Should You Cram when Learning English

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there might be times in your life when

you need to learn something right away

maybe you have an unexpected exam you

need to prepare for a new job

or you might be traveling for work in

situations like these

many people feel the need to try to

study a lot of information

in a short period of time but can you

really learn a language by cramming in

all of your studying in a short period

in this video we’ll talk about how

cramming works with language learning

one is cramming effective

a lot of people would probably answer

yes to this question based on

experiences they had in school

most of us have probably had the

experience of staying up late the night

before a test to cram as much

information as possible

but how much of that information do you

remember now

cramming can work if you have a test

tomorrow or a short-term study goal

for example if your only goal is to pass

a test or give a presentation within a

few days

cramming isn’t a bad idea but it doesn’t

work very well if you want to remember

what you’ve studied in the long run

a great example of a better way to study

is with something like our space

repetition flash cards

one of the most effective ways to study

is to review something over a period of


spacing out your studies is what helps

you learn and retain information best

you learn something today you come back

in two days and review it

then you come back in four days and

review it some more in contrast

cramming is a one-time thing you cram a

lot of information in your brain

take a test and then forget it all but

when you review

you’re strengthening the synapses in

your brain synapses are like little

roads that connect the neurons in your


so the more you review the stronger the

connection and the better the recall

but what if you need to learn fast two

an example of a cramming schedule

let’s say you’re traveling for work and

you really need to learn some greetings

and some basic survival phrases to make

it through your trip

time is probably not on your side your

only option is to cram here’s what a

cram plan might look like in a case like


spend some time on survival lessons

before going to bed

increase the amount of time you spend

with anyone you can talk to in your

target language

another student or maybe an online

teacher increase the amount of time you

spend on any online language classes

you’re taking

another problem related to cramming is

that your study time has to come from


and that tends to come from sleep so

that’s not a good thing

we don’t recommend cramming but if you

have to cram which we all do at some


here are some ideas for how to do it 3.

cramming learning program cramming might

get you a lot of fast results in a short

period of time

but with just a couple of one-time study

sessions it’s a strategy that won’t help

you in the long run

if you find yourself in a situation

where you absolutely have to cram here’s

what you can do

first pick the lessons that align with

your goal

focus on just what you need if you’re

learning for travel

skip the other lessons and focus on our

survival phrases series

if you want to learn basic conversations

look at the top 25

questions you need to know content if

you need special phrases for the bank or

the post office we have lessons for that


and you can find lessons for all kinds

of topics and scenarios in the lesson


second prioritize lessons at your level

more than the challenging lessons if

you’re working within a limited time


you’ll get more value for your time by

doing lessons that are at your level

you can spend more time on the harder

lessons later if you find you have the


we have a vocabulary slideshow tool and

a flashcard tool that you can use for

quick study sessions both of these

features quiz you on vocab

and help you learn fast focus on

mastering a few must-know lessons

it’s better to know all of the dialogue

from 5 lessons inside

out than to run through 60 lessons and

not remember anything

you can also take advantage of our

lesson notes inside the lesson notes

you’ll get the lesson dialogue


explanations sample sentences and

cultural insights

we have a printer-friendly version of

the word bank too just click on that to

create a printout

it’ll give you a physical study sheet

you can use to review anywhere

you can also print out pdf conversation

cheat sheets and infographics

these teach you the must-know words and

phrases for all kinds of topics

travel basic conversations talking about


airport vocab and much more with the

infographics you can save the images to

your phone and just swipe through them

for a quick review

and finally when you’re ready do a quiz

session even if you’re low on time

a bit of review can help after you’re

done with a lesson

stop and ask yourself what was the main

grammar point of the lesson

try and explain that rule to yourself in

your head or say it out loud

remember we don’t recommend cramming as

the best method for learning a language

the key to building skills is repetition

but if you need a quick study session to

learn a few key points in your target


we have the tools to help you when

you’re ready to come back and review

what you’ve crammed we can help

you with that too get some support for

your quick language study sessions and

check out our complete language learning


sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share

the video with anyone who’s trying to

learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye