The Best Way To Learn English For Intermediate And Advanced English Learners

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in

the topical method let’s get started

with step number one so the first thing

you want to do is select topics and

organized questions alright so there are

three different categories that you need

to pay attention to all right the first

category is life and people the second

category is your interests and the third

category is news and politics so let’s

look at this in more detail this section

of part one

alright so life and people what you want

to do is pick five topics that deal with

life and people in general for example

family work friends education etc now

for your interest what you want to do is

think about all of your interests and

pick five that mean the most to you for

example your hobbies your music or

exercise etc and finally news and


check out current newspapers and news

programs then select five of the most

common topics alright so let’s look at

an example of this so what I’ve done is

I’ve decided for life and people I’ve

chosen family friendship education work

and health as the five topics for this

category now for my interests I’ve

chosen exercise art music reading and

travel these are the five topics within

this category and finally for news and

politics I’ve chosen elections crime

weather business and war and I remember

you can pick whichever topics within

these three categories that you want to

this step okay so now what you’re gonna

do after this is you have to pick one

question related to the topic okay so as

you’re seeing right now I have one

question for each topic that falls

underneath the category of life and

people alright so for family I have what

does it mean to be a family let’s say

for work I have what is a typical

workday now I’ve done the same for the

next two categories so for my interests

I’ve said for exercise what are the

benefits of exercise and you’ll see

moving down for art for music for

reading and for travel I’ve picked one

question for each of these topics and

finally for news and politics I’ve

chosen one question for each of the

topics that are underneath this category

okay so that’s what you’re doing for

step one in the topical method now step

two find audio or video about the

questions alright so there are three

different categories of audio or video

that you can look at now there are more

but these are ones that I want to give

you examples of so for example for audio

you have podcast or for visual or video

you have television programs or movies

as well and also you have YouTube so for

this example we’re gonna stick with

these three types of audio or video okay

what’s gonna happen is you’ll notice

again we have the three categories for

the video and audio right here but what

I’ve done is I separated the different

sections that we had for the categories

let’s close this right here and for the

questions related to the topics now all

of the questions that fall under life

and people we’re going to look for

podcasts related to the

life in people’s section now for the

your interest or our interest we’re

gonna use television programs and for

news and politics we’re gonna try to

find YouTube here we go we’re gonna come

back real quick you’re going to try to

find YouTube videos related to these

questions okay alright so as you’ll see

there changing you don’t have to stick

with podcasts automatically for your

interest you can decide which one

however you need to have one apply to

the category okay alright so again you

can choose which one goes with which

category alright so remember to relax

again remember to relax and simply take

the information in don’t stress or write

any notes I’m gonna highlight this don’t

stress and don’t write any notes when

you’re listening to the podcast or

watching a television program or

watching a youtube video it’s important

to remember this because this step

focuses on your listening ability all

right now let’s move on to step number

three find one article about the topic

alright so in this step you will write

the information related to the questions

from each topic so let’s look at the

blog first blog posts can be a good

source of up-to-date information about

various topics on line now books on the

other hand are a good source of

information about many topics and they

give you a variety of useful advanced

English vocabulary words and terms and

magazines are actually useful because

the magazine articles give you current

and/or popular information about many

different topics so let’s look at this a

little closer so again you’re deciding

which you want to use for which

categories again which type of article

style you want to use for which category

so again I’ve chosen for the life and

people category remember I have my

questions based on my topics here I’ve

chosen to find blog posts about this

category now what’s key is when we come

over to the blog post all you’re going

to do is highlight the information that

directly connects to the question okay

what information in this blog post

discusses family and what it means to be

a family now if we move on to books the

same idea again we have our category and

we have the questions based on the topic

and we’re going to find book pages or

books about those questions again moving

over here when we come to the book page

our question is right here what are the

benefits of exercise so on the page of

the book we find every piece of

information that talks about the

benefits of exercise and we just write

it down the same is true for magazines

again the category right here the

questions based on the topics we’re

gonna find magazine articles based on

that topic and the piece of information

inside the magazine article that relate

to the actual question okay

now this again you can switch which ever

blog book or magazine which ever one you

want to use for it with every category

you want to use it’s up to you okay this

is for your reading comprehension this

will help with your reading with English

okay all right number four find another

article about the topic now please pay

attention it’s very important right now

okay so I’ve chosen for the blog post to

be associated with my interests I chosen

for the books to be associated with news

and politics and I’ve chosen the

magazine articles to be associate

with life and people now this is what’s

going to happen for each of the articles

that answer each of the questions this

is what I want to do right here I’m

going to pick five to ten difficult

sentences from the actual article okay

now after I have those sentences I’m

gonna search for the words and the terms

that I don’t know then what you want to

do after that again I’m saying me but

also you underline the patterns okay the

patterns that you recognize in the

sentence then you’re going to memorize

the sentence and then you’re going to

practice saying the sentences this step

is so important so what’s happening is

you are working on your grammar by

looking at the articles and doing these

steps you’re working on your grammar

alright step number five find one more

article about the topic alright so this

is a very simple step what’s gonna

happen is you are literally going to

read the articles three times out loud

that means you need to actually vocalize

what you are reading okay so you’re

going to be saying out loud whatever you

see on the page that you are reading

okay it’s very important to do this okay

gonna read it out loud three times now

this actually helps with your speaking

you get pronunciation practice you will

also become used to the patterns so your

speaking will naturally improve now the

next thing is step six

write about the topic you see what’s

happening is you’ve actually given your

brain so much information about the

topic prior to writing that when you

start writing it’s going to be easier

for you okay

so again what do we have we have life

and people we have questions related to

this category your interest the

questions right here and also news

and politics now each question is

actually gonna get its own essay or its

own writing to answer the question or to

tap the topic okay all right so let’s

actually look at how do you write about

the topic or answer the question now

again in the top right of the screen

I’ve linked to my actual English video

lesson that talks about how to write an

essay in English and how to improve your

writing skills so if you need help click

that in the top right corner of your

screen but what you notice right here

introduction body and conclusion okay so

we have right here general explanation

your opinion and your three supports

then in the body we get into more

details about each of the supports and

also in the conclusion you restate you

summarize and you write your final

statement okay this is gonna happen for

each question from each topic okay all

right now this actually covers your

writing so what’s happened is you’ve

actually using the topical method you’ve

covered English listening English

reading English grammar speaking and

writing and that’s why this is the best

method the best way to study English for

the intermediate and advanced English

Learner now I hope you enjoyed this

English video lesson and I hope that you

check out the next English video lessons

on the left and the right of your screen

and as always remember to speak English