Speak With Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Cristiane

hi I’m Vanessa from speak English with

Vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome English students in

this video I’m gonna talk with a student

on skype and we’re gonna talk about that

students English experiences how they’ve

learned English the things that have

been useful or maybe some things that

haven’t worked and I hope that you will

learn a lot from other English learners

experiences let’s get started are you

doing today good morning to you too yes

I’m so happy I am so happy to meet you -

is it the morning for you right now

yes it’s 11 o’clock e11 perfect lesbian

so how is your morning going has it been

a busy morning or kind of a busy morning

I I just do a gene Platts Oh already in

the morning yes 9 o’clock 80 at 90 and

then I just you working that you’ve just

been working so you had a work I working

at home off see oh really so you work at

home tell me what do you do what’s your

job yes I do I I work at communication I

do digital content for my clients oh

great so it’s a flexible job you can do

it at home or at a coffee shop yes yes I

I go I’ll go to my clients and the

meeting we doing workshops so you really

can have your job do your job anywhere

yes it’s great I love it excellent

excellent and I know this is a great

time to talk on skype together in

English so I would love to know more

about your English history and

background when did you start to learn

English Oh CC child a really sad

childhood but now I need you to be

fluent for my job

sometimes I need to participate in an

international congress and the i need to

interview semi clients of doctors in


wow so that’s a good motivation yes Andy

I need to be confident then to talk to

it then yes and I need to listen to your

their conference in English and then

write a post e for SIA T blog is my

clients rights you have that’s a really

important listening understanding

communicating and then summarizing and

writing that’s a big skill Chad a big

challenge for your challenge yes and a

great motivation so do you have any

congresses or any of those coming up

soon yes in November 18 18 November I’m

going to my senior year in Brazil and we

have an International Congress for my

class my client so in about one month a

little bit more than one with us exactly

that’s great so tell me what kind of

English things or do you do regularly

what kind of English practices do you

have like TV shows or I know you’re part

of the the course The Fearless fluency

Club what kind of

stuff do you do yes I trying to listen

this 30 every day a little but every day

that to to practice morning and the the

funny the funny way is watching TV shows

to relax the English and reading I need

to come to read a lot because my working

sometimes I need to write read and write

in English so don’t sometimes I I need

to do this but listen a lot and watch TV

shows movies music wonderful that’s real

English whenever I Drive Vanessa when

driving when I didn’t wash the dishes

wash the dishes right on man blows watch

you watch you can literally see a

wonderful wonderful so I you’re

listening yes excellent I every day all

the time what have you been doing with

the material has it been useful for you

what did you learn I I think it’s a very

interesting method because it’s in each

is each Mouse it’s different

the team is either a it’s motivated for

me today i i watch the conversation with

bread yes your iover eater it’s very

nice to meet you the people other

culture yeah I like so much I want to

make sure it’s interesting for you a lot

of vocabulary or

and useful materials yes yes and thank

you also for participating in our

Facebook group you’re really active and

just communicating yes I like so much

Craig’s fate yes we met some it’s

goodness so you have used thank you so

much for thank you sharing your

experiences with me movies and our

course together in our group together

keep up the good work yes thank you so

much for our parties oh my pleasure

I hope we can talk again in the future

sometime and I’ll definitely see you on

our Facebook group okay thank you

oh my pleasure see you again the next

time yes thank you thank you thanks so

much for watching this testimonial video

with one of my English students this is

a great way to know which methods work

and which methods don’t work I hope in

this video you realized that natural

learning is the best method that has

worked for each of my students and for

myself as well if you’d like to continue

to learn English with me like these

students you can click on the I up here

in the top corner or in the description

below where you can download my free

ebook and start to learn with me today

don’t wait I’ll see you there bye