Sound More Like A Native English Speaker Episode 1

hey everyone it is good to finally meet
you I am teacher Tiffani this video is

starting a new season for this YouTube
channel and moving forward I will be

teaching you English directly so let’s
jump right in alright now for today’s

lesson guys we are going to be looking
at how to speak properly in English when

you are speaking about making a decision
now this is something that is going to

be very important for you all as you
continue on your English learning

journey you see many times you have to
express yourself but you don’t know the

right vocabulary the right expressions
or the right idioms to use that’s what

we’re gonna talk about today but
specifically about making decisions for

example when you have to make a decision
about what to eat or where to go or even

what to study I’m gonna show you some
key words and phrases that will make you

sound more natural when you speak in
English so we’re gonna start with an

English vocabulary word now our first
word is contemplate one more time after

me contemplate now this word means to
think about or to think profoundly and

at length or to meditate now once again
guys for pronunciation sake

repeat after me con Tim plait excellent
very good contemplate now we use this

word when we are trying to express
thinking about something for an extended

period of time something that requires
you to think deeply another word for

that is contemplate now what I want to
do is show you guys some very useful

example sentences okay now the first
example sentence is he was contemplating

about the difficult
problem remember I told you guys

something that requires deep thought
okay next

she is contemplating about buying a new
car okay now just to tell you guys a

quick story I remember many years ago
when I bought my car it was my first car

that I was paying for because the other
car had my parents had purchased for me

when I was in university now
before I bought the car I thought about

it for a long time I thought deeply
about which car I wanted what year how

many miles I wanted on it so I
contemplated about buying a new car you

understand right very good now again I
want you to try as always every time you

learn something in a lesson with me I
want you to try to make your own

sentence and put it in the comment
section okay all right now let’s go back

to our last example sentence here we go
the teacher told them to contemplate

about the meaning of life so again in
this situation the teacher wanted his or

her students to think deeply about what
life really is what is the meaning of

life so remember with this vocabulary
word you use it when you think deeply

about something for an extended period
of time now I want to show you guys how

to use this word in certain situations
real life situations so going back to my

screen here we go
how to use contemplate in various

situation first when buying food example
1 we are contemplating about which

restaurant we should go to for dinner so
again think about a time when you are

with your family or your friends and you
want to go out to eat but you don’t know

where to go but you can think about it
for a long period of time because you

want to go somewhere that you would like
as well as your family or your friends

so you can contemplate about where
to go alright you got it okay now the

next sentence we had for this situation
is my husband was contemplating about

which ice cream he should buy for
dessert remember there are many

different types of desserts okay now the
next situation when going on a trip now

I want to pause real quick guys because
there’s a PDF for this lesson where you

can print and study exactly what we’re
going over it includes all of the

sentences now you’ll see that it says
speak English with Tiffany Academy now

guys I want you to remember that the
only way you can get these PDF lessons

is if you’re a member of my Academy to
speak English with Tiffany Academy now

you’ll see at the bottom of your screen
right now the link for the Academy you

can go there you become a member and you
can start getting the PDF lessons

attached to these YouTube lessons so you
can study even more by printing them out

okay all right now back to our example
here we go all right so again now what

we’re looking at is when going on a trip
example number one I’m still

contemplating whether I should travel
around Asia or the UK again this is a

situation where you want to take a trip
but you’re not sure where to go so

you’re thinking deeply about it you’re
contemplating where you should travel to

okay all right now our next sentence is
Michael is contemplating going to Paris

next year okay I actually remember when
I was in high school we took a foreign

language trip and we went to Paris and
it was beautiful

so you ever have an opportunity go there
there’s so many museums and the sights

everything was great especially the
croissants croissants are a special type

of bread that the French make in an
amazing way so I remember my trip to

Paris as well so this individual is
saying that he is contemplating about

going to Paris okay all right now our
last sentence for this situation is she

is contemplating about taking a trip
to Bermuda later next month

alright great now our next situation is
when you are at work okay now real quick

guys I think these sentences are gonna
be very helpful for you if you are in an

environment where you have to speak
English with international clients the

more vocabulary you know and if you know
how to properly use it the more fluent

you will sound so pay close attention to
these sentences okay all right our first

example sentence is I am contemplating
about how I should respond to his email

okay when you get emails from clients
next my boss is contemplating about

which team he will choose for the new
project okay so guys you see now how to

properly use the English vocabulary word
contemplating in various situations okay

now we’re gonna move on to our next okay
our next group now the next group we’re

gonna look at deals with on the fence
which is our idiom for this lesson okay

now you’ll see these circles I’m just
emphasizing the pronunciation ok so

after me on the remember the th sound
stick your tongue through your front

teeth on the fence now for the F sound
you need to put your front teeth on your

bottom lip so one more time on the fence
great job now let’s look at the meaning

of this idiom this idiom means he or she
is faced with a situation which they

haven’t decided on yet so again in
easier terms or an easier way of

understanding this is you’re kind of
going between two options or two choices

should I do this or should I do that I’m
on the fence so let’s go back and look

at some example sentences to help you
understand it even more the first

sentence is people are sitting on the
fence because they are afraid

the results it means they’re not making
a choice because they’re nervous next

he’s still on the fence about whether he
will take the job or not

now again remember I explained that on
the fence just means you’re kind of

going back and forth so I want you to
think about an individual this man in

this sentence who has been given a job
offer but he also has an idea of moving

to another state next year so he doesn’t
know if he should take the job or if he

should move so he’s on the fence all
right okay now our last sentence is

going to be she is still on the fence
about whether she is going to travel

abroad or not so again great sentence
now let’s look at some different

situations and how we can use on the
fence in these situations so back to

when buying food example number one I am
on the fence about spending money to go

out to eat instead of eating at home now
in English when we say go out to eat

that expression just refers to any time
we don’t eat at our home or someone

else’s home so when we go to a
restaurant or a fast-food spot these

places are outside of our homes so we go
out to eat but this individual is on the

fence should I go out to eat or should I
stay at home okay all right now back to

our second example my husband is on the
fence about which dessert he should

choose again we looked at this with the
vocabulary word my husband is trying to

figure out which dessert he should
actually choose he’s on the fence okay

all right now our next situation is when
going on a trip example number one I’m

on the fence about taking a trip to Asia
this month very good example two Michael

is still on the fence about going to

now guys remember when we looked at the
vocabulary word which was great job

contemplate remember we said he or
Michael was contemplating taking a trip

to Paris now he’s on the fence similar
situation but now we’ve learned an idiom

that has a similar meaning that we can
use in this situation okay alright now

the last sentence for that situation I
think she is still on the fence about

taking a trip to Bermuda next month
great job now our final situation when

you are at work okay here’s the sentence
I am on the fence about the issue he

mentioned in the email okay now when I
was a teacher in South Korea I remember

one of my students one of my advanced
English students had this issue she

worked at a company and sometimes she
received emails that were in English

from international clients and sometimes
she didn’t know how to deal with the

issues because they were very touchy or
very serious issue so she had to

contemplate and think about them deeply
and try to decide how to respond so many

times she would be on the fence about
how she should deal with the issues you

caught it right good job
okay now the next sentence is my boss is

on the fence about making a final
selection for the new team project okay

great job now what we’re gonna do guys
is go to our expression regarding making

decisions the expression is figure
something out

one more time figure something out and
this just means to come to understand a

problem okay so again for pronunciation
practice figure remember the F sound to

figure very good something th your
tongue through your teeth out last time

figure something out again I want you to

imagine there’s a problem or an issue
and something you are contemplating and

you’re trying to figure out the best way
you see even in my explanation

I used figure out because it’s such a
natural English expression so when

you’re contemplating something or trying
to find a way to solve an issue or a

problem you can say I’m trying to figure
out a solution or an issue okay all

right now let’s look at the first
example sentence here we go I’m trying

to figure out why they left okay next
she was trying to figure out how much

everything was going to cost so now this
sentence can be used in a situation

where maybe you’re at a restaurant with
some friends and you’re trying to figure

out how much the bill will be after you
guys have finished placing your order

okay so you’re trying to figure out what
the price or the end result of the price

is going to be you’re trying to figure
it out okay

all right so use this sentence when
you’re out with your friends all right

here we go next sentence is were you
able to figure out how to solve the

alright great now again we’re gonna look

at some situations how to use figure
something out in various situations the

first situation once again is when
buying food here we go I am trying to

figure out if I should go out to eat or
just stay at home once again I have this

dilemma I’m trying to figure out should
I go out should I stay home should I go

out or should I stay home I’m trying to
figure out what I should do all right

next sentence my husband is trying to

figure out which dessert he should buy
from the store again we remember that

situation next when going on a trip here
we go example one I’m trying to figure

out how
I can take a trip to Asia next month all

right so now in this situation again the
person wants to travel to Asia but this

time in trying to figure out how so
maybe they have a big project and they

need to finish the project before they
leave so they’re trying to figure out

how to accomplish all of their goals
before they leave or go on their trip

okay all right next sentence is Michael
is trying to figure out how he will buy

his ticket to Paris next month again you
understand that one as well

and finally I heard that she is still
trying to figure out the details for her

trip to Bermuda okay
excellent sentence finally when you are

at work here we go
I am trying to figure out how to respond

to his email okay now this is a pattern
that I want you guys to memorize you can

try to use this often I am trying to
figure out how to dot dot dot again

remember in the comment section I want
you guys to try to use these expressions

the idiom and the vocabulary word making
your own sentence now for the expression

try to use this pattern I am trying to
figure out how to Dada Dada okay I want

to see if you guys can make a sentence
using this pattern and the expression

all right okay now the next sentence is
my boss is trying to figure out which

team he should choose for the new
project okay all right guys I hope you

understood that expression because it’s
so useful as you are continuing to go on

your English journey it will again make
you sound so much more natural and like

a native English speaker okay all right
guys I really hope you enjoyed this

lesson remember to write your sentence
and use the expression the idiom and

also the vocabulary word and put them in
the comment section I will talk to you

guys in our next English video lesson
I’m teacher

and remember to speak English