Speak with Vanessa on Skype Meet Isabella

hi I’m Vanessa from speak English with

Vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome English students in

this video I’m gonna talk with the

student on skype and we’re going to talk

about that students English experiences

how they’ve learned English the things

that have been useful or maybe some

things that haven’t worked and I hope

that you will learn a lot from other

English learners experiences let’s get

started I’m so happy that we can talk

this is great great Isabella ha nice to

meet to you yes nice to see you too so

you are talking on skype in english with

douglas just a moment ago yeah that’s

awesome so even though both of you speak

the same native language who cares you

can speak English together yeah Devin

English because it’s necessary yes yes

do you live close to Douglas which area

do you live in it Vogel is leaving San

Paulo the big city and me I live in a

small city I guess far away to go good

oh I see I see much yes yes and uh I

guess is 30 it third top 3000 3000 how

can I say three zero zero Oh 300 300 yes

oh I forget oh yeah under km kilometers

so you live 300 kilometers from Douglas

but you live in the same country amazing

yeah in the same is Dave in the same

state - yeah

unbelievable yeah I’d like that you USA

I guess Heights seems like when you live

in a big country it’s it’s like going to

another country when you go

another state because it’s so far away

yeah you’re living close to the to your

mother for example yes oh I live pretty

close to my family but we live about

nine hours away from my husband’s family

so for Christmas we throw nine hours to

see them Inca cars yes yes in the car my

gosh sorry oh so tired

it was a long day but it’s kind of

exciting when you’re preparing and

listening to audiobooks and singing yeah

the thing are you seeing better

oh I hope after this trip I had a lot of

practice if you have a lot of prices

okay yes

on this trip we were saying a lot and

listened a lot yeah I I’m few anxious

because when I I’m very talkative

because I’ll Minh I guess yeah yeah

ingrates yeah but in English it is not

the same thing what why

yeah I guess it is different in it’s a

different mindset because it’s not your

native language so you want to be able

to speak as easily as you can in

Portuguese yeah I this air sometimes I I

just wanna dream in English because

always oh my gosh I wanna dream in the

in English because it’s more easy I

guess but I can’t you’re doing so much

already even just today we only just

started talking but you already talked

to Douglas today you’re speaking with me

today and who knows what’s gonna happen

later today yeah sometimes I am an

interview some companies in the room and

in the middle of the afternoon

how can I say this after 1:00 p.m. to

see oh and every afternoon in the late


early the afternoon sometimes some a

chair it called a speak at the phone how

can I say this Oh calls you yeah it

calls me and uh

oh my gosh is in English oh my gosh oh

my gosh is oh hi how are you

your brain needs to shift pretty quickly

into it I I just need sweet tea and oh

my gosh isn’t he listening I okay I’m

the belle I’m from Brazil and so on

that’s great so you’re having some job

interviews in English I know in our

Facebook group for the The Fearless

fluency Club you mentioned you had a

interview you’re writing a resume and

cover letter yes I I for I does a crazy

because I how you want to but how can I

say I want you oh my gosh I really

really want to move outside but a little

abroad how how can move abroad like move

outside of Brazil or go to another

country yes zactly

it’s outside draw oh we could say I want

to move abroad ABR Oh ad abroad move

abroad okay I went to move abroad and oh

my but sometimes I think I feel so so

because my family my entire family lives

here is in a huge family yeah that makes

a big difference you’d be away from

everything that you know except for

English yeah but but I okay because I’m

feels exciting my husband it’s it’s oh

my gosh I want living there and I want

you to speak in English and German Oh in

German - interesting are you learning

both at the same time yeah right alright

don’t you day after day this hangout my

teachers come from comes to my house

because I

I study German in English how cool so

your brain is full of languages yeah but

I think it’s like edge because always

it’s okay yeah that’s funny I also come

because you’re passionate yeah but I

think my husband told me I feel more

calm and keep the focus because it’s you

language it’s too hard

sure so taking a deep breath and calming

down and trying to learn them but you’re

excited so you want to be energetic I’m

a positive person I guess like I’m

really really precision yes how many

like was your use pick store for me I of

course I know my native language English

and I learned some Spanish in school but

you know about school classes it’s not

always very efficient so I know some

Spanish mainly understanding but I

stopped in high school or college but I

hope got France and know French and a

little Korean because I lived in Korea

but it’s not enough hopefully I will

learn more in the future and maybe

Portuguese who knows yeah this perching

years it’s pretty easy I guess uh-huh

for you no problem yeah

oh it’s great and I don’t know how how

works they they fluent Facebook groupie

I guess I talk too much and all I’m

saying no this is the purpose I think

especially because all the members who

are part of that private Facebook group

are like you passionate excited they

want to use it so there is no problem if

you post everyday if you make a video

every day it’s great this is the purpose

for connecting with other people and

just using English I’m feel brand new

I’m Phil a right now

oh my gosh I I talk a lot and now

Vanessa in the groupies is no good for


that is the best way because some people

say oh I joined the course and I joined

the group but what else can I do

and the main thing is you gotta use it

and participate so you’re doing it

you’re participating that’s perfect okay

are you fine because I in your life

lesson living under under rock you told

if there is that code you are always I

have a cold you can see it’s a little

red today oh I didn’t see it well I have

some water and it will be okay just a

couple days maybe it will get better I

hope it will get better soon okay if you

have taken medicine how can I say this

oh did you take any medicine yes did you

take it Arlo not yet I’m not sure we’ll

see hopefully hopefully today is the

final day but if it doesn’t get better

than probably tomorrow it will be nice

to breathe again yes it’s okay because

it’s normal yes

are you a fever no I’m no fever my

temperature was a little high yesterday

but today it’s no problem so it seems to

be getting better okay

are you cold in your coat cool how can I

say about the temperature the weather Oh

is it cold where you live yes it’s in

your yeah in my city or in my house even

oh my god together bedroom he never goes

to what what’s the temperature like in

your area right now I see is it 31 31

degrees oh my god cells yeah not 31 here

but it’s not too cold but 31 Wow how do

you feel I’m feel oh my gosh alright I

just needed know I see

how can I say I just need to see there’s

no than they be cold ah it’s also

because I married a few months in

September Oh congratulations

oh thank you and in our honeymoon was in

Aishwarya Argentina oh okay so you went

wrong for your honeymoon

yes it’s close its close to the

Antarctica is there less less City yeah

we cool so the temperature is different

yes completely is it oh it’s also

because there is a penguin penguin yes

you saw penguins yay no my gosh

they smell it isn’t it’s not good

I gave mild animals yeah but it’s

beautiful when I see the lion see a lion

oh the sea lions yet is huge

oh my gosh yeah what a cool adventure

yeah then I see the park of the tracking

yeah this is a honeymoon adventure yes

really that’s not sitting on the beach

all week you really had an adventure

yeah but if it is okay because uh we

will just like tracking the animals the

the nature yes that’s perfect because

you can have that experience together

now and now that you’re married you’ll

have plenty of other experiences

together yeah are you are you have a kid

oh do I have any kids yeah I have three


oh the get the get the fellows oh yes my

cats are always jumping everywhere there

oh yes I love us entirely because the

video and when you talk it is just oh oh

yes there was a video I posted in our

group a couple weeks ago and my cat just

jumped in the background yes in your

face to eat things also he’s hilarious

because okay yo sorry my cat it’s so

normal not a big deal wow I just think

it oh he died he died oh it’s okay for

you do you have any pets in your house


oh no my my my mother and mother-in-law

have a a big a biggie

doc thought it was cute but in my

apartment is too small and I read but I

miss it - I might catch my dog yeah

maybe someday if you have a different

place or you can visit your mom and see

your pets yes are you leaving apartment

or in a house I live in an apartment so

it’s not too good for dogs but for cats

it’s okay okay the cats it’s a biome

alive yeah yeah are perfectly fine the

whole thing you I I appreciate you

talking with you it’s it’s nice because

you are how can I say in English the

fluent seniors in your mirror now oh

yeah because it you talk so clearly so


well it’s my goal to make sure that it’s

natural but also understandable so I’m

glad you can hear me and I think it’s a

big deal because some people watch like

YouTube videos and they can understand

it but when you have to understand it

and then respond like you’re doing

that’s a whole different thing

so you’re understanding and responding

congratulations oh I got my my sister on

how can I say

um like imitates you and it’s like oh

she put in getting the hair and I’m

speaking with Vanessa is it great

because you are clearly it’s so


Wow we’ll tell your sister I said hello

and that’s awesome your sisters learning

English - yes it’s learning imitate to

you and when you’re talking hi guys and

shits out hi guys likely it’s beautiful

oh that’s so funny it’s just grated

peanuts anywhere can use that she

insists his MO she’s younger oh how old

is she hasn’t hi Vanessa

how are you she respond your video but

is fun oh that’s so great so you’re

actually like a role model for her too

because you introduced my videos or

courses to her and she wants to be like

you and learn English too yes even my

mother she is not uh how can I say when

when the person

don’t don’t can read because it’s a

simple person pool how can I say this

only she didn’t learn how to read

Portuguese yeah she’s just just talk

because she’s a just simple she’s not

having an opportunity to oh maybe you go

they she was illiterate like she doesn’t

know how to read or write yeah literal

how can I say ill literate so literate

means you can read but illiterates the

negative one illiterate in a turret yes

even he she is a leader in Portuguese

but I introduced your videos and she is

able to

count what zero to two children and she

she just listen it’s good for her

that’s amazing you’re sharing with your

whole family and I think yeah you have a

game yes yes I put in your my TV yes it

is it it’s fun because I want to my

family can speak in English because I

when I travel I move there she’s come

visit and so on yeah you want her to

feel comfortable so that’s your goal is

to move abroad and live in an

english-speaking country

yeah because because my mother must be

missing me sometimes and my

mother-in-law my my father my

father-in-law and in all the family and

I put in Saturday Saturday I guess put

in to thee and all of it watching with

me that’s great so you’re really sharing

your passion with your family how

beautiful yeah but letting German is no

life because oh my gosh they know no

German don’t so they’re not as

interested in learning German right now

no definitely not well hopefully you’ll

move to an english-speaking country and

they can use the English that they

learned with you and with me yeah I hope


yes yes I’m curious I have a final

question it’s kind of a big question but

I want to ask you if you were giving

advice to someone and they said ah

Isabella I want to learn English like

you you’re talking with Vanessa you’re

excited you don’t seem nervous how can I

do that

what some advice you would give how can

someone learn English yes I just said

feel comfortable few don’t don’t don’t

don’t care about because they the

teacher Vanessa it’s so nice you so


it’s a watching your YouTube lesson and

open society and uh oh my gosh it’s just

I could just feel you better and uh one

chip is um just feel good you just just

leave how can I say this sorry I think

you already mentioned to having like a

positive attitude like don’t be nervous

just have a positive attitude is that

what you mean yes it’s story because you

you see you don’t or if you don’t know

the word you just try to explain try to

to say - Jess tree um Laurie because we

we can we can feel better we can feel

more confident with you it’s it’s noisy

yes that’s a beautiful idea just do it

don’t wait just feel comfortable and

yeah if you don’t know a word try to

explain it in another way or use

gestures and that’s so normal when

you’re learning it’s not a big deal even

I forget words sometimes oh what’s that

word and I have to explain it so that’s

great advice yes because when you don’t

don’t know the word if you just try it’s

important to try if you have a mistake

to make a mistake don’t worry it’s

normal it is important to feedback

another person because if you don’t have

the feedback you don’t you never know


is someone is it possible that someone

can really understand me

that’s important to know yes because you

already affluence your native English

but me and another person don’t and if

you don’t if I don’t know the words I

try I just try

don’t worry with that oh just another

beautiful glorious yeah

I mean this is something I’ve noticed

with the people like when I talked with

Douglas or recently I talked with Ron Le

Toux that almost everyone says just do

it just be nice to yourself and be

positive and just try it and that’s such

a difficult thing sometimes just to get

over fear but you’re doing it so


oh thank you yeah this is the phrase you

just do it to just the world I guess

the Brazilian guys is so it’s normal

like that the positive you did oh my

gosh we have how can I say the Brazilian

guys have patience patience interesting

that’s important to yes be patient with

yourself yes because it’s if you are in

another country more quiet more

different with me for example don’t

worry even that because you see your

word is slowly or fast like me then we

just do it just talk it just right you

just try to speak your explain even your

shoulder think is art or just draw in

your in your books whatever do it

anything yeah this talk it must be go on

yes keep talking and like you said be

nice to yourself if you make mistakes

it’s okay just keep going and find

someone nice to talk with so you’re

talking with Douglas and today you’re

talking with me later you’re going to

talk with your German teacher you are

certainly following your own advice yes

exactly because when I just write it I

think and after right is the right


I just remember the grammar the Praxis

but when I talk it’s completely

different it’s a mess justice I can’t

remember the grammar all how can I say

do and I can in my oh my gosh but it’s

old okay yeah there’s not as much time

to think when you’re speaking so it

needs to be just as natural as possible

just say whatever you can and it’ll be

okay it’s not the end of the world if

you make a mistake yeah have you are

another advice Oh more advice than this

will always my first advice is just do

it and you already said that

yeah I think something useful also is

like finding other people who are doing

the same thing so that you’re not alone

like you talked with Douglas today

you’re not learning English by yourself

at home you’re with this online

community that’s really encouraging so

that you’ll be more motivated yeah oh

it’s a great advice I guess because if

you have a loan always it’s not possible

grow up in you have a community like

Earth yo it’s me awesome yes so have a

community I’m so glad that you’re a part

of our community and for anyone if it’s

the fearless fluency Club great if it’s

not if it’s something else just be with

other people that’s really important

yes that’s it yes I’m so happy to meet

you today Isabella I hope it will not be

the last time we can meet again in the

future yes I hope and see you everyday

in our Facebook group I will be there

yeah the Latin the life lesson and the

you to be Laurie we see as soon as

possible yes certainly I will see you

there to have a beautiful 2017 it’s

starting now so you can do it yes

New Year to you thank you happy New Year

to you and please tell your whole family

I guess they know me tell your wife and

I I said hello yes hi I just said oh my

gosh Vanessa say hello for everyone here

yes I say hello to all of them and

thanks for sharing your passion of

English with your family with me and I’m

sure so many people will just be

motivated to hear your passion so thank

you thank you yes - see you later

Isabella thanks so much for watching

this testimonial video with one of my

English students this is a great way to

know which methods work and which

methods don’t work I hope in this video

you realized that natural learning is

the best method that has worked for each

of my students and for myself as well if

you’d like to continue to learn English

with me like these students you can

click on the I up here in the top corner

or in the description below where you

can download my free ebook and start to

learn with me today don’t wait I’ll see

you there bye