Speak With Vanessa On Skype Testimonial from Ronelly
hi I’m Vanessa from speak English with
Vanessa calm today you are gonna meet
one of my awesome English students in
this video I’m gonna talk with the
student on skype and we’re going to talk
about that students English experiences
how they’ve learned English the things
that have been useful or maybe some
things that haven’t worked and I hope
that you will learn a lot from other
English learners experiences let’s get
started oh I’m so happy to see you run
Ellie this is great yes it is great to
talk to you again yes yes in a while
when was the last time we talked
yeah say I think it’s worth more than
one year ago you think I was just
starting to to learn English and and I
think you as I said in the owl in our
group you were you were you was it you
were they they were the first person
that the PERS insist and it actually is
speaking English live out sorry native
English English speaker that that I work
with that’s wonderful so you’ve been
really studying English over the last
year and first of all before we talk
about your English background can you
remind me which area you live in in
Brazil yes I live in the Northeast of
Brazil is they state the name of the
state is Paraiba and I live in jumpa so
the city which won’t pass over yes and
today’s thing is pretty cloudy today
here not too hard I know this is the
kind of summer season for you
summer season yeah yes the boss when I
make now is
about 30 degrees 30 degrees
Wow here I think it’s probably close to
Oh much different than in Brazil
what’s different yet yes yes actually I
tried I I get a temperature like this
when I lived in Spain and Spain I live
that’s been for for one year and four
years ago and and the city that I lived
this in the winter season and that’s
about zero degrees like like in your
city zero five degrees so you
experienced this Robbins yeah it’s very
very cold in my region there in the
winter the winter is about 20 degrees
don’t place that’s a winter yeah and
some places in the countryside some
series is about 18 degrees 17 but and
it’s certainly not freezing never snow
it’s pretty my gold in the winter is
that okay for you do you like mild
weather and hot weather or would you
rather have more seasons because you’ve
experienced that in Spain yes I well I
actually the code is I didn’t like so
much better code if they could weather
is you know I think yes you certainly
known you you have to to be rapid every
in the street you have to do some coat
some how can I say so a lot of clothes
yes a lot of clothes coats scarves hats
gloves all of it
yes and in when you and you enter in
some place the the places is hot is is
Herod Herod yeah so it’s hot hot inside
inside so you had you had to have to
yeah you had to take off oh yeah oh yeah
almost so helpless and then you have to
put it on again here we we don’t have
this problem for sure we with when in
this season in the summer season I we
all find we all search someplace with
air conditioning you know right air
conditioning is the priority
yeah yeah yes for example in the
university what I stood I always always
searched some place with air
conditioning for example the library
whatever it must be it must have the air
conditioning Oh
seems like when it’s 30 degrees you need
air conditioning that’s no question you
need to find somewhere cool yeah
everywhere no housing or your work place
in your car no
so so you are reading the in your
sitting - cool right he was in the your
lost city yes yes so for Christmas I was
visiting in the north my in-laws city
you’re correct and then two days ago we
came home so now I’m back home in my
house in my bed with my cats with my
food it’s a little it’s very comfortable
I like to travel but it’s nice to be
so I’m heroes they gifted that the
brothers then gave to to you
it’s fitting the in your cars that’s a
great question so he gave us that
electric piano for Christmas my
brother-in-law and it did fit but we had
to be really careful because we didn’t
want it to get bumped or scratched or
any problem with it so we wrapped it up
a lot with jackets and coats and clothes
and put it in our car but we forgot the
electric cord at my in-laws house so
they are sending it to us now in the
mail ok yes yes I’m really glad that you
got to see that and you saw the the big
present in our live lesson on Christmas
Eve is that when you saw that yeah I saw
that I was think he’s a very small gift
and it he was just kidding with you
yes because that box was so big I was
thinking was there a joking but that’s a
good right yes certainly a wonderful
gift that all have forever and it was so
nice to be able to share that Christmas
Eve with you and giving that live lesson
kind of just showing the house is really
fun and it sings
like you participate a lot in our
Facebook group and connect with other
members of The Fearless fluency Club and
other people in that group it’s great
you’re active yeah yeah and do you know
how to play not at all
I have never had a piano lesson
in my life so now I’m gonna start this
is one of my new year’s resolutions try
to learn to play the piano
yeah then have to give you some lessons
for you right Dan plays the piano pretty
well so maybe at the end of 2017 I’ll
show you my progress hopefully I will do
well I’m looking for some good materials
or courses or YouTube videos just like
you are doing with English I’m trying to
find that for the piano yeah yeah so I’m
gonna say I think you as you as I saw
some some videos of you you learn the
French right yes and uh well you
probably know the difficulty that we we
have learning English you know because
well actually I’ve I have watched some
videos and American youtubers then that
learned it Portuguese oh great
so they’re speaking native language yeah
great because Portuguese Portuguese is
not easy it’s not a easy language very
difficult like well maybe like Spanish
it more or less so but this is very it’s
very difficult because I accept right
now I’m I was a little nervous as I said
to you by me I was a little nervous and
some some words get a little you know
Lakhan I just I just did the don’t get
to think in English and I sometimes I I
try to thinking Portuguese translate
into English and say and it gets a
little while you know so it’s it’s very
difficult but I’m I I’m trying to think
in English in you know some Washington
some videos and watching your videos on
YouTube and watch some American
youtubers Bridger youtubers and try to
thinking in the same time I I listen you
know I well I think you were just
you weren’t understanding what I’m
trying to say yeah certainly not a fast
or easy process but you’re surrounding
yourself with English YouTube and videos
and our Facebook group and courses
you’re doing a lot yeah yeah yes in
anthem in what some some series at
Netflix Netflix actually my my daughter
love love to watch some cartoons yeah
and Netflix when I and when I put it in
in English well it’s really easy to
understand so I was watching some
cartoons in English that’s right big
great vocabulary yes yes for example I
remember I remember you because I was
watching Puss in Boots you know oh the
cat - yes yes is that funny
and I learned some some word I which my
vocabulary watching this serie and have
fun right
that’s very good very good that’s great
you’re open-minded thinking about using
even kids material who cares if it’s for
kids you’re interested it doesn’t matter
I have fun yes I think that’s that’s a
wonderful mindset just being open-minded
interested in different ideas and having
courage like today talking together you
said you felt nervous it’s a big deal
you’re speaking in English trying to
think in English and you’re doing it
it’s a great way to finish 2016 just
preparing some food some drinks for the
party maybe a part you’re gonna have a
New Year’s party tonight yes because
hearing I live in you know I live in you
know enough building like yeah it’s an
apartment and some some apartments are
planing was planning to make a party so
so we make I don’t know the name in
English but it’s like a crowdfunding
it’s like this Oh everyone sharing it
yeah yes everyone gives them some amount
of money and and they they are they are
organizing the party and in the
playground area I think in the in the
area near Bitcoin ground okay some sort
of outdoor plaza or somewhere where you
can gather together there’s a there’s a
pool and some some places well I don’t
always feel it’s common in the United
States but it is very common
some kind of common area and it’s warm
there so you can actually use the pool
yeah yes yes so the part is gonna be
great I think you know the family are
all here so I I think this is this will
be fun yeah you get a chance to even
meet your neighbors and talk with them
and celebrate all together that’s a
really cool community activity I’m
curious I have a final question for you
because you have been studying English
for at least one year I’m sure you’ve
done stuff before that as well but what
are some awesome tips you would give to
someone who says I really want to
improve my English and I want to be able
to speak with a native speaker like run
Elly’s doing I want to do that what’s
some advice that you might give them yes
yes to surround yourself with English as
much as you can you know because you
have to acclimate your ears with English
and in order to speak I think I think
it’s very important to understand what
what works what works
listen so if you understand and you are
be more able to speak confidently so and
just take the first step
it is very it’s not difficult to to take
the first step because you get an air
hose and block it and you have you have
to as a sudden in my video that I
sharing in our group you have to break
the barrier I have to break the barrier
because if you don’t make your bit your
and one will will break it it it’s up to
you it’s beautiful advice short surround
yourself in English listen a lot so that
you get used to hearing English and
comfortable with good grammar and
vocabulary and take the first step just
do it it’s hard but it’s step by step
it’s the best way that’s great advice
thank you for your advice and thanks
also just for doing that taking the step
today to talk together and share English
with me and I really appreciate it it
was very cool I think the you and the
our classmates in your group are seeming
without sunglasses because in my picture
in Facebook I was I I’m I wear a
sunglass in the video as well but I
forget to take your video you’re wearing
sunglasses so today your eyes are
revealed video in our group encourages
other people either in The Fearless
fluency Club or in people people who are
connected with you just to take that
first step make a video wear sunglasses
who cares and share yeah you’re right
yes yes well thank you for sharing today
I’m so happy to talk with you again
after a year keep up the good work and
Happy New Year yes it was much my
pleasure and have a wonderful new year
as well you and then thanks so much for
watching this testimonial video with one
of my English students this is a great
way to know which
it’s work and which methods don’t work I
hope in this video you realized that
natural learning is the best method that
has worked for each of my students and
for myself as well if you’d like to
continue to learn English with me like
these students you can click on the I up
here in the top corner or in the
description below where you can download
my free ebook and start to learn with me
today don’t wait I’ll see you there bye