The 3 everyday words you should try to AVOID

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy today I’ve got an

important lesson for you about the three

words you should never ever say or use

in English this lesson is going to help

you improve all aspects of your English

but in particular your vocabulary and

your writing but it will also help with

speaking listening and storytelling as

well it’s also going to be especially

useful if you want to sound more

professional but more about that later

before we get started I’d like to

mention one other thing that can

drastically improve your English

language skills

it’s the lingo de language marathan I’m

going to talk about this fully at the

end of the video but you can go to the

time shown on the screen now if you want

to know about it right there second

basically you can do 90 days of English

lessons with qualified native teachers

and get your full course fee refunded

that’s up to 807 euros but first let’s

get on with the lesson the first word

that you should never ever say all right

in English is dare I even say it it’s

very now I’ve spoken about this horrible

little word before but I think it’s

essential that you understand why you

should never use it especially when

writing and god forbid in essays in

exams very is a very weak word see what

I did there

it doesn’t communicate enough

information and in my opinion it’s one

of the most useless words in English

language all it does is magnify another

word so how can you avoid using it and

what should you say instead if anything

I’m going to give you some options and

I’m going to give you loads of

vocabulary that you can use that will

make you sound like a total pro short

for professional first I’m going to ask

you a question which of these sounds

better the audience were very scared by

the very loud noise or the audience were

very scared

by the deafening noise I mean I think

the second one sounds better what have I

done I have replaced very and the

adjective very loud with one powerful

adjective that serves Barry’s purpose

but what about the audience were they

very scared can we think of something


how about petrified the audience were

petrified by the deafening noise so much

better and we’ve used less words which

is much better for essay writing because

you have word limits here are some

examples of words that you can use

instead of very plus adjectives very bad

atrocious very poor destitute very risky

perilous very tired exhausted very


ravenous that is one of my favorite

words I think what a fantastic word

ravenous and very clean spotless

I actually think finding these more

powerful adjectives is loads of fun and

it makes your writing and your speech so

much more descriptive plus you

automatically sound like you know so

much more English because you’ve got all

these words that sometimes even natives

don’t know I think this calls for some

homework yes even in 3 YouTube videos

you do get homework I want you to

comment below with at least three

alternatives for very plus an adjective

let’s see how many we can get under the

video and make sure to check out

everyone else’s responses so we have

this huge resource for everyone to use

go go go comment 3 write the next one oh

what a terrible word said said it’s such

a boring word it doesn’t tell me


now the word replacements I’m going to

tell you are more geared towards writing

but it will help you with your speaking

and definitely your storytelling when

you’re recounting a lot of dialogue so

why shouldn’t you say said because it’s

bloody boring that’s why read this I’m

leaving you forever

she said no he said how dull is that

let’s try again

but changing up the dialogue words I’m

leaving you forever she announced he

cried see so much better right we could

take it one step further with adverbs as

well but be careful with these because

sometimes it can make the writing a

little bit busy scatter them in every

now and again I’m leaving you forever

she announced powerfully no he cried

pathetically see so jazzy now isn’t it

now I am a very generous teacher and I

have curated a list of amazing dialogue

words that you can use in your writing

and in your speech but a quick Google

search will leave you with hundreds of

alternatives so make sure you do your

revision I’ve organized mine

intersections anger bellowed snapped

cautioned affection consoled comforted

soothed excitement babbled gushed

exclaimed fear stammered gasped screamed

determination declared insisted

commanded can you tell I’m really

enjoying this lessened happiness side

gushed laughed sadness sobbed moaned

lamented show conflict sneered scolded

the Howard to show amusement teased

chortled guffawed and for storytelling

recounted recalled resumed i hope those

were really useful for you as i said

before a quick google search and you’ll

have pages and pages of alternatives 2/3

are you ready for the last word that you

should never ever use it is thing yeah I

know awful isn’t it isn’t it just the

most awful word the most frustrating and

annoying word in the world my boyfriend

always shouts to me loose where did you

put the thing and I reply what thing and

then he says you know let’s

it’s infuriating words like sing and

stuff are convenient placeholders when

we can’t remember the name of something

or we get distracted we use them instead

it’s actually really hard to kick this

habit in conversation so I’m not so

strict with that but it’s so important

that we don’t use them in writing that’s

just lazy

there is always a better word for

example I looked at all of the things I

felt sad you don’t know anything about

what’s making me feel sad how about if I

say it like this I looked at all my

mother’s childhood Teddy’s and

possessions I felt sad there I tell you

loads of information about the situation

and you understand why I feel so sad

seems obvious but it’s amazing how many

people use thing in their writing in

conclusion stop saying these three

things I’ve said it before but it’s very

important oh I did a funny I made a jig

okay it is now time to talk about the

ins and outs an idiom meaning all the

details of the lingo dirt language

marathon which you can do for French

Spanish German English and business

English its new and actually business

English has got me really excited

because I know so many of you are

learning English to improve your career

prospects and to find a job the best way

to learn a language and retain what you

have learnt is to study a little bit

every day and to practice with native

speakers I know that a lot of you don’t

have the time or the funds the money to

attend in person classes so lingo des is

offering a really affordable and

convenient solution if you haven’t heard

of lingo der before it’s an online

language school where you can study with

native qualified teachers anywhere

anytime as long as you have a laptop and

a stable internet connection you study

in a virtual classroom with very small

group sizes there’s no need to travel

study at home weekends

evenings five o’clock in the morning

whenever you want I’ve tried the classes

out myself

and I think it’s a fantastic service for

busy people like me so what is the lingo

de language marathon lingo to want to

offer you an extra source of motivation

because let’s face it marathons are not

a walk in the park successfully take one

group class every day for three months

and lingotto will refund your course fee


I think that’s achievable and many

students manage it every year but if

that’s too much for you but you still

want to challenge yourself you can do

the half marathon which is 15 classes

every month and when you complete them

successfully lingotto will refund half

of your course fee if you’re interested

in taking the marathon in English you

have two options the standard English

marathon is for all levels beginner to

advanced and it will help you improve

your general fluency the new business

English marathon is perfect for getting

that new job or advancing in the

workplace learn everything from

interview skills to writing emails to

giving presentations to hosting business

meetings please note this is for English

levels b2 or above only the marathon

runs from the 1st of October 2018 to the

1st of January 2019 and don’t worry

lingotto have made special arrangements

so you don’t have to take a class on the

24th 25th or 26th of December if you

don’t want to you have to sign up before

the 21st of September 2018 and pay the

five euro entry fee but if you use my

voucher code learn one you only have to

pay $0.50 so use the code learn one on

the link below after paying entry fee

that secures your spot on the marathon

you automatically sign up for a

three-month long subscription every

month you’ll be charged a fixed amount

that’s three times in total depending on

which marathon you choose to take if you

subscribe straightaway you won’t be

charged until the 24th of September but

you can still cancel your participation

you’ve got 14 days from signing up to

stop your first payment or to get a

refund for your first payment

so how do you get the refund lingo dot

will refund your Marathon tuition fee in

full if you attend an agreed number of

classes within each marathon month by

following the contest rules in the Terms

& Conditions there’s no trick or catch

here the only thing that’s required from

you is that you really show up on time

to your lessons that you booked and you

actively participate if you book a class

and miss it or you fail to book a class

at all you’ll still be able to continue

taking the classes in the marathon but

you won’t be eligible for the refund

places are limited so make sure you sign

up sooner rather than later to avoid any

disappointment the most important piece

of advice that I can give you is check

the terms and conditions carefully and

familiarize yourself really really well

with all of the rules past marathon

graduates have said that this is the key

to getting the full refund so are you

ready to start the most important three

months of your language learning journey

click on the link in the description box

and use my code learn 1 to start your

marathon if you have any questions about

the marathon contact lingo to directly

and their amazing helpful team will

assist you ha that’s it for today’s

video I hope you enjoyed it I hope you

learned something and to those of you

who have decided to take the marathon

best of luck oh you’re doing such an

amazing thing don’t forget to connect

with me on all of my social media I’ve

got my Facebook I’ve got my Instagram

and I’ve got my Twitter and I will see

you soon for another lesson yeah all

aspects of your English but in

particular your vocabulary where’s my

finger okay so how can you avoid using

it and what should you say instead

scrap that scrap that Connor no I have

curated a list of some fantastic

dialogue baboon show amusement babbled

gushed but stop saying these three

things places are limited so make sure

you sign up soother rather than super if

you have any questions about there man



