Should I use WISH or HOPE Learn fluent English vocabulary
hi i’m vanessa from speak english with
vanessa calm should you use hope or wish
let’s talk about it one of my students
recently told me some good news
he said that he recently applied for a
scholarship to study in the u.s. well
when he said this he said i wish that i
will get the scholarship hmm what’s the
problem with this sentence i understood
the meaning but there’s one word maybe
you can guess from today’s topic that we
need to change it’s the word wish the
biggest difference between hope and wish
is that we use hope for things that
might happen in the future so my student
should have said I hope that I will get
the scholarship I hope that it’s gonna
be sunny tomorrow I hope that my friend
will like her present this is something
that hasn’t happened yet it’s happening
in the future I hope but what about wish
with which we need to talk about the
past so let’s say for example that you
had the opportunity to study abroad but
you didn’t take it
you had other ideas or maybe you had a
boyfriend or girlfriend and you wanted
to stay with them instead of studying
abroad you could say I wish that I had
studied abroad when I was in school I
wish that I had done something this is
talking about the past it’s over it’s
finished you can’t change it now oh I
wish that I had baked the cake earlier
because the party’s about to start and
my cake isn’t finished I wish that I had
done it earlier there’s one exception
that I want to talk about and it’s an
expression that we often use as
congratulations sometimes we say best
wishes you might write this at the
bottom of an email or on a birthday card
or maybe you’ll say that too
one on their birthday or before they go
on a trip to some other country
best wishes so this is something that
has it happened yet you’re wishing them
good luck in the future you are hoping
that they have a great trip
so this is not talking about the past
but in this way
best wishes this is a correct expression
we are talking about the future so I
don’t want you to feel confused about
this expression feel free to use it but
in general when we talk about the future
I hope that I will have a good trip
I wish that I had packed more winter
clothes it was so cold we use hope for
the future and wish for the past I hope
this video was useful to you today and
that you feel more comfortable using
hope and wish correctly I have a
question for you in the comments below
this video I want you to write two
sentences using hope and wish this way
you start to understand how to use it
more and you’re creating language that’s
important creating sentences of your own
thanks so much for watching this video
and I’ll see you the next time bye if
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