Should I Learn British or American English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm should you learn American

English or British English let’s talk

about it English learners ask me all the


Vanessa should I learn American English

or British English and really the answer

to this question is pretty simple number

one you need the motivation to learn

English in general it doesn’t matter if

it’s American English or British English

don’t let this question stop you from

continuing to learn English number two

it pens what you’re using English for if

you’re gonna live in the UK great it

makes sense to feel comfortable with the

British accent maybe Irish accent

English accent it makes sense to feel

comfortable with that but on the other

hand if you are not going to move to the

UK anytime soon if you’re not going to

move to the US or Canada great learn the

version that you feel the most

comfortable with some countries teach

students British English in elementary

school or high school because maybe that

country had some British influence in

history or maybe your school focused on

American English or maybe you like

Hollywood movies or American TV shows go

with that version of English and to tell

you the truth even though some Americans

and some British English speakers will

tell you these are so different in

reality it’s still English yes there are

some vocabulary differences there are

some grammar differences but in the end

it’s the same language so go with the

version that you feel the most

comfortable with and maybe if you find a

teacher you really like who is a British

English speaker or an Australian English

speaker or American English

speaker great you’re not harming your

chances of learning English and

improving if you go with one instead of

the other so remember don’t let this

question stop you from continuing to

learn English find material that works

for you that you enjoy and don’t worry

about if it’s Australian English British

English American English Canadian

English there are several versions of

English but hey it’s the same language

so keep up the good work just continue

to study English and now I have a

question for you in the comments below

this video let me know which version of

English are you learning now and what do

you think about this question should you

learn British English or American

English or another version I look

forward to seeing what you have to say

and I’ll talk to you later good bye if

you enjoyed this video be sure to

download my free ebook where you can

learn five steps to becoming a confident

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what it is all right here is the free

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much for learning with me bye
