Speak With Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Claudio

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome english students in

this video i’m gonna talk with the

student on skype and we’re gonna talk

about that students english experiences

how they’ve learned english the things

that have been useful or maybe some

things that haven’t worked and i hope

that you will learn a lot from other

English learners experiences let’s get

started good good morning nice to meet

you yes this is wonderful I’m so glad to

talk with you live on skype and can you

let me know are you where are you living

at the moment are you in Brazil I’m

curious I know today is the first time

that we’ve talked together I’m curious

about your English background when did

you start to learn English I started

five years ago okay company and I need

talking but I started with one hour a

week is less time one hour a week to

learn the other language I started

watching your video class my

day by day Vanessa with speakers the

expressions the different way to talk

things because the Brazilian people

learn us a different way the first time

I went to the u.s. my list with podcasts

with Jessica yes all ears English that’s

great yes excellent excellent why you

seem really focused on improving and

using a lot of materials that’s good a

good variety I wanted to ask you as well

because I know that you I saw your paper

here you’ve downloaded the The Fearless

fluency Club information and videos I’d

like to know what is your experience

like with that information what have you

done has it helped you just explain it a

little bit explain for us like right

into your paper this is very easy to to

learn English because many times are all

the the way the teacher teaches yes

right and repeat but many times not sure

because humans have division at the

smell how the other senses to learn so


is a different way to learning okay

and what the expressions that the way

you interact to your husband your sister

understand what you need to do for us

excellent I’m so glad that you enjoyed

the interaction with other people

because I feel like it’s good to learn

with one person but it’s so much nicer

and more realistic with two people

change because for me for example your

tone of voice is very easy to understand

the other people talk about change is

very difficult when we mix it the other

people I think help in train us to

listen other people talk right right

because in the end you want to be able

to understand as many people as possible

not just me to improve my skills to

almost six years ago I lost I think the

best opportunity I have had in my life

to work for American company because I

was so confident about my skills was the

zetas they need but in the moment of the

interview I was so nervous and I

couldn’t talk and think about me I

couldn’t talk about my skills my

abilities my opportunities to prove that

company and I was for myself that day I

put in my mind I will talk English okay

and the right way he will be prepared

for the any situation - I don’t want to

be more nervous for yes that’s a

difficult moment in your life but it

helped you also to be really motivated

to start English and really push


I love it important is talk I need to

talk with you right now

yes that’s such a important mindset

thank you so much for saying that that

you need to speak with anyone just use

English as much as you can so I’m really

glad that you agree with that same idea

great thank you so much for your kind

words and just your honesty I really

appreciate it and your courage today to

speak with me even though you felt a

little nervous yes it’s just the first

time so hopefully the next time you’ll

say oh it’s Vanessa I feel comfortable I

can talk speakers it’s my pleasure I’m

really glad to to help you and your

motivation gives me motivation so it’s a

wonderful cycle yes yes I hope you have

wonderful Saturday today Sunday a

wonderful Sunday today yes enjoy your

family enjoy the cold weather or stay

inside and be warm and I know we can

talk soon

of course in DVD but now I know who is

Vanessa and thank you so much for your

time in the way we dress and use I hope

see you soon okay and of course you

continue watching your class yes I hope

so see you the next time Claudio yes

thank you thank you thanks so much

Claudio bye

thanks so much for watching this

testimonial video with one of my English

students this is a great way to know

which methods work and which methods

don’t work I hope in this video you

realized that natural learning is the

best method that has worked for each of

my students and for myself as well if

you’d like to continue to learn English

with me like these students you can

click on the I up here in the top corner

or in the description below where you

can download my free ebook and start to

learn with me today don’t wait I’ll see

you there bye