart and like to
keep the lines of communication
open and communicate even more like
that’s rare so again you see
julie is now responding to what i said
and in
julie’s opinion it’s quite rare it’s
easy for people to drift apart
when they live farther apart so again
julie what did she do the first thing
said her opinion i’m telling you this is
a part of
every single english conversation first
giving your opinion
now i want to explain something to you
she said
drift apart now drift apart means to
cease or stop being close to
or friends with someone or
to lose personal contact
over time this is a phrasal verb alright
maybe you had a friend that you were
really close to when you were in high
school or when you were in elementary
but over time you stopped contacting
her or him so you drifted
apart makes sense right all right now
here’s an example sentence for you all
the two women who had been friends since
drifted apart after they started work
all right now the second one is the
lines of communication
open so in english we say keep the lines
of communication
open and this just means a means by
information may be transmitted from one
to another so keeping the lines of
communication open meaning
hey i’m always available you can contact
you can text me you can message me this
is saying
i’m keeping the lines of communication
if you want to contact me you can i’ll
available for you right so let’s see the
example sentence here we go
the couple made an agreement to always
keep the lines of communication
open all right so again they made a
commitment to never
cut each other off they would always be
available to talk all right
so again julie gave her opinion about
being far away
and she said oh man usually people
drift apart so now let’s check this out
listen to what julie said here we go
just that portion
of the conversation here we go that’s
surprising because
i think it’s quite easy to like drift
apart from people
uh when you’re further apart and like to
keep the lines of communication
open and communicate even more like
that’s rare
all right so you heard her right she
said it’s very rare it’s
hard to keep the lines of communication
open because in her opinion
people usually drift apart you’re seeing
you’re seeing now right these two parts
are in every conversation so
that means if julie just gave her
the next thing she must do is what
exactly julie must now give
her personal experience so let’s see if
that actually happened in the
conversation all right
so julie giving her personal experience
here’s what julie said
i’m in contact with people but it’s like
on facebook on instagram and there are
some friends i have on whatsapp
and i speak with them julie gave
her personal experience how does she
stay in contact with her friends
she mentioned what facebook instagram
she said her personal experience
right after she gave her opinion
again you must say these two things
in every english conversation this is
you speak english fluently so again she
facebook instagram and whatsapp so
let’s watch this clip let’s go back and
see very quickly
just this part of the conversation when
said quickly her personal experience so
here we go
like that’s rare i’m in contact with
people but it’s like on facebook on
instagram and there’s
some friends i have on whatsapp and i
speak with them
okay you heard it right it was very
quick whatsapp
instagram facebook and i stay in contact
with them
she said her personal experience so now
i gave my opinion and i also gave my
personal experience
julie gave her opinion and her personal
now what happens at the end of a
well at the end of a conversation there
has to be
a wrap-up now did that happen during
short conversation at the end was there
a wrap up
yes there was here we go so there must
be a summary and
julie wraps up that part of the
here’s what she says but i think that
yeah our communication has decreased
so that’s really nice that you had that
with your friend because yeah it’s
it’s rare so what did she do she brought
right back to what i said at the
beginning she said yeah you know
it’s uncommon it’s not really common
that people will stay in contact but
it’s nice tiffany
that you’re still able to stay in
contact with your friends and you were
still able to stay in contact with them
when you were in korea she wrapped up
the conversation i gave my opinion my
she gave her opinion her experience and
wrapped it up
now there’s a word she used though she
used the word rare
now rare just means not occurring very
often seldom occurring or found
now an example sentence is the museum is
full of rare
and precious treasures so again it’s
just referring to things that you may
see all the time or things that don’t
really happen
all the time in english we say
rare good job so again
let’s check out this short part of the
conversation that happened
at the end and see how it sounds
but um i think that yeah our
communication has decreased
honestly um so that’s really nice that
you had that experience with your friend
yeah it’s uncommon it’s rare
all right she said yeah it’s uncommon
it’s rare so you heard her
wrap up the conversation now this video
clip was short this part of the
conversation but
in this one minute conversation you
still heard the two things that are
included in every english conversation
so one more time what’s the first thing
the first thing again
is your opinion and the second thing is
your personal experience now i really
hope you enjoyed this lesson
never forget say these two things in
every english conversation
your opinion and your personal
experience i’m teacher tiffany i really
hope you enjoyed this lesson
remember don’t forget to get your gift
to get your free 10 minute lesson
or that 40 off coupon from cambly
today’s sponsor
by clicking the link in the description
thanks so much for joining me i will see
you next week but
as always remember to speak
you still there you know what time it is
it’s story time
hey i said it’s story time
all right so for today’s story
i want to tell you something about
my weekend this happened a few days ago
one of my closest friends she’s actually
one of my best friends
she had a birthday party now this is
going to show you something about my
friend’s personality
so my friend had this huge birthday
party right
she had a really big milestone birthday
and it was gonna be outside so the
decorations were beautiful
now my friend she had planned to wear an
amazing outfit
but she also asked us myself and two of
her other friends
to practice a dance she said tiff i want
you guys to learn this dance so that
when i come
out we can immediately start doing the
dance together
so myself and my two other friends said
okay we got your back we’ll do it
so again this happened on sunday so
on she asked me to learn the dance and
then on sunday morning i said let me
make sure i know this dance before we
get to the party
so i opened the link that she sent me
that had the dance and the dance
it was kind of short but had quite a few
steps to it
now i assumed it was going to just kind
of be like you know real simple maybe a
little left to the right maybe you know
a little two-step or something
so when i opened the link when i clicked
on the link
it was a little bit more than i
anticipated there was a guy
in a student studio teaching these
students the steps
so i was following him i was following
the youtube video that
taught the lesson like taught the dance
so as i’m in my room practicing the
dance there was a lot of stepping on the
side then criss-cross
then slide to the left slide to the
right spin out spin to the left
after five minutes i was out of breath
i have a lot of energy but i was out of
breath and i sat on my bed and i said
lord i don’t know what’s going to happen
when i get out there
so anyways fast forward we come to now
the party so
i’m there my other two friends are there
and a lot of other people are there
so we’re waiting for my friend to come
out her birthday
she’s got really nice dress on and the
music comes on
so me and the other two ladies are like
okay it’s about to be our time now i
have my camera
to record my friend so my friend comes
out and she’s you know kind of jam into
the music or whatever
and i thought well maybe i’ll just
record because
she wants to dance but then she looked
at us she said let’s do it
so we said okay so we got behind her
and we started doing the steps now the
only thing is
there were four of us right all four of
us were doing different steps
it wasn’t that we were doing the wrong
steps somebody had watched a different
video they have a different dance for
the song
but when i say we were all happy man so
we were all doing the dance
everybody else joined in and we were
doing the dance
but then the sky opened up
and it started pouring down
rain so the dance got cut short and we
walked underneath my friend’s um her
deck we’re thinking hey it’ll be like a
five minute rain because it’s the summer
but that wasn’t the case the rain kept
now here’s what i want to tell you about
my friend one thing that i love about my
is she rolls with the punches
now rolling with the punches means
something may happen that’s unexpected
but instead of letting it bother you
you just keep pushing forward and you
don’t stress and that’s exactly how
my friend is think about this oh my
friend turned 50. so this is a very
important birthday she’s been planning
it for months and the moment she came
a few minutes after it started pouring
down rain it rained on all the
and other people would have burst out in
tears and been
so worried and anxious but my friend
said all right
let’s just take it inside and everybody
went inside and it ended up being an
birthday an amazing time but i really
value my friend for being able to let
roll off of her back rolling with the
punches and still being able to have a
great time
even when bad things happen so uh we
have that kind of in common you just
kind of figure things out and roll with
it but
my friend is very special to me her name
is monica monica if you watch this video
i’m so glad you had a great birthday
but yes sometimes you have to just roll
with the punches and go with the flow
now that was my personal experience my
opinion was
yes i think that it’s good to roll with
the punches you see how i put that in
there right
now i hope you have a friend like that
as well that is really easy going
don’t forget to make your sentence and
put it in the comment section i want to
see you guys practice
and i hope you enjoyed this story about
my friend’s birthday party
i will see you all next week have an
week and i’ll talk to you later bye