Thank You...
hey today’s video is a little bit
today i want to give a special message
to you
from my heart you see on thursday it was
thanksgiving here in america
and whoo was the food awesome i enjoyed
the time that i was able to spend with
my family we laughed we talked
and it was just an amazing day and
is all about giving thanks for what
you have received what god has blessed
you with
and the things that are going on in your
life so
i can’t leave you out you see a lot of
times you
put comments under my video lessons or
send me emails or send me messages or if
you’re in my academy you send me video
just to say thank you for what i do for
you each week
you say teacher thank you so much for
your video lessons or
thank you so much for helping me reach
my goals and i appreciate all of your
but i realized it was time for me to
tell you how i feel
and i have my notes right here so bear
with me as i go through this message
that i want to give to you all
you see i don’t think you realize how
i am for you that’s right for you
you know you may feel like you’re not
doing anything but you really are
you know as a youtuber as an english
teacher online
a lot of times my face or i’m in the
forefront so you
watch me through a computer screen or
your cell phone or or your tablet
and sometimes you don’t necessarily know
what’s going on in my head you just
enjoy the the video or enjoy whatever
i’m teaching you
but you may not realize how thankful
i truly am for you so let me kind of go
back a little bit
in my story um you see when i was
in korea again you know that i lived in
korea for 10 years you know that i quit
my job at nasa and i went to korea
and i was an english teacher there great
learned a lot met thousands of students
taught thousands of students
and that experience is really one of the
best experiences i have had in my life i
learned a lot
i grew a lot and i developed so many
but right at the end of my time in korea
i had a dilemma the dilemma was what am
i gonna do
when i go back to america and i had two
you see i had gotten my master’s degree
i you know i
got a master’s degree in oriental
painting and for those that don’t know i
art i love painting but i also enjoyed
so i had two choices i said okay either
i can go back to america and become an
art professor
or i can keep moving forward with this
teaching online thing
i can see what’s going to happen with
this youtube channel and see if
i can really help more students this is
a long time ago
maybe about three years ago and i
decided to
pray for a full week like i we i fasted
and prayed for a full
week i only ate a certain diet and i i
got up early in the morning
because i really wanted to make sure
that i moved forward in the way that god
wanted me to move forward
again stay with me because this is why
you are so important
to me so i prayed for a full week every
single morning getting up early and i
said god here’s the deal
i’ve been living in korea as a
missionary for 10 years teaching english
and my life was so fulfilled and now i
have to go back to america
god i need to still feel fulfilled every
week i need to feel like i’m giving back
and i’m helping people reach their goals
every week
if that means i need to become an art
professor okay
but if that means i need to move forward
with youtube you have to show me
so after that week after that seven day
praying hard studying the bible trying
to figure out how god could use me the
to help other people god revealed to me
that he wanted me to go the youtube
now at that time i wasn’t it was youtube
i i loved it
but i mean i wasn’t making any money or
anything like i was just literally
stepping out on faith
but the main thing was to say god i have
to help
people like i’m not just gonna do this
because i need to make money or i need
to start my own business
my goal was to help people
so god revealed tiff i need you to go
the youtube route so i said okay
i’m gonna go to youtube rap but god you
have to make
this my ministry you have to make this
something that i can use
to truly help people around the world
fast forward to today and now you’re
every single week i receive messages got
my notes here guys
every single week i receive messages
your comments under my videos
your email messages again your video
messages telling me
how much the lessons that i’m teaching
are helping you
you don’t realize how much fuel that is
for me
you don’t realize how every message you
send me
every email you send me literally makes
me want to work harder
for you and i know that sometimes you
all don’t see the
what is the word i want to say you know
on youtube you know it’s kind of like
on tv so you just see hey this is who i
am but i want to be real with you
your messages literally make me want to
work harder for you
they give me fuel for the next week like
i did make the right decision i am
somebody gain confidence i am helping
somebody reach their goals
so i want to work harder the next week
and i just want to say thank you for
your words mean something your messages
mean something i’ve even cried at times
from the messages i’ve received from
like man god thank you so much for
giving me this opportunity
to touch someone’s life through english
who would have thought remember i told
you all before and when i was in high
school my least
favorite subject was english not because
of the teacher just because it just
wasn’t my thing i did well in it
and i got good grades but i liked art
and science and math but
fast forward to today and i’m an english
teacher like i’m literally an english
and i want to thank you for being my
every single week your messages mean
i want to tell you about some of the
messages i’ve received from you all
um man the first one that really hit
home oh hit home means
kind of touched me or uh like maybe
brought a tear to my eye
or really really touched my heart
we say it hit home hit home um
a student man this was maybe two years
ago i think
and i won’t say any names or anything
but a student sent me an email it was a
long email i said okay let me you know
i read all my emails so for those that
get my email responses a little bit late
it’s because i’m the one checking my
emails and i get
thousands of emails but i do like to be
so anyways this student sent me an email
and the student was saying
that um i’ll say they it was i was a guy
or a girl but it was
they said that they were in school in
uh they were an older individual maybe
in their 30s
and they had decided to go back to
school but they were living in america
and they said that it was so stressful
because english was their second
it was so stressful to keep up in class
they were having a hard time
writing papers and it was just a
stressful situation for this individual
and i understood because again i studied
in korea
got my master’s degree and everything
was in korean so i felt their
uh challenges or their frustrations
and they said they got to a point where
they wanted to give up
they said it was that bad and then they
found my youtube channel
then they found my youtube channel and
they were like man
a video they watch from me ah man
they’re not bad tears guys they’re good
that one of my videos help them not to
commit suicide
i was like man how can an english video
help somebody not commit suicide
and as i continued reading the email
they were like
tiffany you think you’re just teaching
english but you’re not
sorry guys um they said you’re doing
more than teaching english
and they said after watching my videos
they gained more confidence
um they started doing better in school
they didn’t want to commit suicide
anymore because of the stress that they
were getting from
trying to um
you know study in america you know and
english and their second life and again
it’s not easy studying in a second
language so when i read that email
and i realized that wait a minute i’m
teaching english
but somebody oh here’s another
um came off the ledge so basically um
off the ledge means like you were about
to do something very bad or detrimental
um but you decided not to do it anymore
and the fact that a video
or videos where i’m teaching you english
could help somebody
not want to commit suicide anymore i
said okay god
yep i’m in the right place so again this
is why i’m saying you guys don’t realize
how thankful i am for you
um yeah so that was just the first the
first message and i was like
i told my family and i was like i’m just
teaching english
but when you get emails like that how
can you not want to get up early in the
morning like i get up early every
morning right now it’s actually very
early in the morning which is why my
voice is a little bit different
but how can you not want to get up early
in the morning and stay up late at night
to produce videos when you know that
what you’re doing can help somebody
gain more confidence reach their goals
and even for some individuals
gain so much confidence that they don’t
want to take their life anymore
this is why i do what i do because of
and i want to thank you for j again your
messages now
i’ve gotten a few more they’re not as
emotional um
but again if that student is watching
just realize that you touched me
and then you helped me to keep going
because again like
being on youtube and being a teacher
online it is a lot of work
but when you have students like you who
um appreciate the work that’s being done
and who are benefiting and who are
gaining more confidence it it makes you
happy like i’m happy every morning that
i get to work for you guys and to
produce videos
um and again these are not bad tears
these are happy tears and you know i’m
just touched by you guys
um i’ve had students who have messaged
me and said teacher after your videos
i passed an interview and got a better
job and can take care of my family i’m
like man
i’m just in my office recording these
videos me and the camera
but somebody’s life has changed i can’t
i can’t stop making these videos for you
i had a few students who hated english
they were like i hated english teacher i
didn’t like it
but now i actually enjoy getting up in
the morning to study because of your
my job is only to help you gain
my job is to help you be confident in
and to enjoy what you’re doing and if i
can do that i’m happy
and when you guys let me know that
that’s what’s happening man
you don’t understand how i feel and then
i’ve had students who’ve said that um
um they’re able to do other things it’s
not just
english that they’re learning they’re
learning more about life and moving
forward and staying optimistic and
it’s just crazy honestly guys the
messages that you guys send me
and how they make me feel as an
um so again i wanna
note thank you for watching every week
uh thank you for taking the time
out of your day to support this channel
it lets me know that the decision i made
a few years ago
uh to go full time to do youtube full
time and youtube is not easy
because you know your views go up one
week and down the next week and
everything fluctuates so every week i’m
researching trying to see how i can help
students more and how i can
be there for you more and some weeks the
video views are good and some weeks
they’re low and
you know it’s it’s not easy um for
youtubers but
you make it uh make it a joy you
really make me uh happy to do this every
single week so
once again um i want to thank you uh
thursday was thanksgiving and i just
wanted to post this thanks
this thank you message to you um for
what you do
um and for how you keep me encouraged
um i’m very i’m a very optimistic person
you know um
and i love what i do but i love what i
do because of you
so thank you for all your messages i do
read them
i do appreciate them uh thank you for
letting me know how these
youtube lessons have helped you um
yeah there’s a i know some of you are
like teacher where’s story time
this whole video was kind of story time
i give you the song
story time hey
but no i’m going to end here again thank
you so much you guys touched me
even though i’ve never met 99
of you i’ve never seen you i’ve never
talked to you
some of you on the phone either know
that you have touched me
know that your messages mean a lot and
know that every single
week i look forward to getting on this
to talk to you to help you improve your
and to just help you feel more confident
so again
thank you i appreciate all of you i love
you all
and i’ll see you again same time next