Speak With Vanessa on Skype Testimonial from Vera

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm today you are gonna meet

one of my awesome english students in

this video i’m gonna talk with a student

on skype and we’re going to talk about

that students english experiences how

they’ve learned english the things that

have been useful or maybe some things

that haven’t worked and i hope that you

will learn a lot from other English

learners experiences let’s get started

so happy to see your smiling face again

so enthusiastic always smile yes at the

moment you are in Brazil right a great

time for English not too early not too

late yes it’s Sunday okay I’m not going

to write it’s nice to take it easy have

a slow day do you have any plans for


that’s great wonderful wonderful well I

know it’s been a long time since the

last time we talked so I think maybe

yeah yeah a while yeah i think i think

it’s ember my fear the last time i

talked with you

oh I don’t know because in that time I I

can’t speak anything so it was so hard

for me oh well it’s a big change from

then to now how do you feel today

no I think I I get by with my English I

know you’ve been doing a lot and you’re

really involved with a lot of groups and

communities and that’s wonderful yeah

you are parked up it’s okay

oh good yeah your course are amazing and

you helped me so much in the yes so

that’s great so tell me what kind of

things have helped you so far now I’m

always next time for English okay I’m

already always surround myself with


so I watching TV shows I may I may I

wait of course I do some courses yes I

do some cards and and they read a lot I

love read okay what kind of things do

you like to read creams crimes because

it’s more easier it’s easier to

understand it’s easier the dialogue is a

little more simple yes so I start

reading some romance but I like crimes

so romance or crime and mystery is an

awesome way so you’re reading in English

and just surrounding yourself with yeah

the language and just enjoyed it it’s

beautiful I know that you are also a

wonderful part of our private Facebook

group you’ve really contributed a lot of

enthusiasm and encouragement so I want

to say thank you

for that it means a lot I thank you

thank you

this group is amazing I made a lot of

friends there and it’s amazing we can

talk to each other and on skype and the

it’s amazing this is something that I

love that I didn’t even organize it and

some of the people in the group

including you just decided to talk

together yeah that’s great enthusiasm

and passion yeah okay but the important

is don’t give up okay and go ahead and

try your best

I think so yes yes that has worked

really well for you over the last six

months or so you just

Dovan and did English as much as

possible yes - enjoy - journey

okay that’s great enjoy the journey yes

okay right right so it’s good to enjoy

learning instead of just thinking about

some day I will be fluent but now I’m

not satisfied but enjoying now - behind

if I look back okay step by step and I

think the biggest thing too is just

confidence and booking the Skype

conversation together in doing it that

takes a lot of guts and courage

yes I think so and the if you you

try even making mistake okay yeah body

okay love it I love that art yes it’s

part of the process and even in life not

with English we still make mistakes

cooking or talking with people so it’s


mistakes are normal but we have to eat

so we have to keep trying wonderful

positive mindset I think that positivity

will help you improve much faster than

worrying or being negative so you’re on

the right path oh I know I know and I

know that you also downloaded the The

Fearless fluency Club videos with my

sister and with Dan and I’m curious what

is your experience with that what did

you think about it Randal a rebel okay

okay it’s amazing because we can hear

the conversations okay

oh I love you printed it out this is yes

because I can read and the uncertainty

crescents you make okay and the then we

can talk about it you honest - which

other members that’s wonderful

it’s amazing because you prat seed

friends practice you’re practicing it

yeah and

it’s more it’s easier to understand yeah

keep it in your mind yeah I think that’s

the important thing is keeping it in

your mind and remember I mean it’s a big

challenge to remember new things

constantly so you’re using it reading

the questions watching the videos using

it on skype with other members that’s

beautiful I love it what I try to do we

did the new expressions is to make

phrase we do something about my

experience so I try writing something so

I think it’s more it’s easier - yes it’s

easier to understand and I love that

you’re not worried about mistakes and

you’re even correcting yourself so you

use the questions and trying to think

about it with your own life is a great

way because we know our own lives and we

care about our own lives more than some

other stories so it’s useful it’s good

to write about your own experience when

was a time that I had to do something or

use your own experience I know your life

in Brazil you’ve got a lot of passions

you’re into art and you have your son

and English lots of things that’s great

though he’s your love how old is your

son again

17 17 wow you look so young to have a 17

year old son

oh it’s good to have a passion and that

your family is your passion and English

and art you’re also into art that’s just

a beautiful method you’ve continued to

use English challenge yourself even

though you don’t like studying you can

find fun ways to use it for yours right

adapt it to yourself don’t give up yes

yes I’m curious and maybe other people

will be curious to how much time in

general do you think you spend with

English every day or every week this

isn’t a test

I’m just curious I just read in English

I always reading some articles or listen

something in English okay okay even in

my my lunchtime or at night I always

watching TV shows in English in English

it’s completely surrounding you you’re

immersed even you you know about it

it’s important because sometimes you

don’t get some words and your techid

yeah I think it’s a good way to catch

each word and you’re not reading and

Portuguese and listening in English it’s

all English but you’re catching new

words instead of looking it up or it’s


your way yes that’s definitely the right

way immerse yourself live in English Oh

far from the US yes I’m surrounded by

English yes I I think this is really

it’s a big challenge but you have

succeeded because a lot of people think

I’m too far from english-speaking

countries or English speakers but you

really can create an English world as

much as possible yeah even though you’re

a busy person you still did it more easy

easier but the first step to improving

is recognizing it so your everyday part

way there keep up the good work Mara

I’m so happy to talk with you today and

see your amazing progress I think you

should be proud of yourself thank you

for your kind words I appreciate your

sincere opinion that’s awesome

so keep it up and see you on our

Facebook group thanks so much for

talking with me on skype today and see

you again hopefully soon my pleasure

thanks so much for watching this

testimonial video with one of my English

students this is a great way to know

which methods work and which methods

don’t work I hope in this video you

realized that

natural learning is the best method that

has worked for each of my students and

for myself as well if you’d like to

continue to learn English with me like

these students you can click on the I up

here in the top corner or in the

description below where you can download

my free ebook and start to learn with me

today don’t wait I’ll see you there bye