Should I Learn English Grammar Is Grammar Important

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm should you study grammar is

grammar important let’s talk about it

probably when you studied english in

high school or even elementary school

you probably took some grammar classes

they might have focused on sentence

agreement verb subject agreement using

words in the correct place you probably

focused on grammar and vocabulary pretty

heavily so was this an important time

for you was it important for your

english learning

let me give you what i think well this

is kind of a trick question

because of course grammar is important

you need to have good sentence structure

you need to make sure that your

sentences are understandable grammar in

general is important but how can you

learn grammar that is the biggest

question what is the best way to learn

grammar should you study grammar and

focus on grammar rules well there’s two

sides of this if you are a beginner if

you are just starting to learn english i

recommend learning some general grammar

rules learn when to use basic verbs

where different parts of the sentence go

basic sentence structure but if you are

an intermediate or advanced english

learner if you can understand most of

this video if you try your best to

understand native english speakers well

you’re probably intermediate or advanced

and for you your style for learning

grammar should be pretty different if

you’re not a beginner i think you should

be focusing a lot of your time and

energy when you’re studying english to

natural materials conversations from

native speakers real information that

for made

speakers this way you can be surrounded

by real grammar and your ears are

getting used to hearing real sentence

structures and the real sentence

structure might be different from your

textbook but this way you’re getting a

lot of input and you’re able in your

mind to amazingly create sentences

similar to those native speakers after

you’ve listened for a while it’s kind of

like when we are kids we listen a lot to

our parents and after a while we can

start to imitate them but we’re not kids

and we have a lot more experience

learning base learning language your

brain is now thinking in a different way

because you’re an adult you can think

about a subject think about a verb a

two-year-old can’t think about those

things their brains aren’t ready so

because we’re adults and we can think

about those things it’s useful to know

the general concepts of grammar if you

feel like oh I’m curious how can I make

hypothetical sentences and you want to

take a look in your old grammar book

just to see how they’re used and what

the Senate structure is great there’s

nothing perfectly wrong with this you

can take a look at those things to

remind yourself but don’t stress about

it if you feel like I need to memorize

all the grammar rules before I start to

speak mmm

stop right there before you speak no way

at the moment there is no excuse to not

speak you should start speaking as soon

as possible if you don’t know all the

grammar rules don’t worry about it this

is important because you need to start

speaking to gain confidence and you’re

gonna make mistakes it’s natural it’s

very normal when you’re learning

something and grammar will come over

time one way that you can learn grammar

naturally is through native speaker

conversations so

for example in my courses fearless

fluency Club each month I have a

conversation with another English

speaker and one of the other videos the

other lessons in that lesson set is a

grammar video so I take a couple

sentences from the conversation and I

try to explain why we used the words

that we use why did we use those kind of

verbs why did we use that Senate

structure and here are some other

examples from that conversation so that

you can get a variety of ideas of how

you can use it so you can do this right

now you can watch a YouTube video with

subtitles you can watch a TV show that

you understand pretty well or with

subtitles and take one sentence and take

a look at it and try to make a similar

sentence yourself try to decide hmm it

looks like they added an expression at

the beginning they had the main part of

their sentence and then they change the

topic at the end how can I do that

you’re analyzing real English not just a

fixed sentence from a book but a real

English sentence you might be surprised

that it’s not always so clear it’s not

always a simple short sentence people

often change topics in the middle of

conversation maybe make mistakes while

they’re speaking so I recommend if you

feel like you want to study grammar you

want to know more about grammar analyze

sentences from native speakers

conversations there’s one way that you

can start to do this right now I had a

conversation with my sister we talked

about reverse culture shock it’s here on

YouTube I’ll put a link at the end of

this video and while you’re listening to

this you can analyze the sentences that

we said can you make sentences that are

similar what parts don’t you understand

is there something about our sentence

structure that’s a little bit unusual to

you take some time to look at real


like this some people don’t care at all

about analyzing grammar fine that’s okay

there’s plenty of ways to have a good

sentence structure without analyzing

grammar but some people really enjoy

doing this and if you enjoy it go for it

that is your passion you enjoy it

just use natural materials so if you’d

like to learn grammar with me make sure

that you watch that video at the end

with my sister and try to analyze some

of our sentences and decide if you can

make those for yourself now I want to

ask you a question do you think that

it’s important to study grammar

yes grammar is important but is it

important to study grammar what do you

think give us your opinion below and

let’s read what each other has to say

I’m curious what you think thanks so

much for learning with me and I’ll see

you the next time bye the next step is

to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye